Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

I hope you can regain your health and make an appropriate living, Professor Miller. Your work is essential to the righting of this world.

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Mr. Mark Crispin Miller,

First, thank you for this piece!

Second, thank you for grandfathering the paid subscribers in for life.

Third: I’m going to make a one time donation today at https://markcrispinmiller.com/support/

FOURTH: I’m writing to say… you did stand-up comedy in a two-man show in NYTheater Worshop? I just found a notice about it: https://www.nytw.org/show/patriot-act/

WOULD YOU CONSIDER, if possible, UPLOADING the show and then CHARGING the audience to watch it?

AND/OR… perhaps you have an online course ALREADY MADE about propaganda that we can pay to take?

Meanwhile, as always, thank you for your work.


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Thank you so much. I'll see about Patriot Act. As for a propaganda course online, NYU will not allow it (nor will they let me teach it even at the university itself). Perhaps I could do a related course w/ a different title. We'll see.

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Of the online class: Same Material, New Title. Ta Da. You got yourself a class to sell.

They do this in the universities ALLLLLLLL the time: take an old book, change a few lines in the thing, add a new preface of a paragraph or two, then call it a new version; then, the profs tell the students they have to have the updated version. Ta Da. New Book.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

You gave an online course with Rob Williams a couple of years ago. I would pay to take another course with you.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Courses online are a good idea. You could organize this on Zoom. No need to make it a propaganda course. You could do a survey of media literacy literature. Or perhaps you could get your own channel on YouTube, and monetize it, which means ads, sadly. Don;t know how comfortable you would be with that. But austerity is distorting everything, and you do need a source of income.

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I hope to continue paying until such time as 'they' stop my access to my money with their dystopian plans.

Re passing on the information in the 'sudden deaths' reports, I passed on this week's UK list, at the time, to a handful of Guardian 'journalists' that I periodically harrass by email (Polly Toynbee, sarcasm-queen Marina Hyde, Gaby Hinsliff, Jim Waterson and the editor, Katharine Viner). I first started emailing them when Hyde and Waterson both did hit pieces on Naomi Wolf and Hinsliff did one on Andrew Bridgen (putting his photo beside one of Andrew Tate for greater effect). Toynbee was added to my list after an article full of egregious climate hysteria. The Guardian, like the BBC, the MHRA (our medicines 'regulator' and Imperial College (lair of Neil Ferguson and the execrable Prof. Robin Shattock) takes money from Gates.

I had already added a note to this week's list of sudden deaths an item I found on Twitter about a flight in the Middle East which was diverted because of the sudden death of the pilot mid-flight. I suggested they might want to think about that every time they take off or land - likewise the fact that the FAA expanded the acceptable range of ECGs for their pilots, since so many of them would otherwise be failing their medicals. So, obviously, your email about the other pilot mishaps was well timed, as they've now got that as well. I hope it makes them at least a little nervous, especially Polly T. when she swans off to her holiday home in Tuscany.

Probably they don't read emails, but I sometimes think they might if they've been sent to a number of them and are copied to the editor. But who knows? I only do it in the forlorn hope that one of them might grow a conscience and 'turn'. Hope springs eternal.

Really looking forward to the podcasts.

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God bless you for thus harassing them. You've impelled me to post more about the crashes, since, thanks to you, those compilations are getting to those scribes.

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You're welcome. I don't email them too often as I don't want them to block me (or to have me done for some harrassment offence), but I'll certainly pass on any Substacks about pilot mishaps. If we can't get to their consciences, perhaps we can attack their nerves! Anyway, I've told them two or three times who you are and what you're doing.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

I am always willing to pay for great minds who uncover the diabolical lies. You can count on me.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

I wish you the very best, Mark, and certainly hope your health improves dramatically in the next year. I hope your campaign to gain more financial support is an overwhelming success. Thank you for all your efforts thus far.

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I totally understand, Mark. It’s just that the economy being what it is and the fact that I’m on a fixed income, I simply cannot afford to subscribe to everyone I love. I have about 4 paid subscriptions and that is all I can muster unless we win the lottery… lol. Best wishes to you in getting more paid subscribers. You do deserve it. Love, mel

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I know. I'm acutely aware of how broke people are. But thank you for the praise.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Hi Mel, I'm in a similar situation: my career was crushed by the lockdowns, and now we're fighting to simply pay rent. However, I'm beginning to acknowledge that paying for these courageous leaders is *the most* important and effective use of $50. We can't bring a spoon to a gun fight; in our corrupt world, money fights fire with fire.

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I would agree and if I could afford every single SS writer I love, there would be tens of them.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

You have my support! Thank you so much for all your amazing work! 🤗

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

I have one paid subscription, which is discounted and I am cancelling it next month. What you haven't spoken about is the fact that, in America, Thea mount charged or rent and insurance is completely divorced from real income. We have no money for food, let alone Substack subscriptions, and the one I pay currently is more often than not cancelled. Substack's model of paying 5 dollars to 20 guys instead of getting one newspaper in the morning with 20 writers will not survive. If you are serious abbot making a living with Substack, then you could speak to 20 other writers, and turn your site into an information hub for $5. This is what Matt Taibbi has been doing gradually, -offering more, offering the writing of others, making his site a small ecosystem- and it's unavoidably the only way writer will eventually survive as America's inflation worsens. Most of the middle class, or what used to be he middle class cannot pay critical bills at the end of the month such as internet, food, gas. These are survival bills. So. it pains me to say I am sorry, but there is no possibility of my adding $60 a year --the cost of 4 books- to read you.

I wish you luck

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I understand, believe me.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

I remember you from the 80's, I think, when you came to interview at UCI in Southern California, where I did my BA. I so wanted you to teach there, even if only for a semester. I first saw you talk in a Bill Moyers PBS special called, if I remember correctly, Image in America. Neil Postman and Stuart Ewen were also interviewed. I showed this program to virtually every person I know. I was so impressed by you. Media literacy was even more important than anyone thought then, and trumped by an huge amount of time spent reading French theory and the work of American scholars who we doing theory the same way. So much time wasted. Most of us remember only the names of these authors, and barely that.

Also, I understand you live with Lyme's, as I do. I'm almost totally handicapped now, so I really sympathize with your situation. I really hope you can get enough subscribers. I don't think the Substack bonanza will outlast the changes Bricks will usher in, but I wish you luck in the meantime.

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How could I not subscribe to your essays.

If you were offering your opinions in the subway and passing the hat, I would miss appointments to stop and listen.

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You're very kind to say so.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

God bless you, Mark. Thanks for all you have done. May God deliver you from whatever health issues you are struggling with, and may you continue to bless us with your keen insights.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Ok, I an in. Keep up good work and your post I look forward to. Hope you get back to work at NYU they NEED you badly the smart ones will WANT you.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Mark, your voice in the world is essential. Keep on speaking and writing the truth. The money will surely follow.

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

For many, the potency of one's truth-telling is inversely proportional to your income. What is rewarded in today's world is deceit and compromise. I hope this changes

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I sure do too.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Thank you for the detailed explanation for your decision to put some of your materials behind a paywall. You certainly deserve an income for your efforts, which have been valuable and will continue to be. My personal reaction is as follows. Covid has spawned a new cottage industry, namely the numerous shows, blogs, websites, and fairs that address the decaying conditions of the current world and the frightening changes that are coming, due to the voluntary lethargy, apathy, and blindness of people. But there are very many of you in this industry. All of you need to be paid and many of you sell products on your websites. Others request donations, but the problem is that followers cannot subscribe to and follow all of you, either financially or time-wise. I used to follow Dr. Mercola faithfully and buy his products, but when he began the paywall I pared down both in reading and in buying. I believe that people are getting tired of the torrents of bad news, and the expense of following them. A daily vaxx-related obituary is interesting to a point, but not productive in tangible change. We are looking for active revolutionaries with actionable plans for the better. So there will probably be a shake out, in which the few, most successful will continue to reap donations, while others will wither away into oblivion. Until recently I supported ICAN with a monthly contribution, until Del and Siri failed to insist on a complete ban (rather than moderation) of mandates. Until now he has been a forerunner with tangible results. I wonder if he is getting a bit comfortable. I wish you success in your decision and will continue to monitor your free communications. We are all fighting for liberty, justice, God and country and need to subsist, but the subsistence may need to come from other sources.

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Dr Mercola was a good source of medical information, but he suddenly changed in 2020. I followed him for 10 years before and I absolutely think he is now compromised.

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Why? I dont agree at all. Please give examples...

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

thank you for keeping the vaxx' posts free. After all, I am one of the posting members. And for the rest, I hope you will have patience, because being on a limited income like you are, I have a limited budget for Substackers. I think I have about 15 or so subscriptions right now and only take on a new one when an old one expires.

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Yer doin' good work all'round Mark an' if I could afford a "paid" one I'd do it! We're still mostly unemployed since our move outta new yawk fer non-complyin' an' juggle with "which" utility gits paid on a monthly basis, so regrettably no-can-do any paid subs, but I'll keep on "sendin' suddenlies" when I can an' also I'm addin' some good wishes fer yer improved health (fellow warrior against the nasty Lyme bioweapon here as ya know).

May ya git lots more subscribers ta keep the good work aloft! (ps re the ongoin' death toll ....just this week found out a'nuther neighbor of ours got the big C--some fast-attackin' multi-syllable version sounds like methuselah... an' yup, he got jabbed...not even that old... it's like "nuclear fallout," keeps spreadin' like it)

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lyme bioweapons ... who knew we'd been selected for the trial run of the bioweapon gizmos! sigh. so over it.

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"Bitten" by Kris Newby gives us all a peek inta Plum Island--yes, we were "trial run" guinea pigs an' some've us have the dang gift that keeps on givin'.... (we pay taxes fer this?!)

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when I heard about that book, I was simultaneously mortified, angry, relieved (my suspicions true) and knew I didn't need to read it ... 'cause I've LIVED it. Who got my informed consent AT 11 YRS OLD ffs??!!! ugh. these f-ing assholes ...

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Jun 28Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

I get it, dude. Money isn't everything, but in this world it's right up there with oxygen. Your work is greatly appreciated.

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