I've said it before, so it is probably trite by now. But, none the less, thank you for your service to humanity, Dr. Miller. In a world of knaves and scoundrels you are a shining light.

God speed your recovery from Lyme Disease.

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Every time I see these posts I am astounded by those under 50 dying and especially those under 21. The death toll continues…. So very sad and angering at the same time. What a toll we are paying for “trusting the experts”!

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Agree. My children aren't vaxxed but most of their friends are. I had the conversation with them to prepare them for it. They understand and we are all grateful we did not get the shots but worry for the others.

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You are SO fortunate your children listened! Wish more had…

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Yeah. I am so thankful. My husband and I at least don't have to worry about this. 🙏

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NJ police officer 38 years old died. A friend of the family said it was a short illness and died unexpectedly. I don’t know if he was vaccinated but chances are he was mandated to take for work.


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This is just my highly subjective and hopefully wrong view. But people are eventually going to grow weary of being told they've been screwed by the powerful that control their lives. Eventually those people are going to grow weary of the message and the messenger more than the forces of affliction. It is at that point that they come after the messenger.

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I don't think most will admit it. Some of them might have their eyes opened but most practice wilful blindness or double down. True covidians.

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I've spent many years on a motorcycle, which instilled in my habits to ALWAYS be defensive and expect the unexpected. As I grew older, (and a little wiser) the choice of vehicle was a mini-truck. There, I could relax and pay less attention to the traffic around me. But NOW, with folks blacking out at the wheel, some of which veer into oncoming traffic, there is a new threat facing drivers.

May God's guardian angels be with everyone as they drive.


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I’ve been using alcohol to numb my grief and anxiety’s. This has only caused me more pain and confusion. So I’m back to AA meetings and taking it one day at a time. I can’t be the only unvaccinated soul struggling with sobriety. We are witnessing an unimaginable horror. The tsunami of death hasn’t even hit shore.

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spared by the gods for likely having to host von der Leyen for another 5 years?

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obviously Belgium and Brazil did not make it to the publication. Posted at least 50

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