Mark, I am wracking my brain trying to remember a performer dying on stage or anything close BC (before covid)....I remember all those of my youth who died at 27 from drug overdoses (Janis Joplin, Hendrix, etc)...but on stage of a heart attack? I am pulling a total Blank.

I am so wondering what my true believer sister would tell herself if she watched this.....how she would wave it away (I don't know any of these performers, people die every day, yada yada yada they were old, etc., probably had drugs inside them, blah blah blah)...

The more I read your list of the dead, the more I realize this is some pretty profound propoganda they have deployed....and it has been very successful.....None of my acquaintances would care or would associate it with the jabs...... We are living in the Upside Down world, aren't we?

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A lot of people I know think the whole thing is behind them. We keep going to lots of funerals of our suddenly dead friends though. Imagine that. (I attend on Zoom, if that. Not being around spike shedding terawatt producing, zombie, blue pill swallowing morons.)

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I attend worship service at my church by going downstairs to the basement level while everyone else is upstairs. I enter via the back door and staircase. I watch the service on the TV screen by myself and sing along with the songs, too. Not fun but there’s so many there who’re continually boosting themselves, I have no other choice.

Having almost died of deep vein blood clots while young makes you adamant about protecting yourself no matter how uncomfortable it feels or what anyone else may think.

Oh, if only they’d think. But I guess the information we have is only to be found if you really want to find it. We diligently seek Truth, and that’s why we’re here reading this astonishing substack series, along with many similar ones devoted to the same topic. We’ve all tried reasoning with people in our lives who’ve more often than not shut down all discussion about the ClotShots. At this point, I’m of the opinion a lot of people are decidedly Truth averse. I’m Spike Protein adverse and will use my God given intelligence to try to dodge it and stick around this life as long as I can.

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So when they opened up in person meetings again I stayed on Zoom. A couple of months later they then stopped recommending the wearing of masks at in-person meetings and they called to talk to me again to see if I would come back. I told them that it wasn't the masks that I was really concerned about. That is just unscientific and completely disproven to be any sort of help and actually it causes harm. I just wouldn't wear one it's not mandated just strongly recommended. I told them the reason I'm staying away is because it hasn't been disproven yet whether or not you are still producing Spike protein and shedding it all over the place. I am the single earner in my household and cannot be having cardiac or other vax-caused problems as I will not be a consumer of the medical industrial complex and I don't have any other recourse. So until the excess deaths of all cause mortality start to fall and until our fellow brothers and sisters stop dropping dead all around us I'm just to going to stay on Zoom if you please

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In My Religion because it is 100% Bible based as much as any human religion could be it is also an excellent model of reality. Answering the questions of why we are here where we are going who is God and what is his purpose for us all of that.

So if one has a model of that one would think they would be able to predict Human Society. For instance one of Jesus apostles John was inspired to say that the entire world is lying in the power of the wicked one. And that really is a principle statement which is really described in all of the rest of the books. Whether it be religious organizations or governments or Commerce they have all been under the control of Satan. Not that everything they do is 100% destructive of course.

But my understanding of the Bible through my own study of it and by the teachings of my religion was enough for me to question everything coming out of vast organizations of religions governments and commerce.

Ever since I learned this decades ago I really looked into everything about health because the incentive to give somebody health that is sustainable and largely independent is just not there. That actually harms Commerce and it is fiscally irresponsible in a way from a legal standpoint. So even just looking at it from that angle I never trusted anything from the medical industrial complex.

So to have my fellow brothers and sisters buy it hook line and sinker I was a little bit ready for it because they were already consumers but they went above and beyond in drinking the Kool-Aid.

I have to say I was a bit surprised

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Yeah, I get it. You know human nature and yet you still hope those around you are like minded enough to be able to discern what you’re able to discern.

Perhaps it comes down to the variable of previous life experience. Maybe there’s something in each of our backgrounds, something hard and maybe even brutal, that’s opened our eyes in a way that others simply cannot know. I sensed the Evil right when this horrific chapter of human history started in January 2020 as I watched the reports of a mysterious virus in China.

As it unfolded I realized the mass panic and confusion was built into the storyline. Instead of being confused, I got angry.

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Holy Spirit. Guides you in the Truth.

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for me it was a growth experience learning about God.

Biblically and doctrinally I have the understanding that what is going on with Humanity on Earth has been a series of tragedies and tyrannies and that God has allowed these things to happen to demonstrate that Humanity does not have the right nor the capability for self-governance which is what Adam and Eve wanted when they rejected God's rules.

I was long under the assumption that the difference between those who would attempt to know God and be friends with him and respect and study the Bible would be a much wider Gap.

But the entire organization was of the same mind as the rest of the world in quoting government websites and following and believing in the narrative. How God could allow that stumped me for a little bit until I realized that his will was still being done. The primary work Jesus gave to his followers was to continue preaching about God's Kingdom and what it would do for Humanity, teaching anyone who would inquire after the first message, and baptizing those who would apply enough to bring their lives into a dedicated relationship with God.

That work never stopped and the focus continued to be on it.

Also the majority of the organization remains and will remain according to promise. But the deeper that I looked the more I realized there was no promise that if we did not apply Bible principles we would be any more protected than anyone else when it comes to mundane matters not directly related to God's stated purpose.

Then I have the lightning strike understanding that all of the groups in the Bible whether it be Abraham Isaac or Jacob's family whether it be Noah or the other pre flood people or the nation of Israel or the Christians after they all had issues and it was only when they stopped obeying the core purpose that God finally got rid of them or punished them to the point where they woke up and started to do his will again. But in reality a lot of the time they had strayed in many other areas that seemed as if God was condoning things like abuse of women and such. In reality he was simply not correcting matters at that time.

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I'm not so worried about shedding, having continuously and at first inadvertently been doing spike and graphene oxide detox measures as part of my regular health regimen. Imagine how many times the level the multi-jabbed are carrying, and a majority are still not visibly ill. For now.

But I can only but wonder where this is heading. The cascade of such incidents is accelerating. What will it be like in a year's time? 2 years? 5 years? I highly doubt the world of 10 years from now will be anything like what we know. And we, the informed critical thinkers, may be in the majority. Maybe that's the actual end game, and we are the chosen (or should I say self-selecting?) ones.

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Provided we never need a blood transfusion, are unconscious in the hospital and injected without consent, become intimate with the jabbed, avoid animal and other food products some think will (if not are already) be heavily dosed with mRNA toxins, etc., that is.

Yes, our critical thinking has helped us escape this first phase. But, as they say, the show must go on. No one launches a War Against Humanity without mapping out a long term strategy on multiple fronts. I’ve accepted the conclusion our lives are but a vapor (James 4:14) and know I have no real control over much at all. On the plus side, I’m having fantastic success with time restricted eating. The weight literally falls right off and so does the hunger. If I have to die before my time, let me at least be svelte and let my clothes hang loosely.

I’ll take the small victories of life wherever I can get them. The Psychopaths may be able to kill my body but cannot kill my soul or my sense of humor.

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Excellent point of view/spirit! ❤️

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In WA Australia..."Vaccines may also be administered opportunistically while patients are undergoing sedation for unrelated procedures. ":

Procedural sedation guidelines There are no best practice guidelines currently available specifically for vaccination under sedation. There is one small retrospective study demonstrating that vaccination under sedation is an effective technique for a subset of paediatric patients.1 ATAGI recommends that clinicians refer to the operational policies and guidelines of their local health service or facility regarding administration of vaccines under sedation. The choice of sedative agent(s) and degree of sedation (light vs deep) should be determined by the treating clinician, taking into account the patient’s medical history, available resources, including a disability liaison officer service if available, and local procedural sedation guidelines. Vaccines may also be administered opportunistically while patients are undergoing sedation for unrelated procedures. Vaccination under sedation may not be available for all ages in all states and territories. ATAGI recommends that state and territory health departments and specialist immunisation services be consulted to review the available services in their jurisdiction and ensure that sedation for vaccination is accessible for patients who require it.


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What are you doing? I need tips as I have heart pain induced by second Pfizer shot I got coerced bro taking last summer. I haven’t had any boosters.

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Check out the FLCCC protocol. You may want to book an online appointment with them or Dr. Syed Haider in Austin.

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Intermittent fasting, and routinely taking some supplements and herbs that reportedly help, such as high maintenance amounts of vitamin C. Here's a link to a page that references some such protocols.


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Only one I can think of is the guy from Morphine dying mid act. And the Joy Division lead singer having a seizure onstage that the crown thought was an act. Before that...uh...Moliere?

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Ian Curtis had seizures, including that time on stage. They contributed to his embarrassment and shame, which in turn contributed to his suicide.

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Or whatever contributed to the seizures. Maybe his childhood jabs? I had been in a suicidal state, and found it was due to cerebral inflammation caused by food allergies... to which my childhood jabs may have greatly contributed.

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There were some that were obviously due to drugs. Keith Moon of The Who at the infamous Cow Palace gig in the early 70s comes to mind. But these recent ones were evidently not.

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Oct 25, 2022Edited
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Wow you remembered all of it..including the johnson legend. I have the creeps now ...it is all too diabolical isnt it?

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Thank you for continually blasting out the (sad) truth! Wishing you continued health and strength to keep up the good fight.

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Watching segments of "The Real Fauci" being posted by Sage Hana. Finally got to "see" you.

Well done Mark.

Thanks for updating this stack daily.

I'm in Canada. I see and hear stories every day. "Sudden." "Untimely". "Tragic". "Shocking". "Heartbreaking."

I saw something recently that beggars belief. Think I posted it here in comments, unsure whether you saw it.

It's my opinion that both mother and child are dead due to mother being injected during pregnancy.


This businessman, died suddenly at the age of 59 while mountain biking with friends: The date of his "Celebration of Life" has yet to be announced...


I could go on and on but that's your job.

Thanks for shining the light. ❤

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Oh God, I knew about the cyclist, but the mother and baby just brought tears to my eyes.

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Wow that mama and baby story!!! And so mysterious. No mention of any causes of death.

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I haven't been able to dislodge a single fact beyond what's printed.

Nor any data about the 59 year old local business man but I check the obits and news sources every day because I plan to attend his "Celebration of Life" and do some digging there.

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Oct 24, 2022
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Thanks. Will find.

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Actually, the government’s ‘New History of Death’ explains that ALL deaths occur because the deceased did not receive enough vaccines. JFK was infected by an early variant of Covid by Lee Harvey Oswald; anti vaxxers later rewrote history and said he was shot. Same with RFK and Sirhan Sirhan, Abraham Lincoln and John Wilkes Boothe, John Lennon and Mark Chapman, Julius Caesar and Brutus, even Christ and Pontius Pilate. All were anti-vaxxers who transmitted deadly variants of the corona virus, and were deservedly infected and killed. Had they simply shut up and gotten all the injections they were ordered to, they would still be around. Vaccinations actually confer immortality; you just have to receive thousands of them. So everyone quit complaining and get AT LEAST 10 vaccines a day, everyday!

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In fact, just get the death jab in an IV drip and cart the bag around with you. Walk next to an open ditch so we can just throw dirt over you and be done with it.

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But if I have a vaccine IV drip, doesn't that make me immortal? What if there's not enough dirt? What if I come back as a vampire or a zombie and we are not done with it. I do worry about these things. :(

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Oct 24, 2022
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Was he a cat? Cats have 9 lives.

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Post Covid injection Deaths are multiplying but still they try to convince us they are "SAFE & EFFECTIVE". My arse! LIABILITY for Big Pharma would be sensible and reasonable for anyone receiving a dangerous injection (that does nothing for Covid - as far as I can see). Common Sense! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight tyranny!

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Keep fighting the good fight Mick.

Doing the same here in Turdeauville.

#TheMamaBearsAreComin'Justin 💔

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Major kudos and much love from the US, where in most places it is still much more bearable, at least if one isn't a nurse or in other targeted professions. I an only imagine the challenge y'alls are facing.

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Solidarity from across the pond in the US, Mick! We SHALL prevail.

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Thanks Frank! Mick from Hooe (UK).

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I remember when Bob Weir collapsed on stage, in 2013. It was a very big deal. Everyone freaked out. He was totally fine, but it was major drama...bandmates getting ripped in public for playing on when he fell.

It was memorable. It had a long news cycle.

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Right? Something that was so rare…now the new normal.

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no, never normal.

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Normalized though

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indeed, normalised describes the current chaos. however as soon as 'we' start believing it's normalised we're doomed. we should constantly push the fact that the situation is abnormal and has been abnormal since early 2020 and anyone denying that is unprofessional, unsympathetic and irresponsible.

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There was at least one time Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilots fell off stage or collapsed. But that was well-known drug problems.

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I think it’s like the athletes - even though they are performers - there is still a lot of adrenaline that is released while performing and then boom! Too much for the kinjured heart to handle just like all the athletes.

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Another comment pointed out the EMF levels at concerts, too. What with all that graphene oxide in their systems...

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In my town, recently a healthy 16 year old girl just died. She was very athletic… three team sports, dreams of the Olympics.

And her obituary read- she succumbed to an illness that baffled experts at X Hospital.

And it’s unlikely any of them questioned the vaccine as causation… but Gandhi knew all those years ago.

“Vaccination, instead of doing good, works considerable mischief by giving rise to many new diseases. Even its advocates cannot deny that, after its introduction, many new diseases have come into being.”

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Sad all of it

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We're not in Kansas anymore

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Nope. We're in 'where no man has been' territory.

And still, the Normbies (I combined Normies + Zombies) continue to 'trust the science' and TV dinner experts.

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As a meme I recently came across put it: "I don't know about the zombie apocalypse... but the idiot apocalypse is very real. And it's already here."

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It is getting to be more than upsetting...

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it is a requiem for humanity...

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That's what they want you to believe, it helps them to their goal.

But this isn't over by a long way. Most people on Earth have still not been assaulted with these bioweapons.

How can a few hundred oligarchs wreck local sovereignty worldwide? They can't.

They have not seen the tidal wave of resistance yet, but they are anticipating it. Their shock and awe will not by itself accomplish their goals. The easy part is over for them.

"Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always" --Gandhi

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There is help coming in the least of expected ways to assist us in ending these Crimes against Humanity and authentically liberating humanity from the tyrants.

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not saying anyone should give up-

but the sadness is tangible...

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The incredulity of so many is bad but giving up is worse.

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Their target goal was just over two-thirds of the global population, particularly those they consider to be useless. They will ultimately learn that they have implemented what will lead to their own demise.

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How do you not lie down and weep?

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truth is, I do... everyday-

and then I get up again.

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There is no desire to course correct or consider other options and views. There appears to be no humility in the 'expert' class as they will just keep doubling down until the car hits the wall.

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The willful blindness of the general population in the face of this is hard to bear. It's becoming more and more obvious that the tipping point will only be reached when excess deaths are irrefutable and (due to the lag between shots and death) we will witness the worst historical example of buyers remorse the world has ever seen.

I wish it were not so.

I watched this 1964 interview (audio only) of Hannah Arendt on Eichmann (Banality of Evil - most here will have read it) and was struck by a similar type of myopia which has dragged the public into willing participation. "Our Free Press" (as Mark often points out) have been instrumental in this - so crucial in fact - that this would not have worked at all without their evil complicity.


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I am thinking of the grown up version of children putting their fingers in their ears and chanting ""nah nah I can't HEAR you".

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That certainly sounds a lot like my father in his 70's and his whole side of the family. Sad but true that people can be so irresponsibly childish with their own lives. Then again, it is their life to begin with. We all get to choose.

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Thank you MCM for your continued fight and I thought you were excellent in the new movie , very informative.

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Has the movie been shut down ??

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Had to copy and paste the URL.

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Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has tested positive for COVID-19, the agency announced Saturday.

Walensky is up-to-date with her vaccinations and is experiencing mild symptoms, the CDC said in a statement. She is currently isolating at home and is expected to participate in meetings virtually.

The news of Walensky's positive test comes as health officials urge Americans to get updated boosters ahead of an expected winter surge of COVID-19 as the CDC monitors new variants.


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None of those satanists are jabbed with their own bioweapon. Let’s be clear, they know this injection is a death shot.

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as a parent of vaxx injured adult kids, Ill tell you, this is the best thing that could have happened. Heres why: Millions have been injured yearly just in the USA alone. Children and babies being permanently injured for life. Thousands DYING of "SIDS". We warned everyone for decades about vaccine dangers and deaths. Most people refused to believe us. Sadly it took this mass DOmocide to wake up the masses. They are waking up big time. Whereas they might have taken flu shots and all the other crap, they are now questioning EVERYTHING about vaccines. They WILL refuse. They will rise up. Watch what happens now the CDC approved this shit for the regular schedule. Its all crumbling. THANK GOD.

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Amen. 🙏🏻

God is revealing the truth …to the world

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I agree wholeheartedly. People are indeed waking up, and those who chose that hill to die on are beginning to, in accelerating numbers. I'm convinced that we will be a majority through a combination of awareness and attrition. But how long will it take? That is the question. In the mean time, we need to stick together and stick it out.

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Not to sound like the eternal pessimist, but I don´t see people waking up at all where I am(Cali). Many are still masked up and ready for their next jab.

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You're in the epicenter of the cult in the US. It's much better in most other areas of the US, including the "purple" state in which I currently live.

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Come for the music, stay for the stage collapse!

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He sucks. Also: an abuser.

Was a goof when he pumped gas in Port Moody as a "yout" too. ("Allegedly.")

So is Neil Young.

#BoycottThemAll 🚫

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Always interesting to find out when jerks end up being abusers. Hmm.

Neil Young. Lynyrd Skynyrd were right. Except it's not just a southern man who doesn't need him around. It's all men.

And Joni Mitchell too.

Get lost.

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Hit the rodeo.

Odd that she was once widely ridiculed for insisting she had a real disease, and was not a psych case... You know the one, right?:


Then? She had a stroke. The mysterious disease she was ridiculed for not having is no longer in the news these days, however she bought into all this bs?

Tough pill for me to swallow. But Ok. Gulp.

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I know. That she bought it is incomprehensible.

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Neil was always an asshole. Just ask hikers in the Sierra who accidently wandered onto a trail that crossed his property. This was back in the 80's when he was bleeding peanut butter for the common man and american farm folk.

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Yep, heard all the nasty man stories.

Poor dumb Daryl Hannah. And the child, if it lives...


PS: It's a spoof.

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What did he do to hikers?

Hikers. Sierra. Neill Young. Missing bodies.

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That is horrible. I really loved his music, and if he said that at a concert I was attending I would have to walk out in a stream of “eff you’s”. He was never a hero to me, but now he’s nothing.

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OK. Let's consider a sample space of all "performers." What fraction of their time is actually in front of a camera or on stage? Now scale up the 53 events to their whole days for those 3 months. How many are we talking about now? To the extent that the limited sample space is representative of society as a whole, scale that up to the total population. Now how many events are we talking about? What does it take to get people's attention?

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Oct 23, 2022
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There’s a 40% increase in working-age deaths according to an insurer. And excess , non-Covid deaths are up 15-17% in many mRNAtions. Articles blaming cold showers, potato chips, climate change. See Edward Dowd (ex-Blackrock guy)’s breakdown of the numbers.

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Oct 25, 2022
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They are aware of it, they just try to blame everything but the vaccine and they ignore the correlation with the vax rollout and mandates. There’s a video of an insurance company executive talking about it. Look up Edward Dowd, he got data from insurance actuaries.

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It's not meaningless. It's called sampling. You have to scale up the number to apply to the population at large.

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Performers might exert themselves physically, and be under hot lights more than the average, sedentary person, as well as to be under vax mandates. Like athletes. Athlete deaths are up 600%, so maybe performer deaths are something like that. Whereas general population excess non/Covid deaths are up around 15-17% in most mRNA countries, some are calling for an inquiry.

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Oct 25, 2022
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Have you ever heard of "Fermi Problems"? Estimates are useful to get ballpark results. This is not publishable research, but it is not "meaningless."

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