Taiwanese singer Chau Lich Sam; Korean singer Lee Sang Eun; Singapore lawyer Adrian Tan; Filipino journo Mario Dumaual; Aussie roller derby star Keira Dascoli-Guymer (18); an Indonesian bride; & more
The age-standardised death rate (SDR) for March was 40.9 deaths per 100,000 people, lower than the baseline average (41.5) and the rate for 2022 (42.8).
Can I interest you in the bureau's of meteorology weather Statics, demonstrating life threatening, warming created by cow farts? ..
Since governments have been acutely instrumentals in compelling their citizens to inject that poison, it stands to reason they'll be engaged in a massive cover-up now. Hence, one can't trust any statistics furnished by governmental agencies.
It’s astounding around the world, how similar the phrasing, with each announcement, “suddenly,” they, in front of everyone around….on the street, swimming. on an errand, never woke up, was found by family…..,it’s as if each one suddenly had a day, or a few hours, of worldwide dengue fever, collapsed, was found and was gone. “And greatly missed…. “ can’t find the words, so great the impact, quietly they disappeared from their life plans, from their expectations, from the map of their town, village, from mail delivery…….
Still too many sudden deaths. I wonder how this compares to before 3 years ago?
The Aust ABS claim. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/health/causes-death/provisional-mortality-statistics/latest-release
The age-standardised death rate (SDR) for March was 40.9 deaths per 100,000 people, lower than the baseline average (41.5) and the rate for 2022 (42.8).
Can I interest you in the bureau's of meteorology weather Statics, demonstrating life threatening, warming created by cow farts? ..
Since governments have been acutely instrumentals in compelling their citizens to inject that poison, it stands to reason they'll be engaged in a massive cover-up now. Hence, one can't trust any statistics furnished by governmental agencies.
💯3.5 years into this genocidal scam, they are doubling down ensuring the trail goes cold.
They still have this health.gov.au recommendation.
"26 June 2023 — Children aged 6 months to under 5 years who are at greater risk of severe disease are also eligible for COVID-19 vaccination"
Lower? That can't be right. I actually was thinking comparing it to before 2020.
It’s astounding around the world, how similar the phrasing, with each announcement, “suddenly,” they, in front of everyone around….on the street, swimming. on an errand, never woke up, was found by family…..,it’s as if each one suddenly had a day, or a few hours, of worldwide dengue fever, collapsed, was found and was gone. “And greatly missed…. “ can’t find the words, so great the impact, quietly they disappeared from their life plans, from their expectations, from the map of their town, village, from mail delivery…….