"Excess deaths" have skyrocketed in the US, Canada, Brazil, Uruguay, UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Norway, Finland, Spain, Israel & Australia, as even the "free press" has (blindly) shown
This substack is one of the only ones I still read, along with Dead Man Talking (a UK stack). I have **also** returned to reading Sage Hana's Newsletter - - it's been refreshing compared to the constant chest-beating of Malone and company.
same - Mark does such heavy lifting for us. Sometimes very hard to read. My top 2 are NFU and Coffee & Covid - Childers is brilliant. These 2 stacks compliment each other.
SK has made a nice "cottage" (somewhere in the foothills of Palo Alto) industry out of this debacle. So have many others. "The Resolution will be Monetized" or so they say...
I think this is very unfair. While Steve may not be doing the exact strategies you think might be best, he is doing a lot of very effective work. So far as I am aware he is NOT MAKING ANY MONEY (read these caps as italics, since that seems to be the best we can do in these comments) from what he is doing. I think the ideas here are good ones, and those who have them should try to persuade Steve and others to pursue them. But even if they are not the exact strategies you would favor, I would submit that Steve is consistently pursuing innovative strategies. He started the Vaccine Safety Research Council, which puts out great stuff including many quality interviews done by Steve. Watch "Until Proven Otherwise," the VSRF short video in which McCullough and Malhotra say that sudden heart related deaths are caused by vaccine adverse effects "until proven otherwise". It is short and well made and is a useful tool to reach people. His debate challenges make a very powerful point; I feel they are an excellent outreach tool. For those who will respond to data and logic, Steve writes very effective articles. I have sent them out to people with confidence that they will have some impact on some people (and in the long-term, may have impact on even those who appear to not be affected). Steve also after much effort managed to hold a forum on vaccines at MIT. He has also exposed in a legally persuasive way that the head of some national vaccine safety committee refuses to look at the Israel evidence. He has also done a major share of work to expose hypocrisy and lawbreaking at the FAA regarding pilot readiness.
I do like the ideas expressed here. Most of them can be accomplished without Steve's help; you can work on them, for example; postering or stickering is not an expensive realm to get involved. While I agree that money spent by Steve could help them along, the fact that Steve has not yet paid for these particular strategies is a very questionable basis to sneer at his voluminous and effective efforts.
I love Sage Hana's questions; it is a favorite substack of mine, and I have found your comments there often incisive and humorous, but I strongly disagree with your unfounded critique of Steve's efforts here; "cottage industry" implies monetary gain! Your criticism echoes the hit pieces in NY times on Mercola and on Sayer Ji. I say it is not helpful at all and in fact is hurtful to the efforts of all people working on these issues. But you are welcome to your opinion and thank you for sharing it as part of the discussion.
Perhaps the post disturbing report is from Jon Rappoport's podcast on vaccines permitted in the food supply. Did you know the FDA permits vaccine use for "organic" meat? And Big Pharma is already gearing up for widespread dissemination of mRNA nanotechnology "vaccines" which even organic farmers might consider using to fend off governmental threats to kill their livestock to protect from "infection." https://jonrappoport.substack.com/p/new-podcast-organic-meat-and-vaccines?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
" Make no mistake, we are currently being assailed by a worldwide fraud of such scale and malevolence that it threatens our very existence as we know it on this planet "
I just read a commentary on Revelation 13, about the second beast. That one has always puzzled me and this commentator said that it is propaganda and mass deception "he deceives those who dwell on the earth.......". The second beast supports the first beast (all anti-Christian world governments and states) so this does seem to make sense of the prophecy.
Brenda Weltner on Youtube. Her deep dive through the Book of Revelation really helped me make sense of it all. She has just done a a talk on Daniels Phrophecy and its relationship to Revelation, be worth starting there. But be warned, there is a lot of material to get through, and she does not follow some of the usual interpretations.
Grandchild on the way... i think. Hmm what are the chances of success? Nobody here will hold their breath in anticipation. Those jabs dealt prospective parents a bad hand indeed.
It was clear at the start that a long period of missed diagnosis and missed preventive care, plus sustained panic and fear and sleep deprivation and imprisonment and strangulation, would kill plenty of chronic cancer and heart patients.
It's certainly not a surprise to the governments who planned and implemented it. Mission accomplished. Greta ordered them to KILL GRANNY and they did.
This substack is one of the only ones I still read, along with Dead Man Talking (a UK stack). I have **also** returned to reading Sage Hana's Newsletter - - it's been refreshing compared to the constant chest-beating of Malone and company.
I got really sick of reading Malone's drivel. He's nothing but an opportunist.
You know- I think that just might make him a "droolist"...
same - Mark does such heavy lifting for us. Sometimes very hard to read. My top 2 are NFU and Coffee & Covid - Childers is brilliant. These 2 stacks compliment each other.
after reading the takedown of 'sage hanna' by crawford i can't read him- sage.
hairy chest-beating (with 'smallish' hands)...
Canadian truckers have a good method …
Gotta love those truckers!!
SK has made a nice "cottage" (somewhere in the foothills of Palo Alto) industry out of this debacle. So have many others. "The Resolution will be Monetized" or so they say...
I think this is very unfair. While Steve may not be doing the exact strategies you think might be best, he is doing a lot of very effective work. So far as I am aware he is NOT MAKING ANY MONEY (read these caps as italics, since that seems to be the best we can do in these comments) from what he is doing. I think the ideas here are good ones, and those who have them should try to persuade Steve and others to pursue them. But even if they are not the exact strategies you would favor, I would submit that Steve is consistently pursuing innovative strategies. He started the Vaccine Safety Research Council, which puts out great stuff including many quality interviews done by Steve. Watch "Until Proven Otherwise," the VSRF short video in which McCullough and Malhotra say that sudden heart related deaths are caused by vaccine adverse effects "until proven otherwise". It is short and well made and is a useful tool to reach people. His debate challenges make a very powerful point; I feel they are an excellent outreach tool. For those who will respond to data and logic, Steve writes very effective articles. I have sent them out to people with confidence that they will have some impact on some people (and in the long-term, may have impact on even those who appear to not be affected). Steve also after much effort managed to hold a forum on vaccines at MIT. He has also exposed in a legally persuasive way that the head of some national vaccine safety committee refuses to look at the Israel evidence. He has also done a major share of work to expose hypocrisy and lawbreaking at the FAA regarding pilot readiness.
I do like the ideas expressed here. Most of them can be accomplished without Steve's help; you can work on them, for example; postering or stickering is not an expensive realm to get involved. While I agree that money spent by Steve could help them along, the fact that Steve has not yet paid for these particular strategies is a very questionable basis to sneer at his voluminous and effective efforts.
I love Sage Hana's questions; it is a favorite substack of mine, and I have found your comments there often incisive and humorous, but I strongly disagree with your unfounded critique of Steve's efforts here; "cottage industry" implies monetary gain! Your criticism echoes the hit pieces in NY times on Mercola and on Sayer Ji. I say it is not helpful at all and in fact is hurtful to the efforts of all people working on these issues. But you are welcome to your opinion and thank you for sharing it as part of the discussion.
my comments are -more often than not, glib- as such, they want for nuance.
(I do suffer from intermittent bouts of Pavlovian-Tabloidism Syndrome- there is no treatment for it apparently, except for unplugging entirely)
I appreciate your views on Steve's work.
Perhaps the post disturbing report is from Jon Rappoport's podcast on vaccines permitted in the food supply. Did you know the FDA permits vaccine use for "organic" meat? And Big Pharma is already gearing up for widespread dissemination of mRNA nanotechnology "vaccines" which even organic farmers might consider using to fend off governmental threats to kill their livestock to protect from "infection." https://jonrappoport.substack.com/p/new-podcast-organic-meat-and-vaccines?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
New Substack release. “Country” stands up to Medical Tyranny. Watch Turfseer’s “They Tried to Kill Country (But Country Fought Back).” https://turfseer.substack.com/p/they-tried-to-kill-country-but-country
BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook
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I just listened to that, terrifying, total madness .
talk to your farmer ( as opposed to your doctor)-
and if you don't know your farmer...
Fortunately I am one of my farmers!
Awsome compilation. This Mrna showing up everywhere is very disturbing. We can't trust anything anymore.
Evil only succeeds when good men do nothing…. 💪
or good only succeeds- when the evil men are locked down...
" Make no mistake, we are currently being assailed by a worldwide fraud of such scale and malevolence that it threatens our very existence as we know it on this planet "
I just read a commentary on Revelation 13, about the second beast. That one has always puzzled me and this commentator said that it is propaganda and mass deception "he deceives those who dwell on the earth.......". The second beast supports the first beast (all anti-Christian world governments and states) so this does seem to make sense of the prophecy.
Brenda Weltner on Youtube. Her deep dive through the Book of Revelation really helped me make sense of it all. She has just done a a talk on Daniels Phrophecy and its relationship to Revelation, be worth starting there. But be warned, there is a lot of material to get through, and she does not follow some of the usual interpretations.
Grandchild on the way... i think. Hmm what are the chances of success? Nobody here will hold their breath in anticipation. Those jabs dealt prospective parents a bad hand indeed.
That headline for your stack Professor Miller, couldnt have been said any better.
Well done sir. All of your Stack and the keeping count.
Well done sir.
Indeed, Indeed and Indeed. And one can be sure in every other place the bio-weapon shots have deployed. W/o exception.
Oh. How true!
It was clear at the start that a long period of missed diagnosis and missed preventive care, plus sustained panic and fear and sleep deprivation and imprisonment and strangulation, would kill plenty of chronic cancer and heart patients.
It's certainly not a surprise to the governments who planned and implemented it. Mission accomplished. Greta ordered them to KILL GRANNY and they did.
Great Work.
Based on comments its safe to say there’s a segment of humans who can read but choose to remain blind victims of death, disability and tyranny.
That's assuming such entities ARE humans, and not bots.
I need to up my skepticism these days.
Worst bot lobby yet
a very embarrassing lack of understanding of 'expected' deaths https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/my-final-stab-at-excess-deaths-before
Mark - Possibly another one, cause unknown.
The "Never again is now" video series on Children's Health Defense TV (https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/never-again-is-now-global/Never-Again-Is-Now-Global-Part-4/) is spot-on with your concerns, Mark. It's long but compelling. I'm been watching while doing the dishes, exercising, etc.