I’m churning out the unvaccinated homeschooled kids out as fast as I can

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We did eleven, with now eleven grandkids being homeschooled. All unvaxxed. Top that! 😂😂😂

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I can’t! Amazing!

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Thanks. You know I'm teasing and I'm happy for you as well. Keep it up!

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I was going say...if you can wield that powerful of influence for good we all need to know more about you.

We homechooled 3 kids. They are all jabbed...all wanna be marxists, one a transgender and one married to a transgender. You can protect them for so long...and so we should...but the forces of influence wielded by the world are mighty, and on every street corner. I can barely find an evangelical christian who is not jabbed. But then, I live in chinada...so communism is what appeals to the mindless, and as far as I am concerned...the christians are the worst because they need to know better than to follow luciferians.

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I was teasing about the "top that" part. We really did homeschool eleven. I have twenty grandkids and nobody is vaxxed. I'm no one special, just extremely blessed.

I'm sorry to hear about your kids. No one but parents can know the pain a wayward child causes.

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I'll talk to the wife but I doubt your record is in any danger of being broken LOL.

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You'd have to be crazy. 🤪

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Feb 7, 2023
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I'm from a small family, just me and my sister, but my wife is also from a family of eleven. The first time I went to meet her parents for dinner, I walked into the dining room and there was a huge table with about twenty place settings. I asked, "Are you expecting company?" She laughed and said, "No, just you."

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Feb 7, 2023
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Just the way it worked out. We had 9 boys and 2 girls and so did my wife's family. Her and her sister were 12 years apart and my two girls are 12 years apart. I have two kids with the same birth date. Some things are just coincidence.

I remember the days of biking and walking, playing baseball and football in the street, being gone from sun up to sun down. MUCH simpler world.

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My son is 22 and we homeschooled when no one even knew it was an option. Also unvaxed and never been to a doctor. Eating well at home and less stress does wonders. No school bullies and pressure to conform and be someone you are not. And he does not do social media, hooray!

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Silent global holocaust. The Nazis were amateurs compared to their globalist descendants.

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Only possible with the complete cooperation of big tech and the MSM. The corruption is global and blatant. They know they can do whatever they want with no accountability. They lie to our faces and chuckle.

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This is the most amazing compilation I think I have ever seen.

Or am likely to ever see.

God bless you and all your team Mark.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Agree. Awesome work and effort. Forever grateful.

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Amen to that. Many thanks Mark.

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Amen. Thank you, Mark and team. Shared on Instagram and Linkedin.

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And yet, even with all of this, I can’t yet convince loved ones to STOP. I shared the dangers of cumulative injections w my bff of 50 years and her response was ‘so I should just kill myself now?’, and I later was told she got the next booster. I have promised to never mention it again, but I did my best. It’s out of my hands and into theirs. They are deeply motivated to NOT see this. Which I actually understand, but dread all the same. God help them and us who must witness and survive to right this ship and warn all who will listen. 😔

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I have decided it's best to not say a word and just let them die. There is no convincing these brainwashed robots. It's like a cult.

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In the US there is currently a sustained mass death event underway which is unprecedented in the country's history during “peace time” except during the Spanish Flu (it wasn’t the flu) event of 1918.

Here are some yearly US all-cause mortality figures to consider:

2015= -2,072 excess;

2016= -17,489 excess;

2017= +17,687 excess;

2018= +7,452 excess;

2019= -15,694 excess;

2017 had the highest number of all-cause excess of the listed baseline 5 year period at around 17,000. There are 10 weeks in 2021 that exceed the yearly total for 2017.

Now moving on to 2020 and 2021 and 2022:

United States reported 3,353,804 deaths, for the 52 weeks of year 2020 (all years of age). Expected deaths were 2,910,693. That is an increase of +443,111 deaths (+15.2%).

United States reported 3,457,523 deaths for the 52 weeks of year 2021 (all years of age). Expected deaths were 2,937,434. That is an increase of +520,089 deaths (+17.7%).

United States reported 3,247,883 deaths for the 52 weeks of year 2022 (all years of age). Expected deaths were 2,979,305. That is an increase of deaths (NaN%).

Year to date, United States reported 196,754 deaths for the 3 weeks of year 2023 (all years of age). Expected deaths were 195,786. That is an increase of +968 deaths (+0.5%).

From 2015 to 2019 not once was there a week of 5 digit mortality excess. In 2020/2021 combined there have been 50 such examples.

Every single week in 2020/2021 the US had a + rate of mortality excess off the baseline except the first 9 weeks of 2020. Weeks 10 and 11 of 2020 had negligible increase. Not until around Weeks 12-14 do we begin to see significant excess and only in specific locales.

The corresponding increase in excess corresponds with the March 11, 2020 WHO “pandemic” declaration. Leading into that declaration there was nothing notable that would have caused one concern based on direct observational experience.

Once the increase gets rolling we see 104 straight weeks of excess all-cause mortality in 2020/2021/2022 (temporarily interrupted in Weeks 12-16 of 2022)- the first 10 weeks of 2022 saw extremely high all-cause excess. Nothing like this has ever occurred in the country's history, not even close, other than times of cataclysmic events such as WW2.

Since Week 16 of 2022 the + excess has kicked in again every week up to Week 28 the last week of up to date data.

I'm compiling this mainly from:


I have the weekly data which is too long to post in a comment. Also working on age stratification data relating to all-cause.

One of the striking observations, (which is not new to those examining this for the past few years) which has been mentioned before, is the timing of when the significant excess kicked in, the locations (was it widespread e.g.?) and who was it that was dying en masse during that time called "the first wave.".

The answer to the above is that the timing, as mentioned, was right when the "pandemic" was announced- Week 11 of 2020. There was not only nothing leading into this that would alert one to a coming health crisis (other than your TV and media channels) but there was in fact negative "excess" all-cause mortality every single week leading into that announcement.

Who was it that was dying during the time of the initial "excess?" It was, as you know, the fragile elderly, the poor, the disabled who were already on the precipice of dying and many were living in institutional settings. What this would mean for the general public among other things is that they would not have been witness to any of this. And of course nowhere in the media did we get the question of "Who?" or "Where were they dying?"

And where exactly in the country was this happening? If this was a pandemic it would be widespread by definition. It was not. Even as this pandemic "was raging" in March/April 2020 it was not happening in 36 of the 50 states. How is this possible given we were told this was a "novel" virus to which we had no built in immunity as well as being the most transmissible, deadliest virus known.

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Thanks so much for this.

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a question i've been pondering since last friday.

why last friday?

the jobs report came out. the number of jobs added vastly exceeded expectations. yet all we read about in the news are tech companies and large manufacturers laying off thousands and tens of thousands of employees.

are the numbers faked? probably the most likely explanation, but it's not really helpful since it immediately sent interest rates higher as the high jobs number is expected to push inflation higher.

are these large companies merely claiming to lay off employees? that doesn't make any sense.

are there layoffs but other areas hiring because so many working age people are dying?

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Everything is fake. This is the new normal. The so-called "market" is a Ponzi built on unlimited fiat clicked into existence. We work for money. They print the money.

Corporate slavery.

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Great data mining mate. Well done. Please keep it up and don't lose heart.

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I also read somewhere that the area in Italy where there was supposed to be a huge spike in covid deaths was after a bad batch of flu vaccines. I think we need to look at the connection with flu vaccines as well over the years.

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Wasn't 2017 when they pushed the flu vaccine on everyone especially the elderly?I know also health care workers had to have flu vaccine in Australia.

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can you explain what 'expected' deaths are and how they're calculated please?

thank you


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And now we are at the REAL beginning.😐😭. This time next year we will see the true cost of the "pandemic". I've mentioned 50% in the past, for the highly developed countries. I think that will be about correct, only if we are lucky, and find out that the government lied about shot uptake numbers.

The whole universe will weep for what has happened.

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget

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Yes, painful and heartbreaking, hard to understand and grasp, that so many of all the stacked educational accomplishments? really have no intellectual curiosity, no humility, “No, didn’t know that! Please send that to me.” …..Life long friendships, what are those? These days. A friend I’ve known since my early 20s long gone. Cant disagree on ordinary things, don’t stay around for salad and iced tea. It is amazing. At least, “I always admired your wisdom and perception,” but oh no, think I will not listen to you this time. One can say, “Oh well, go head on your own, don’t let me get in your way.” Always love Katie, irreverent, smart and courageous, tells truth to hearing ears. Be prepared for empty homes on your block, for lonely children whose parents insisted on the magic shot and who left orphans behind. Fogged brains, ballooned egos, drained wisdom and no patience, I actually know friends who are proud they don’t waste time reading! What a shame. I read cereal boxes ;-). I read bad signs! Read, you might learn something to save your life So very sad

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Who is going to care for all the Children and Animals of the jabbed?

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If Dr Sherri Tenpenny recently pronounced that she believes that there will be a 15-20% die off of the vaccinated, you can believe that there will be neighborhoods, school buses, classrooms and playgrounds full of children with no parents, one or both. How does one’s brain grasp? What does the word grasp mean, in something so world wide? And heavens, the elite folks, the globalists, are already having a great time with the trafficking of children, little human beings, who can know no baseball, music lessons, birthday parties—just mysterious and cruel men, and I suppose cruel women…..Yuk, Yuk and Yuk. Imagine if you can, several children under 12, one a new baby alone in a house, unable to understand why Mom and Daddy don’t answer their calls. That’s one for you, Something should happen to these wicked folks at sunrise, or even sooner.

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They likely jabbed their children and pets too. Do you not realize the whole “vaccine “ industry is a scam? Houses will be empty because whole families will be gone. 😩

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I worry, too, about pets. Children will likely be cared for but cats and dogs have no rights. We all need to prepare for taking in extra pets.

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especially ones with sharp teeth

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that's what the repurposed FEMA camps are for. and for us too.

many of us who weren't planning on being parents yet, or thought we were done with parenting, have another thing coming

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Feb 6, 2023
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I’m still exercising, eating well and taking vitamins. I’m thinking about my flower garden this Spring. That’s despite sensing time may be shorter than I want.

If TPTB think we’re outnumbered and giving up, they’re wrong. We each have something ahead of us to do.

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Feb 6, 2023
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Catherine I’ve thought about this as well.

In early January my sister and I had a friend pass expectedly at home ALONE. Not found for a couple days. He was 65

He had a small Chihuahua type dog. The dog was ok.

I asked if little sunny was taken in. I was two states away but was willing to come back to adopt her. He loved her so so much.

She was taken in.

He didn’t really have any family (one brother)

Still no word on what they’ve said was cause of death.......

But we know he did do all 💉 and Boosts

So that had me thinking of the pets and all the parentless kids. Completely breaks my heart.

Now as 2023 gets started it seems weekly calls/conversations come in with upsetting news:

-My daughters best childhood friend had her father collapse while out walking and died (age 49)

-Same Daughter her hubby’s close friend (39)

Just had a sudden heart attack and died on way to hospital

-last week I Spent time with a couple I’ve known. Hadn’t seen them in a year. Both said 2022 was a “challenge”.

Her, sudden heart pain & inflammation rushed in and two stents put in and on 5 meds now. Walking is tough and she winds easily. No history of heart issues.

Her hubby diagnosed with cancer

Both mid 60’s

They did share they have kept up with all their C jabs and boosts.

-another sister rushed in with ❤️ pain. Many scans later doctor stumped said take some aspirin.


-Second daughter in hospital with rash under arm which turned into infection/MRSA. Can’t figure out what it was or what happened

I am the only unjabbed in a family of 6 siblings

2 adult kids jabbed as well

Saying prayers for family every night

And their pets 🙏🏽

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Well I’ve only read 1/4 of the article and I can tell your a FAR-RIGHT FASCIST now...like me! Congrats!

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Lol now I see you’ve admitted it. Good job!

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"rethink the issue of abortion—not, certainly, to let the state dictate to women what they may or may not do with their own bodies",

Hate to burst your bubble Mark, but outlawing abortion has nothing to with dictating to women what they can do with their bodies and everything to do with preserving the life - the SEPARATE life- developing in their womb.

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My "bubble" has to do with urging those who don't agree with you to start rethinking their position. Certainly you may feel free to ask them to attend your church, where you can call them murderers. Let us know how that goes.

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I inferred your comment to mean you want them to rethink for demographic reasons, as if killing a child is equivalent to using birth control. Did I misread your reasoning?

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Agreed, seeing I was once in my Mother’s womb, with my own separate body and unique DNA.

Weird, I guess to some, but even though she (and her Doctor) had the physical power to kill me, they still didn’t have the moral right to takes what’s mine.

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Well said Bridget.

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You know that not all here share your opinion. Some of us see abortion as an unfortunate occurrence, to be avoided if possible, but don't want to punish those who choose to undergo or assist with it.

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I would argue that accidents are unfortunate occurrences. Putting a hole in the skull of a fetus and sucking out her brains is not an occurrence, it is premeditated murder.

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So is war.

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i still cant get over the fact that trump refuses to RECANT on the vaccines

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Sort of like bragging about being the captain of the Titanic AFTER hitting the iceberg LOL

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Good analogy. A hard guy to figure out. Has a foot in either camp.

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In the 90's I was distantly involved in one of his casino projects. We were told then what crap he and ivana were. Any lie to better themselves. He hasn't changed.

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Twas always visible to the naked eye

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He played (and is playing) his part, just like all the rest. Here’s a question for the ages: if the medical system is based on lies, what about all of the other systems given to us? #idonotconsent #donotcomply

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You’re wrong to narrow your “we” to the left, or some fragment of it. I’m sure I’m not the only reader from the right (at least as these terms used to be defined) that joins your fight on these issues. And you’re very wrong to equate vax mandates with laws making abortion illegal. The better analogy is between laws prohibiting abortion and those prohibiting murder— both protect the innocent. And you aren’t going to get anywhere on rethinking abortion if you can’t be honest with yourself that abortion always results in the death of an innocent life.

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Sure. But putting it as you have is not likely to persuade the stauncher pro-choice types. On the contrary. If you just want to get their backs up, put the issue in those terms. But if you want them to begin rethinking things, you'll do better not to thus indulge yourself.

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Liberalism gave us abortion and the LGBTQ movement as an inevitable consequence of the quest for individual “rights.” Surely you were surprised, as was Dr. Wolf, at the collapse and capitulation of the left in the face of the perceived Covid threat. But individual liberty only gets you so far. When a crisis strikes that is beyond our personal control, we turn somewhere, and those whose project has been the rejection of God’s laws have no other option than to place their trust in man (the state), from which they sought all their “rights” & now seek salvation. Liberalism leads to the culture of death. The contrast between the left/liberals and those who believe in God is obvious:


Don’t shut your eyes to it just as a pro-vaxxer ignores the evidence against the vax.

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What is the better approach, Mark? What is the thing that will wake people up to the reality that this isn’t merely Pfizer or WHO or WEF vs. free people but the kingdom of Christ vs. the kingdom of Satan?

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Well said.

After all, the bigger issue here is protecting innocent humans from those more powerful, isn’t it?

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What if the planet was in the midst of an enormous holocaust but did not know it? I tell ya' it takes some real talent to be this deaf, dumb and blind. Lulled to sleep by psychopathic kleptocrats advertising plans so stupid and ideology so pathological it would seem difficult to pass over intelligent 2 year olds. Makes Nazi Germany look almost tame by comparison. This time the horrors are well hidden. They have gotten away with it.

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Prof. Miller, you know that, according to Catherine Austin-Fitts, the pension funds have been stolen. (Max Keiser also says this - a standard Wall Street practice). Now the 1% are killing two dupes with one booster!

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Austin-Fitts is great on the missing money. There is a great deal to the economics of this fascist experiment in international corporatocracy.

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You can rest assured that the excess Canadian deaths as listed by Health Canada (that itself is an oxymoron) are lies and damned lies. The real total will be much much higher. With Teresa Tam in charge, there is no way on this earth that total is correct. To record a vaccine injury (not even a death) in this cold hell, the report has to be reviewed by four different bodies before even making it to the register:

- the patient's doctor.

- The local municipal health board

- The provincial health board of whatever province it happened in

- The federal PH Canada.

Each of these can scrub the record, to lower the numbers. You can imagine how far past the gatekeepers a sudden death will get. And no post-mortems are ever done. A close friend didn't wake up one morning - passed in his sleep. Hadn't been attending a doctor, was in reasonable health so a PM should have been done. Nada.

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I suspect...being a Canadian living in Canada...and listening closely to those around me...you could decimate a third of the population, and very few would be suspicious.

Canadians...right left and center still think CBC is an honest broker.

Almost every so called christian...and most right wingers get their news and values from television. It matters zero what channel you watch....they are all CBC inflicted.

This country will not recover. The people here trust their televisions and are total zombies....95% would be my closest guess.

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We're far from humans going extinct, but if the "normies" and the "woke" keep playing into the cabal we will be. Of course, if the cabal were vanished today, the damage is largely done to the masses, but as a species, the damage would be recoverable. So far, were on a very slow path to snap the sheeple out of it and the cabal keeps preparing/unloading new volleys. There will definitely be a queiter Earth in the coming years no matter when we succeed.

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it's democide for sure. check out the following substacks that are showing how it has been done.



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