Yet here we are knowing this and still many at the top of the pyramid of the "health freedom movement" are unwilling to admit that the entirety of "Covid" is a scam.

This reifies the Big Lie that there ever was a pandemic but it was just "mismanaged."

Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency, it was a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.

Covid-19 the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy. There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

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I can't think of anyone atop this movement who doesn't think it's been a gigantic scam, whether "the virus" was concocted or exaggerated.

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You're kidding right?

I'm not talking about the issues surrounding "the virus" so let's leave that aside.

I'm speaking specifically to the issue of there being a "pandemic" of any sort, by any definition, anywhere in the world in 2020.

Every single one of the "leaders" of the "health freedom movement" has perpetuated this lie in one fashion or the other for three years on.

This includes but is not limited to RFK, S Kirsch, Ryan Cole, Del Bigtree, R Malone, Brett Weinstein, Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff, GVB, Jessica Rose and so forth.

They have all been asserting some version of "mismanaged pandemic", "aerosolized spread", "viral clones", "virus galloping through N Italy", "early treatment", "Gain of Function" which all reify the falsehood that there was some unique pathogen that required special attention or actions.

It's all nonsense and covers up the facts of what actually happened which was mass murder in the hospitals in Spring 2020, lockdown deaths and continued murder in hospitals in 2020-2021.

I can document this for you at length.

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I think this is a simplified "lone gunman" explanation. Nothing I have read so far explains what happened. There are profoundly intelligent people working towards models of what occurred, and it might be that discovering what actually happened and publicizing it has an element of danger about it as it threatens something unimaginably powerful and huge.

Much as simpler explanations calm us down, or at least calms our fight/flight stress levels, I don't think we know the truth yet. The prevailing low IFR average doesn't explain hot zones. My neighbor, who drove for a funeral home here in Detroit, carried 700 bodies, of young, old, middle-aged, and brought the unclaimed ones (so sad) to a National Guard tent guarded by the Guard. He asked one why the bodies were guarded, and the Guardsman said he didn't know. There are factors and elements to this transnational psyop and maiming and murder that are as yet unrevealed or not yet synthesized.

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"Nothing I have read so far explains what happened."

What do you mean by "what happened."

Where is this "hot zone?" Please give exact geographical location(s).

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What happened? You were hood-winked. That's what happened. There was no virus. You either bought the tripe or you didn't. Most of the "Profoundly intelligent people" are playing right along now currently occupied with lifting ever stone to find the source of the virus that never was.

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Isn't it also possible that YOU'VE been hoodwinked?

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Really? How so? Please provide me with proof of any so called Sars-Co2. I saw my grass was trampled this morning, therefore there must be elves walking around my lawn at night. It can be the only answer. Rather than chasing the source of a mythical virus from bats to lab leaks, why not really examine why people get sick? As long as you continue to argue over where the elves are you are kept distracted in an endless loop.

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yes- 'exaggerated' reifies the virus myth, and 'concocted' is opaque enough of a term to encompass 'lab originated pathogen', unless it is appended with 'out of whole cloth'....

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It's a gigantic scam whether or not "the virus" is imaginary. It's been no less a scam if it was actually a matter of exaggeration. The hospitals have murdered many people irrespective of the question as to whether there's a virus. (Talk to Nurse Erin, who witnessed serial murder in Elmhurst Hospital. She believes that some of those murders were effected by putting COVID patients in the same rooms with elderly who hadn't caught it yet, whatever "it" may or may not be.)

In short, what matters at the top is a commitment to stop any further "vaccination" and to bring the murderers to justice. Period. The status of "the virus: Is an academic question that's beside the point---and divisive, as you make clear by disparaging a lit of people working very hard to stop the killing.

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It absolutely is more of a scam given that there is no virus.

The tests and diagnoses have been 100% fraudulent and meaningless/useless all along. Worse, there was never any reason for any testing, any distancing, any anything, including any discussion whatsoever of any "virus". The topic ought not even exist, because there was never evidence of a new disease, or any science showing any contagious respiratory disease - ever, throughout history - correct me if I'm wrong with some actual science - let alone a disease-causing particle fitting the definition of "the virus". It should have been life as normal.

Why legitimize any of the baseless fear, tests, measures of any kind?? Why pretend any of it was justified? Doing so enables more of the same, which has already been going on for 100+ years.

It's great that Nurse Erin speaks out about murder, but her "belief" about people "catching it" is not supported by any science. And hello, people in the same hospitals rooms breath the same air, etc, etc.

The carnage will continue until the pseudoscience of virology is exposed. Calling people who speak this truth "divisive" is extremely uncool.

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We also know now that the PCR tests were sent out to many countries way before the so called pandemic hit.

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I find it hard not to wonder whether some the plethora of adamant virus deniers aren't dining out on the thesis. Can you not allow that YOU may be mistaken, even duped, just as you demand that those who disagree with you allow that THEY are mistaken, even duped? Are your powers of judgement so unquestionably superior? Who judges that?

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>It's a gigantic scam whether or not "the virus" is imaginary.

Dear MCM, I have been a fan of your work and followed you for 20+ years. I'm pretty sure I first met you at the first NCMR in Madison WI, in 2003.

It is ASTOUNDING to me, that one of the world's foremost authority on propaganda is ENGAGING IN IT over an extremely serious current event.

You say "whether or not the virus exists" as if you are unsure.

Yet you CLEARLY have decided that SARS-CoV-2 exists, and/or that COVID-19 describes a specific disease (means this entire chain MUST BE SATISFIED: from Well Defined Syndrome => Rigorous Etiology -> Suspect Pathogen/Toxin Identified => Proof of Cause Established), because you and Celia Farber are both singing the praises of Ivermectin at treating, curing, and/or preventing "COVID".

Ivermectin is an ACUTELY TOXIC INSECTICIDE, which is ~2,500x MORE TOXIC THAN AZT!!!!!! Remember the USELESS toxic drug that was killing so-called "AIDS" patients?

My Dear Friend, Professor of Journalism -- PLEASE TAKE NOTE that getting the FACTS STRAIGHT between whether this was a "Mismanaged Pandemic" (the narrative your friend and benefactor Bobby Kennedy promotes), or a Complete HOAX, and therefore, an act of Mass Genocide, is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. It's like getting the boundaries of the Crime Scene correct in order to properly investigate and bring the Perps to Justice.

It's like going to investigate a possible murder at the Manor. The Lord of the Manor was JUST FOUND DEAD, with a Giant Knife sticking out of his back. The BUTLER was found standing over the body, with blood on his hands.

So Senior Investigator MCM writes the report, "Whether or not the Lord of the Manor was Murdered is not relevant. Maybe it was suicide? THE MAN IS NO LESS DEAD even if it was murder."

What?! That makes ZERO SENSE.

Just more proof that taking CHD Cash tends to make people COVID SIMPLE.

cf. "The Butler or the Knife"


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Where is the study or research that Ivermectin is more toxic than AZT? (~2,500x MORE TOXIC). Even an article. AZT (aka Retrovir, Zidovidine) was too toxic to be approved as a chemotherapy drug. Ivermectin (and HCQ) may be the false hope for a non-existent virus, but more toxic than chemotherapy?

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"The virus" issue is not what is being discussed. I made that crystal clear.

Can you cite for me even one article where those I listed admit the entire pandemic was a fraud?

Why are you misrepresenting this?

We all know what happened in the hospitals and some of us have been documenting this for three years now. Ask yourself why this isn't front and center for legal actions in the "health freedom movement." It is easily the most prosecutable (sic) set of crimes out there. The evidence is already there including actual hospital records and massive eyewitness testimony.

BTW the "diviseness" canard is ridiculous- c'mon Mark that is absolute nonsense. It's quite easy to have multiple lines if discussion going on. Who in the world invented this.

That is a classic propaganda technique to control the "acceptable "range of discussion. You of all people should know that that is a straw man.

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That's like saying that it doesn't matter whether the US was actually attacked on 9/11, all that matters is the response of the US government. As if there is no difference between an external attack upon the US which killed 3000 people and a false flag operation carried out by the US government. Sorry, such agnosticism doesn't play in the theater of real life.

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My (84 yo) mother was put into a room with a full-on C-19 patient who was trying to pass a lung. This was AFTER she tested negative JUST TO BE ADMITTED!!!

Fortunately, she had her cell phone and called my sister to complain.

My sister raised cain with the hospital - had a difficult time just getting anyone to answer the phone and had her moved to another room, but, too late. Mom was discharged a couple days later with full-on Covid, which she gave to Dad. Took her 8 days to get over it; him 10 days (he was 86). Neither had ever been jabbed.

If it were not for cell phones, I feel the hospital would have killed her because, since no one was allowed to visit, there were no external controls on what the hospital did.

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Yup, it’s the response and ongoing agenda that matters.

I lived through the heights of the AIDS scare. The fear pumped out by Fauci was unbelievable and people who took AZT were not given informed consent. I believe they should have had a choice, if the previous two factors occurred. I know two people in the last year who developed late stage AIDS and turned out to be HIV positive, so I believe HIV is one cofactor out of many.

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There was never any justification for any "response" to this or any other imaginary "virus" (including "HIV") whatsoever. But people won't understand that deeper truth until they understand the fraud/delusion of virology.

"HIV positive" is just more of the same, based on more fraudulent tests.

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I agree. Smug epistemic superiority plays into the hands of the perpetrators, doesn't it?

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I agree with you there was never a pandemic. Read Jon Rappoport's seminal blog which summarizes how they got away with it. The Pandemic Pattern--How the Illusion is Built. https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/09/08/pandemic-pattern-how-illusion-is-built/

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I don’t have time to argue any points with anyone.

I’ll submit this article for folks who are interested:


The only vehicles on the roads during the lockdown were Verizon, and they were everywhere. Perhaps they were the real “viruses?”

Let’s assume for the sake of argument that “they” tweaked the seasonal flu, then ran deadly hospital protocols which caused massive deaths, and simultaneously rolled out 5G which caused humans to weaken in such a way as to be susceptible to the tweaked flu and to cause same symptoms.

AIDS was a trial run for COVID which is a trial run for the next plannedemic and it all leads up to an eventual worldwide vax mandate, tied to a vax ID tied to control of money, travel, everything you have seen trialed during COVID.

The “dying suddenly” is real.

The vaxxidents are real.

Science is the new god, scientism is the new religion, and scientists the new priests.

Woke-ness is the actual disease state.

The conflict between people is real and will get worse - as intended.

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They gave it a try with the monkey pox but it was too soon. People weren't buying it.

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I don't disagree with you that that whole episode has been a scam, but that doesn't preclude the possibility of, as well as everything else, an actual virus having been developed intentionally and then “leaked“ or released, even if it wasn't as pathogenic as claimed (hoped?), does it? What about long (haul) Covid? Isn't that a new phenomenon? What about all the patents? Don't you think the perpetrators had it in them to do it ALL?

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I can’t help but wonder if the AIDS epidemic was also a “plandemic” like COVID.

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You are a smart person and quite right to wonder. The answer is that it was a scam but probably not a plandemic. In other words it was an opportunistic grift instead of an engineered one.

If you are really interested in the AIDS debacle there is no better book than Peter Duesberg’s “Inventing the AIDS Virus”. You will recognize many of the same players and much of the same modus operandi. Indeed, many of the tactics used by Fauci during Covid were pioneered by him during the AIDS ‘crisis’. The book is highly recommended.

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Apr 18, 2023
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There is always hope, no one can take that away from you.

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Apr 18, 2023
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I found this article which gives a reasonable explanation:


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There is no end goal, only a continuing way for the elite rich to stay rich. They will milk it as long as people succumb to the scams.

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I wonder if you’d still say there’s no such thing, if you had a whopping case of “it”? Whatever “it” was, was like NOTHING I’ve ever had before. Symptoms very different from the regular flu.

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Of course.

People have always become sick with "Nothing like ever before." They have just been hammered with non-stop propaganda to think this is unique to this time.

Not mention the "Nothing like before" array of toxic soup that defines current living conditions.

Sorry- no pandemic- the evidence is irrefutable on this.

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My take on this is that the vaccine was not created for covid, COVID was created for the vaccine, and the vaccine is part of the psy op to takeover & control the world, that means everyone and everything in it.

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I agree this was no pandemic. But I had symptoms unlike anything ever. And I had H1N1 in 2009. Bizarre bruising that lasted nearly a year. POTS which I’ve never had before. I’m still asking did you ever actually have an early variant of Covid for you to so easily blow this off?

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People are getting sicker only because of the influx of vaccines, chemicals, poor food, stress, the list goes on.

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Apr 18, 2023
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Hi Cat,

"The covid cold/flu and the surrounding omicron etc crap making the rounds is just not natural disease entirely..."

What does "natural disease" even mean? There is no evidence for this statement.

"It was manufactured by the govt and in labs correct?"

No evidence for this.

"There must be spike proteins of lesser potency in the coldFlu weapon that the body could fight off naturally if healthy or not very old but the kill is in the shot? Correct?"

There is also no evidence for "spike protein" of any sort.

"Also are the variants natural offshoots of covid 19 or more manufactured ones? I think it’s all manufactured."

There are no variants from a make-believe disease. Variants is the story rolled out to keep the fear alive, ensure more Pharam profits and cover up vaxx damages.

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Apr 18, 2023
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"Are you a doctor, science researcher work for drug company or related to one who is?"

Appeal to expertise/credentialism fallacy.

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Cat, do you understand that there's a difference between cause and effect? It's doesn't matter how sick anyone was (and it wasn't exactly life as normal so no surprise some people got sicker than usual - which happens every year anyways). Getting really sick doesn't tell us anything about a "bioweapon".

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What was manufactured, Cat? And what spike proteins are you talking about? Can you cite a valid study showing "the spike protein" in anyone? The published studies are all based on either nonspecific, bogus tests or lab-created "recombinant" protein that was not found in anyone.

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If you don’t mind my replying to your question to cat, here is a quick citation of valid studies that might answer your question:


“SARS-CoV-2 spike-protein D614G mutation increases virion spike density and infectivity

Lizhou Zhang et al. Nat Commun. 2020.

Free PMC article


SARS-CoV-2 variants with spike (S)-protein D614G mutations now predominate globally. We therefore compare the properties of the mutated S protein (SG614) with the original (SD614). We report here pseudoviruses carrying SG614 enter ACE2-expressing cells more efficiently than those with SD614. This increased entry correlates with less S1-domain shedding and higher S-protein incorporation into the virion. Similar results are obtained with virus-like particles produced with SARS-CoV-2 M, N, E, and S proteins. However, D614G does not alter S-protein binding to ACE2 or neutralization sensitivity of pseudoviruses. Thus, D614G may increase infectivity by assembling more functional S protein into the virion.

What is a pseudo virus?


The pseudovirus system is a useful alternative approach that can effectively screen vaccines on pathogenic viruses outside of a BSL-3 or BSL-4 level laboratory.

Defining a pseudovirus

The first documented use of the term “pseudovirus” was in 1967, wherein researchers described a particle that had been produced from cultured mouse cells that were infected by polyomavirus.

Upon further analysis of this particle, the researchers found fragments of mouse DNA to be encapsulated within the protein coat of the polyomavirus. Compared to a live virus, pseudoviruses, which can be either be naturally produced during an infection or artificially in a laboratory for research purposes, contain fragments of host-cell DNA without containing any of the nucleic acid components of the infectious virus to which they are related.

The modified genetic material of pseudoviruses prevents these particles from producing viral surface proteins on their own unless an additional plasmid or stable cell line that expresses such proteins are made available to the pseudovirus.

The different ‘pseudos’ in virology

It is important to identify the distinctions that exist between pseudoviruses and other virology terms that also utilized the word ‘pseudo’, such as orphan pseudovirus and a pseudotype virus.

Orphan pseudovirions, for example, contain fragments of the host cell’s genetic material that is encapsulated within a protein structure that closely resembles that of bacterial proteins.

To date, the protein structures present on the surface of orphan pseudovirion particles are not the gene product of any known infectious virus. Comparatively, the pseudotype virus has the genome of a known virus but is instead encapsulated with the protein coat of another type of virus.

Utility of pseudoviruses

Upon entry into susceptible cells, pseudoviruses are only capable of replicating once, which is comparable to wild-type (WT) viruses that often replicate multiple times. Additionally, pseudoviruses also lack the virulent components of their parent virus, which practically eliminates the possibility that these virus particles could cause an active infection to an exposed individual.

These unique properties of pseudoviruses allow for them to be safely handled in biosafety level (BSL) 2 laboratories, which typically work with agents that pose a moderate health hazard to humans. Although these viruses are much safer to handle than the virus from which they originated, the conformational structure of the surface proteins of pseudoviruses closely resembles that of the native virus. Such similarities in the surface protein structure allow pseudoviruses to remain effective in their ability to enter cells.

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No, that's not a citation of valid studies. The 1st study at that link doesn't even involve clinical samples. Read the methods. Neither does the next study, in the list of "similar articles". They used recombinant materials that they purchased. You're citing exactly the type of useless studies that I described above.

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Apr 20, 2023
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How do you know you had "it" if you don't know what "it" is and can't verify that "it" even exists?

Sounds like you are confusing a purported cause ("it") with effects (symptoms). Symptoms don't tell you the cause(s), and they don't tell you there was as 1 specific "it" that you and other people all had.

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I agree with you, Cheeky NonGMO!

I'm not saying that what I had is the same thing that killed all those people in Italy and in NYC in 2020 , but I definitely had something that acted like a virus but was far different from any virus I'd ever had before. For example, two differences: 1) The unfightable fatigue. Not the normal fatigue you get when you have the flu. 2) The aftereffect of smell changing. A few months after I had whatever it was, skunk, cigarette smoke, pot smoke, and gasoline all smelled like a brand new smell, and they all had that same new smell (that is, they all smelled like alike). It's been over a year and my sense of smell hasn't gone back to normal. I know dozens of other people who have had smell and taste problems after having "Covid" too.

I understand the points that other commenters are making, that lots of people were killed by other means and their deaths were attributed to "Covid," and also that the PCR tests mean nothing, etc., etc. I'm not denying that there was all kinds of deception going on. But there was also definitely some kind weird bug that many of us got.

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Biotech can explain a lot of it.

I know a lot of people who had symptoms like you did, and one lady got so sick so fast I think this could have killed her - no hospital murder necessary.

The “tests” themselves were dangerous and could have been responsible for some of this, too.

Thanks for sharing.

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Biotech makes sense! That might explain why anti-parasitic meds helped people get well.

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I had ivermectin and it did help

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What happened in Italy was a bad batch of flu vaccine, from what I read. They were majority of elderly with comorbities.

Also I have read that the symptoms you mentioned are not unique to "covid" they are common with bad flu's or other respiratory diseases.

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You've been totally captured.

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Great stuff, Allen.

Just curious, did you ever read Unite4Truth, run by "Nurse Rose" (Debbie Rose Lusignan, RIP)? You are using some of the same language that she used to use. (eg., "disease of attribution").

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In many EU countries, excess deaths in 2018 and 2020 were more or less the same:


Note: Expand the graph to span from 2017 to 2023.

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Very well said, Allen. You covered it all in that brief comment.

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The theory that HIV causes AIDS is a lie and one that Fauci promoted in order to secure funding for his NIAID unit at NHS. At the start of AIDS, the cancer group at NHS was quarterbacking the research on how to address the problem. But if AIDS could be categorized as viral in origin Fauci's group would get the funding and all the glory. So he found a virus - HIV.

The whole sordid tale is masterfully told in Peter Duesberg's "Inventing the AIDS Virus". Highly recommended.

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Indeed; and RFK Jr.'s The Real Anthony Fauci is good on that, too.

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in his own words: 'One night, I was driving from Berkeley to La Jolla and I heard an interview on National Public Radio with Peter Duisburg, a prominent virologist at Berkeley. I finally understood why I had so much trouble finding the references that linked HIV to AIDS. There weren’t any, Duesberg said. No one had ever proven that HIV causes AIDS....." (Kary Mullis, Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, pp 174-75; Bloomsbury, London 2000).

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I remember the ACT UP activists & my friends having the initial treatments of AZT. I remember the controversy over the HIV/AIDS connection. It's amazing to look back at the media push that eventually threw its weight behind Fauci, that message was everywhere. One positive thing that came out of that was a whole host of gay men in the SF area who started doing their own research & finding things that they could do to boost their immune systems outside of the pharmacy options. I still wonder how much of it was infection via intravenous drug use.

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TRAF was the gateway drug to "Inventing the AIDS Virus". I read his book first.

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Definitely my red pill moment. Duesberg’s book is amazing. There’s also a Rogan podcast from 2012. Was so good to see RFK bring it all up in his book.

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I got red pilled on faucis hiv crime by rfks book

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I was one of those people who always thought the anti vax crowd was a little wacky. Until Covid. First I noticed that HCQ was demonized (and pulled from OTC in France in October '19!), while remdesivir was being promoted as 'Standard of Care'.

That set off alarm bells, so I first read RFK's TRAF. Which led me to read "Inventing the AIDS Virus". Which led me to read "Dissolving Illusions". I have read quite a few other books but this is the trilogy that irretrievably altered my worldview of medicine.

Short of a rabies or tetanus shot (or a bit of novocaine at the dentist) I will never get another injection in my life.

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I believed in vaccines and the medical system. Received the first 2 jabs. Couple months later discovered the FLCCC and started to become enlightened. After another couple months diagnosed with heart failure/ afib and spent 9 days in hospital. During my stay I read and listened to podcasts by FLCCC and others. Since then I educate myself daily about the horrible corruption in medicine (and the world). It pretty tough accepting the truth but the light reveals all.

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I got red pulled within days when I read dr. Tom Friedens original short essay about Covid in which he said get you vit d blood level up to 50 ng/ml and get on with life. That led me to Embrace the Sun by Mark Sorenson and William Grant, then to Dissolving Illusions, and Dr. Ted Noel's Masks Dont Work and so many others. Most recently Dr. Roger Seheults YouTube lectures on the role of near red infrared in our physiology.

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A friend's kid was suffering a few months ago from Covid. I asked if the doctor had tested for Vitamin D levels & of course she had not. I suggested that she ask, they did, her levels were low and they started her taking Vitamin D supplements. The doctors are amazingly short sighted sometimes. She still has a lingering cough, but is otherwise doing better.

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Grassrootshealth.net has a vit D calculator. An individual puts in weight and desired vit D level which should be 60 for optimal virus protection and presses calculate. One is the told recommended daily dose to achieve that level. About 10mcg of vit K2 per 1000 IU of vit D per day needs to be added when vit D level is maintained by pill rather than sunshine.

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Most tests of Vitamin D are inaccurate, not saying a person who does not get enough sun should not take supplements but when outdoor workmen all have Vitamin D low levels not sure it can be trusted.

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Also go to stopworldcontrol.com, a big rabbit hole to fall into if you have the time.

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You keep digging you may find the latter parallels the trend well.

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Tea tree oil can be used in cuts, you do not need tetanus injections. Cannot comment on rabies, we don't have it in Australia.

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Apr 27, 2023
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You bring up a reasonable objection. To wit: what does cause AIDS? You are right in that it was a real condition. But the cause of the condition was not a virus, or any other pathogen. It was a degraded immune system. Recall the groups that suffered from AIDS: male homosexuals (specifically those with a partying lifestyle), heavy drug users, and hemophiliacs (who require frequent blood transfusions).

All three groups suffered from highly degraded immune systems, something that only happens when the body is abused over some length of time. In the case of homosexuals it was the heavy use of poppers. For drug users, the heavy and sustained use of strong drugs will eventually compromise the immune system. And for hemophiliacs, it turns out that (IIRC) blood used in transfusion was mixed with a chemical that eventually causes serious damage to the immune system (this chemical may have since been banned for use with blood).

Duesberg, who was a world class microbiologist, makes an absolutely compelling case for this thesis in “Inventing the AIDS Virus” and unfortunately I cannot do it justice here.

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I did purchase Celia’s book and my hubs is on the last chapters. He can’t stop talking about how closely that time resembles what’s happening today. And isn’t it amazing the same cast of characters keep showing up. 🧐 Thanks for the recommendations and will check out Ms. Smith’s work as well. Keep up the good work Sir…you’re voice reaches more than you think.

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The book is terrific. Hard to believe criticisms of "shoddy research" based on this book and other articles I've read by her.

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Apr 18, 2023
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..and the characters along with it.

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Fauci's use of the the "Icy Talon of Fear" technique has only improved over the years and even gained more of a death-grip on our entire civilization worldwide. It is astounding that the great work of Celia Farber and so many other fine journalists, combined with the research from scientists like Dr. Peter Duesberg and Dr. David Rasnick have been blocked and punished as this mass genocide commenced. How many people have suffered from the real plagues of cancer, MS or other diseases as these genocidal maniacs now threaten the world disguised as doctors? How many more will suffer and die at the dirty and bloody hands of these monsters?

Thank you Mark, for your support and regards for human lives.

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I've been maintaining a website telling Gay Men about the dangers of PrEP for years:


I've even had major newspaper articles against PrEP:


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mentioned in a comment earlier, your link to the Celia Farber article is not functioning - searched and found this working link: http://virusmyth.com/aids/hiv/cffatal.htm

As a person wired for truth and also affected by HIV personally (lost friends in the '80's and '90's to AIDS) ... unravelling the physical presence of HIV (30lb weight loss, muscle loss, years of agonising stomach issues) wading through fiction and fact is a more than strange endeavour. Its surreal.

Wading through fiction and fact, includes a paragraph in Celia's article:

"Stewart doesn't buy the hype also that AIDS is caused by HIV alone: "It's an unpopular view, but I've always said that AIDS is a behavioural disease. It is multifactorial, brought on by several simultaneous strains on the immune system - drugs, pharmaceutical and recreational, sexually transmitted diseases, multiple viral infections.""

Friends who died of "AIDS" and in my own case of HIV, none of the above information is true.

- drugs pharmaceutical and recreational - definitely NO

- sexually transmitted diseases - NO

- multiple viral infections - NO

.... having faced prejudice in support agencies and in Health practitioners - Doctors and Specialists included - I've been routinely disbelieved when answering NO.

Misinformation abounds, even in supposed truth-telling.

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That was Stewart's position as a "multifactorialist ," not Celia's. She was reporting what he and others were arguing. Is that allowed?

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not a question of allowed or not allowed. Offering my experience of posed truth differing from factual experience. Is that allowed?

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Of course. Just as quoting Stewart back in 1992 was perfectly legitimate as journalism, and itself a form of "truth-telling."

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Unfortunately this quote I referred to wasn't truth then or now - and has, itself, caused problems.

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Dennis and others, it's the period that Mark has at the end of the address in the body of his post. If you remove that the link will work.

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Yes, same here.

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Thank you for spotlighting history that is still mostly hidden and highlighting Celia Farber’s amazing work & bravery. There should be NO statute of limitations for fauci’s 1st Bataan death march

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Seriously? Thirty years later and we see this sort of headline out of the CDC? "Progress toward an eventual HIV vaccine"? Really? That could have been written in 1992 (and probably was) and makes as much sense then as it does niw: zero.

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Dear Heavily Vaccinated,

Have Your God

Call My God.

Because Your God

Is An Idiot.


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Fauci. Wrong about everything in his career.

Regarding “early spread,” I’m going to go ahead and say it: I was right. The “experts” were wrong.


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Easy to see how much of a practiced liar he was during COVID and how deeply corrupted and simply evil to the core Fauci is. He has had lots of practice prior to getting to this point.

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Dr. Mullis (inventor of PCR) knew HIV/AIDS was a lie. What people were suffering from was lifestyle. Poppers, deviant sex with many partners, alcohol abuse, drug abuse and poor nutrition. In poor countries they were dying from poverty not AIDS. Then they started testing heterosexual people who were not sick. When they tested them for HIV and they tested positive they put them on AZT which killed them. THEY ARE THE FACTS and Fauci repeeated his genocide from the AIDS scam to the COVID scam all in order to please his big pharma pimps.

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Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.


How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Sorry I do not have time to read any extra books, documentaries right, but I do want to say if we talk about what happened in the 80's with AID's, then we need to talk about how Fauci did not allow any other drugs, besides the toxic mess, AZT, for treatment. How people took to the streets wanting another less toxic treatment for AID"s other than AZT. How people protested Fauci handling of the AID's crisis back then, and they were ignored.


Talk about how Fauci did interviews after so many tragically died in that plane crash, and how Fauci and Birx, mysteriously wasn't on that particular plane.

I think we should always remember those people on that plane when we talk about AID'S and AZT.

As far as I am concerned this is just history repeating. Remdesivir is Fauci's new AZT.

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When I got married in 1988 we had to get an HIV bloodtest. I'm not sure if that's still required?

Covid response was a scam & they weaponized the flu along with the pathogen IMO. But I do believe covid is a real pathogen. My family & I had it in N. Cali in August of 2021. It was 102 degrees outside. No flu spread like wild fire in hot summer months prior to this government lab made "covid" b#llsh%t.

I wonder if they were repeatedly releasing pathogens? Aren't there emails between UK health officials talking about "releasing" the next variant?

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that email exchange obviously refers to the next 'scariant'- that is, the next phase in the propaganda psy-op...

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I agree with this after reading The Real Anthony Fauci. But I also know a old family friend who died of AIDS around 1980. I don’t think AZT was being used for AIDS until 1987? So what killed him then?

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As rfk wrote Poppers and herpes simplex 6 cause immunosuppression. Ie. Aids.

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Excessive use of heavy drugs suppresses the immune system.

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He was a very successful veterinarian. Not a drug user.

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Maybe he didn't die of aids?

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Sorry for the unrelated comment, but does anyone know where RFKs announcement will be streamed tomorrow?

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I'm not sure. I'm only aware of teamkennedy.com as a resource. However I don't know if the response you are looking for is there or not. Best wishes.

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