Unless dead bodies are lined up in front of hospitals, fancy restaurants, airport check-in stations, or government officials' homes, no one will pay attention to these tragedies.

Meanwhile, an apathetic population sits back and watches, thinking about yoga class and the kid's soccer game.

Those things are essential but when stacked against physical threat(s) from an experimental gene therapy injection and a corrupt government- they seem lopsided.

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until their own kid drops dead on the field And then it will be a heat stroke Certainly not the jab.

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I forgot, insurance companies.... At some point, you would think they would start making some noise or at least quietly change their policies...

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They are all to a large extent owned by Blackrock , State Street & Vanguard.

I'm guessing the ones who control Blackrock are pulling the strings behind the scenes, telling the insurance company CEOs to shut up.

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They have been....highlighting the massive rise in payouts and mumbling about suing the jab corps. I suspect as you allude to they will change their policies or get funds from gov to offset the claims.

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Wait until Trump announces his candidacy, then they will turn on the vaccines like a dime!

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Trump pushed operation warpspeed. And has taken full credit for the rollout of the jab. And got both jabs apparently.


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Under the advice of fauci, as fauci has admitted.

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Couldn't have said it better myself!

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A neurologist spoke on last night's FLCCC webinar. She showed headlines about a mysterious childhood dementia that's now emerging.

"Doctors baffled".

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Holy Shite! That's terrifying! Any chance you could drop a link here please and thank you?

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I keep clicking 'like' but do not like seeing this.

It is sad and disheartening

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DIXFIELD – Dennis J. Casko, 52, of Upton died unexpectedly while camping in Dixfield. He was born in Putnam, Conn., Aug. 20, 1970, a son of Dana and Diane (Wood) Casko. He worked many years as an equipment operator and was a very smart and colorful person. He loved to sing, the outdoors, snowmobiling, hunting and he especially loved his children. Dennis had a great sense of humor and he always lit up a room with his outgoing personality.

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20 year-old hockey captain drops dead during game…

Posted by Kane on September 1, 2022

A tribute to the late Eli Palfreyman. A charismatic leader, a fierce competitor, everyone's friend and a forever Centennial. We love you Eli. Deepest condolences to his family, friends and the entire @AyrCentennials organization. #RIPFreyman pic.twitter.com/QGaSy5bw0i

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Sherm: I'm part of the team compiling and writing up these remembrances. Since you're evidently in the habit of tracking these deaths, if you send me links to the death notices and obituaries you find on an ongoing basis, I'll write them up for inclusion in this In Memoriam project by MCM. We generally only reports deaths and vaxxidents that have occurred within the past week or so. Please email me: annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks.

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Here's one for you - Ontario, Canada, a young Nigerian woman (23) working in a nursing home (therefore force jabbed) died on a livestream, swimming, reported by Chris Sky - a very well known Canadian activist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7hHnRcIQNs

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Mark reported on the 20 year old Canadian Hockey player just this week already .... in a shorter post.

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I'm planning follow up post with more excuses that I missed the first time as apparently I missed referee whistles (I remember reading that somewhere thinking it must be a joke), margarita pizza, car exhaust, bras etc - anything else? ;)

HEALTH ALERT: Top 13 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes

- Gardening, solar storms, sleeping positions, Putin, going to the beach, living under flight paths, sock lines, being a lonely Karen, climate change and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.


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I can't believe how many young people and toddlers there are in Canada dead.

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it amazes me that nobody is connecting the dots between deaths and vaccines. Why is fauci and all those people that work at Big pharma, previous presidents, their families and many other people in our government not dropping dead. The very corrupt government politicians who pushed this vaccine seem to escape death and side effects. Why isn't pelosi and her family not dropping dead or soros, Klaus Schwab Trudeau and even Biden who claims to have had the boosters and shots. They pushed it on the American people and many lost their jobs because they wouldn't take it. I'm not wishing anybody dead I'm just making a point. I'm so sick and tired of the Republicans saying they have to wait till they take over the house. There's enough evidence to put these people behind bars. Oh I forgot to mention Obama's family and the clintons family all seeming to live happy healthy lives

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

People in on the Con do not fall for the Con.

None of them took the ClotShots. They’re Liars, first and foremost. All their claims of having Covid despite getting the shots are nothing more than part of the entrapment program.

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I think you are right. They also parrot the exact same nonsense line. Remember last year when Pfizer CEO needed to travel but could not. And now he said he had 4 shots. Counting time it is impossible to have 4 in a little over a year

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the politicians are practically all silent. Senator Johnson and a handful of others, all republicans I think, speak up but are silenced both by the dems and their own party. senator Johnson seems to have a terrible time to get some republican support. It is just sickening. Don Quixote beating the windmills.

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You are right Ron Johnson has been amazing. I hope he wins his seat. There should be more people fighting for this even the democrats. I wonder who is all being paid off?

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I would like to see both ends : the ones being paid (almost everyone I suppose, or otherwise they might be threatened or so) and the ones that are paying. I know gates paid millions to the press to shut up about the negative side of the jabs. But I don't think he is in the lead. Schwab was put in place by Kissinger, it seems. Kissinger is 98. He can hardly have done this alone !

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Hopefully the journalists that pushed the vaccine all get it.

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hard to say but yes, they should

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I'm terrified that my daughter will make this list. The only one in my family to have the poison.

The list is overwhelmingly sad.

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Same. My one daughter took 3. I just keep waiting for the call. I cry a lot. All my kids took the shots. I didn’t. My husband did. My sisters and brother took them. My brother took 3. He is not well at all. His Afib is out of control now. I’m scared. All my husbands siblings took 3.

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OMG Deb - what a living nightmare. Please do everything in your power to find support for yourself and to do constant self-care to affirm your power. You should not be suffering every day but I understand how you would. I ascribe to the fact that there's a very spiritual reason/meaning for ALL of this and we, the unsubmissive, the watchers, are dearly needed, especially now. Hang on, try to relax - we all come here for our own purposes.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

I’m trying. I just now am trying to get those who took 3not to take a fourth. One day at a time. The best video I saw today called the the truth about ivermectin is a great one for exposing truth. I sent that out to many today. I found it on substack today. Pierre kory in it and Malone and mccullough. It was very well done. I think it will open eyes. People don’t want to hear about the injuries and death. It’s too scary but this uncovers about them holding back drugs that could work for the purpose of getting the shots approved!!!

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I watched that last night, it is very good! Not that it is a comfort, but please know you are not alone. I am the only one out of my immediate family that didn't get the vaxx. When my brother was in Iraq and the Stan I kept listening for the phone call from my SIL, thankfully he made it home, but the waiting for the call is no different for the vaxx. It is like being on eggshells. What really peeves me is that he made it out of the war, but the gummint will more than most likely damage him or kill him here at home from the stinking poison injection.

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I'm sorry for you but maybe she had the more benign one(s). If you want a list I can provide it - of lot #s etc. If you think it might help.

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Obituary: Natalie Noel Hodgdon

GORHAM – Natalie Noel Hodgdon, 43, of Gorham, passed away unexpectedly on Aug. 28, 2022. She was born in Portland on April 12, 1979.

Natalie worked with All Med, as a home care aide as well as a waitress at Rustlers. She took pride in her job and cared deeply for the families she worked with, and with the people she met through the restaurant. Natalie will be remembered for her big heart, beautiful smile and her contagious laugh.

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Canada seems to have more than its fair share. I read where the Alberta region is very anti-Trudy and that is where a very high number of deaths have occurred.

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Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are the most solid blue provinces. The problem the Conservative Party of Canada has at the moment is it doesn't have the ability to get a majority anymore. Quebec, which historically did vote conservative at times, is now supporting a nationalist 'bloc' party thus taking away a good chunk of ridings for the CPC. Ontario also can vote blue but the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) with a pop. as high as 6.7 million tends to lean liberal. Toronto is to Ontario and Canada as NYC and L.A. are to their respective states and how it impacts U.S. elections. Same issue in Montreal and Vancouver although with a lesser impact.

As for deaths, yes, Alberta has been making the news but it's likely it's worse in Quebec. But they're hiding/manipulating data. Who isn't in Canada? Finding honest Covid data brokers are almost non-existent. Very bad here.


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You are absolutely correct with the deaths in QC. AB deaths are only in the news because ppl there aren’t stupid and they have a back bone. The parents in AB who have lost their children/ adult children are the one making the noise. QC and out East have a much higher death rate. Cancer is very high. AB/BC are the least amount of deaths happening.

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Lots of info in that link. I know very little about Canada, other than Amazing Polly, Csaba, and a few of the YouTubers from the trucker protest. The trucker protest blew my mind, still get teary thinking about it. Mistersunshinebaby gets to me w/his reporting. The episode where he talked about being embarrassed for getting the vaxx and he is concerned about seeing his unborn baby girl ripped at the heart, and the comment section was just a tear jerker. It does sound like all of Canada is a mess, just like here. Makes sense the larger metro cities would be far worse. And valid point about Alberta is what is in the news because of all the doctors.

Canada is an incredibly large country w/a political system I don't understand, other than I despise Trudy and his head twerking buddy Chrystia. Her mother was hired by Soros to create the gov't of Ukraine. Everything always goes back to the same select few want to destroy and control everyone.

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Canadian politics is like UK Parliamentary politics.

Chrystia. Oof. Her facial twerks, grating diction and smug arrogance combine to make one potent insufferable person. Not only that, it's alleged her grandmother was married to Goebbels. Her grandfather - Choniak - was a Nazi collaborator. She's been seen marching alongside Ukrainian Nazi supporters in Ontario. No wonder Canada is so implicated in this stupid war in Ukraine. Freedom and democracy my foot. She's the most dangerous person in Canada.

She froze bank accounts based on lies. That's all you need to know about her and Justin.

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Amazing Polly did a great video on her family. I can't stand Chrystia even from the days of when Harper was the PM. I liked him, I was sorry to see him go, she makes me ill.

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Just now starting to happen to people that I know. Last month, a Canadian friend, 63, died of a sudden heart attack. No history of cardiac problems. Woman with no history of cancer in April, and now in September has aggressive pancreatic cancer and already going into hospice. An 83-year old man that I worked with many years ago: https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/vkSgjBBW?fbclid=IwAR2l7luy_HjkjNZ1imc4wYYi6cmi4HKocA_DTisbuR6ywYD2uREZ21isEbM

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Thank you for honouring these silent sacrificial souls on our journey to the light.

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I'm planning follow up post as apparently I missed referee whistles, margarita pizza, car exhaust, bras etc - anything else? ;)

HEALTH ALERT: Top 13 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes

- Gardening, solar storms, sleeping positions, Putin, going to the beach, living under flight paths, sock lines, being a lonely Karen, climate change and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.


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California man dies in Hawaii after he’s found face-down in snorkeling mask, cops say

Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article265187906.html#storylink=cpy

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Hi Mark, I just wanted to thank you for this difficult work. I find it hard to read each week, but feel a sense of duty to do so, and imagine how much harder it is for you and all those helping you in this burden.

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