Prince. I cannot think of a more genius guitar player. RIP.

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Yeah that solo goes to eleven. One higher.

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When surveyed, 10 out of 10 guitars ever played by Prince said it was the fuck of their lives.

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Do you like guitar players doing excesses?

I have some suggestions:

Paco Peña: https::/www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGJ9S3Is6lY

Carlo Domeniconi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcIcILs3qMw

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But they do not throw their guitars into the crowd when finished so this does not count…

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Jimmy Page for me sorry.

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Do Not Play Stairway To Heaven....

Posted in every guitar store in the world.

What a damn tribute

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That is a tribute to song writing, not guitar playing.

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It's A package deal... It means people everywhere love the song so much they constantly want to play it...

Whether it's the lyrics, chords, performance etc. It's an iconic song... In fact, give me a second


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Disagreeing to disagree is my favorite part of the internet

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I hate that phrase

I agree to say people are wrong and I'm right

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I love playing Stairway to Heaven.

Especially because I taught myself to play it. It was excruciating, but worth it. 😉

Still not as impressive as my Bolivian ex-girlfriend teaching herself English though.

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Yeah, but you would be the star at any party...

YouTube it, send link out to the group

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I like making my own music. And I don't have time right now. And besides, no-one wants to hear me wanking over a guitar when they could listen to the original version.

My next project is making my ultimate psychedelic electronic music track.

Got tipped off from someone on here last night as to the latest headfuck fractal software - Disco Diffusion.

I'm signed to a music label. My original album was thirteen tracks which were all linked together as one continuous piece of ambient dub music. I might just do the same concept but better, but with one continuous psychedelic video. I just need some time man.

Anyway, have some music: https://youtu.be/PClhDfvARn0

"you would be the star at any party."

If I want to do that I DJ. Who would have thought Music from the Sweeney on vinyl mixed with some hip hop would get people rocking?


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I got UT saved and will listen more!

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Jimmy Page couldn't play like that if he turned black

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Not going to get into this argument again mate. 😎

I play guitar to a high level. What makes Page so good is he doesn't respect the beat. He's completely unsyncopated.

I can play Hendrix no issues. Page is a nightmare.


Perfect example.

He's no slouch live either:


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I don't think that we are having the same argument :). I will be honest that I've listened more to Jimmy Page in the last 12 his than ever before... I've never been drawn to Led Zeppelin and i have a newfound respect for the man.

Page's handicap is simply that he, like every other guitarist in history, and this is not to diminish Page who is certainly one if the greatest of all time, is not Prince.

This Rock and roll Hall of Fame solo is not considered one of the greatest simply for the technical ability he displayed but for the bravado of performance, creativity and melodiousness, aura, mystique that Prince brings to the table.

Let's be honest, Prince is one of the baddest dudes to ever walk the planet. That was on fill display there and there's a reason why there are 115 million views on YouTube.

Don't take my word for it, here are the guys who were there.

CRAIG INCIARDI (Curator at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum) I’ve seen every induction performance from ’92 to the present, so that’s like 24 shows. On a purely musical level, a technical level as far as musicianship, that performance seems like the most impressive one.

JOEL GALLEN: It became one of the most satisfying musical moments in my history of watching and producing live music.

INCIARDI You hear all this sort of harmonics and finger-tapping, sort of like what you’d hear Eddie Van Halen do. He runs through all these different sort of guitar techniques that are sort of astonishing. You hear what sounds like someone cocking a shotgun. There’s all these strumming power chords that really, really connected. Then he plays his version of the Eric Clapton solo. He evokes Eric’s solo in very sort of truncated fashion. As he ends the song, he plays this flourishing thing that sort of ends up sounding a little bit like Spinal Tap, but in a good way.

PETTY You see me nodding at him, to say, “Go on, go on.” I remember I leaned out at him at one point and gave him a “This is going great!” kind of look. He just burned it up. You could feel the electricity of “something really big’s going down here.”

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I respect and hear what you say but this is all completely subjective.

I don't think Prince isn't a great guitarist or musician. My point was just that Page is known amongst guitarists as a nightmare to cover. I have seen probably six Led Zeppelin tribute bands and every single one of them has bottled the solos. It's criminal quite honestly. 😀

I saw the Bootleg Beatles once and they were so on point, they even had the orchestra tuning at the start of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band down to a tee.


When it comes to music, I care about what "moves" me. My playlists can go from Shakira to drum and bass to Led Zep to Pink Floyd to hip hop to Elgar to Puccini to acid techno. Jimmy Page's solos blow me away every time I hear them.

On paper, I shouldn't like Led Zep. For a start, I don't think Plant is a particularly great vocalist. But in the context of the band he's perfect.

Led Zep are the best band of all time and Jimmy Page is unreal. Sorry but that's just my opinion, subjectively and objectively as a musician.

Anyway, we can agree to disagree. 😀

Have some Elgar and Puccini. I hope you feel it like I do. 😎




Bonus, here's a dance track I love very much.


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Certainly all subjective and like I said, interacting with you and clicking on your "evidence" has quite literally changed what I thought I knew about JP and by extension Led Zeppelin.

I'm a singer songwriter guy and Dylan is the _______ in all the best of all time sentences I write or speak tho Tom Waits is a distant second.

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Taking Lord's Name in vain was mentioned by Our Lady of LaSallette.

Her approved apparitions are incredibly accurate.

Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Good Success. So brutal many Catholic clergy tried to suppress the words from Heaven

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My goodness, hello Friday. Best ever.

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Eric Clapton, the vaccine-injured rebel. ❤️🎶😢

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That Prince guitar solo is one of the greatest ever performed. Watch him as he’s about to fall backward off the stage into his guard’s arms. Classic!!

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I saw it. Obviously had a guard he could trust to push him back up ...

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Oh, I totally thought he was just hOPiNg someone would be there. Lol

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Well, I'm a born and bred skeptic... ;-)

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An ALL-TIME Blow you out of the atmospheric ORBIT 2004 solo by Prince.....Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...mmmmmm....mmmmmmmm!

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It's worth noting Harrison wrote 'Taxman'.

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Oh, how I miss those times! You made my heart smile Mark!

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O.M.G. Thank you for this, no words. Beautiful. Profound.

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Now I feel really old! I had the Bangladesh 3-disk album in its brick-coloured box. Seems like a lifetime ago. I was in my first year at university, studying Politics and French. We thought politics was bad. Wait till we have no politics, just technocracy. As Joni said, 'don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till it's gone?' (I had that LP too!).

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Although your mind’s opaque,

Try thinking more if just for your own sake…

Think for yourself. What the masses refuse to do.

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Something tells me George would have played along with the narrative as well. There's no backpedaling on masonic oaths.

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So you were there when he took that oath? Fat lot of good it did him, when that maniac broke into his house and attacked him, shortening his life. Same with Lennon.

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And Mark, you should know better than most that masons can be knocked off too if they don't play ball.

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John and Paul were definitely masons (see photos below). I'm shocked that someone with your level of knowledge would even question this.

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Freemasonry and communism have many similarities.... Deeply evil . God bless, Mike R.

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Aug 5, 2022
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So did Eric.

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That's a very sad story about your ex-husband.

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I have trusted friends who knew George well. He was really admired by people I admire. He was for real.

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Would he, though? I mean my working theory is, it was in fact Lennon and Harrison who were problematic - - and plenty of circumstantial evidence exists that support this, so they had to be taken out of the....equation. The true story behind Lennon's murder has not yet, and perhaps will never, be reveled but he was clearly making politicians everywhere nervous, not least in the U.S. where he was at the time. Let's leave the whole Imagine thing aside. I really have trouble believing that Lennon would've gone along with the Great Narrative today. As for Harrison, he came from a spiritual place which was really never shared by any of the others. How a knife-attacker was able to get so close to his house (which was absolutely stuffed to the brim with security precautions) is still a mystery. Harrison/Lennon, both 'deep' thinkers. Independent thinkers = highly problematic, even in the world's biggest rock band.

Now let's turn to Paul and Ringo. Ringo basically flashes his peace signs and goes about his life. Sir Paul, I think everyone here knows how he has ALREADY reacted to our current charade. "And he never shows his feelings, but...." Yup, Paul, ever the Fool. Lennon/Harrison would've been looking at the situation through 100 layers of the Glass Onion.

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I'm a recent convert to the idea of Harrison as a bit more radical than I'd previously thought. I figure you're right but of course you should always watch out for the quiet ones, so Ringo, who knows.

Has anybody ever connected Allen Klein to the security establishment? Some say that he set Lennon up with Ono. And he was in discussions with Lennon's manager at the time, Geffen, in the week after Lennon's death.

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Given that Ono essentially domesticated Lennon, and this was AFTER he basically went insane shortly after the breakup of The Beatles (lots of strange stories around '73 or so), I think her effect has not been fully investigated. But his entire situation post-1970 reminds me of Kanye's rantings and ravings, only to be "brought back" into the "fold" so to speak, by Ono's power. "Nothing's gonna change my world...." Almost, John.

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Aug 5, 2022
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It was an interesting relationship, working class boy from Liverpool marries daughter of a Japanese banker.

I doubt that they would have lasted to 2022. And Lennon with May Pang, maybe that would have been better for him, who knows.

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Aug 5, 2022
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I don't care if Yoko is a witch or not. And Frances says that in her culture being a witch is a positive thing. It is in mine as well.

Regarding the masonic handshakes and so on, I figure Lennon is gaslighting that Mayor there in one of those. And whether or not the Beatles were Masons or not, I don't think that 5 pictures are going to settle that one. And I'm not convinced that all Masons are up to mischief either.

Are you a member of the trade 🤣

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If you think witchcraft (the 'Royal Art of Masonry') and masonry are just a silly conspiracy theories, you've been deceived.

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Masonry sometimes is. I'm not saying that they're silly conspiracy theories though, just saying that you have not proved that the Beatles were masons.

Both my grandfathers were masons btw (I'm not) so what did they get up to that I don't know about?

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Aug 5, 2022
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I don't think it's funny at all.

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Secret societies (witchcraft included) with their secret oaths are what make conspiracies on the level of a JFK assassination, 9/11, and covid even possible. Your response shows how little you know about the deep things of freemasonry.

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Who was that old guy in the video who McCartney got annoyed with?

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The Hey Jude video.

Here's McCartney getting annoyed


And here's the guy who annoyed him, with a rose on his glasses


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Aleister Crowley, supreme satanist, is on the Sargent pepper’s lonely hearts album, ick!

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Aug 5, 2022
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I have no respect for anyone glamorizing satanists. Unfortunately, the stars we grew up with and “idolize(d)” are the Freemason’s puppet’s.

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Nothing can be done, Satan has the better record collection!

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WOW! Thank you MCM for sharing. WOW.

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While My Guitar BLEEP

I look at you all

and I see you've been jabbed

While my guitar gently weeps.

I look at you dupes

Your brains have been stabbed

by a bunch of evil creeps.

I don't know why nobody told you

The "vaccine" is toxic shit.

I don't know how the media controlled you

They bought and sold you

It's time for you to admit

I look at the world

Five billion injected

by Pharma's murderous creeps

You made a mistake

It's time to start learning

Still my guitar gently weeps

I can see why you were never alerted

By wokeist garbage you've been perverted too

Klaus Schwab Bill Gates Killer Fauci coming for you

Deep down, you know it's true

I look at you all

See the love there that's sleeping

While my guitar gently weeps

Wake up! Wake up! Hear The Truth call

Still my guitar gently weeps

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Ha! The George Harrison tribute one with Prince et al was so fantastic. Used to watch it on repeat when I was introducing one of my kids to a bunch of guitar greats.

Apt lyrics!

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George Harrison! wow! He certainly grew up well.

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Awesome legends. Absolutely classic. Felt a need for some such nostalgia. Thanks Mark.

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Here's Harrison stabbing Jesus Christ in the back, singing to a false Hindu god, A devil in reality.

We ain't getting out of this nightmare without Jesus Christ

We have no idea if he would have went along. Personally, I think Jim Morrison, degenerate though he was, would have held firm.

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Only God and maybe His angels know for certain, whether at some point George Harrison repented or not.

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There's a saying something along the lines that 'everyone is an atheist because they don't believe in all the gods, only one (or two)'. Etymologically Krishna sounds similar to Christ if that helps.

I'm probably damned because I believe in none. But nor do I believe in the communist god if that helps. And it's a requirement AFAIK to believe in one for the Masons.

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Who or what is 'the communist god', please?

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Well Lenin in his Mausoleum probably qualifies.

But I was more thinking of the idea that it actually works. Mind you that also seems to apply to capitalism.

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Lenin committed untold mortal sins (objectively. I say objectively because I can't judge his interior).

He was a creature that is either in hell or heaven or purgatory.

I don't see anything that shows any virtue in this most evil monster

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I wasn't judging his character, merely pointing out that communists tried to make him a god basically.

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Jesus Christ proved God beyond all doubt. There is one Gid, 3 Persons, God the Father, God the Son... Jesus, God the Holy Ghost.

Krishna is a devil. Freemasonry say believe in any god as another way of attacking Jesus Christ, trying to put up him on par with false gods

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