You can't have the proper goose without the proper gander.

So Happy Father's Day!

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I read that as you can’t have the proper goose without the proper gender. Lol.

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Outstanding interview! Please copy and paste the links from Greg Hunter's website at usawatchdog.com

The "international community" of humans needs to hold these tyrannical, criminally insane editorial boards and their puppet masters accountable for their conspiracy to murder and maim.

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Who will do this? They control every leader every country!

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How many journalists really took the shot?

Those who did were at least deceived themselves. The others intended homicide.

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Many were told it was a condition of employment.

Sports journalists if not coerced by their employers to take the 💉💉 were not allowed access to sporting events and venues without being vaxxed.

Some leagues turned over credentialing to third party providers who did the Vax certs.

My husband still this past season couldn’t cover NBA or MLB.

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It's pretty nuts that a decade ago if they mandated another shot, people would be in uproar about how employers are violating civil rights.

But this bullshit hyped up plandemic turned these formerly critical thinkers into toddlers.

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That why we call it a plan(demic).

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I'm high risk. Autoimmune disease, etc. Supposedly I got the big bad Delta.

Meh. I've been sicker.

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The coercion was a red flag for me.

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They are literally killing those engaged in sports and music in order to route them into the metaverse.

And they are blocking anyone who won’t take the ☠️ so they can install only their lackeys to control the narrative.

Hopefully your husband can use his skills elsewhere as the industry he was in literally doesn’t exist anymore - or won’t exist in the very near future.

Sorry if that sounds uncaring, it isn’t meant to be.

Kudos to him - and to you - for sticking with your principles.

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But sports reporters will outlast news reporters. They often get more hits than do front page pieces---unfortunately. Bring back independent, investigative journalism.

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at least with sports reporting, they’re reporting on something “real,” whereas the front page pieces...

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Fantastic interview. Your Propaganda course sounds so worthwhile.

My late father would always tell us, “watch out for propaganda. Learn to identify it”. Being kids, we said, “yeah Dad” and went our merry ways. He was wiser than we knew! Propaganda surrounds us and most of it seems designed to be harmful and controlling.

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With any child old enough to read I would spend a lot of time deconstructing the advertising they see on billboards, in airports, and the like. (What is it that ad is really telling you??? And what is it that the company that paid for that ad wants you to do??? And why do they want you to do it??? Why do you think they that chose that person who is posing that way and making that face???) I'd spend time on TV ads, too, those are the most lethal, however, there's no TV in my house.

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I’d also get them a subscription to Mad magazine (unless that’s changed, too).

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Who knew that the National Inquirer was telling the truth yet propagandized to be laughable coffee table fodder?

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Yeah, but only once in a blue moon, and mainly by chance, not by intent.

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Ditto here, no te-lie-vision here either.

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My father used to talk about the CFR and the Blderburgs. I wish I would have paid more attention :( He also was a fiscal budget officer post WWII and said that $500 hammer was real. Our government has been screwing the taxpayers for 75+ years.

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I wonder if one day younger generations will say ‘we shudda listened to mama/grandma.’

I hope not cause that means we lost.

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Just keep telling them whether they want to hear it or not. I believe some of it will stick when they need it the most.

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I wish I’d paid more attention to mine, too

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But God forbid they go on the biggest podcast in the country to defend these views.......that might "give a platform" to the biggest podcaster and the guy running for president............

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Military grade, Psychological conditioning, now the recipients, are paying with their lives, the " Died Suddenlys" tally, grows more each day...

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Does people realize the affect that is/may happen from this though? How many took this & spillover to those that didn’t but may have come in contact from the jabb? Our population in all these countries may dramatically change due to it. Then take education of the youth being like it is, we are not preparing them nor ourselves from this, but make them mere slaves to a corporate communist system who doesn’t concern itself with life, but power, money, and control.

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Think from the elites perspective:

Billions less people to annoy them and use up the limited resources on “their” planet;

A small number of well-conditioned and genetically-modified humanoids to serve as slaves;

Automation using robots and algorithms to perform most tasks necessary to provide service and comfort, leaving them to enjoy their lives in their perfectly-designed paradise.

“Education” is designed to act as a series of gateways, allowing certain “types” to enter (or be blocked from entering), various fields - then conditioning them socially, well as training them academically;

Henry Ford knew this.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 19, 2023
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The first and second interviews with Greg Hunter / USA Watchdog are great. I'm grateful the Mr. Hunter introduced me to Professor Miller!

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I didn't listen to the first one (yet) but am listening to second one now.

Prof. Miller explains the "hypnotism" and "the elite environmental movement" very clearly, making this video very shareable, at least to people who can "sense" but can't quite verbalize what has happened in the past 5+ decades.

(I'm not sure the boosted people or the tree-huggers that I know would welcome the link if I sent it.)

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What angers me is that parents of vaccine injured children have been screaming about this for years and no one would listen. The adult vaccine agenda was made perfectly clear in the WHO’s Healthy adults 2020 manifesto. No one cares.

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I started to go anti vax when I noticed a bunch of news sites and SM platforms censoring and mocking these parents. I got angry at the cruelty of laughing at crippled kids and figured they wouldn't censor if the truth were on their side. Reminds me of the propaganda about "mental illness's safe and effective treatments" and how all the sufferers claiming the drugs made things worse just had "agnosia" or "lacked insight." Gas lighting is common for our medical industry.

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That’s how I became anti vaccine too. I noticed it during the Disneyland measles outbreak which preceded SB 277 taking away vaccine exemptions for school. New York had the same playbook in 2018. When will people wake up?

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I figure there has to be way more "anti-vaxxers" now than there were before 2020.

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I listened to both interviews with Greg Hunter, I find you are remarkable! I learned so much from the second interview!! I would have been thrilled to have a professor like you. I wish you all the best!!

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Jun 19, 2023·edited Jun 19, 2023

Enjoyed this interview. Explains a lot. I remember a couple of years ago, prior to vax coming out, talking to a lady outside church, telling her 'they're lying to us.' She couldn't fathom this concept and so she replied, 'Why would they do that?' I said, 'I have no idea, but if someone is lying to you do you have to know why? If someone is lying to you and you don't know why, does that make the lying any less evil; less dangerous?' She looked at me with total contempt for even considering such a thing.

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I loved your first interview with Greg and look forward to hearing your second. MCM, you are a buoy for me in our current rough seas. I especially respect that you come from the academic world yet see through its biases. Thank you for all you are doing to inform us!

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Jun 19, 2023·edited Jun 19, 2023

I watched the interview yesterday on usawatchdog.com and made following comment: "Great interview. Two points: around minute 20, MCM – after questioning the existence of HIV – goes on to qualify the virus/no-virus debate as an “esoteric” issue. Maybe he has not had time yet to research this? 2nd point: I’m not so sure the people falling flat on their face, literally, in Wuhan late 2019 early 2020 was a scam. It has been suggested that they may have been injected with an experimental ‘flu vaccine. Wuhan also turned on 5G around that time and there may have been a reaction between the two. There again, I may well be a conspiracy theorist!"

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I'm also labeled a conspiracy theorist. I wear it like a badge. I know I triggered some clueless fool.

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But there are a lot less of them now, isn’t there?

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I like the thoughts you bring up on your post. Covid-19 has a lot of lies around it, so it is difficult to know the whole truth. Any angle looked has value.

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Exactly. Hard to discard anything at this point.

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Nothing any of the health authorities, health bureaucrats, politicians, or approved "experts" has said has convinced me there was an actual new virus. The only reason I might slightly hold out on the actual reality of ANY viruses is that people like Peter Duesberg, Luc Montaigner, Judy Mikovits, etc. -- all totally sabotaged and punished by these self-same experts -- think they exist. I'm still leaning against it. But this issue, referring back to a theme in the interview, should not divide us.

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It’s is either a correlation, coincidence or coverup; and I would argue there is a direct correlation.

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Link here: https://usawatchdog.com/lying-legacy-media-helped-murder-millions-mark-crispin-miller/ Lots of interesting comments from Greg's subscribers.

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This was a good listen. I will say this. I’m one of the “unvaxxed” and the harassment from the “vaxxed” was horrendous ! “I hope you die”, was common! As an unvaxxed and almost everyone in my family ( including my husband) are vaxxed. No one in my family said it to me.

My husband couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t take the poison jab. Not me! I’ve always been a critical thinker and somewhat of a non vaxxer.

The masks, distancing etc was insanity.

My husband and his golf buddies got covid and he gave it to me. Not the other way around which was the narrative the media pushed.

He had a bad cough, high temp, sore throat. He was sick for 5 days. I gave him muscinex and told him to gargle with salt water. Told him go to bed. That was it.

I,on the other hand, had a temp for one day only of 99.5, a bad headache, took Alka seltzer flu

and slept for three days. That was my “covid” experience.

Shame people fall into the clamor the media and DC pushed so many to get jabbed…

Now people are dropping or have very harmful injuries and the CDC has been untruthful and slow to post injuries on their website.

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Yes they did and still doing it today. (I watched the interview with Greg. a good one) When this whole mess started in Jan 2020 a employee was frantic about "We need a vaccine!" I ask her then why? I wouldn't take it but she couldn't wait until she could roll up her sleeve for it. Also did the nose jab weekly in fear. When President Trump came down with it I thought she was going to melt down! You would have thought the sky was falling! And wasn't it like 2 days he was back on the job? The only plandemic then was FEAR. They counted on it and America in a large part didn't let them down. Any one remember the car lanes lined up for hours to get that PCR test and then the jab? I had better things to do, Thank God! Why people still listen to MSM and all the alphabet organizations is beyond my common sense thinking. How many times do you have to be lied to until you get smart? And do they acknowledge their lack of common sense thinking? No way. All the people, especially young people that are dying from heart issues, cancer and strokes are just coincidences...just like the MSM tells them. I thank God everyday for the common sense and immune system he gave me. Sadly people with thinking skills are in short supply in this global genocide. I guess we have to stick together and stand strong for truth. Satan is going to hate us even more.

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I'm among the very few who can only tolerate very short videos, Mark, so kudos to Greg and you on this interview. I find that videos normally waste my time and that I can read an article with the same message or facts in 1/10 the time. You added nuance. I would contribute one more factor used by our opposition to capture a mind-controlled audience made so plainly visible by Covid inoculation: the largest damage done, as shown by numerous studies as well as the recent Pfizer documents dropped by a whistleblower, is neurological. A neurologically damaged population can and will have trouble simply adding 2 + 2...or perhaps feeling empathy...or discarding rage.

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And the rat juice neurological damage aside, the fear, pain & confusion caused by the psy op will cause rewiring of the brain in its own right, causing disruptions to all systems of the body that would result in some of the illnesses and deaths we are now seeing.

But it wouldn’t cause the type of things we have never seen before such as elite athletes having so-called heart attacks and dying on the spot.

The chemicals people have been exposed to via the PCR tests and antigen tests, masks, sanitizers, etc caused another set of problems including neurological damage.

The radiation we are being exposed to now is just unprecedented! The effect this has on the body, especially when combined with the other (novel) items, has not been fully exposed and understood.

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I agree very much with your viewpoints. Very few people realize that the "external" confusion and fear actually rewires the brain/emotions. I was extremely aware of the agents (I believe them to be nanotechnology) within tests, masks, etc. and consciously avoided them all. I became extremely isolated because of that choice. I also agree that the radiation levels have become unprecedented; we need look no further than that the U.S. .gov has raised the "acceptable" levels several times since Fukushima.

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It’s really just crazy what they are doing and this is just some of it!

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True, that!

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The profession failed spectacularly in its most basic duties. Thank you for being such a shining exception.

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