Getting covid or a bad reaction after the shots and then reciting publicly how grateful you still are to be vaccinated is the globo regime's pledge of allegiance.

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...the equivalent of 'taking one for the team', then?

I suppose if a majority of celebrities weren't hyper-orthodox ( thoroughly aligned with the system and its values ), deep-down, to begin with, they'd have a hard time rising to fame and getting any limelight. The ego-boost, from adulation and shower of privileges, does the rest ( Upton Sinclair's 'paycheck' effect ). True independent thinkers, that are a threat to the social dominance hierarchy, tend to get weeded-out, or coopted, early ( with a handful of notable exceptions, though they're more like post-celebrity / post-wealth [arrived] class-traitors, like Nicki Minaj, Eric Clapton, or Ricky Gervais ). Stars are herders, not leaders. That's why you'll never see a 'Bieber' come out and blurt out that he and his wife were vaccine injured, because they instinctively know that would threaten their access and privileges — instead, they'll go 'hyper-orthodox' ( professing their faith to the system despite harm ), and claim their health 'event' has turned into a much-needed 'opportunity', and was a blessing-in-disguise.

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You captured the essence of it. For every independent-minded, iconoclastic artist like a Frank Zappa there are a thousand Justin Biebers following the success formula and who are completely beholden to their label and its sponsors. Justin won’t speak out because to do so guarantees his irrelevance. Justin knows that there’s not much of a market for skinny, white, Canadian, male, tattooed, slightly effeminate former pop stars.

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"Justin knows that there’s not much of a market for skinny, white, Canadian, male, tattooed, slightly effeminate former pop stars."

...Hehehe. Somehow, this reminded me of a Punk'd episode where Justin Timberlake was brought to tears, or very nearly so, when US Marshals showed up at his mansion, to repossess his toys ( under the pretext of him owing $900,000 in back taxes ). He looked so dejected. Absolutely pitiful.

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I wonder why Clapton didn't recite the pledge. He ought to get out and see if he can turn a few of his fellow celebrities away from the dark side, and convince them to stop living by lies.

Eric if you are here please take this simple tune and turn it into something special, and go serenade Justin: https://shumway.substack.com/p/14-song-justin-biebers-face#details

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After all the blow-back Clapton has received for his honesty around his health situation post-vax why should he -- an individual with genuine musical talent -- bother with the no-talent hacks which populate popular music (with a few exceptions) these days.

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Don't let your heart go cold, my friend. That's worse than "covid." xo

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Jun 22, 2022
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Surely that is true.

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Nice tune. This one's from the heart!

BTW, I really enjoyed your "My Covid-19 Story", on Odyssey + the article ( https://shumway.substack.com/p/12-no-mask-no-vax-no-job ). ...Subscribed!

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Thanks, Namo!

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There is NO covid. All of these stories are from the poison that the government brainwashed into getting. Covid was a scam, as it always was. No worse than the common cold.

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Jun 21, 2022
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Very well stated, so astonishing!!

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"Doing otherwise ... would destroy your career."

Very true. McCarthy never went away. And the Big Witch Hunt Stamp has never been more in evidence. With innumerable variations: Declared "White Supremacist", "Fascist", "Reactionary" etc. And the instantaneous list of sex crimes "hiding" (i.e. waiting to be created) in your past.

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Well, let's just be clear all the way: We've NEVER seen anything like this fraud. This is the most Twilight Zone freakin' time in history and that right there is partly why people just can't get their heads around it. That's my theory, anyway. The conspiracy came first...

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as a vaccine injured pt (neuro injury; serious) i’d certainly appreciate it if celebrities would STAND UP FOR US FFS. jesus f’n christ what’s it gonna take. if we lived in a sane world we’d be deep into litigation against Moderna/Pfizer, et al by now.

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Eric Clapton has been good. Even Nicki Minaj. Respect to them.

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If we lived in a sane world, there would be no Moderna/Pfizer/fill in the blank to sue in the first place.

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I'm sorry for your injury and will keep you in my thoughts. I follow many vax injury groups around the world and it is my mission (as small as it may be) to not allow them to feel alone.

God bless and hang in there.

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Jun 21, 2022
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yeah, they'll only speak up if their PR firms find an angle that makes $$ for them. no one does anything b/c it's "the right thing to do" anymore. Fame creates cowards.

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Jun 21, 2022
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That flattening by a PR steamroller is the situation right now. In the future things might flip and the surviving injection injured might face severe condemnation for their cowardly responses. Bieber and Dion actively promoted the clot shots and the boosters to their large audiences on social media and when they were on stage. How many lives did they have a role in destroying by appointing themselves as medical advisers on the basis of zero independent research. How will they cope as that realization as it sinks in. See https://www.globalresearch.ca/will-the-tragic-fate-of-world-stars-like-celine-dion-and-justin-bieber-open-the-eyes-of-their-fans-impacts-of-covid-19-vaccine/5783700

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American Academy of Pediatrics, through People Magazine, getting a jump on the narrative management for parents whose babies will shortly die from the vaxxes. Pre-attributing the deaths to sleep positioning, co-sleeping, and crib decorations.


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Here's hoping that the frying-pans in Hell are big enough.

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I talked with my priest about that this weekend, and he assured me that they are.

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SIDS has always been due to vax injury.

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I don't want to distract anyone from hating on the vaccines while it is still legal and more or less fashionable, but I want to point out something even worse than SIDS.

Some motherfuckers have been using risperidone and chlorpromazine (thorazine) on babies and toddlers. Those psychiatric drugs damage many organs.

Take a deep breath.

Count to ten.

Visualize a locus amoenus.


(I've erased many curses. Not going to submit them.)

Only a maniac Nazi Doctor would try those drugs on children. How corrupt can people get to allow that to happen, under their watch?

The war against kids started decades ago. Now is getting to the critical mass point, it seems. They cannot keep the garbage under the rug anymore.

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Jun 22, 2022Edited
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I disagree. But you may be right. I have been so wrong about many things.

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Jun 22, 2022
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Good for you, sometimes ignorance is bliss.

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Your baby is gonna die and here's why but it's not the vaccine.

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Its become a daily occurrence now.

Caleb Swanigan, former Purdue standout and first-round NBA draft pick, dead at 25


Died of "natural causes", it seems. How SADS.

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Jun 21, 2022
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So what was the cause of death?

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Jun 22, 2022
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In a nation where 99.74% of the people have been exposed to vaccines, (at any level of exposure, to any of them) it's quite obtuse to base a "natural background rate" of any disease which would EXCLUDE vaccine exposure as a possible cause.

It's interesting that a nationwide study (48 states) of entirely unvaccinated controls produced a less than 0.01% rate of diabetes in the adult unvaccinated (never, with any vaccines) controls, in a Nation where 99.74% of the population is vaccine exposed, (at any level of exposure) and carries close to 11% rate of adult diabetes now. It's essentially a mathematical impossibility vaccines do NOT cause diabetes.

We've been set up to have multiple chronic conditions before we're even 40 years old, and they're almost all driven by injured and dysfunctional immune systems, which cause the immune system to wrongly attack our own tissues. This is the way with arthritis, thyroid problems, diabetes, heart disease, skin disorders, allergies, etc.

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Jun 25, 2022Edited
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Agreed! Godspeed to you good man. They've repeatedly informed us they refuse to permit us ANY "civil" remedies to prevent our own extermination at the hands of this illegitimate government.

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Jun 22, 2022Edited
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Jun 22, 2022
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When 99.74% of the U.S. population is vaccine exposed, all science which relies upon the rate of diseases within this population to establish its "natural background rates" in an attempt to exclude vaccines as a possible cause of disease, counts as nothing more than scientific fraud.

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"The ordinary man may not be able to overturn the kingdom of lies, but he can at least say that he is not going to be its loyal subject."

- Solzhenitsyn quoted in the book Live Not By Lies

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The celebrities are the replacement for royals in the USA and they are all related like Kevin Bacon and his wife. Politics, Entertainment and much more are run and occupied by the family. Brad Pitt and Tom Hanks are cousins with Barrack Barry Dunham Obama and The Bush Family and the Cheneys. All one big family who get all the spoils with the royal blood. Look into it Mark, it’s a doozie.

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Tom Hanks is a Bush/Obama cousin?

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For now you can Google this phrase. (Obama had cousins in the Congress). Look for an article from the guardian.com that shows Obama has 44 cousins in the Senate

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I will get you a cbs morning news video from when Barry Dunham (Obama) was president elect and post a bit later.

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Absolutely Mr Miller

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Can you share a link or two?

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I will get them in here. At work now and will add them in a few hours.

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Why didn't they qualify for the saline shots?

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Well, there are elites and then there are elite elites.

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The shot is only for the commoners. Another thing to know so that we can understand who we really are in comparison to them. They are ( The People ). We are not the people. When they signed the constitution it was for THEM and THEIR posterity (the bloodline). The constitution has nothing to do with me or you as We Are NOT the bloodline. We need to hold on to the Bill of Rights because what THEY have done to us via covid say that we can fuck them up in many ways. We have been deceived and at the core of this bloodline THEY want anyone who is not THEM dead. Most importantly ( We are NOT the people ). Provable.

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Who do I write to to let them know I'm related to William Henry and Benjamin Harrison? It is true, but I bet no one would care.

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what is your blood type?

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Hell if I know.

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It would be a good place to start. Find out.

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Jun 21, 2022
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They were terrorized by the MSM and they walked the plank. Not me. I knew for years that this moment was coming. Why? Because I have a working brain that God gave me and I don’t worship false idols. Evil is real and it wants us dead. Simple.

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Jun 22, 2022Edited
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Many random topics. F the Bush family and their lineage. Everything is a lie. Nurses and Doctors are idols injecting and pushing poison for the Fear and Death Administration (FDA). CDC stands for Centers for Disease Creation. Bill Gates was born out of satan's a$$ like that demonic dwarf Fauci. They are killers...period.

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Jun 21, 2022
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Close enough

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Also visit thedunhamhouse.com and find out about the Dunham family history and their land. It is very possible that Obama's real father was a man named Frank Marshall Davis. The guy who took racy photos of Anne Dunham. Obama is a lie and so is our entire world run and controlled by this one particular bloodline. Nearly all of the Presidents are cousins with George Washington...yes...even Barry Dunham (Obama). If anyone still thinks he is a Muslim then they bit on the bait. Take it slow people....and remember...like George Carlin said. " Its ALL Bullshit and it is Bad for you"

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Yes, you're right about Obama and the rest of the presidents. Even Trump is part of the "club". The cabal controls both sides so they always win.



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This reminds me of a human sacrifice ritual. Everyone knows they may get killed but are okay with risking others' lives and their own to placate some malevolent god or spirit to ward off pestilence or famine. So, they cast lots. "If we hadn't had the priest slit my daughter's throat just think how many more that impending plague would have killed."

If you refuse to participate in this ritual you get kicked out of the community.

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It's items like this that remind me of how blessed I truly am. I have never heard of any of those people.

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Gaslighting at its finest! Up is down, and down is up. Try telling one of these jab zealots, that they were lied to. They'll never admit it. Few exceptions, like Steve Kirsch. Which is why I have crazy admiration for him.

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This would be a fascinating study into the psychology of personal health crisis denial if the truth weren't actively being suppressed and subverted by the psycho-sociopaths who are orchestrating this pathological denial in the culture at large. I cannot help but imagine these architects of mass murder sitting in a room being completely satisfied with themselves having done such a brilliant job of fooling so many into doing so much harm. It's a weakness in the human psyche that we trust the wrong people and we mistrust those who actually are fighting for their lives while trying to save the lives of so many who are actively trying to destroy them. Utterly tragic and crazy-making indeed.

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So. When do we start ripping the hearts out of people and sacrificing kids to the vaccine gods? All that's missing it build a fancy concrete altar and awaaaay we go!

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They all saw what happened to Eric Clapton when he spoke about his vaccine injury. The difference is Eric Clapton has integrity, and wanted to let others know there is some risk.

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Whatever happened to comedian Chelsea Handler and her hearing loss? She was really vocal about it as vax injury when it happened, then was swiftly shot down and seems to have gone silent about the entire thing. Absolute cowardice for these celebrities to know everything and say nothing.

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Oh lord, she ended up having cardiomyopathy "caused by stress". 🙄 She had to cancel her comedy tour, aptly named "vaccinated and horny".


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Oh my god. "A good reminder to let everything go." I guess she learned her lesson when she tweeted about her hearing loss and everyone pounced on her. Mark is absolutely correct. They're all grateful, it's all a positive thing, freedom is slavery, the vaccines are a miracle.

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Steve Kirsch talked about Justin Bieber having a vax injury several months ago, and said Justin and most celebs are contractually not allowed to speak up about the vax injuries.

I guess Bieber was hoping to just wait it out. Sadly, most celebrities with these severe injuries will say, “ back in a couple months”, update occasionally, then retire (or worse) and be forgotten. Think Celine Dion, Wendy Williams, Bruce Willis, Justin Bieber etc..

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I feel especially sad about Wendy Williams. She did not want to get that vaccine, and someone talked her into it.

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Yes! I feel compassion for them. Many of these people were coerced, forced to inject or lose their livelihoods. Those who conned them into getting vaxxed need to think about what they are guilty of.

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Halsey continued, “I was hospitalized for anaphylaxis a few times and had some other stuff going on. Basically, after seeing a like 100,000 doctors, I got diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Sjogren's syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), [and] Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).” They also explained that their doctors are still looking for the “root cause of some of these things.” The singer said, “It could be potentially another autoimmune disease, and I've known I've had autoimmune issues for most of my life, especially having endometriosis, but it's kind of been exacerbated since I had Ender.” But the Grammy-winner assured their fans that there was no need to worry as not only are they currently on a treatment plan, but they're still doing rehearsals for their upcoming tour and “really excited and really confident” they can do it in a way that's “healthy” for them.

Halsey has also been open about their health struggles in the past, especially regarding their endometriosis diagnosis. 

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How do you die at 25 of NATURAL CAUSES?

Caleb Swanigan, Former NBA First-Round Pick, Dead At 25


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Death by "vaccination" is, by definition, "death by natural causes."

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Jesus Christ, we are so fucked!

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It truly seems as if the public was brain damaged before cv and now it is worse. Willful ignorance. A colleague thinks it is a brain parasite that some are immune too. We apparently are the immune ones.

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HIVIRUS ACCIDENTALLY ESCAPED from FAUCI LAB late 1980s (Dr J Mikovits book "Plague of Corruption".

The 2 monkey kidneys mutated virus (HIV) is STILL IN THESE CLOT Jabs. and NEURODEGENERATION is only ONE of the many AUTO IMMUNE DISEASES it causes.

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Men Over 5'9" Increased Risk of Bloot Clots


But no additional cardiac risk to men taking testosterone therapy! Funny how the media goes on defensive when pharma products are called into question..

Men taking testosterone therapy are at no greater risk of heart attack https://www.techexplorist.com/men-taking-testosterone-therapy-no-greater-risk-heart-attack/48128/

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Incredible. (And yet it's all TOO credible...)

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Men having hair in their ears is correlated with elevated risk for cardiovascular disease, and that is something they used to say around 2007.

After that, it became clear to me that The Science(Tm) had showd that if you have a heart you can have heart disease... but they needed more money to figure out the details.

Clown World.

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How many people are being discussed here?

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