The aged rockers who have leapt aboard the "vaccine" cattle cars, and jeered those who hung back, were often very different people back before their hearts and minds were steeped in deadly propaganda
For what it's worth (Buffalo Springfield pun intended): "[A]ccording to the New England Genealogical Society, David Van Cortlandt Crosby is also a direct descendant of ‘Founding Fathers’ and Federalist Papers’ authors Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. ..."
I never knew!
"... one of Laurel Canyon’s most flamboyant residents, is a young man by the name of David Crosby, founding member of the seminal Laurel Canyon band the Byrds, as well as, of course, Crosby, Stills & Nash. Crosby is, not surprisingly, the son of an Annapolis graduate and WWII military intelligence officer, Major Floyd Delafield Crosby. ..."
"David Crosby is much more than just the son of Major Floyd Delafield Crosby. David Van Cortlandt Crosby, as it turns out, is a scion of the closely intertwined Van Cortlandt, Van Schuyler and Van Rensselaer families. ... Suffice it to say that the Crosby family tree includes a truly dizzying array of US senators and congressmen, state senators and assemblymen, governors, mayors, judges, Supreme Court justices, Revolutionary and Civil War generals, signers of the Declaration of Independence, and members of the Continental Congress. ..."
Eye-popping, article in link (above) explores the CIA/intelligence community's role in creating the 60s music counterculture from Laurel Canyon, CA ... Fascinating read about the military/intelligence careers of the fathers of so many musicians of the 60s era ... Crosby, Jim Morrison, Frank Zappa and Mrs. Zappa, James Taylor, John Philllips, the Mamas and Papas, James Taylor, Jackson Browne and many more are discussed. Good read.
Apologies all for the slightly lateral hop, but it would be remiss of me to omit a plug for David McGowan’s excellent book “Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon”, which lays out the Canyon scene rather well, and Crosby’s role in it. For those taking refuge in music as a break from rabbit-hole studies, I’m afraid Dave’s book clobbers a feed-lot full of sacred cows. I might once have taken it with a pinch of salt, but these days it seems pretty much par for the course.
David, sadly, died several years ago but (if I remember correctly) his daughter maintains a website that gathers many of his writings together.
And apologies for replying to myself, but Mr Kool Aid (to whose post I originally replied) links directly to Dave McGowan’s website in his post above. It’s worth a read!
Okay, have a good day, all, and thanks to Mark for all his efforts.
For a deeper dive, David McGowan's website has 22 links (!) to "The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation" [in parts numbered 1 to 22]:
It is ALL eye-opening. The premise of "Weird Scenes in the Canyon" — which baby boomers may well deny — is that the intelligence agencies created the hippie, counter-culture peace movement as a way to steer the gullible youth of the 1960s into non-violence in regards to the Vietnam War. [If you are interested in a different viewpoint, see Peter Gelderloos' "How Nonviolence Protects the State."]
In terms of David Crosby and most successful entertainers, there is the theory that they are/were allowed to make tons of money and have fame & fortune because they did the bidding of their owners, the parasite class (Iain Davis' term), a.k.a. the cabal, the predator class, the rulers, the "elites" (Nah! Reject the term: Elites!) If you stand up to the parasite class, they will terminate your "success."
Thanks. Yeah it is amazing to learn what their fathers were involved with, especially Jim Morrison's father and the Tonkin incident. I will look up Gelderloos. Thanks for the suggestion. You wrote, "If you stand up to the parasite class, they will terminate your 'success.' " I can agree with that viewpoint, you know, i see how celebs and entertainers are so very careful not to speakout unless it's to bolster a heavily pushed narrative like "everyone get your shot now" or "i stand with Ukraine" etc., etc. The celebs remind me of skittish squirrels in the park who startle easily and hide in the trees when approached. The celebs know that if they should say the wrong thing today, then they'll be washed up and spat out tomorrow by the controllers. Professional Hollywood fakers like the politicians ... only prettier and/or able to sing and a play a musical instrument. :D The more rabbit holes one explores, the less absurd this quote seems to me now:
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
"the intelligence agencies created the hippie, counter-culture peace movement as a way to steer the gullible youth of the 1960s into non-violence "
This is a distortion of McGowan's premise. He definitely did not write anything about the intel agencies steering youth towards non-violence. He contended that the counterculture weakened the anti-war movement and the Left in general, but he wrote nothing against non-violence.
Personally I do not how these people who in the sixties said “Don’t trust anyone over thirty” go to let’s follow our cult leader Fauci and his experimental poison. Were they just trend followers with no critical thinking?
There was a time when the likes of artists such as Crosby, McCartney, Lennon, and Marley provided meaningful social commentary. Rolling Stone was relevant reading and Saturday Night Live was creative and funny.
Those days are gone and the entire entertainment industry including professional sports is simply a tool of woke corporations and statists. Seeing how all of these artists seemingly went down the path of being useful idiots for Big Pharma and government, perhaps it was an illusion and we were all fooled from the beginning.
I occasionally wonder whether Zappa, Marley, Lennon, Strummer, Hunter S. Thompson and similar artists who I once revered would also be going the McCartney "be cool" spokesman for Pfizer route and pushing vaccines. I'm pretty confident they would.
Indeed. Thought rock-n-roll was supposed to be all about “rebellion”; somewhere along the way it got copted into compliance. Big names today can’t get in the subservience line fast enough.
Ironically, Pink Floyd nailed it here; realize they meant it to slam the right but they accidentally indicted the left. This is what the left demands: full compliance:
We need a DECIMATION. Like a Roman Legion, the top 10%, and just like Romans, we make Them do it to Themselves. Now I'd franchise THAT Revolution on television 📺
Heh. John Lydon took it. Rotten woulda told 'em ta f off! & Left & Right are a Construct invented by Jewish intellectuals for their Bankster Elite brethren. People like Soros & the Rothschilds et al funded Hitler AND Lenin. 😑
I will piss on that cage door hinge for eons (Kilgore was here).
AMD: People like Soros & the Rothschilds et al funded Hitler AND Lenin. 😑
Lots of others have funded those who were/are light years more evil than Hitler or Lenin ever were. The usa became self funding by stealing the wealth of most of the poor nations of the world.
Yes, it does what Empire does. I recently read a thesis on British India; it estimated that between 1820 & 1920 England stole +4 Trillion pounds (!!!) from India AND that over 150 MILLION people were starved to death by ENGLISH profiteers. Empire dies what Empire does.
I see all the comments about boomers selling out. They sold us out decades ago for their own gain. You wanted manufacturing jobs? Maybe a homogenous nation? Nope. Sold it all out for profits and the wonderful multiculturalism of non-assimilation. The brat boomers who were handed the world on a silver plater, who were entrusted with the spoils of a post WW2 world, let it all go for their own convenience.
Rubbish. I was born in 1960 in Australia. I knew NOTHING & nor did 99.9% of us Eloi's! If you think that your Grandparents knew any more than you, then you've been had, buster. In fact this whole boomer to millennial Divide & Conquer thing is a crock of steaming shit. There's the Zombies, right? The now Transhuman, dna altered by synth mrna Obedient Ones VERSUS The Truhumans, the purebloods. Most zombies will die or mestatize into we don't know 🤷 MEANWHILE The WEF Banjsters attempt a Pharaohonic Coup. I reckon more grownups (sorry - old people to you) believed the bs and died, got jabbed and await death.
I quote a Russian prison tattoo here: "Too fast to live/too young to die"😤
You’re Australian. You probably happily gave up your firearms after Port Arthur. You’ve had no significance to the world and are quickly becoming a Chinese territory. This isn’t directed to you
It ain't the Chinese government that twice overthrew aussie governments, that was the world's largest ever war criminal nation, the usa. Also the world's largest genocide[s] ever. Every usa prez since truman a war criminal. If Nuremberg were applied ex post facto, all would be war criminals back to washington.
The usa is soon to be done as the big Kahuna because it has always been based on amorality, war crimes, genocides, crimes against humanity, ... whereas China, Russia, India, ... all want to see a fair and honest multipolar world. And it is coming. All the usa will have left is their conceit. which is world "class".
usians murdering other usians because they have an idiotic idea of what their goofy 2nd amendment is about.
EVERYONE I don't care who you are or how old you are is subject to the decades of systematic programming and propaganda that exists in this work slave society. no one is exempt. Stop blaming and start claiming!
Do you think "the boomers" all got together and decided to move industry overseas? It was the 1%, the same damn struggle that was fought during the industrial revolution, Dutch East Trading era, etc.
Boomers suffered as much as anyone under these policies. Classifying "a generation" as the guilty party is an exercise both meaningless and fallacious.
We baby boomers did all the heavy lifting for you simpering Millennials. All the freedom and rights you take for granted today we fought for and won -- for YOU!
so get your face out of your fucking phone for 5 seconds and go find a baby boomer and shake their hand and give them a smile and a hug and thank them for what they did for you.
Then learn how to give eye contact and talk in complete sentences and have a conversation in person and learn how to enunciate and speak clearly with your full voice and drop the annoying high-pitched nasally Valley Girl twang you all seem to have.
Show some gratitude.
Activate your passion for truth, love, freedom and peace and then devote the rest of your life to fighting for it just like we did. Stop feeding the divide that you Millennials have created!
This is the 11th hour our country is in jeopardy and every DAY we are losing another piece of our freedom. THAT should scare the crap out of you. How are we going to take back our country? THAT should be your focus.
WAKE UP, Little Millennials.
Because if you don't, "A hard rains gonna fall." NOW IS YOUR TIME TO WAKE UP AND CARRY ON.
Yes. Thank you for abandoning tradition throughout the 60s in exchange for copious amounts of drugs, sex and allowing the Hart-Cellar act tear this nation apart. It’s wonderful how your grandchildren are now minorities in school?
Thank you sooooo much for abandoning to political process and stopped voting and holding politicians in check. We get it, you were too busy chasing materialism after your decade of hedonism.
Thank you so very much for offshoring all the jobs. We get it. You just needed a little more profit for your 401ks.
We really want to thank you for so generously letting government rob social security, something we pay into but will never see. Thanks again for everything boomer. Hope you had a great life
You know, I'd like to believe that but as you pointed out Johnny "Not Quite Rotten" Lydon went out and got the jabs. I'm convinced that very little of what passes for popular culture is authentic for the reasons Davy C and Dutchmn007 provided: there's a price to paid for a record deal and it's a casting couch in one form or another.
Dead men tell no tales 🤗 my current hero is Novax Djokovik. ✊️ He showed my Aussie gummint what phuckers they are. Kerry Chant must be trialed for iatrogenic genocide.
Ahh, you can't just sit here and presume to guess what Zappa, Lennon, Marley etc would have said. I submit that a number of artists - Clapton, Van Morrison, Roger Waters at least - have been unequivocal in their condemnation of the biological program. As for Macca, that was disappointing, but it only happened once. I'm ignoring it. I love the old guy and can't/don't wanna quit him. Watching Neil Young flip out, and Joni Mitchell/Stills & Nash jump on with him, was super weird. I even left a kind but implicating comment on Croz's twitter, laying out the case re: Rogan vs Pfizer. He didn't respond but I'm sure he saw it. He was quite active on Twitter, back in the good ol' days when he was alive.
"Ahh, you can't just sit here and presume to guess what Zappa, Lennon, Marley etc would have said."
Of course not. Yet, I have been truly shocked at how many artists that I respected went 'all in' on the narrative, some advocating vaccine apartheid for concert attendance. There are so few Van Morrisons out there who saw it for what it was and have been brave enough to stand by their convictions. I still have 128 GB of music on my iPod from many of these artists that I have no plan to delete so that's my personal struggle. Every time I hear my favorite U2 song One, I try to forget that Bono is an a-hole.
"As for Macca, that was disappointing, but it only happened once. I'm ignoring it. I love the old guy and can't/don't wanna quit him."
I'm a life-long Beatles fan and remain so such that I just bought 'Get Back' on Blue-Ray to watch all over again on our new 85" HDTV. That said, Macca has his OBE and pals around with royalty and Tony Blair so I see Sir Paul for what he now is.
As for the remainder of your comment, it's been crushing to see the degree to which the so-called 'elite' control every aspect of mass media, from the artists we discussed, to Hollywood, sports, and beyond. This has undoubtedly always been the case even before Edward Bernays' revelations in his book Propaganda from the late 1920s to which MCM wrote a great introduction in the 2004 edition.
Based upon a comment from Cindy Sheehan to one of MCM's articles, I was prompted to read David McGowan's book. Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon. McGowan's thesis is that the whole Laurel Canyon music scene (the aforementioned Crosby, along with Stills, Nash, Young, and beyond) was a psy-op. The book's a challenging read due to McGowan's unorthodox writing style but it's thought-provoking, especially to someone who is a fan of these artists.
Zappa started warning us in the '60s. and when the going got rough, he never folded. had he lived, I doubt he would have become just another drone.
"The illusion of freedom in America will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." Frank Zappa
Zappa never stopped being Zappa even after his peers became 'part of the problem.' I believe he would've been more like Roger Waters than Paul McCartney (who lost me in the early '70s when he seemed to become obsessed with the idea that 'communists' were going to take over and steal all his money).
But they all really never did "stand up to the man". It was a good gambit to sell records but the usa just got more and more war criminal, genocidal, deeply evil even blowing their own citizens to smithereens and really heard nuttin' from any of the old rockers.
Indeed. but the good news is, that LOVE is the most powerful force in the universe. Only Love ( and some wisely planned fierce intervention) is the only thing that can heal our world, and it can never be destroyed.
Yes that is absolutely correct! thank you for knowing this. I'm impressed! Most people think that the Bible says that "money is the root of all evil" but as you have so wisely pointed out, that's not what the Bible says,
" LOVE of money is the root of all evil". i've been saying this for years.
Money is currency - it's just a neutral substance that flows and it can be used for good.
In the book of Matthew it says "No man can serve two masters......
Ye cannot serve God and Mammon."
Mammon as you probably know, means "money". Soooo... you cannot serve God AND serve money.
I'm not a religious person although I was raised as a Christian but I do believe that God is Love.
So.. you cannot serve love AND serve money.
And what do we serve in this world?
(Jeopardy theme..🎶..) "'That's right, Bob...MONEY! The Almighty Dollar!"
( even though it says they're right there on the dollar bill
Is it any wonder we are completely fucked up?
But if we lived in Love based world where the money could be used for the highest good of all, well… That would be a beautiful thing and I hope one day we will get there when the Dark Side finally goes down. (With the help of a small valiant wise ragtag band of dedicated JEDIS!!) 🤩
LOVE is the greatest power in the universe. This is why Jesus told us to,
What was it about that, Homo Insanitis, that you did not understand?? 🤔🤔🤔
The Man gave them artists their success. NO one, I repeat, No one makes it BIG without help. Project Mockingbird, it's not just for Journalism. Producers were the handlers. Radio stations the outlet for the musical propaganda. No one got played unless the CIA needed their message out there in Public Land.
I used to think that the rock idols were cutting edge, but now have serious doubts about that. They were tools for a state to create generational division.
Even now some yahoos blame the boomers. Really I never blamed the adults but wanted changes. Maybe it was all cia induced which used teenage angst
Think back to all the gender bending stuff. Elton John, iggy pop, Rod Stewart, on and on with the long hair and make up. I look back and can see how my grandparents didn’t understand it all. The youth was forever captured by it all.
I agree with you. It boggles my mind too. Many of those 60's rebels have turned into government-worshipping Zombies. I don't understand how so-called "progressives" think that government control of one's body and mind is a good idea. Aren't they the ones that said, "my body, my choice"? It makes no sense to me. We must be living in the Twilight Zone.
Look up Laurel Canyon as mentioned by Rosalind above. Nothing is as we were taught to believe. All born of cia or dod parents and not all musically talented.
That was the ruminating thought while reading McGowan's work. Had zero clue of any of the backstory of their lives. Nothing is what it seems and I feel a bit played. Fortunately life has blasted the polyanna scales off my eyes, so when this crap started in '21, way too much hysteria and immediatley smelled a big fat rat. My operating system is listen to my gut, and go retro, question quthority, now more than ever.
I consider myself progressive - forward looking - totally against the toxic juice, actually against most of western medicine, capitalism and patriarchy. Don't throw all of us out with the bath water.
Hi Terry, I'm not sure progressive means the same thing to all people. Some self-proclaimed progressives I know are triple-jabbed ,worship Fauci, and think capitalism is evil. In my view, capitalism is the only system that protects our ability to engage in productive activities to live our lives. True capitalism is the voluntary interaction among free and rational people who consider both short term and long term consequences of their interactions. Unfortunately, not everyone is rational. To make a beneficial trade, you must receive a benefit and so must I. In other words, if I sell a faulty product and it injures you, then not only have I harmed you, I've harmed myself. That's stupidity not capitalism.
I agree. They got status and holding on to that and caring about that seems to make people less capable of holding dissenting views. views that would lead to them losing position.
I am a child of the 60’s, nerd Preppy of the 70s , now in shock watching all my Hippie anti war, anti government, granola crunching Mother Nature worshipping peers roll up their sleeves while looking down their noses at any vaccine doubters.. like me.
I remember when CSN supported Jimmy Carter. I think that was transition to finally becomng sheepies. Nash has condemned Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for "misappropriating" his "Come to Chicago song. Joni Mitchell and Neal Young are finks. Tragic.
We have to make a real distinction between the anti-war movement and the drug/hippy/yippee/rock culture which the markets not only loved but fully supported--and ceaselessly pushed. No one targeted and celebrated the "under-30" more than the Advertising Industry. In fact, they tried to out-hip and out-cool their own subjects.
Yes they were just self absorbed trendies who found themselves shoved to the head of the baby boomer wave. And probably by the CIA and other evil undoers of our culture and our fundamental decency our innocence. All designed by those placed to bring about the next wave of undoing of the decency of mankind. Lived it loathed it.
My husband is 72. In his small high school graduating class, he may be the only person who did not take the vax. He & I try to understand how our youthful friends who were so against The Man, seem to now be The Man.
It's a mystery to me as well RL. I'm a little younger than you but I've watched my oldest sister, 71, morph from the girl who followed the Black Panther trials to someone who (I kid you not) said she thought every person in the country should be PCR tested every single day. Married to a doctor and spent 30 years as a nurse, yet when I asked her to explain how the shots work could only say "they stimulate the immune system".
I think the ex-hippies believe there's no way their peers could have been corrupted the way those WWII-winning scoundrels before them had been. So they just go along. That's the only explanation I can come up with. Makes no sense to me, but it's all I got.
Married to a dr and a long time nurse, they’ve been indoctrinated into the mainstream 💩! I’ve seen it with many “friends” and family too. I’m older (78) and just don’t get what has happened to the majority of my generation. Nothing made any sense to me and just researching and going down rabbit holes was imperative. Had to know what was happening. I’m afraid now I know to much, if that’s possible! It took me many years to finally learn what happened to JFK, but I did, with a broken heart. And his brother, too, whom would have been a great leader. I believe there was always evil I didn’t see or imagine, but now it it so obvious I don’t know how so many can miss it!😢
You should check out my comment in the thread. I am about to turn 72 and I also mentioned the “man” in my farewell letter to David. I didn’t take the Jab either. They can all kiss my ass.
I got to hang out with David when I was still "cool" and was out their opposing Bush---when I also opposed Obama, I became anathema to CS and N (Never met the sellout Young) and all the other Hollywood libs. David Crosby has quite the ruling class pedigree, so he could afford to be counter-cultural. David "Van Cortland" Crosby: "The Van Cortlandt family was an influential political dynasty from the seventeenth-century Dutch origins of New York through its period as an English colony, then after it became a state, and into the nineteenth century. It rose to great prominence with the award of a Royal Charter to Van Cortlandt Manor, an 86,000-acre (35,000 ha) tract in today's Westchester County sprawling from the Hudson River to the Connecticut state line granted as a Patent to Stephanus Van Cortlandt in 1697 by King William III.
Among the Van Cortland family tree are members of the Philipse family, van Rensselaer family, Schuyler family, Livingston family, the de Peyster family, the Gage family, the Jay family (including John Jay, the Founding Father and first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court), and the Delanceys.
You remained cool, Cindy, because you saw Saint Barack for what he was (and is).
Your comment reminds me of David McGowan's book, Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon. If you believe McGowan, the whole music industry beginning with the sixties counterculture into the eighties new wave and punk scene was an intel psy-op.
McGowan points out how Jim Morrison came from a military family and, according to McGowan, Steven Stills may have been Special Forces in Vietnam. McGowan points out how Miles and Stewart Copeland's father happened to be one of the founders of the OSS.
The book's a difficult read because of McGowan's style but it does make you think.
I read your piece on the horror of long term care during COVID. The same happened in Canada. We privatized care homes and for years there were reports of horrific conditions which the government ignored year after year. In COVID the care deteriorated to the point elders were starved lay in feces and had no water. A scathing report was made after numerous deaths. It broke my heart to realize just how abusive our system is to all those elderly people who have lived long lives and have so much to offer the young especially. We are much poorer as a society by warehousing our elderly in care homes and apparently devaluing their lives based on how we treated them during COVID. But then again our society abused and devalued the young as well. It was a rude awakening to see how far we have fallen as a functioning society that cares about its people.
My hope is that as all atrocities of COVID come to light for more and more people there will be a reckoning. Other than something like that -no nothing will change-no one will be held accountable. Government is captured and in bed with the corporations they wheel and deal our money away with. They have been riding high on pots of gold a long time now.
I'm from the demographic rock music is/was aimed at, but a lot of it still sounds to me like a player piano in a mining boom town bar. No complicated rhythms, few beautiful melodies, no soul. Its easy to believe it was a psyop.
Cindy, for what it's worth (did I just inadvertently use a CSN song title?) , I didn't think you were cool back then, but I've totally flipped my opinion on your protests and wish I had paid more attention to you, rather than just nodding my head to the government propaganda.
we were with you the entire way Cindy. thanks for all you did and do. we discovered what a con both sides were. we saw through ocongo from the beginning. when someone comes out of nowhere there's an entity in the background.
Cindy - I followed you back in the day but lost track of you --- I am shocked and happy to find you are on our side! Just signed on to your soapbox newsletter right now!
Wonderful piece, as ever. Here's to having a "room temperature IQ" but being alive. The rock crop are in a lot of trouble, with some exceptions. May he Rest In Peace. (Whatever he died of.) I do agree the suddenness has a certain feel to it. Death when it is natural is slow. Unless it is a "heart attack." Right?
I don’t believe it is just the aging process that has transformed these people who mistrusted the Power when they were younger into absolute tools of that same Power. I am very interested in finding out how people who had reflexively mistrusted Monsanto, were transformed into utter totalitarians devoid of any skepticism of Big Pharma industrial complex. One way, or another, we have been profoundly modified.
Hmmm... as I age, have brothers that took the 💉.... they all have a fear of dying..... I just wonder if that went through their mind... and they gave in to the propaganda of the BIOWEAPON...... FOD( fear of death)... we all die, but I intent to die... Jab-less & “pure blood”....
Total narcissistic jerk, felt the world "needed" him to survive to help run things. He also wants all of the unvaxxed, which include me and my wife, in camps, so he is also a bit of a pyshcopath. These past 3 years have been a boon to people like him.
Blackmail. I bet that is one of the reason's Manson's beauties were giving it away at Dennis Wilson's house in the day. I'm sure there were other things. Maybe worse things. The rock stars have all sorts of weird shit that went on that we know about, but if we know about the mudshark, then god knows what else went on and very well could have been covertly witnessed? What kind of devil's deals did they take in the day to be who they are now?
Heck, I'm looking at those has beens Gore and Kerry at Davos. Was that their reward for walking away?
The old hippies were the most disappointing. In our neck of the woods, Wavy Gravy is pretty influential and beloved, and very good friends with Larry Brilliant, vaccine rapist and prophet of doom. The two have run a charity which is known for providing cataract surgery and other health services in poor countries. They are both considered saints.
Larry Brilliant is best known for his work on the UN smallpox campaign in India. On encountering a resistant village, where spiritual beliefs were frustrating the vaccinators, Brilliant and the others broke into the home of the leader, and forcibly injected both him and his wife. The village soon followed.
It's hard to have heroes anymore. Maybe it's for the best.
I’m probably around your age and although I wasn’t interested in David Crosby or Paul McCartney I was interested in David Oistrakh and George Solti I found your memories of these very 60’s figures VERY moving. I was a bemused outsider AND STILL AM 😂 but so interesting they became followers of government orders. I never had any intention of getting that shot I thought from the beginning it was ridiculous and a scam. What’s left of my family a brother and a sister very compliant don’t talk to me other “friends” have fallen by the wayside but I didn’t lose anything. I can’t believe SEVENTY PERCENT of Americans got at at least one useless AND potentially poison shot that no one had any idea what it contained.
Hi Bernard I just opened all my windows and shoveled the snow off my back deck to David Oistrakh blasting the Tchaikovsky VC with Philadelphia from YouTube reminding me no matter how horrible things are we’ll ALWAYS have David Oistrakh
So many bubbles burst since mid 2020. It’s a real pity that I now have a bit of trouble listening to the music I loved for so many years. Neil Young, Rod Stewart, Elton John among others.. have all turned out to be great disappointments for me. Although I have a newly found regard for Eric Clapton and Van Morrison I must say.
This is the planet of free will last time I checked. And what somebody else chooses to do is none of my business. What I choose that's my business and what my beliefs are that's my business . I knew in my gut from the get go early in 2020 that something was rotten in Denmark and I wasn't going anywhere near that jab and my intuition was born out. Then I tried to sound the alarm. and wake people up well that was a waste of time and energy. I lost my favourite cousin when he banished me from his life when he found out what side of the Jab I was on. that was devastating to me. I spent my whole life trying to wake people up -- but it doesn't work. it's better to just follow your your own path your own heart your own intuition and hopefully find other like hearted individuals to hang out with and so some good however. I have plenty of heroes today. RFK Jr is one of them. Larry Palevsky MD is another.
And many others who are speaking the truth in positions of leadership. God bless Clapton!!
you can give to and help to heal this world by sharing your passions and your gifts. by speaking out when your spirit moves you to do so.
What people choose to do is their business - every soul is on a journey millions will die and that will be their karmic lesson period breaks my heart to think about the fact that people I care about will also die because of this fucking jab and it really upsets me but I can't allow it to destroy my life.
I do my best to just be the best me that I can be. And send love to all.
The music is the music!! As they say in the 12 step rooms
" principles not personalities".
I love the music that I always loved and I always will and I don't let the other stuff get the my way of enjoyment! because the music is that important to me! The soundtrack to my life! (Also spoken as a singer songwriter musician) It was always all about the music.
Beautiful Powerful words! I just shake my head in total disbelief that bowing to the propaganda and the shots is so antithetical to everything we believed and spoke about in the 60s and beyond. Talk about the needle and the damage done.
MCM is correct that Covid could only have happened now. Many factors led to the perfect storm. Even when Fauci et al have tried this recently (H1N1, Zika), they couldn't pull it off due in part to outliers in the media. As Bret Weinstein pointed out on Joe Rogan's podcast, zero is a critical number because: "narrative control would not work if there was even one newspaper that was dedicated to the job of reporting the news. It wouldn't work if there was even one university that was dedicated to finding what the truth might be." Even as recently as the 2015 Disneyland Measles outbreak, mainstream liberal media such as Frontline & PBS News Hour were giving almost equal time to Barabar Loe Fisher, but that's all been stamped out by the Trusted News Initiative, Gates Foundation "journalism" grants, official "fact checking", and several other factors.
"You have to be room temperature IQ not to understand them"? Wowzers. Even people who have been studying mRNA their entire lives say we're only scratching the surface of understanding this technology and its implications. This is not so much a criticism of Crosby as an indivudual, but about the propaganda that is so powerful it tricks people into believing they can "understand" infinitely complex scientific ideas just by listening to some soundbites, or have a PhD-level grasp of a subject because Big Bird told them so. That's some messed up life-and-death brainwashing.
The Crosby clip about JFK was quite amazing, I was unaware he (or McCartney) stood up like this.
I see very little gloating about vaccine deaths, though I must admit, when I first saw the headline about a legendary rocker, I thought it was Neil Young (not Crosby) and was relieved. Not that I wish ill will on anyone, but I'm just sick of his (and Darryl Hannah's) bloviating, self-righteousness, hypocrisy, and virtue signaling.
I am not even sure what to really think about that?
Exactly the same thing would have...and certainly did happen in Germany in the 1930-40s.
A minority would have read the narrative correctly...and an even smaller group from within would have spoken up.
That vocal minority would have been considered a liabilty and an embaressment to regime supporters.
And after all was said and many of the regime supporters admitted they were wrong...and sought out those they branded as enemies...and asked forgiveness?
My guess....probably not many.
To me, we are well past the time-frame that has clearly defined the truth about the narrative we have all suffered under.
In other words...the modern 3rd Reich has been exposed...near fully.
There are no question as to the lies about covid...lockdowns...masks....mandates and the jab. There is no question this has all been a very elaborate scheme for control.
Yet...of all the friends and family I have personally lost...I am not aware of even one who has changed their mind...or approached me to suggest they were deceived. I am not sure even one of them believe they were deceived. These of whom I speak are all jabbed...and all narrative followers in varying degrees.
In one sense it appears their narrative is utterly collapsing around them. In a more personal sense...I have experienced no change of heart from anyone.
I wonder how many fragmented families and friendships were ever restored after 1945? I really wonder?
I may be wrong...but I think the question will be answered in the following months and years.
Thanks for that clip of Crosby speaking out on JFK as a young man. It's amazing what age does to some of us. Virtually all but one of the people I collaborated with closely in organized opposition to the U.S. counter-insurgency operations in Colombia 20 years ago - have all morphed into Ukraine flag waving shit-libs in their 60's and 70's. And of course - it goes without saying - they are all covid true believers.
Let's all ponder for a moment. Aged 65 and over we're the target for the vaXX. Regardless of health, whether perfect health or health issues. It was blanketed to those " seniors" , first.
So those in that age bracket die " normally", no one questions it.
And they put all over 65 in the same group. There’s a big difference between 85 and 65 but you wouldn’t know it from The Medical Complex. After I was forced on to Medicare last year, I started getting emails and calls from my insurer about setting up a home visit where they would do a safety check because “seniors have special concerns”. If I ever answered the phone I would have told them to buzz off. What a crock
I went to an integrative doctor, in what turned out to be a wasted visit. She recommended I make an appointment for a Welcome to Medicare visit. I did, and then cancelled it when I got info on what it covered. I prefer to not have the government involved in any aspect of my life, if at all possible.
She is connected with a conventional medical complex which explained a lot. For example, she recommend I mask in public since I’m not up to date on the hand. Nope. I only went there because the NO who was holistic and anti vax retired and I wanted to establish a new relationship. I live in a rural area and pickings are slim if you don’t want conventional medicine. Sigh. Now I’m my own doctor.
Me too. I'm sure you'll do better than any conventional doctor you might go to. As you know, all they want to do is write prescriptions. A great thing I learned after Covid started is that I can order my own bloods tests without having to go through a doctor.
A 77-year-old acquaintance did not appreciate some of my warnings about the heart & brain dangers of the vax earlier this month, and she replied, "This is complete bull! If this was true, I'd be dead!" The VERY NEXT DAY her friend posted that she had had a major stroke and a severe heart attack! They had to put her right into hospice because there was no coming back from that. Today, I saw the post saying she has received "her heavenly wings"! She probably didn't have to regret her words because I doubt she ever had a cogent thought again.
I haven't made my yearly "Wellness Exam appt" with my doctor because he tried to get me to take the vax the last time I saw him! He said, "I did it and I'm fine." Actually, it's weird I didn't get a text from his office reminding me to make the appt...maybe he's "gone"!
Yeah they tell you their own anecdotal evidence and then scream bloodly murder when you tell them of someone else's AE experience "that's only anecdotal evidence, I want real proof". Mere months later they have stage 4 cancer out of the blue and think it's coincidental.
As David Crosby announced from the stage: President Kennedy was killed by multiple shots.
I suspect the same of David Crosby, killed by multiple shots.
Tragic irony
For what it's worth (Buffalo Springfield pun intended): "[A]ccording to the New England Genealogical Society, David Van Cortlandt Crosby is also a direct descendant of ‘Founding Fathers’ and Federalist Papers’ authors Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. ..."
I never knew!
"... one of Laurel Canyon’s most flamboyant residents, is a young man by the name of David Crosby, founding member of the seminal Laurel Canyon band the Byrds, as well as, of course, Crosby, Stills & Nash. Crosby is, not surprisingly, the son of an Annapolis graduate and WWII military intelligence officer, Major Floyd Delafield Crosby. ..."
I never knew any of this either.
"David Crosby is much more than just the son of Major Floyd Delafield Crosby. David Van Cortlandt Crosby, as it turns out, is a scion of the closely intertwined Van Cortlandt, Van Schuyler and Van Rensselaer families. ... Suffice it to say that the Crosby family tree includes a truly dizzying array of US senators and congressmen, state senators and assemblymen, governors, mayors, judges, Supreme Court justices, Revolutionary and Civil War generals, signers of the Declaration of Independence, and members of the Continental Congress. ..."
Eye-popping, article in link (above) explores the CIA/intelligence community's role in creating the 60s music counterculture from Laurel Canyon, CA ... Fascinating read about the military/intelligence careers of the fathers of so many musicians of the 60s era ... Crosby, Jim Morrison, Frank Zappa and Mrs. Zappa, James Taylor, John Philllips, the Mamas and Papas, James Taylor, Jackson Browne and many more are discussed. Good read.
Apologies all for the slightly lateral hop, but it would be remiss of me to omit a plug for David McGowan’s excellent book “Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon”, which lays out the Canyon scene rather well, and Crosby’s role in it. For those taking refuge in music as a break from rabbit-hole studies, I’m afraid Dave’s book clobbers a feed-lot full of sacred cows. I might once have taken it with a pinch of salt, but these days it seems pretty much par for the course.
David, sadly, died several years ago but (if I remember correctly) his daughter maintains a website that gathers many of his writings together.
And apologies for replying to myself, but Mr Kool Aid (to whose post I originally replied) links directly to Dave McGowan’s website in his post above. It’s worth a read!
Okay, have a good day, all, and thanks to Mark for all his efforts.
For a deeper dive, David McGowan's website has 22 links (!) to "The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation" [in parts numbered 1 to 22]:
As Mr Oak alluded, David McGowan's eldest daughter Alissa now curates the website.
It is ALL eye-opening. The premise of "Weird Scenes in the Canyon" — which baby boomers may well deny — is that the intelligence agencies created the hippie, counter-culture peace movement as a way to steer the gullible youth of the 1960s into non-violence in regards to the Vietnam War. [If you are interested in a different viewpoint, see Peter Gelderloos' "How Nonviolence Protects the State."]
In terms of David Crosby and most successful entertainers, there is the theory that they are/were allowed to make tons of money and have fame & fortune because they did the bidding of their owners, the parasite class (Iain Davis' term), a.k.a. the cabal, the predator class, the rulers, the "elites" (Nah! Reject the term: Elites!) If you stand up to the parasite class, they will terminate your "success."
Thanks. Yeah it is amazing to learn what their fathers were involved with, especially Jim Morrison's father and the Tonkin incident. I will look up Gelderloos. Thanks for the suggestion. You wrote, "If you stand up to the parasite class, they will terminate your 'success.' " I can agree with that viewpoint, you know, i see how celebs and entertainers are so very careful not to speakout unless it's to bolster a heavily pushed narrative like "everyone get your shot now" or "i stand with Ukraine" etc., etc. The celebs remind me of skittish squirrels in the park who startle easily and hide in the trees when approached. The celebs know that if they should say the wrong thing today, then they'll be washed up and spat out tomorrow by the controllers. Professional Hollywood fakers like the politicians ... only prettier and/or able to sing and a play a musical instrument. :D The more rabbit holes one explores, the less absurd this quote seems to me now:
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
~ attributed to former CIA director William Casey
"the intelligence agencies created the hippie, counter-culture peace movement as a way to steer the gullible youth of the 1960s into non-violence "
This is a distortion of McGowan's premise. He definitely did not write anything about the intel agencies steering youth towards non-violence. He contended that the counterculture weakened the anti-war movement and the Left in general, but he wrote nothing against non-violence.
Yes, I was about to say...
Wow. Yeah. Sigh. .
Personally I do not how these people who in the sixties said “Don’t trust anyone over thirty” go to let’s follow our cult leader Fauci and his experimental poison. Were they just trend followers with no critical thinking?
They were all about “standin’ up to The Man” until they became “The Man” then demanded unfettered obedience.
This, in a nutshell.
There was a time when the likes of artists such as Crosby, McCartney, Lennon, and Marley provided meaningful social commentary. Rolling Stone was relevant reading and Saturday Night Live was creative and funny.
Those days are gone and the entire entertainment industry including professional sports is simply a tool of woke corporations and statists. Seeing how all of these artists seemingly went down the path of being useful idiots for Big Pharma and government, perhaps it was an illusion and we were all fooled from the beginning.
I occasionally wonder whether Zappa, Marley, Lennon, Strummer, Hunter S. Thompson and similar artists who I once revered would also be going the McCartney "be cool" spokesman for Pfizer route and pushing vaccines. I'm pretty confident they would.
Indeed. Thought rock-n-roll was supposed to be all about “rebellion”; somewhere along the way it got copted into compliance. Big names today can’t get in the subservience line fast enough.
Ironically, Pink Floyd nailed it here; realize they meant it to slam the right but they accidentally indicted the left. This is what the left demands: full compliance:
Heard a nice twist on this: we don't need no vaccination...
Heard a nice twist on this: we don't need no vaccination...
My reply-
Hey, people, leave the kids alone.
We need a DECIMATION. Like a Roman Legion, the top 10%, and just like Romans, we make Them do it to Themselves. Now I'd franchise THAT Revolution on television 📺
Heh. John Lydon took it. Rotten woulda told 'em ta f off! & Left & Right are a Construct invented by Jewish intellectuals for their Bankster Elite brethren. People like Soros & the Rothschilds et al funded Hitler AND Lenin. 😑
I will piss on that cage door hinge for eons (Kilgore was here).
AMD: People like Soros & the Rothschilds et al funded Hitler AND Lenin. 😑
Lots of others have funded those who were/are light years more evil than Hitler or Lenin ever were. The usa became self funding by stealing the wealth of most of the poor nations of the world.
Yes, it does what Empire does. I recently read a thesis on British India; it estimated that between 1820 & 1920 England stole +4 Trillion pounds (!!!) from India AND that over 150 MILLION people were starved to death by ENGLISH profiteers. Empire dies what Empire does.
Don't forget the evil Dr Morrell. Hitler was totally deranged in part because of the drugs this evil dog was pumping him with that made him go mad.
The more I hear, the worse it is. Yet, strange to me how the American people are often great. Maybe just a lot of people.
More idiotic leftists
I see all the comments about boomers selling out. They sold us out decades ago for their own gain. You wanted manufacturing jobs? Maybe a homogenous nation? Nope. Sold it all out for profits and the wonderful multiculturalism of non-assimilation. The brat boomers who were handed the world on a silver plater, who were entrusted with the spoils of a post WW2 world, let it all go for their own convenience.
Rubbish. I was born in 1960 in Australia. I knew NOTHING & nor did 99.9% of us Eloi's! If you think that your Grandparents knew any more than you, then you've been had, buster. In fact this whole boomer to millennial Divide & Conquer thing is a crock of steaming shit. There's the Zombies, right? The now Transhuman, dna altered by synth mrna Obedient Ones VERSUS The Truhumans, the purebloods. Most zombies will die or mestatize into we don't know 🤷 MEANWHILE The WEF Banjsters attempt a Pharaohonic Coup. I reckon more grownups (sorry - old people to you) believed the bs and died, got jabbed and await death.
I quote a Russian prison tattoo here: "Too fast to live/too young to die"😤
You’re Australian. You probably happily gave up your firearms after Port Arthur. You’ve had no significance to the world and are quickly becoming a Chinese territory. This isn’t directed to you
Re: Australia; Buck Sexton nailed it: “Australia is East Germany with Koala Bears.” ;<)
It ain't the Chinese government that twice overthrew aussie governments, that was the world's largest ever war criminal nation, the usa. Also the world's largest genocide[s] ever. Every usa prez since truman a war criminal. If Nuremberg were applied ex post facto, all would be war criminals back to washington.
The usa is soon to be done as the big Kahuna because it has always been based on amorality, war crimes, genocides, crimes against humanity, ... whereas China, Russia, India, ... all want to see a fair and honest multipolar world. And it is coming. All the usa will have left is their conceit. which is world "class".
usians murdering other usians because they have an idiotic idea of what their goofy 2nd amendment is about.
The truth applies to everyone, Bozo.
What the hell happened to Australia and New Zealand?
Right. To quote Dickey Betts, we Boomers were just “Tryin’ to make a living and doin’ the best we can”. Just like any generation does.
EVERYONE I don't care who you are or how old you are is subject to the decades of systematic programming and propaganda that exists in this work slave society. no one is exempt. Stop blaming and start claiming!
"The boomers" are just people in the world.
Do you think "the boomers" all got together and decided to move industry overseas? It was the 1%, the same damn struggle that was fought during the industrial revolution, Dutch East Trading era, etc.
Boomers suffered as much as anyone under these policies. Classifying "a generation" as the guilty party is an exercise both meaningless and fallacious.
Yes. Every single one of them had a meeting…..
We baby boomers did all the heavy lifting for you simpering Millennials. All the freedom and rights you take for granted today we fought for and won -- for YOU!
so get your face out of your fucking phone for 5 seconds and go find a baby boomer and shake their hand and give them a smile and a hug and thank them for what they did for you.
Then learn how to give eye contact and talk in complete sentences and have a conversation in person and learn how to enunciate and speak clearly with your full voice and drop the annoying high-pitched nasally Valley Girl twang you all seem to have.
Show some gratitude.
Activate your passion for truth, love, freedom and peace and then devote the rest of your life to fighting for it just like we did. Stop feeding the divide that you Millennials have created!
This is the 11th hour our country is in jeopardy and every DAY we are losing another piece of our freedom. THAT should scare the crap out of you. How are we going to take back our country? THAT should be your focus.
WAKE UP, Little Millennials.
Because if you don't, "A hard rains gonna fall." NOW IS YOUR TIME TO WAKE UP AND CARRY ON.
Yes. Thank you for abandoning tradition throughout the 60s in exchange for copious amounts of drugs, sex and allowing the Hart-Cellar act tear this nation apart. It’s wonderful how your grandchildren are now minorities in school?
Thank you sooooo much for abandoning to political process and stopped voting and holding politicians in check. We get it, you were too busy chasing materialism after your decade of hedonism.
Thank you so very much for offshoring all the jobs. We get it. You just needed a little more profit for your 401ks.
We really want to thank you for so generously letting government rob social security, something we pay into but will never see. Thanks again for everything boomer. Hope you had a great life
Again...not all of us
Multiculturalism is here, actually was from the start and ain't goin' away.
Sure thing boomer.
Anyone who hurls
"Boomer" automatically identifies themselves as a complete asswipe.
Awww, you're a group thinker. Sound like so many others. 😂 You drank the kool aid
When you're all grown up you'll understand
the de-industrialization of the US was carried out by the capitalist ruling calss.
Making a generational issue of it is right wing diversion from the real enemy.
Watch some of the old comedy skits , they poked fun at EVERYTHING, Everyone! We all laughed.
Unfortunately that died a long time ago.
Those that had a scathing outlook comedically back then are now the ones they would mock.
Age changes perspective I suppose.
Strummer & Hunter S? NEVER. ✊️
You know, I'd like to believe that but as you pointed out Johnny "Not Quite Rotten" Lydon went out and got the jabs. I'm convinced that very little of what passes for popular culture is authentic for the reasons Davy C and Dutchmn007 provided: there's a price to paid for a record deal and it's a casting couch in one form or another.
Nor the rest
Dead men tell no tales 🤗 my current hero is Novax Djokovik. ✊️ He showed my Aussie gummint what phuckers they are. Kerry Chant must be trialed for iatrogenic genocide.
Gummint. haha
On 12/29 Marley's grandson died suddenly at 31.
"Died suddenly" is code.
Money talks
No I think our system has peaked and is now on the decline. The ebb and flow of life.
I sincerely doubt any you mentioned would have been a "cheerleader" for anything frankly...
Ahh, you can't just sit here and presume to guess what Zappa, Lennon, Marley etc would have said. I submit that a number of artists - Clapton, Van Morrison, Roger Waters at least - have been unequivocal in their condemnation of the biological program. As for Macca, that was disappointing, but it only happened once. I'm ignoring it. I love the old guy and can't/don't wanna quit him. Watching Neil Young flip out, and Joni Mitchell/Stills & Nash jump on with him, was super weird. I even left a kind but implicating comment on Croz's twitter, laying out the case re: Rogan vs Pfizer. He didn't respond but I'm sure he saw it. He was quite active on Twitter, back in the good ol' days when he was alive.
"Ahh, you can't just sit here and presume to guess what Zappa, Lennon, Marley etc would have said."
Of course not. Yet, I have been truly shocked at how many artists that I respected went 'all in' on the narrative, some advocating vaccine apartheid for concert attendance. There are so few Van Morrisons out there who saw it for what it was and have been brave enough to stand by their convictions. I still have 128 GB of music on my iPod from many of these artists that I have no plan to delete so that's my personal struggle. Every time I hear my favorite U2 song One, I try to forget that Bono is an a-hole.
"As for Macca, that was disappointing, but it only happened once. I'm ignoring it. I love the old guy and can't/don't wanna quit him."
I'm a life-long Beatles fan and remain so such that I just bought 'Get Back' on Blue-Ray to watch all over again on our new 85" HDTV. That said, Macca has his OBE and pals around with royalty and Tony Blair so I see Sir Paul for what he now is.
As for the remainder of your comment, it's been crushing to see the degree to which the so-called 'elite' control every aspect of mass media, from the artists we discussed, to Hollywood, sports, and beyond. This has undoubtedly always been the case even before Edward Bernays' revelations in his book Propaganda from the late 1920s to which MCM wrote a great introduction in the 2004 edition.
Based upon a comment from Cindy Sheehan to one of MCM's articles, I was prompted to read David McGowan's book. Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon. McGowan's thesis is that the whole Laurel Canyon music scene (the aforementioned Crosby, along with Stills, Nash, Young, and beyond) was a psy-op. The book's a challenging read due to McGowan's unorthodox writing style but it's thought-provoking, especially to someone who is a fan of these artists.
Zappa started warning us in the '60s. and when the going got rough, he never folded. had he lived, I doubt he would have become just another drone.
"The illusion of freedom in America will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." Frank Zappa
nooooo, not Zappa. the rest of them (except maaaybe Marley), sure. but never Zappa.
Even Elvis Costello, or so I think. Believe me, I know how incredibly painful this all is.
Zappa never stopped being Zappa even after his peers became 'part of the problem.' I believe he would've been more like Roger Waters than Paul McCartney (who lost me in the early '70s when he seemed to become obsessed with the idea that 'communists' were going to take over and steal all his money).
But they all really never did "stand up to the man". It was a good gambit to sell records but the usa just got more and more war criminal, genocidal, deeply evil even blowing their own citizens to smithereens and really heard nuttin' from any of the old rockers.
The war continue the enemy is them the enemy is us
The war machine is
Now a medical genocidal machine,
But it’s for your own good.
Trust science your new God dream
Pedophiles roam the hood
The old rockers sell their souls
To Satan for fame fortune stood
What appeared to be defiance
Was just all a show to sell records
Meet the new boss same as the old
Boss we demand your compliance
Nobody sold their soul.
EVERYONE got played.
It's an evil tide that no one even with the best of heartfelt intentions could stem.
Remember what Stevie Wonder says in his song "Love's in need of love today":
"The force of evil plans
To make you its possession
And it will
if we let it
destroy EVERYBODY.."
This is what evil does! Destroy any all life affirming sacred Love Loving and we are at a Spiritual war.
Indeed. but the good news is, that LOVE is the most powerful force in the universe. Only Love ( and some wisely planned fierce intervention) is the only thing that can heal our world, and it can never be destroyed.
That’s it. A certain level of status in the current system has swallowed former renegades.
Well said. Renegades become elevator music.
MK ultra was a bitch
This is soo true!! Against da Man make your money Become Da Man
Money does not make you evil
money is not the root of evil
evil is evil
and evil is the currency of the dark side
the saying is 'LOVE of money is the root of all evil.' and that ain't bullshit...
Yes that is absolutely correct! thank you for knowing this. I'm impressed! Most people think that the Bible says that "money is the root of all evil" but as you have so wisely pointed out, that's not what the Bible says,
" LOVE of money is the root of all evil". i've been saying this for years.
Money is currency - it's just a neutral substance that flows and it can be used for good.
In the book of Matthew it says "No man can serve two masters......
Ye cannot serve God and Mammon."
Mammon as you probably know, means "money". Soooo... you cannot serve God AND serve money.
I'm not a religious person although I was raised as a Christian but I do believe that God is Love.
So.. you cannot serve love AND serve money.
And what do we serve in this world?
(Jeopardy theme..🎶..) "'That's right, Bob...MONEY! The Almighty Dollar!"
( even though it says they're right there on the dollar bill
Is it any wonder we are completely fucked up?
But if we lived in Love based world where the money could be used for the highest good of all, well… That would be a beautiful thing and I hope one day we will get there when the Dark Side finally goes down. (With the help of a small valiant wise ragtag band of dedicated JEDIS!!) 🤩
LOVE is the greatest power in the universe. This is why Jesus told us to,
What was it about that, Homo Insanitis, that you did not understand?? 🤔🤔🤔
Money changes people. Not all who have money are evil. Evil is void of Love
It can, but not always. There are good kind rich people who are generous and humble .
Agreed !!! Have met many of them.
So you're a bourgeoisie new ager?
Rejecting a clear material analysis for metaphysical mumbo jumbo about the dark side?
I just seek the Truth that sets me free and follow the Love.
Good luck with your mumbo jumbo.
I wonder if Trump wasn't President if they would have reacted this way.
Trump broke brains.
Not all of us😉
This is true and I hate to generalize
The Man gave them artists their success. NO one, I repeat, No one makes it BIG without help. Project Mockingbird, it's not just for Journalism. Producers were the handlers. Radio stations the outlet for the musical propaganda. No one got played unless the CIA needed their message out there in Public Land.
Ever read Dave McGowan’s books on laurel canyon? & the hippie rock & roll culture? Very interesting.
Eye Opening.
Thanks for sharing the link!
DC does not come out smelling too good, does he? Ridiculously wealthy background, gun waving drug addicted violent nutjob
Whoa. I’ll process this for awhile. Is there a part 2?
Goes to Part XXII. Lots of info to digest and make sense of.
Link has all parts. If this is of interest, hard to stop reading.
Thanks- I’m just starting Part III of the Laurel Canyon saga!
the man is the ruler of this world and they sell their souls to get fame and riches. bob dylan said it all.
Loved it! ❤️ Mentioned so much from then. So sad. Also made me mad (again)!😢😡
Thank you. Never had the patience to listen before. So glad I did now.
Murder most foul 👆🏼
Excellent video. 😢
I used to think that the rock idols were cutting edge, but now have serious doubts about that. They were tools for a state to create generational division.
Even now some yahoos blame the boomers. Really I never blamed the adults but wanted changes. Maybe it was all cia induced which used teenage angst
Think back to all the gender bending stuff. Elton John, iggy pop, Rod Stewart, on and on with the long hair and make up. I look back and can see how my grandparents didn’t understand it all. The youth was forever captured by it all.
You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain...applies to so many of the people I looked up to before 2020.
I agree with you. It boggles my mind too. Many of those 60's rebels have turned into government-worshipping Zombies. I don't understand how so-called "progressives" think that government control of one's body and mind is a good idea. Aren't they the ones that said, "my body, my choice"? It makes no sense to me. We must be living in the Twilight Zone.
Look up Laurel Canyon as mentioned by Rosalind above. Nothing is as we were taught to believe. All born of cia or dod parents and not all musically talented.
That was the ruminating thought while reading McGowan's work. Had zero clue of any of the backstory of their lives. Nothing is what it seems and I feel a bit played. Fortunately life has blasted the polyanna scales off my eyes, so when this crap started in '21, way too much hysteria and immediatley smelled a big fat rat. My operating system is listen to my gut, and go retro, question quthority, now more than ever.
But jeez, Emmy Lou Harris.
I consider myself progressive - forward looking - totally against the toxic juice, actually against most of western medicine, capitalism and patriarchy. Don't throw all of us out with the bath water.
Hi Terry, I'm not sure progressive means the same thing to all people. Some self-proclaimed progressives I know are triple-jabbed ,worship Fauci, and think capitalism is evil. In my view, capitalism is the only system that protects our ability to engage in productive activities to live our lives. True capitalism is the voluntary interaction among free and rational people who consider both short term and long term consequences of their interactions. Unfortunately, not everyone is rational. To make a beneficial trade, you must receive a benefit and so must I. In other words, if I sell a faulty product and it injures you, then not only have I harmed you, I've harmed myself. That's stupidity not capitalism.
Question Authority now, and at best, you are canceled - worst dead.
Most Americans are programmed in one way or another. There's a small percentage who have retained their intuition and critical thinking skills.
Those are the leading edge thinkers who make all the changes happen.
"A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
They got old
It’s not just age, it’s money, comfort, and the complacence that brings.
Just like Lot’s wife - the world a little too close to the heart...
Good analogy. When they turned away from the "man" they should have stayed "turned away."
Now I’m waiting for Sylvester McMonkey McBean to come along and sell everyone the anti vax juice.
I agree. They got status and holding on to that and caring about that seems to make people less capable of holding dissenting views. views that would lead to them losing position.
And apparently lost the ability to question and think critically.
The lucky ones did,.
I am a child of the 60’s, nerd Preppy of the 70s , now in shock watching all my Hippie anti war, anti government, granola crunching Mother Nature worshipping peers roll up their sleeves while looking down their noses at any vaccine doubters.. like me.
Crazy then and crazy now!
Money changes people.
I remember when CSN supported Jimmy Carter. I think that was transition to finally becomng sheepies. Nash has condemned Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for "misappropriating" his "Come to Chicago song. Joni Mitchell and Neal Young are finks. Tragic.
rat finks
They got comfortable watching mass media that brainwashed them and erased any critical thinking skills they had.
We have to make a real distinction between the anti-war movement and the drug/hippy/yippee/rock culture which the markets not only loved but fully supported--and ceaselessly pushed. No one targeted and celebrated the "under-30" more than the Advertising Industry. In fact, they tried to out-hip and out-cool their own subjects.
And look where that got us!
What was it about "decades of propaganda" that you did not understand?
I’ve asked my Vietnam-protesting, LSD-dropping, treehouse-living, pot-smoking (ex)boss that very thing...
...and I get crickets.
Because the DOCTORS are trusted. But, no more.
Pay to play...
Yes they were just self absorbed trendies who found themselves shoved to the head of the baby boomer wave. And probably by the CIA and other evil undoers of our culture and our fundamental decency our innocence. All designed by those placed to bring about the next wave of undoing of the decency of mankind. Lived it loathed it.
My husband is 72. In his small high school graduating class, he may be the only person who did not take the vax. He & I try to understand how our youthful friends who were so against The Man, seem to now be The Man.
It's a mystery to me as well RL. I'm a little younger than you but I've watched my oldest sister, 71, morph from the girl who followed the Black Panther trials to someone who (I kid you not) said she thought every person in the country should be PCR tested every single day. Married to a doctor and spent 30 years as a nurse, yet when I asked her to explain how the shots work could only say "they stimulate the immune system".
I think the ex-hippies believe there's no way their peers could have been corrupted the way those WWII-winning scoundrels before them had been. So they just go along. That's the only explanation I can come up with. Makes no sense to me, but it's all I got.
Married to a dr and a long time nurse, they’ve been indoctrinated into the mainstream 💩! I’ve seen it with many “friends” and family too. I’m older (78) and just don’t get what has happened to the majority of my generation. Nothing made any sense to me and just researching and going down rabbit holes was imperative. Had to know what was happening. I’m afraid now I know to much, if that’s possible! It took me many years to finally learn what happened to JFK, but I did, with a broken heart. And his brother, too, whom would have been a great leader. I believe there was always evil I didn’t see or imagine, but now it it so obvious I don’t know how so many can miss it!😢
Me too. I’m 71, it’s very depressing for me and yes, I do feel like I’m “ screaming into a void! “ 😉
Yes, I too feel the same.
I relate!
I hear you. Can’t unsee it. Even my 72 year old husband doesn’t want to leave his comfort zone and shuts me down when I speak of what I’ve learned.
So many "sell out" in one way or another. Look at Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Two hippies who totally sold out to Unilever.
Two liberal idiots if you ask me.
They've been watching TV most of their lives.
You should check out my comment in the thread. I am about to turn 72 and I also mentioned the “man” in my farewell letter to David. I didn’t take the Jab either. They can all kiss my ass.
Not about fashionable at all. I can’t explain it here
I got to hang out with David when I was still "cool" and was out their opposing Bush---when I also opposed Obama, I became anathema to CS and N (Never met the sellout Young) and all the other Hollywood libs. David Crosby has quite the ruling class pedigree, so he could afford to be counter-cultural. David "Van Cortland" Crosby: "The Van Cortlandt family was an influential political dynasty from the seventeenth-century Dutch origins of New York through its period as an English colony, then after it became a state, and into the nineteenth century. It rose to great prominence with the award of a Royal Charter to Van Cortlandt Manor, an 86,000-acre (35,000 ha) tract in today's Westchester County sprawling from the Hudson River to the Connecticut state line granted as a Patent to Stephanus Van Cortlandt in 1697 by King William III.
Among the Van Cortland family tree are members of the Philipse family, van Rensselaer family, Schuyler family, Livingston family, the de Peyster family, the Gage family, the Jay family (including John Jay, the Founding Father and first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court), and the Delanceys.
You remained cool, Cindy, because you saw Saint Barack for what he was (and is).
Your comment reminds me of David McGowan's book, Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon. If you believe McGowan, the whole music industry beginning with the sixties counterculture into the eighties new wave and punk scene was an intel psy-op.
McGowan points out how Jim Morrison came from a military family and, according to McGowan, Steven Stills may have been Special Forces in Vietnam. McGowan points out how Miles and Stewart Copeland's father happened to be one of the founders of the OSS.
The book's a difficult read because of McGowan's style but it does make you think.
I read that book and that’s how I knew about Crosby. Facts, right?
I read your piece on the horror of long term care during COVID. The same happened in Canada. We privatized care homes and for years there were reports of horrific conditions which the government ignored year after year. In COVID the care deteriorated to the point elders were starved lay in feces and had no water. A scathing report was made after numerous deaths. It broke my heart to realize just how abusive our system is to all those elderly people who have lived long lives and have so much to offer the young especially. We are much poorer as a society by warehousing our elderly in care homes and apparently devaluing their lives based on how we treated them during COVID. But then again our society abused and devalued the young as well. It was a rude awakening to see how far we have fallen as a functioning society that cares about its people.
The transient nature in our culture has helped kill the family.
Truly, a crime against humanity, but will anyone ever be held accountable for it?
My hope is that as all atrocities of COVID come to light for more and more people there will be a reckoning. Other than something like that -no nothing will change-no one will be held accountable. Government is captured and in bed with the corporations they wheel and deal our money away with. They have been riding high on pots of gold a long time now.
I'm from the demographic rock music is/was aimed at, but a lot of it still sounds to me like a player piano in a mining boom town bar. No complicated rhythms, few beautiful melodies, no soul. Its easy to believe it was a psyop.
Cindy, for what it's worth (did I just inadvertently use a CSN song title?) , I didn't think you were cool back then, but I've totally flipped my opinion on your protests and wish I had paid more attention to you, rather than just nodding my head to the government propaganda.
we were with you the entire way Cindy. thanks for all you did and do. we discovered what a con both sides were. we saw through ocongo from the beginning. when someone comes out of nowhere there's an entity in the background.
Interesting history. Thanks.
Battle of New Orleans: Johnny Horton
Cindy - I followed you back in the day but lost track of you --- I am shocked and happy to find you are on our side! Just signed on to your soapbox newsletter right now!
Wonderful piece, as ever. Here's to having a "room temperature IQ" but being alive. The rock crop are in a lot of trouble, with some exceptions. May he Rest In Peace. (Whatever he died of.) I do agree the suddenness has a certain feel to it. Death when it is natural is slow. Unless it is a "heart attack." Right?
From climate change!
" Died suddenly." The euphemism of our time.
I don’t believe it is just the aging process that has transformed these people who mistrusted the Power when they were younger into absolute tools of that same Power. I am very interested in finding out how people who had reflexively mistrusted Monsanto, were transformed into utter totalitarians devoid of any skepticism of Big Pharma industrial complex. One way, or another, we have been profoundly modified.
Hmmm... as I age, have brothers that took the 💉.... they all have a fear of dying..... I just wonder if that went through their mind... and they gave in to the propaganda of the BIOWEAPON...... FOD( fear of death)... we all die, but I intent to die... Jab-less & “pure blood”....
That is my brother.
Total narcissistic jerk, felt the world "needed" him to survive to help run things. He also wants all of the unvaxxed, which include me and my wife, in camps, so he is also a bit of a pyshcopath. These past 3 years have been a boon to people like him.
Blackmail. I bet that is one of the reason's Manson's beauties were giving it away at Dennis Wilson's house in the day. I'm sure there were other things. Maybe worse things. The rock stars have all sorts of weird shit that went on that we know about, but if we know about the mudshark, then god knows what else went on and very well could have been covertly witnessed? What kind of devil's deals did they take in the day to be who they are now?
Heck, I'm looking at those has beens Gore and Kerry at Davos. Was that their reward for walking away?
Everyone is a tool. We have all been programmed and played by systematic propaganda. Though some are bigger tools than others.
The old hippies were the most disappointing. In our neck of the woods, Wavy Gravy is pretty influential and beloved, and very good friends with Larry Brilliant, vaccine rapist and prophet of doom. The two have run a charity which is known for providing cataract surgery and other health services in poor countries. They are both considered saints.
Larry Brilliant is best known for his work on the UN smallpox campaign in India. On encountering a resistant village, where spiritual beliefs were frustrating the vaccinators, Brilliant and the others broke into the home of the leader, and forcibly injected both him and his wife. The village soon followed.
It's hard to have heroes anymore. Maybe it's for the best.
"The old hippies were the most disappointing."
Yet another reason why Abbie Hoffman killed himself in the late-80s.
If he actually killed himself and was not suicided.
" We are the ones we've been waiting for."
Hopi Prayer
O my God that is horrible. Brought to you by that psycho putz, Kill Hates. ☠️
I’m probably around your age and although I wasn’t interested in David Crosby or Paul McCartney I was interested in David Oistrakh and George Solti I found your memories of these very 60’s figures VERY moving. I was a bemused outsider AND STILL AM 😂 but so interesting they became followers of government orders. I never had any intention of getting that shot I thought from the beginning it was ridiculous and a scam. What’s left of my family a brother and a sister very compliant don’t talk to me other “friends” have fallen by the wayside but I didn’t lose anything. I can’t believe SEVENTY PERCENT of Americans got at at least one useless AND potentially poison shot that no one had any idea what it contained.
Nice comment Connie. From a Juilliard grad who also loves David Oistrakh
Hi Bernard I just opened all my windows and shoveled the snow off my back deck to David Oistrakh blasting the Tchaikovsky VC with Philadelphia from YouTube reminding me no matter how horrible things are we’ll ALWAYS have David Oistrakh
I hope you enjoy this Oistrakh treasure!
I know.
So many bubbles burst since mid 2020. It’s a real pity that I now have a bit of trouble listening to the music I loved for so many years. Neil Young, Rod Stewart, Elton John among others.. have all turned out to be great disappointments for me. Although I have a newly found regard for Eric Clapton and Van Morrison I must say.
Clapton and Van Morrison are truly heros. They have risked everything.
This is the planet of free will last time I checked. And what somebody else chooses to do is none of my business. What I choose that's my business and what my beliefs are that's my business . I knew in my gut from the get go early in 2020 that something was rotten in Denmark and I wasn't going anywhere near that jab and my intuition was born out. Then I tried to sound the alarm. and wake people up well that was a waste of time and energy. I lost my favourite cousin when he banished me from his life when he found out what side of the Jab I was on. that was devastating to me. I spent my whole life trying to wake people up -- but it doesn't work. it's better to just follow your your own path your own heart your own intuition and hopefully find other like hearted individuals to hang out with and so some good however. I have plenty of heroes today. RFK Jr is one of them. Larry Palevsky MD is another.
And many others who are speaking the truth in positions of leadership. God bless Clapton!!
you can give to and help to heal this world by sharing your passions and your gifts. by speaking out when your spirit moves you to do so.
What people choose to do is their business - every soul is on a journey millions will die and that will be their karmic lesson period breaks my heart to think about the fact that people I care about will also die because of this fucking jab and it really upsets me but I can't allow it to destroy my life.
I do my best to just be the best me that I can be. And send love to all.
The music is the music!! As they say in the 12 step rooms
" principles not personalities".
I love the music that I always loved and I always will and I don't let the other stuff get the my way of enjoyment! because the music is that important to me! The soundtrack to my life! (Also spoken as a singer songwriter musician) It was always all about the music.
Beautiful Powerful words! I just shake my head in total disbelief that bowing to the propaganda and the shots is so antithetical to everything we believed and spoke about in the 60s and beyond. Talk about the needle and the damage done.
" . . a little part of it in everyone . . "
Even those of us who didn't get it, but still have to live with the consequences of others having done so.
Shedding issues here!
Thank you, Mark. Thank you for continuing to help illuminate the darkness that surrounds us.
MCM is correct that Covid could only have happened now. Many factors led to the perfect storm. Even when Fauci et al have tried this recently (H1N1, Zika), they couldn't pull it off due in part to outliers in the media. As Bret Weinstein pointed out on Joe Rogan's podcast, zero is a critical number because: "narrative control would not work if there was even one newspaper that was dedicated to the job of reporting the news. It wouldn't work if there was even one university that was dedicated to finding what the truth might be." Even as recently as the 2015 Disneyland Measles outbreak, mainstream liberal media such as Frontline & PBS News Hour were giving almost equal time to Barabar Loe Fisher, but that's all been stamped out by the Trusted News Initiative, Gates Foundation "journalism" grants, official "fact checking", and several other factors.
"You have to be room temperature IQ not to understand them"? Wowzers. Even people who have been studying mRNA their entire lives say we're only scratching the surface of understanding this technology and its implications. This is not so much a criticism of Crosby as an indivudual, but about the propaganda that is so powerful it tricks people into believing they can "understand" infinitely complex scientific ideas just by listening to some soundbites, or have a PhD-level grasp of a subject because Big Bird told them so. That's some messed up life-and-death brainwashing.
The Crosby clip about JFK was quite amazing, I was unaware he (or McCartney) stood up like this.
I see very little gloating about vaccine deaths, though I must admit, when I first saw the headline about a legendary rocker, I thought it was Neil Young (not Crosby) and was relieved. Not that I wish ill will on anyone, but I'm just sick of his (and Darryl Hannah's) bloviating, self-righteousness, hypocrisy, and virtue signaling.
We have one- we have twitter now
Very sad and unexplainable. There's an evil in the world today that cannot be explained other than to attribute it to satan, in my humble opinion.
Your last point Mark, is critical.
We have all seen friends and family divided.
In many cases I expect irreparably.
I am not even sure what to really think about that?
Exactly the same thing would have...and certainly did happen in Germany in the 1930-40s.
A minority would have read the narrative correctly...and an even smaller group from within would have spoken up.
That vocal minority would have been considered a liabilty and an embaressment to regime supporters.
And after all was said and many of the regime supporters admitted they were wrong...and sought out those they branded as enemies...and asked forgiveness?
My guess....probably not many.
To me, we are well past the time-frame that has clearly defined the truth about the narrative we have all suffered under.
In other words...the modern 3rd Reich has been exposed...near fully.
There are no question as to the lies about covid...lockdowns...masks....mandates and the jab. There is no question this has all been a very elaborate scheme for control.
Yet...of all the friends and family I have personally lost...I am not aware of even one who has changed their mind...or approached me to suggest they were deceived. I am not sure even one of them believe they were deceived. These of whom I speak are all jabbed...and all narrative followers in varying degrees.
In one sense it appears their narrative is utterly collapsing around them. In a more personal sense...I have experienced no change of heart from anyone.
I wonder how many fragmented families and friendships were ever restored after 1945? I really wonder?
I may be wrong...but I think the question will be answered in the following months and years.
In all expectations are very low.
Three. Long. Years.
Ditto in my life, friends and family, same story as yours.
I say this prayer while standing among my tall trees, "God Speed to all I used to know and thought I loved".
Thanks for that clip of Crosby speaking out on JFK as a young man. It's amazing what age does to some of us. Virtually all but one of the people I collaborated with closely in organized opposition to the U.S. counter-insurgency operations in Colombia 20 years ago - have all morphed into Ukraine flag waving shit-libs in their 60's and 70's. And of course - it goes without saying - they are all covid true believers.
Let's all ponder for a moment. Aged 65 and over we're the target for the vaXX. Regardless of health, whether perfect health or health issues. It was blanketed to those " seniors" , first.
So those in that age bracket die " normally", no one questions it.
And they put all over 65 in the same group. There’s a big difference between 85 and 65 but you wouldn’t know it from The Medical Complex. After I was forced on to Medicare last year, I started getting emails and calls from my insurer about setting up a home visit where they would do a safety check because “seniors have special concerns”. If I ever answered the phone I would have told them to buzz off. What a crock
So true. I'm 68, went to one Medicare "checkup". What a joke! Never again. I don't answer when I get calls from them either.
I went to an integrative doctor, in what turned out to be a wasted visit. She recommended I make an appointment for a Welcome to Medicare visit. I did, and then cancelled it when I got info on what it covered. I prefer to not have the government involved in any aspect of my life, if at all possible.
Really? An integrative doctor actually suggested that? He/she must not know much about Medicare.
She is connected with a conventional medical complex which explained a lot. For example, she recommend I mask in public since I’m not up to date on the hand. Nope. I only went there because the NO who was holistic and anti vax retired and I wanted to establish a new relationship. I live in a rural area and pickings are slim if you don’t want conventional medicine. Sigh. Now I’m my own doctor.
Vaxx not hand. Damn auto correct
Me too. I'm sure you'll do better than any conventional doctor you might go to. As you know, all they want to do is write prescriptions. A great thing I learned after Covid started is that I can order my own bloods tests without having to go through a doctor.
A 77-year-old acquaintance did not appreciate some of my warnings about the heart & brain dangers of the vax earlier this month, and she replied, "This is complete bull! If this was true, I'd be dead!" The VERY NEXT DAY her friend posted that she had had a major stroke and a severe heart attack! They had to put her right into hospice because there was no coming back from that. Today, I saw the post saying she has received "her heavenly wings"! She probably didn't have to regret her words because I doubt she ever had a cogent thought again.
Oh my! They deny deny deny. I had a similar aged friend say, “but my doctor told me it is safe!”
I haven't made my yearly "Wellness Exam appt" with my doctor because he tried to get me to take the vax the last time I saw him! He said, "I did it and I'm fine." Actually, it's weird I didn't get a text from his office reminding me to make the appt...maybe he's "gone"!
If he’s gone, it wasn’t the shot. Climate change, perhaps. But not the shots.
Yeah they tell you their own anecdotal evidence and then scream bloodly murder when you tell them of someone else's AE experience "that's only anecdotal evidence, I want real proof". Mere months later they have stage 4 cancer out of the blue and think it's coincidental.