Other very bad people also come to mind: Göring poisoned himself in his prison cell so as to escap hanging at the Nuremberg trial; British historisan Mark Felton recounts the arrest of Himmler by British inellgence at the end of WWII. According to him Himmler was probably beaten to death by the British military. That's some good reckoning, I guess.
Göring poisoned himself in his prison cell so as to escap hanging at the Nuremberg trial;
British historisan Mark Felton recounts the arrest of Himmler by British inellgence at the end of WWII. According to him Himmler was probably beaten to death by the British military.
Other very bad people also come to mind:
Göring poisoned himself in his prison cell so as to escap hanging at the Nuremberg trial;
British historisan Mark Felton recounts the arrest of Himmler by British inellgence at the end of WWII. According to him Himmler was probably beaten to death by the British military.
That's some good reckoning, I guess.