Yesterday Eugyppius had a link to a German video where the avalanche of sudden deaths is discussed. They had numbers from 2016 on, all comparable, until the jab roll-out, then the numbers shoot up, double, they wonder how come the govt has not stepped up and investigated... and they also are very displeased they had to move heaven and earth to get the numbers. A few weeks ago, another article stated that the German app to relate jab injuries was so totally overwhelmed that the website crashed, they have not even started to make the count ! If you search for sudden deaths you might need to change the wording now and then. Sometimes 'sudden illness' or 'seizure' give results while died suddenly gives nothing.

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If only we had time, research grants, volunteers. . .there is so much more we could be tracking.

For example: Died from complications from surgery. How much has this risen?

My aunt had a routine outpatient surgery in late December 2020. She was forced to get the vaccine before the hospital would admit her. She died shortly after the surgery from massive blood clots. No history of blood clots, her or the rest of the family.

Also, as MCM has pointed out many times, what about the rise of car accidents? I was on the highway in early 2021 and the guy in front of me had a stroke and drove right off the road, into a gulley.

And the rise in athletes collapsing in the field? On and on and on. . .

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Anecdotally, my high school class of '65 has lost 104 out of a senior class of 298 graduates. Granted, we're not spring chickens by any stretch, but from 1965 - 2020 the woman who keeps track of our classmates has recorded 69 deaths from the usual including the Vietnam War, terminal illnesses, accidents and one suicide. From January 2021 - September 2023, there have been 35 deaths - 5 of those deaths happened from Aug. 22 - Sept. 28, 2023, which is pretty much a record for our group.

One of our classmates, who is alive and well, lost two brothers -- one younger that she is (66 - died suddenly on March 7, 2023) and one older than she is (age 77 - died suddenly May 12, 2023).

Our classmate who keeps track of us also notifies us of spouses, siblings and children of our classmates who we also would know, and if you add those into the numbers, we're up to 47 since Jan. 2021. One of our classmates lost her 54-year-old daughter (March 20, 2022) to sudden onset of stage 4 cancer, while at the same time her mother, our classmate, was battling stage 4 cancer and died on Feb. 26, 2023.

The five deaths in one month has just about devastated our classmate to keeps the tally of the deaths. She is very depressed and wrote us over the weekend that she will taking a break from doing this although another classmate has volunteered to keep track of the deaths. While this is just a snapshot of one small group of people, it might present a clearer picture of the sudden onset of deaths impacting our class of '65. I'm sure this is being repeated everywhere, but we're fortunate to have someone keeping track of us -- as difficult as that is at this time in history.

There's no doubt that excess deaths are becoming the "new normal" as the adverse events from the vax take their toll on those who made the mistake of trusting Big Harma and the government.

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It far worse than you think....not everyone publishes the details of a family member that became deceased...I lost three members of my own family in the last two years..and none were included in the obituaries of their local towns...imagine how many more are never reported...it would be much simpler if a separate website could count the true cost to humanity and for people to record whether or not they received a vaccine..because those who got that job...are doing their best to minimise their stupidity of repeating safe and effective at every turn...only then can we measure the true cost these toxic jabs have caused.

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Grim work, and infuriating that our government not only planned the murders, but is orchestrating the cover-up. The media are like the Igors to Dr. Frankenstein, obediently carrying out the governments' dictates with apparently not a mote of conscience or morality in any of them, at least at the leadership level. Thank you for doing this Herculean task! This will be on the historical record, and will be revisited again, I would hope, in courts of law as well.

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My husband is 81 never got jabbed is a pharmacist and due to just getting older and having no known underlying conditions no medications etc he had a stroke last year which pulled us into the twilight zone of the murder sites called HOSPITALS- Doctors offices- rehabs.

So the hospitals doctors nurses and PA’s just assume he’s vaxxed. It’s like old age is not considered. So that alone tells me they are seeing the vaxxed population so much that “old age” problems are not considered. One doctor did say after 10 months of recovery “You were vaxxed, right?” One doctor a neurologist’s , who implanted a stent in my husbands carotid artery, mouth just dropped open and no words came out when my husband told him “No I didn’t get it and I am not getting it now or ever. As a pharmacist I know what’s in it”

So this occurrence of jab injury must be the number one reason people are getting sick. Unfortunately if the medical industry would start reporting this to everyone they see and make public statements about it their reputations might actually improve

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Thank you for your work on this!

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Take a look at the “In Memoriam” pages in your alumni magazine

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Thank you all for the hard and steadfast research and reporting. And for this particularly illuminating analysis of your methods and findings. Old enough to remember when "died suddenly" or "unexpectedly" was code for suicide, cancer, and/or accidental overdose - and, still is, it appears. With regards to suicide, is there any credibility to reports that point toward a signficant uptick in suicides both during and post-lockdown ? Again, thank you for taking on this very difficult task.

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The Fourth Estate became the Fifth Column against living people. It the embodiment of treachery, subversion, disinformation and propaganda, and ultimately a broker of death.

When its reckoning will come or its karma will manifest who knows, but they surely will.

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My mom “died suddenly on 2/22/23. She was jabbed with the Pfizer in March of 2021.

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Perfect. Hopefully this helps to put the nonsense to bed of 'Well, you just didn't notice all the news stories of 'died suddenly' before 2021' that vax apologists trot out.

There is another source of bias in the reports not noted and that's that some places just don't seem to have good obituary websites. Russia for instance. If you type obituaries into search engine in English it gives you websites with obituaries. If you type 'nekrolog' it gives you websites on how to write obituaries. I am stuck with vkontakte. The Russian ones almost never have cause of death and mostly don't list age either.

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Here in Italy, I've joined a channel on Telegram called 'Malori improvvisi' (sudden illnesses), and every few days they do a video compilation of sudden deaths (and near deaths). The last one (video no. 136), was over 5 minutes of obituaries. Just so sad.

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Great..we (unvacciated) have a front row seat on the 50 yard line to the largest human die-off in history. It's not a question of if it is happening anymore. Because we all know it is. The question is: How quickly will the vaccinated die and how many will die in the next 5 years? Will we get to a "certain point" and vaccinated folks will be just dropping over dead in the streets, in their cars and in their homes by the thousands each week? Well anyway it's going to be fun to watch... just kidding... if what could happen does happen... we will see "a lot" of death in the near future. And this will forever change ALL of us. We will never be the same.

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