In the last 3 months in Australia, I have read stories of about 10 people who have drowned after having medical events in the ocean or after they get out of the water.

Also, "Australia records its worst year of deaths by drowning since 1996" article Sept 2022


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Yes 😟 My feeling is the combination of the outside water pressure on the chest, interrupted oxygen intake from holding the breath in the water combined with the cardiovascular stress of swimming puts jabbed people at greater risk for drowning.

There may be this kind of elevated risk when people are in crowds and other bodies are putting pressure on people's chests so the rib cage can't expand as much, there's less oxygen in the air from the exhaled co2, combined with stress and panic.

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Nova ; glad you cleared that up ! I am so afraid now to have my mistresses heavy chest press against mine especially in the water ! The combined stress of her pressure & the pressure of the water .......... against my weak feeble body ........... I'll either explode or die with a smile on my face ( Maybe Both ? ? ) .... and so glad that it had Nothing to do with the Experimental Jab developed by U.S. & Chinese Bioweapons Labs .......... Very happy you absolved them of any possible connection to these rash of deaths ............ I did not take any jabs ; Do You THINK I'll Die of Nurse Donna's Immense Pressure ? ? Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

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Probably an undiagnosed allergy to water , I am sure that the worlds top docs owned by major pharma will state that ! I wouldn't be surprised if big pharma hired child actors that look like Dennis The Manace , to make Public Service Announcements saying Kids were all RIGHT in stating in their early years that it was dangerous to bathe or have any contact with water ... All these deaths Had Nothing To Do With An Experimental Jab Developed By Military BioWarfare Labs ............ listen to Dennis The Menace on the new PSA's ............. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

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I'm really confused as to why there are so few deaths listed on here, from Australia and New Zealand, especially as they reportedly had such high jab rates???

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