If you don't know this, you don't know anything: Too many people are dying, too few being born
"Excess deaths" have skyrocketed in the US, Canada, Brazil, Uruguay, UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Norway, Finland, Spain, Israel & Australia, as even the "free press" has (blindly) shown
Since late fall, intermittent coverage from all over—in the denialist “free press” as well as honest outlets focused on the truth—tells us that the same apocalyptic story is, in fact, the biggest story in the world, and in the history of our world: the slow crash of the global population (a fact deliberately obscured by the Malthusian propaganda warning always, inescapably, of “climate change” brought on by “over-population”).
There is too much to say about this second, global Holocaust, as carefully obscured in this vast second wave of Holocaust denial (of which you’ll find some choice examples here), for me to do that subject justice in this space. Suffice it to say now that, unlike the coming giant meteor imagined in the wild “blue” allegory Don’t Look Up, this gathering catastrophe is not one that we (the people) can do nothing to slow down or mitigate, if not avert entirely. Indeed, I hope the evidence assembled here might do far more than just intensify the general state of fear: on the contrary.
What this barrage of evidence must push us all to do is, first, bolster our resolve to stop those “vaccinations,” and, along with them, the complementary vaccination drives—“against” the flu, shingles, HPV, HIV, etc.—now raging, too. They all must stop right now, as they are all backed by the same technocratic juggernaut intent on the extermination of humanity.
And as we push on in our efforts to abort all those injection drives worldwide, we must do all we can to help the jabbed recover from their injuries, or, if they’re well, stay well, so that they too do not eventually drop dead, or shrivel into invalids. Here’s something we can share with the injected, while keeping our eyes peeled for further findings by (real) doctors who are working with the “vaccine”-injured in that quaint old Hippocratic way: https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover/
Meanwhile, as we thus do what we can to save more people from the needle, and to get help for the jabbed, we—and here I mean primarily “the left,” or those who still identify as such, and yet have open minds, and don’t hate everybody else—must now begin a radical rethink of those issues that, whatever reasons we (or some of us) have had for getting into them, have actually been weapons in the globalist campaign against humanity. It is because they serve that elite purpose, and not because of some imaginary global conquest by “the left,” that governments and media throughout the world have made it practically a criminal offense to take a “wrong” position on those issues.
I’m referring to those issues that have been deployed exclusively to make depopulation seem not just okay, but virtuous. Thus (as noted earlier) climate change must now, at long last, be subject to proper scientific scrutiny and free debate, so that the weakness of the theory might come clear enough to stop the current war on proper food (including meat) and independent farming, along with fossil fuels (on which we can, perhaps, improve, but whose elimination is intended solely to starve/freeze the rest of us worldwide).
In light of the declining global birth rate (as noted in the Daily Clout piece that concludes this post), we also must now radically rethink the issue of abortion—not, certainly, to let the state dictate to women what they may or may not do with their own bodies (a course as unacceptable as state-mandated “vaccination”), but merely to become more mindful of humanity’s essential need to procreate, so that it might survive, and thrive. For that same reason, we also must now radically rethink the topdown cult of transgenderism, which, like abortion, serves to lower our numbers even more—the only reason why that issue has such global traction now. (Those pushing it on high care just as much about the welfare of transgender persons as they do about the rest of us.)
What this means is that we must now rethink the widespread animus against virility and femininity themselves—that is, men and women, whose sexuality is something precious, and not Bad Things “excluding” those who think they want no part of either one. And, even more profoundly, we must radically rethink our view of children, their needs, and their happiness, instead of meddling with their sexual development to make more billions for Big Pharma and the medical-industrial colossus; and, as well, we need to treat their sexualization as the crime it really is, instead of hailing it as a “progressive” step toward total LGBTQ+ “acceptance”: another issue that we must now radically rethink, to save humanity itself—which is another way of saying “for all our sakes” (and that is as inclusive as it gets). The LGBTQ+ innovation is not a blow for human rights, but—on the contrary—a big step toward transhumanism, which ought to help explain the virulent misogyny, and tacit homophobia, promoted, all too often, by “trans activism”; and so, as many gay rights activists have radically rethought that innovation, so must all of us who serve the human cause.
No doubt these suggestions will be viciously condemned (and so will I, their humble author) as “far-right,” somehow aiding and abetting Donald Trump (whose psychopathic ongoing support for “vaccination” places him out on “the left” as well). So if the preservation of humanity itself—in all its hues, in every class, throughout the world—is now (somehow) a “far-right” deviation, I’m proud to be on that end of the spectrum, hoping that still others will now join me here— where, finally, we must radically rethink that ancient “spectrum,” too).
USA has suffered shocking 350k Excess Deaths in 2022 so far; evidence suggests COVID Vaccination is to blame
November 19, 2022
Official figures published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm that the United States of America suffered nearly 350,000 excess deaths as of September 25th 2022.
Compared to other countries, the data provided by the US Government is far from transparent and hidden deep within their publications. However, we have finally managed to stumble upon it thanks to an institution known as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEC).
The OEC is an intergovernmental organisation with 38 member countries founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. And for some reason, the host a wealth of data on excess deaths throughout 2022. You can find that data for yourself here.
The following charts have been created using the figures found in the OEC database. Figures that have been provided to the OEC by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). And it shows excess deaths across the USA by week in 2022 up to week 38 (25th September).
November 7, 2022:
August 25, 2022:
Canada’s 2022 excess deaths on pace to shatter 2021 and 2020
January 27, 2023
Excess deaths is the term that indicates whether a region had more or fewer deaths than expected, given demographics and historical trends. The figure helps calculate the true impact of a health crisis.
Canada’s reporting lags behind most other first-world countries. The current total for excess deaths in 2022 is only recorded up to week 35.
Health Canada data indicates 13,940 excess deaths took place in 2022 up to this point – August 27.
At week 35 in 2021, the total excess deaths was 10,406. In 2020, the total was 8,057.
In other words, the 2022 excess death total, with an 85% vaccinated population, is on pace to far surpass the total from 2020 when no one was vaccinated in Canada.
Sao Paulo registers 15% more deaths until October 2022 than in the same period of 2019; heart problems and sepsis are high
November 22, 2022
The state of São Paulo recorded 305,279 deaths from January to October this year, an increase of 14.8% compared to the same period in 2019, before the Covid pandemic. A survey carried out by Arpen-SP (Association of Natural Persons Registrars of the State of São Paulo), responsible for the São Paulo registry offices, shows that cardiovascular events, septicemia (generalized infection or infection in the bloodstream) and other diseases, such as diabetes and cancer, were the causes of death that grew the most in the state territory compared to the pre-pandemic period.
Cardiovascular events (Infarction + Cerebral Vascular Accident + nonspecific): went from the range of 58.5 thousand deaths to 68 thousand; Septicemia: went from 32.1 thousand deaths to 36.4 thousand; Other diseases: went from 91.3 thousand deaths to 100.3 thousand.
Uruguay and the highest mortality rate in its history, 90% more!
November 23, 2022
The fact is that less than two years after the start of the massive and indiscriminate inoculation against Covid 19, there has been no less than a 90% increase in deaths from cardiac arrest, all of which represents precisely "the largest increase in deaths in Uruguayan history".
A study carried out by the newspaper Ciudad Malvin (ciudadmalvin.com), the magazine Extramuros, the group Libertad Sanitaria and the collective No + Mentiras – with information provided by the Ministry of Public Health (MPS) – determined that compared to 2020 deaths from heart attacks increased by exactly 90.6%. If we apply this significant "variation" in the coefficients to a country of 3 and a half million inhabitants and with a mortality rate of around 9.5% (2016-2019) ... it gives us that soon we will be more Argentines than Uruguayans on the other side of the pond (of course to make sure that nothing is left standing after the Covid farce).
The data speaks for itself: while in 2020 601 people died of heart attacks, in 2021 the same happened with 907, that is, 50% more. But, only between January and June 2022 (as understood by the MSP), 532 deaths from this cause were already registered. The picture is frightening if we consider that, in the first half of 2020, before the circus, deaths were limited to 279, almost half that in 2022. It is conceivable that the consequent damage caused by the explosion of an atomic bomb could be comparable to this dizzying course of death.
British MPs call for probe into massive spike in deaths
January 24, 2023
Troubled by national statistics showing 20% excess deaths per week, UK MPs have demanded an investigation, the Daily Mail reported on Tuesday. Unlike the last time excess deaths reached such levels, during the second Covid-19 wave, few of these deaths could be attributed to the virus.
Speaking before the House of Commons on Tuesday, Conservative MP Esther McVey skewered Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty for blaming the spike in non-Covid excess deaths on “patients not getting statins or blood pressure medicines during the pandemic,” pointing out that the monthly figures for statin prescriptions had remained constant.
“Where is the evidence? And if there isn’t one, what is causing these excess deaths?” she asked, demanding the minister “commit to an urgent and thorough investigation of the matter.”
Mystery rise in fatal cardiac arrests for the most affluent
November 17 2022
Paramedics are investigating a mysterious marked rise in fatal cardiac arrests among affluent Scots since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Overall the survival rates among people who had a cardiac arrest outside of hospital improved dramatically in the years before the pandemic. However, the gains were reversed during social distancing and the strain on hospitals resulting from coronavirus. Figures show only 8 per cent of patients from Scotland’s most affluent neighbourhoods survived a cardiac arrest last year compared with 10 per cent from the poorest households. The Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) attempts to resuscitate approximately 3,000 cardiac arrest patients every year but only about 300 survive. Overall survival rates hit a record low in 2020-21 at the height of the pandemic, when just — [paywall]
Excess mortality among 65 to 80-year-olds 'goes through the roof', very strong relationship with vaccinations
November 19, 2022
In the follow-up study into excess mortality, researchers can still use personal data. Legal ways have been found to use this data. At the end of last year, thousands of people died more than expected, from causes other than corona. At the request of the House of Representatives, scientists are now conducting additional research. Member of Parliament Wybren van Haga is delighted. “It must be investigated whether the unexplained excess mortality is due to the corona vaccinations or something else. Fortunately, Minister Kuipers is making data available for research into excess mortality,” he says. Member of Parliament Pieter Omtzigt emphasizes that research is 'really top priority'. “A very nice start!” responds epidemiologist Eline van den Broek-Altenburg. “Now the various hypotheses regarding the effect of vaccination on excess mortality can in any case be investigated by fellow scientists.” Meanwhile, excess mortality remains high. Retired statistician Herman Steigstra points out that excess mortality among 65 to 80-year-olds is 'going through the roof'. Excess mortality among the over-80s is also rising. He addresses Minister Kuipers: “No worries? Investigate nothing? Excess mortality almost exclusively ‘unexplained’. Very strong relationship with vaccinations,” reports Steigstra, adding that the excess mortality is now about 60 per day. And now the unexplained excess mortality has risen above the corona mortality. “Seems to coincide with vaccination as well,” said the statistician. "Do we see 'just' vaccine damage here or do we park this under 'disinformation'?"
Excess mortality in the Netherlands also continues in October
November 4 , 2022
In the whole month of October, more people died in the Netherlands than expected: there was again talk of excess mortality, reports the Dutch statistical office. That has been the case more often in recent months. In October, a total of nearly 1,800 people (16 percent) more than expected died, including 1,000 vulnerable people, such as residents of nursing homes or care facilities for people with disabilities. The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) is not yet able to give the cause of the extra mortality. That won't be possible for a few months. Statistics Netherlands bases this on death certificates from doctors. So far, the statistical office can say something about the cause of deaths through the second quarter of this year.
Corona was the cause of death in 3.5 percent of deaths in that quarter. The excess mortality in those months was higher than could be explained by the virus alone. CBS researcher Ruben van Gaalen said last month that another possible reason for the excess mortality in the second quarter could be that people who contracted corona earlier and recovered, were weakened and therefore later died of something else. Another explanation could be that people who 'normally' would have died in the winter, for example from an infection, continued to live because they protected themselves extra because of the pandemic. They may then die later. According to Van Gaalen, this hypothesis is difficult to prove, but “it is a pattern that we recognize from major epidemics”.
Fatal accidents in water have increased sharply
October 29, 2022
After the extremely hot summer, the Swiss life-saving society SLRG draws a tragic balance. By September 15, the long-term average of around 46 fatal drownings per year had been significantly exceeded. At times, the prolonged hot temperatures this year may have lured more people to, in and on the water and thus also increased the likelihood of drowning accidents. Most of the cases were recorded in open water. Around 90 percent of the deaths occurred on and in open water (a good 60 percent of them in lakes and almost 40 percent in rivers). The majority of all cases affect men, who make up almost 80 percent of all drowning victims, which corresponds to the long-term average, according to a media release. While the age group between 15 and 30 years, which is particularly at risk on a ten-year average, showed a constantly high number of drowning cases, the number of fatal drowning accidents in the age group between 70 and 85 years has increased sharply. A total of three fatal drowning accidents were recorded in bathing establishments. Two of these affected children aged four and five years respectively. The third case involved a 46-year-old man who developed a medical problem while swimming.
Germany: Excess mortality rising rapidly. Why?
February 1, 2023:
Sudden death increases 10-fold in Germany: Data from 72 million policyholders reveals scale of Covid vaccination disaster
December 10, 2022
Reasons a puzzle: Significantly more deaths than usual in October
November 20, 2022
According to a projection by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 92,954 people died in Germany in October 2022. That is 19 percent or 14,560 more cases for this month than the average for the previous four years, the authority announced on Tuesday. In this case one speaks of excess mortality: Significantly more people die than usual in a certain period of time. At the beginning of October - from calendar week 39 - the number of deaths and their difference to the comparative value had increased significantly, according to the Destatis statement. However, both values fell again at the end of the month. The number of Covid-19 deaths also reached an interim maximum in the middle of the month, but according to the statisticians can only partially explain the difference.
Why the death rate was so unusually high in early October
November 6 , 2022
Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, excess mortality has been a term that has been circulating in the media again and again. In short, it shows when significantly more people die than the statistical average of previous years. The mortality rate has increased significantly. According to the Federal Statistical Office, at the beginning of October it was 20 percent above the average for the years 2018 to 2021. For experts, the trend has various causes.
The increase in deaths also concerns the President of the State Medical Association of Saxony, Erik Bodendieck. He explains this trend by the fact that people became more hesitant about visiting doctors during the pandemic years. "We pointed out early on that the patients should go to the check-ups. I can only give one example: colon cancer screening. The relevant professional societies pointed out very early on that colon cancer screening should still be carried out. And that patients have to take care of their own preventive care." The numbers would have to show whether more people died of colon cancer or other diseases that could have been detected earlier. But Bodendieck can report from his own experience as a doctor and from the hospitals in Saxony. "However, what we do have in terms of reports is that patients came for cancer treatment later and the tumor stages were in some cases significantly higher than we saw before the corona pandemic."
Puzzling excess mortality: Corona and demographics alone do not explain the high number of deaths
October 30, 2022
For months, more people have died than could be expected. Why that is is not easy to say. Corona is only part of the reason for this. Between January 2020 and August 2022, significantly more people than usual died in Bavaria. As the Bavarian State Office for Statistics announced on Thursday, the so-called excess mortality in the first Corona year, when there was no vaccine, was almost seven percent compared to the average for the years 2016 to 2019. In 2021, excess mortality shot up to ten percent despite the vaccine. In 2022, too, it will be around ten percent above the median.
According to Karin Tesching, head of the Competence Center for Demography, one third of the high number of deaths can be attributed to population growth and aging. However, demographics and Covid-19 cannot explain all of the excess mortality. Especially since, according to the statisticians, it should be taken into account that in the past two and a half years there have been at best short and mild flu outbreaks and thus fewer flu deaths and also fewer accident deaths. The number of deaths in November and December 2021 was around 3,500 more than the median of the previous years "From the cause of death statistics, we have around 2,000 deaths from Covid-19 per month for this period," said Tesching. For what other reasons so many people die cannot yet be answered on the basis of hard facts.
Undertakers have to store dead people in garages: - Enormous challenges
November 29, 2022
Lars Svanholm is general manager of Trondheim's largest funeral home, Svanholm & Vigdal Gravferd. He is the fourth generation of funeral consultant, but none of his predecessors has experienced a rise in line with the one he is experiencing now. Svanholm estimates that the funeral home handles 30 percent more dead people this year than last year - when the mortality rate in Norway was already unexpectedly high. - We have not had such an increase since the company started in 1922, says Svanholm to TV 2. The constantly high demand has had unusual consequences for Svanholm and the agency's 26 employees. - For us, it has created enormous challenges with everything from refrigerator capacity to access to ceremony rooms, so there has been some waiting time for relatives, says Svanholm. At times there has been such a high demand that they have had to use garages and other backup solutions such as cold rooms. This has previously only been common in acute crises. - We have a crisis preparedness if there are large numbers of deaths in a short time. In plane crashes and other major accidents, it is used, but now we have had to use it also with ordinary deaths, says Svanholm. According to Svanholm, survivors risk waiting 15-20 days between death and burial, because churches and other ceremony rooms are busy. - The grieving process can be characterized by the bereaved having to wait longer than normal. Some people are disappointed when they may have to wait an extra week to have a funeral, but they understand the problem, says Svanholm. Although there are busy days, he does not think the peak has been reached. - We are a little nervous about the upcoming flu season, and hope people understand that they may have to wait a little. When they are in the middle of a death, this is not the kind of message they want to receive.
Note how, in late October, this doctor used the spike in Norway’s excess deaths to argue for Norwegians getting “boosted,” and maybe also vaccinated for the flu:
More people fall ill and die. Doctor sounds the alarm
October 27, 2022
I am worried. We have already reached the number of patients that we had expected only in 2025, says Jørn Einar Rasmussen, head of the Norwegian Association for Acute and Outpatient Medicine. He is currently an emergency specialist at Drammen Hospital. Now he is experiencing a disturbing trend. “We often have more than 100 patients in a day. There are well-adult people with all sorts of ailments. We don't understand why,” says Rasmussen. Emergency specialist Jørn Einar Rasmussen is head of the Association for Emergency and Hospital Medicine. He has been in contact with several other emergency departments in the country. All report a mysterious increase in the number of patients. Few of them are sick with covid. “There are no diseases that stand out in particular. It is worrying,” says Rasmussen. Now the emergency specialist is calling out a warning to the health authorities. “We see that it is necessary to speak out about this trend. If this continues, it could put the hospitals in a pressured situation in the future. In December, the employees at the emergency departments in Helse Sør-Øst will gather for a meeting to survey the situation.”
At the same time, the death toll is also increasing. In Norway, an increased mortality rate of more than 10 percent has been recorded so far this year. “This is more than we had expected. The figures are partly inexplicable,” says demographer Anders Sønstebø at Statistics Norway. So far this year, 3,250 more deaths have been registered, compared to the same period in 2019. A large proportion of this increase is due to deaths as a result of the pandemic. The figures also show that the deaths largely occur among the oldest in the population. Nevertheless, the excess mortality is so high that it makes statisticians raise their eyebrows. “I think that we may have to adjust life expectancy for both sexes down in 2022,” says Sønstebø. In that case, it is the first time in 25 years. Life expectancy for men has risen steadily since 1997. And Norway is not in a special position. Figures from Eurostat, which is Europe's statistical agency, show that mortality has increased sharply in several countries.
“We are aware that admissions at the hospitals have been persistently high in recent months. We are concerned,” says Assistant Director of Health in the Directorate of Health, Espen Rostrup Nakstad. He fears that influenza, combined with a new corona wave this winter, could lead to increased pressure on the health service. "That is why it is important that people follow the advice to take a booster dose of the corona vaccine, or flu vaccine if they are in the risk groups".
Record number of deaths this year - Researcher: Corona explains most of the increase in mortality
October 27, 2022
More people died in Finland at the beginning of the year than during the entire history of measurement, i.e. since 1945. The figure appears from the preliminary population statistics published by Statistics Finland today.
Research professor Mika Gissler from the Institute of Health and Welfare estimates that most of the increase in mortality is explained by the corona epidemic....According to Gissler, the indirect effect is that the corona epidemic caused deaths that would have been avoided in other times. For example, he takes cancers. - I haven't been able to get or go to cancer screening because of the queues caused by the corona, Gissler describes. He reminds that the final causes of death will be known at the end of next year, when the statistics are completed. - However, I consider the effect of the corona to be probable, because we have not had any other events affecting mortality, he says.
Mortality has increased by about 10 percent. According to Gissler, three quarters of this can be explained by the effects of the corona epidemic. One quarter is explained by the fact that the population is older than before. Between January and September, around 46,000 people died in Finland, which is a good 4,000 more than in the same period a year earlier. The death rate increased to exceptional numbers, and the birth rate, on the other hand, was historically low in January–September. The least number of children were born during the entire measurement history starting from 1900. The total fertility rate for the last 12 months was 1.35, while in the calendar year 2021 it was 1.46. The total fertility rate is currently at the same level as in 2019, when it was a record low. The number tells how many children a person would give birth to in their lifetime if the birth rate remained at the level of the census year. According to September's preliminary statistics, more than 34,000 children were born between January and September, which is about 3,500 children less than last year.
Excess deaths SKYROCKET in Balearic Islands by 400% during 2022
20 November 2022
The Balearic Islands have experienced a huge increase in excess deaths so far this year, up by 398.6 per cent, compared to the first year of the pandemic and by 92.49 per cent compared to the second, MoMo confirmed. Joan Carles March, a specialist in Public Health and Preventive Medicine, said that in 2020 there were 288 more deaths than expected for all reasons, of which 28 were attributable to temperature. In 2021, 746 excess deaths were recorded for all causes, of which 60 can be attributed to heat or cold. In 2022, up to November alone, 1,436 more all-cause deaths have already been recorded, 72 of which are due to heat.
“Since 1 January 2020, MoMo has identified 2,469 more deaths in the Islands than expected from all causes and 161 deaths attributable to extreme heat or cold,” said March He also pointed out that “if we look at 2022 in detail, the months of August and July are the months with the highest excess of deaths from all causes: 228 and 216, respectively.”
March said that “more surprising and disturbing is the figure for 2021, where, according to the Carlos III Health Institute, there was an excess of deaths in Spain of almost 25,000 people, the origin of which is not detailed
“This figure grows in 2022, as according to Eurostat (another measurement system different from MoMo), Spain was – with 48,000 deaths – the European Union country with the highest excess mortality between March and June of this year, compared to the average for the same period in the previous four years.”
March noted that “there are some theories – very widespread in certain forums and which I do not believe – which suggest that the cause of the excess mortality is due to complications arising from mass vaccination against COVID-19.”
Sudden deaths: doctors ask to investigate cases without risk factors
November 5, 2022
Heart attacks, strokes or thromboembolism. There is a feeling among the medical community that sudden and unexpected deaths have increased. What is not a feeling is the excess of deaths in our country. INE data reflects an excess of 25,000 deaths in 2021, and the figure could reach 100,000 in 2022, according to experts. Many wonder what are the reasons for these figures and what is happening. Given this scenario, Dr. Lorenzo Armenteros, spokesman for the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG), explains the key points to Telecinco.
The doctor does believe that there has been an increase in premature deaths. However, he clarifies that it is necessary to differentiate between: "what is mortality in people under 50 years of age, which is remarkable - in the work we have seen that deaths of unknown origin without antecedents have increased that would make us suspect of this outcome-, and other types of deaths, which occur early and may be related to chronic pathologies, but not controlled. In this case, it may be covid, but the heat stress this summer or other causes". The first thing that must be made clear is that we must not be alarmist, although many experts believe that we must focus on this reality to analyze it in all its value. Because we are talking about strokes, heart attacks... like the new deaths in this century marked by stress, poor diet, pollution and work excesses. Yes, the environment of extreme tension in which we move, does not help our body. And the weather, neither [sic’.
The coronavirus, the pandemic that has surprised the world, can also be registered - without alarm - behind the sudden abnormal deaths, according to experts. It is still true that there are citizens who fear that having been infected with covid increases the risk of suffering from other diseases, and obviously, if this has not been mild, they are right. In principle, it is more feasible in the aftereffects of the first year of having overcome the acute phase of the disease. It is also unknown if they can occur in any patient and of any age. However, "we must not be alarmists", insists Dr. Armenteros, since "there is no evidence that can guarantee it". Experts call for further investigation. But however, to leave behind the conspiracy theories that little trust in science, vaccines have nothing to do with it, since "meticulous and precise studies have been carried out".
As these earlier pieces indicate, Israel—heavily “vaccinated” early on, through Netanyahu’s partnership with Pfizer—served as the canary in the coal mine (or would have, if the consequences of such national injection were spotlighted rather than suppressed):
Red alert: Excess deaths surging in vaxxed-to-the-max Israel…
August 29, 2022
What could this be?

Israel: Why Is All-Cause Mortality Increasing?
March 21, 2021 (with updates)
By early March, Israel had vaccinated about 90% of its 65+ population and about 50% of its entire population. Covid deaths had been decreasing since the end of January, as expected, although not any faster than in some other countries with a very low vaccination rate, such as South Africa.
Concerningly, however, Israel has seen a renewed and continued increase in all-cause mortality since mid-February; in fact, by March 21, Israel reported the highest excess mortality of all countries participating in Euromomo. In contrast, many other European countries currently report a post winter wave negative excess mortality.
The cause behind this renewed increase in Israeli all-cause mortality appears to be unclear. According to Israeli newspaper YNet, the director of an Israeli clinic explained that they are currently seeing “a murky wave of heart attacks”. The director believes that this might be due to the “persistent stressful situation” and the “neglect of preventive medical care”.
Although quite a few cases of post-vaccination heart muscle inflammation, heart failure and heart attacks have been reported in Israel since December (see e.g. 1, 2, 3), the hospital director argues that “a connection to heart damage from the vaccine has not yet been proven to be significant.”
Nevertheless, given the paramount global importance of this question, Israeli and international public health authorities may want to answer it as quickly as possible.
Update, April 28
The latest data provided by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (updated on April 28 with data until April 4) confirms a substantial increase in deaths since late February. On April 26, Israel announced an investigation into cases of heart inflammation after covid vaccinations. In the US, too, there have been several reports of post-vaccination heart inflammation and heart attacks in young adults.

Update, June 12
Israeli authorities have confirmed that mRNA vaccines may cause heart inflammation and heart attacks, especially in young people (in whom it is more difficult to ignore). Since February, Israeli deaths in 20 to 29 year olds have also been markedly increased (see figure below). In the US, too, all-cause mortality has markedly increased in most age groups in the wake of vaccinations.

BREAKING: Secret Australian Government Reports prove COVID Vaccination has caused a shocking 5162% increase in Excess Deaths compared to the year 2020
January 27, 2023
Australia suffered 11,068 excess deaths in 2021 and then a shocking 22,730 excess deaths by week 38 of 2022. This is in stark contrast to 2020, when only 1,306 excess deaths were recorded during the alleged height of the Covid pandemic and prior to the rollout of the Covid injections.
And while excess mortality has spiked throughout the world these past two years, the birth rate has declined no less dramatically:
Nine Months Post-COVID mRNA “Vaccine” Rollout, Substantial Birth Rate Drops in 13 European Countries, England/Wales, Australia, and Taiwan.
January 16, 2023
Robert W. Chandler, MD, completed extensive research to write the article below. Some of the highlights of this important piece include:
Nine months following the rollout of the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines,” substantial birth rate drops were seen in 13 of 19 European countries, England and Wales (one entity based on how data is published), Australia, and Taiwan.
The decline in births in Switzerland was the largest in 150 years – more than during two World Wars, the Great Depression, and the advent of widely available birth control.
There was an 8.3% drop in the birth rate in Germany through three quarters of 2022.
England and Wales had a 12% birth rate drop through June 2022, which is when their government stopped publishing data related to this.
Taiwan reported an alarming birth rate drop, but its data are incomplete.
Australian birth rates fell 21% from October to November 2021, followed by a 63% decrease from November to December 2021.
On August 25, 2022, the Swiss Hagemann group published a statement regarding the decline of live births in Europe: “My analysis puts the monthly birth figures in relation to the average of the last three years. In advance it should be noted that every single examined European country shows a monthly decline in birth rates of up to more than 10% compared to the last three years. I can be shown that this very alarming signal cannot be explained by infections with Covid-19. However, one can establish a clear temporal correlation to Covid vaccinations incidence in the age group of men and women between 18 and 49 years. Therefore, in-depth statistical and medical analyses have to be demanded.” [https://www.initiative-corona.info/fileadmin/dokumente/Geburtenrueckgang-Europe-EN.pdf]
I’m churning out the unvaccinated homeschooled kids out as fast as I can
Silent global holocaust. The Nazis were amateurs compared to their globalist descendants.