“Operation Herod”--perfect!

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trudeau is financially linked. he makes money from every shot...

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that's why it's called the "money shot"... ;)

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I keep hearing and reading this. I need evidence for the assertion. Dr. Martin started this but as of yet hasn't produced the evidence if I understand correctly.

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"Arcuitis" ?....

some canadian firm that holds the patent rights to the LNP...?

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Dr. Martin has linked him to that company but I haven't seen the evidence.

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Trudy has been one of the hardest jab pushers globally.

Canada is deeply involved in the process.

A paper trail may be hard to find...read between the lines.

If he is supporting the entire process...which he is...we can assume one of two outcomes.


2.Brown envelope.

Imagine Colbert doing all his pfizer pimping for free?

Well...I can't.

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Dr. Martin has sent the documents to ALL DAs in America and Canada.

All MPP and police bosses and lawyers and mayor's etc etc.

I was one of 1000s who helped sending this 14 months ago.

And several times after because it's the truth and they won't look at it.

What he has IS THE TOTAL PROOF with all PATENTS from early 2000s and all research with all science

NO ONE will look at it .

He has TRUDEAU dead to rights linked to UBC,and the two companies.

I'm frustrated reading that he has no proof.


This guy is brilliant and misses nothing Have a listen to how evil TRUDEAU is below.


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I understand your frustration and watched just about all the videos of Dr. Martin declaring and openly sharing it. I don't doubt his evidence and intelligence. His explanations and work is obviously meticulous and seem rock solid as you state. You're right, I've heard it be said he submitted all documents to various levels of authority. We have no idea if they're ignoring it or investigating.

Now that's frustrating.

There's nothing I'd like to see more than Justin face justice for once.

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Ya I can honestly say I fucking HATE this REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORE shilling for Klausy and Billy.

My family is Dutch and we did 2 WWs last century.

We know the stories of what happens when little wannabe tyrannts don't have their way.

I'm ready to do what is needed but we need the police or this willbe very very bad.

Like 1956 Hungary where cops were hung from lamp posts when the masses revolted.

Who wants that?

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Just once.


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So, how many have to die to turn this lightbulb off? In the face of clear infanticide/genocide what does it take, or do we just let the sheep walk into the Jab chamber and seek their own salvation?

What will it take?

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I have been banging my head against that wall for almost three years and it doesn't make me feel any better that you are a doctor and I am a college drop out and we are asking the same question.

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For the appropriate people to die.

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Since it’s clear there’s a coverup, the horrifying answer seems to be: as many as possible.

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In my state (Vermont) everyone is blaming "new viruses" for illness and death. The injection is never mentioned. This has been true for decades however for SIDS deaths...never the vaccine.

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Great questions, Mark, why was the syringe already loaded? Why didn't he wear gloves? Why the mask for one and not the other? Answer: because the syringe was loaded with saline and is no risk. Turdo's smugness and fakery is sickening. It's all a very bad melodrama.

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Also no locating of the deltoid. No pinching of the deltoid.. Just a standing one hand jab to to a sitting dork. The guy must have been nervous knowing he was going to be watched a million times.

Trudy must have got the idea from the fake Fauci/ Colbert drama.

Worst part...75% of canuckleheads will believe it.

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This is the very definition of macabre. Dead babies and children at the hands of evil governments the world over including our very own. The stuff of living nightmares.

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My friend’s granddaughter was jabbed at 6 months. She’s seeing a physical therapist because she keeps looking to the left... the parents are rather quiet lately. We’re gathering info on detox the minute they’re willing to listen... my friend hasn’t been allowed to meet her in person because she refuses to get shots ( and a list of boosters).

Thanks for watching Trudeau so I didn’t have to!

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What a world of occultists we have become.

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I agree. I was doing a bunch of new age nonsense until a few years ago. My life got so much better after I repented & cleaned my home of all the related stuff. Seriously better.

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good for you!!

all connected ...

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Those tweets that were appearing back in 2017-18--"It's going to be biblical"--truly seem to have come to fruition. The Herod culling program is nothing short of demonic. Thank you for bringing these details to light!

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Bodyguards and police have children too.

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So do congressmen but they haven’t even blinked even as their own children die inexplicably.

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Yep, inexplicable.

I assume that the children were always the ultimate target.

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I can’t quite figure out the motive there. The kids are the generation most bought into the globalist vision, so it is seemingly at odds with the goal of ushering in a transformation. Obviously you would prioritize killing off the older generations as thoroughly as possible, but pure nihilism doesn’t really hold water.

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When you're target is 500 million or something you gotta go full bore.

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We’re being replaced by illegals…

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Only very few ever get access to the game plan. Everyone else is cannon foddder with a short lived purpose to the cabal.

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just today several news outlets (not the big media of course) reported about the sperm amount falling drastically. soon there will be very little children left, and the ones alive unless kept home schooling will be sick or handicapped from these and other jabs.

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In western countries with vaxx schedule fully packed, yes, there has been a noticeable (50%) drop in sperm count. It didn't happen all at once, it went down gradually. Started in 1973. dropping 1% annually. Just like a programmed death of male fertility. Doctors and experts are and were baffled. As soon as codeword 'baffled', is used, consequently any informed person will know (not just assume) what's causing this phenomena

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yes I think that word is reserved for you know what ! At least we know even though they don't say it.

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I do not know how anyone could see UnJustins actions as sincere, there is no veil for me. Sick man, many holes he will fall in. The last one will be deeeeeep.

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I hope it’s hot there , with flames Jacquelyn S

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The WEF wants to reduce the world wide population by half. Trudeau is part of the WEF. He’s doing his bit.

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Me: "Good Mood, please, don't go just yet, you only got here like five minutes ago, stay some more, please!"

Good Mood: "Errr... I just remembered I need to be somewhere doing... see ya!"

::Good Mood jumps out the window::

OK, I'm all ataractic now. Yes. Bloody murder. Yes, I remember. So bad. Ignorants seem happy, though. I want to be ignorant. Cannot.

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Trudeau and his band of miscreants will in all likelihood be given a pass no mater what he or they do. This is a guy, for instance, that had his dalliance with an underage student (him being the teacher) suppressed with an expensive NDA and nobody in the press seems to have blinked. The allegation of his financial interests (though UBC) in the mRna technology was also never addressed by the media other than to ask one wishy-washy question about it which the PMO was able to deflect. In parliament he never answers a question but refers to talking points that have nothing to do with the question. And so on. As a member of the wealthy political elite - the Laurentian Mafia, as they are referred to - he is a "made man." Thus off limits, in respect to any kind of just retribution. If he is brought to account it would be a signal to the whole rest of the power elite that their privileged, above the law lifestyle is a jig that is no longer acceptable. Wouldn't that be grand.

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That's just one of many scandals He has flouted the rule of law not once but TWICE with SNC-Lavalin and the Nova Scotia shooting. He was found guilty of four ethics violations. He was accused of sexual harassment. The odd connections with China. The Winnipeg lab firings. The WE Charity. Blackface. The unjustified invocation of the Emergencies Act. To name a few. Yet, he still STANDS.

Governments have fallen for far less. This only goes to show we are ruled over by gutless useless cowards collecting a paycheck they don't deserve.

Even the fricken ombudsman is finding problems with Justin Trudeau.


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When you actually look at that list (thanks for reminding me) it really is astounding that he is still prancing around at the top of the heap. Something is seriously wrong with Canada's so-called intelligentsia. The fact that Ottawa press corps has largely gone missing on all this really does show us what cowards they really are. Afraid to lose their job if they actually do their job?!

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Without doubt. Canada is in a very bad place at the moment. He's The Necromancer who must be vanquished. But it seems to go beyond him. Just like the USA and its bull shit emergency state. Both countries are seriously compromised in my view.

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These people have been groomed into the cult. They believe they’re benevolent revolutionaries ushering us through “transformation”.

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Well they didn't do their job as far back as 2015 when a pedo who liked to groom young girls online sued a bunch of immigrant beauticians for not giving him services 'as a woman'. Then they hounded anyone who tried to expose his 'protected identity'. People are still kicked off the internet over calling Jonathan Yaniv (now Jessica Simpson) of BC by his legal name back in teh day.

Canada has been effed up awhile now.

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Oh. Look. YET ANOTHER scandal:


Let's not forget his Aga Khan trips which started it all.

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No one would accept the job of presiding over genocide and overseeing the whole shebang without having a strong security of protection from the Perpetrators.


Things may change.

People who design a genocide will have no problem in committing fraud in a contract of protection for their underlings.

So, cheer up!

Things always change!

Specially in the mafia!

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An early-ish life lesson for me at the first big job out of college, a few years in my boss whom I was very close to shared with me that there was going to be a huge layoff and it would affect our divisiion pretty heavily. She swore me to secrecy but told me as she said she knew it would be out as a rumour and didn't want me to worry. She also told me she was safe herself but had the role of having to fire a large number of people personally and as an aside had just been promoted to a regional head position. When the firing games were over most of the newly promoted folks were eliminated the next day themselves. At least they left with bigger packages from their promotions and at a higher pay grade. To this day she denies that she knew this would happen. Afterall they were the ones (the fired heads) who had to choose who would have to go.

Edited to add: I was retained and she did lose her job.

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Perfect title. It's all so sad and shocking and unnecessary! Professor Crispin-Miller, I included a reference to you in my just out book: "Unvaccinated-Our Turn to Talk"... It's on Amazon... They don't display the cover. I have a website almost ready where it will be available... the e-pub for only $5. All of this crap must end and THANK YOU Professor for all you have done. I'm a former academic too, retired from a Jr. College where I worked for 29 years teaching English as a Second Language. Now I have my own small business. I had planned to retire pre-Covid. I was stunned by my fellow academics willingness to join the crowd without question and have lost many friends. In the book I talk about excess deaths, how C deaths increased in 2021 despite widespread vaccination, injuries, propaganda, etc. Almost 300 pages. Well, onward and upward! - Elizabeth

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Shared. This is obscene.

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I just made a video yesterday about heads rolling! I hope it's true literally.


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Good video. I wouldn't include Putin with the rest. I believe he is putting his people first. He went to a single WEF conference just to see what is was about. It's the best way to know your enemy.

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No, they're doing the same thing in Russia. Sputnik is highly dangerous. The problems we're facing are worldwide. They quit giving Sputnik to the armed forces because they need healthy soldiers for the fight.

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