How many children have been killed worldwide by Operation Herod?
Justin Trudeau's not the only one whose head WILL roll when parents finally face what's happened to THEIR kids under COVID. Here's evidence from the US, Argentina, Italy, Switzerland, the Philippines.
Having posted it the other day, I’ve been trying to unsee that nightmare video of Justin Trudeau flouncing down the bright-lit aisle of that death factor—er, pharmacy, trying (and failing) to look (a) casual (as if his many bodyguards weren’t hulking just off-camera), and then, after his (fake) shots, (b) concerned about the welfare of Canadians, as he urged everyone to get a flu shot and the latest booster, and get their “kids” thus jabbed as well, as he had just faked doing.
I wish I could unsee that twisted show, despite its flashes of demonic humor. Somehow Trudeau was spared the standard “vaccination” protocol, as if in winking recognition that that protocol is utter bullshit after all—just like those masks, which Trudeau and the “pharmacist” did not wear, until the moment of injection, right after which both actors slipped them off. (So masks are now “effective” only during “vaccination”?)
How come that “pharmacist” did not fill the syringe up from a vial of the “vaccine,” but somehow had it filled already? (Do they keep a freezer stocked with filled syringes, for special people in a hurry, like Trudeau?) How come, although the “pharmacist” put on that mask, he wasn’t wearing gloves? And how come Trudeau wasn’t told to sit there for 15 minutes afterward, but was allowed to stand and sermonize about how all Canadians must now “keep everyone safe this winter,” by doing to themselves, and—especially—their “kids,” what Trudeau just pretended to have done to his majestic self? Maybe Trudeau figured that he wouldn’t look sufficiently dynamic, parked there on his privileged ass for 15 minutes. Or maybe the entire charade was Trudeau’s way of hinting that the rules apply to everyone but him. In any case, the whole show was so plainly unconvincing as to be almost funny.
But it isn’t—not at all—because mass murder, and especially of children, is no laughing matter. In order to convey the gravity of his ongoing crime against humanity, I followed that repulsive video with vivid evidence of what he’s done, and is still doing, to children in his country: a column on the gruesome state of Montreal’s pediatric ERs (“like a horror film”), a piece about twelve babies “dying suddenly” in Nunevik (in Quebec), and then obituaries for twelve other children who dropped dead in Canada the last few weeks. As the toll of Trudeau’s “vaccination” drive becomes so clearly catastrophic that not even Canada’s “free press” can go on hiding it, his “safety” will no longer be assured, however many bodyguards surround him everywhere he goes.
That day may be coming sooner than we think:
But let’s not focus only on Trudeau, who, uniquely loathsome though he is, is only one of all too many heads of state involved in killing children, systematically, throughout the world.
A certain 4-year-old has just “died suddenly” in Argentina:
Poster Boy for Vaccination Campaign Dies Suddenly at Just 4 Years Old
November 13, 2022
In a tragic turn of events, Santino Godoy Blanco, just 4 years old, has passed away from pneumonia on Nov. 3, according to multiple reports.
If that name sounds at all familiar to you, that’s because Blanco was the face of one of Argentina’s various vaccination campaigns.
You can see an example of the type of campaign that Blanco was featured in below:
The above ad is promoting vaccinations against measles, rubella, mumps and polio.
As multiple Argentinian outlets are reporting, the actual circumstances of Blanco’s tragic passing are raising some eyebrows.
Detail Zero noted that Blanco’s mother has filed a “complaint for abandonment” against Dr. Raul F. Larcade Municipal Hospital.
According to Blanco’s mother, her child had complained for a week that he wasn’t feeling well.
Blanco also reportedly suffered from a high fever.
The hospital, however, is being accused of sending the child back several times.
While the autopsy ultimately determined that Blanco died of pneumonia, the child reportedly received several different diagnoses, including gastroenterocolitis and laryngitis.
Although Santino Godoy Blanco had been recruited as a “poster boy” for Argentina’s childhood vaccination program, and not the COVID “vaccine” in particular, it is, to say the least, unlikely that his too-trustful parents would have balked at having him get “fully vaccinated” against COVID, too—which, of course, is more than likely to have caused the illnesses that killed him at age 4. And lest we get hung up on his case in particular, let’s see how Operation Herod has progressed in several places outside Canada.
In Fresno, California, “an increase in stillbirths that is expected to continue”:
Leaked Hospital Email Reveals Explosion of Stillbirths Following COVID Vaccine Rollout
November 2, 2022
A leaked email sent out to hospital staff at a Fresno, California hospital reported an increase in stillbirths that is expected to continue. The email leaked to The Epoch Times by a staffer who wished to remain anonymous for fear of losing their job explained last week that the stillbirth rate has skyrocketed from the pre-COVID-19 vaccine average of one to two every 90 days in her hospital alone. “There were 22 demise patients in August [2022], which ties the record number of demises in July 2021, and so far in September there have been 7 and it’s only the 8th day of the month,” a managing nurse wrote, adding she hopes the “trend doesn’t continue indefinitely.”
(A quick look back at Canada: That story out of Fresno may remind attentive readers of the like “explosion of stillbirths” last year in Vancouver, and the attempts of Dr. Mel Bruchet to make Canadians aware of it—for which indiscretion he was forcibly committed to a psychiatric ward, as Trudeau’s father used to do to dissidents in Cuba.)
“Infant sleep deaths” on the rise in Springfield, Missouri (a spike completely unrelated to the “vaccination” drive, according to this typically amnesic article):
Infant sleep deaths in Springfield more than double compared to last year
November 2, 2022
Springfield, Mo. — Infant sleep-related deaths in Springfield have increased 150% in 2022 compared to last year’s numbers. In 2021, there were a total of four infant sleep-related deaths, according to a press release from the Springfield Police Department. So far this year, there have been 10 deaths — an increase of 150% with two more months left of the year to go. The SPD is encouraging caregivers to know how to create a safe sleeping situation for infants. According to Safe Sleep Missouri, people can use the ABCs of keeping sleeping infants safe:
A: Alone. Keep babies alone when they sleep. No one and nothing should be in their sleep space with them.
B: Back. Place babies on their backs when you lay them down to for the night or a nap.
C: Crib. Keep them in a crib. The surface should be firm and have a fitted sheet.
Safe Sleep Missouri reported that in 2020, 51% of infants that died from a sleep-related situation were sleeping in an adult’s bed. Of all non-medical infant deaths in 2020, 90% involved the baby’s sleep environment.
In Andria, a city in southern Italy, a spate of “serious tumors” in children (due, perhaps, to many causes, according to this article—which does not mention “vaccination”):
Andria: serious tumors reported in children, the last one died within a few months
October 13, 2022
. . . . The last case, dating back to the last period, concerns a child who died of leukemia within a few months of life. A phenomenon that, although widespread at a national level (and not exclusive to our territory), must not let our guard down, pushing citizens to investigate what could be considered causes or contributing causes scientifically attributable to the increase in the probability of these dangerous diseases. In the crosshairs of the experts, not only food and lifestyle , but also polluting factors , aspects unfortunately frequently denounced in the Frederick city. While on they often report burning of polluting waste as well as the illegal explosion of fireworks (both phenomena which, combined with the massive release of fine particles emitted daily by car exhaust fumes, can increase the risk of diseases affecting the lungs and beyond) , on social networks we read a post from the Onda d'Urto Onlus association which, regarding the equally important phenomenon of electromagnetic pollution , advises citizens to "get health certifications from family doctors and, as regards children, from general practitioners who show the state of health. From this moment on, it will be possible to evaluate any changes in the clinical status and, in fact, to correlate a suspicion of toxicity after exposure. In other words, we are all exposed as laboratory guinea pigs to probable toxicity tests, it is a real in vivo experimentation on citizens by a risk factor for which the managers do not take any responsibility " .
In Switzerland, parents mourn their children’s deaths—and protest the “vaccine” that likely caused them:
Parents mourn the deaths of their children with Pfizer-branded white coffins
October 26, 2022
White coffins with the names of the children who died suddenly. The coffins were placed in a provincial town in Switzerland with the names of the children who died suddenly next to the logo of Pfizer, the manufacturer of the Covid-19 vaccine. I limit myself - respecting the pain of these parents - to renew the invitation to carefully read page 8) of the new package insert of the drug / vaccine Covid-19 mRNA produced by Pfizer. "The safety and efficacy of Comirnaty Original / Omicron BA.4-5 in children under the age of 12 have not yet been established. There are no data available”. Little else to add.
In the Philippines, 160 children died post-“vaccination”—prompting an investigation (reported not by “our free press” but Al Jazeera):
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Thus Operation Herod grinds along, killing children everywhere; and it will just keep killing them, as long as “our free press” either ignores such deaths entirely, or, when it does report them, fails to mention “vaccination” as the likely cause. What’s therefore needed now is parents and investigators brave enough to speak out loud and clear about what’s happening, as in the Philippines and Switzerland; and journalists who’ll finally tell the truth, whatever forum they can find, and come what may.
My recent post about Trudeau:
“Operation Herod”--perfect!
trudeau is financially linked. he makes money from every shot...