I don't mean to sound heartless because reading these BREAKS my heart - but it seems like people are dropping like flies. And NO ONE is noticing? For the life of me, I cannot comprehend this.

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AnnR: The vast majority of the population do not read this Substack, nor do they listen to, watch, or read any outlet which talks about this. If they were perchance (highly unlikely) to come across this information, they simply would not believe it. They completely trust the MSM, which numbs their minds with endless lies. The MSM tells them that the excess deaths which are occurring are caused by "deaths of despair," and also by people's unwillingness to go to the doctor or the hospital when they're sick because they fear catching covid.

Furthermore, the MSM tells them that the high rate of death from cancer today is due to the fact that people waited too long to go to the doctor because they were afraid of catching covid at the doctor's office or at the hospital. Cancer in young people is perfectly normal, in other words, and if they'd just gone to the doctor sooner, they'd have been given chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, etc. and they'd be fine today. Of course, absolutely everything about this message is a lie, from beginning to end.

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Well said.

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I know many people who are oblivious. They don't want to know. If you are aware you can a least have a chance. It is too frightening to many people to think about this.

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Truthbird, I am always recommending people to read this substack. I often say it on You tube etc and I just hope that more people WILL become more aware. However, I fear it is as you say, many are not even remotely aware of the reality of what's going on, and furthermore they just would prefer to block their ears and say blah blah bah.🐏

My friends, neighbours say to me - gosh so many people dying suddenly and they look genuinely puzzled. (flummoxed is my favourite word ).

To you , Mark and the team , Keep up the brilliant work 💪

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The do not even think it could be the shot!

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And everyone knows someone who took the jabs so they might not feel comfortable sharing this horrific information. 😔

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Blessed are those who believe...in the group that are anti-vaccines.

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We have been here from the beginning, knowing even before it was launched, that an experimental, nearly untested injection could have unintended consequences. We begged family and friends to just wait for more data, after all, the virus was said to be 99% survivable. We were shunned, ridiculed and slandered for our efforts. And we sit in silence and tears for the unending stream of those it has taken, that we did not even know. They are noticed, but not by those who coordinated the genocide. Not a sparrow falls that He does not see.

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Now 99% of those who are vaxxed are likely to be sicken or die. Good luck to them.

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Perfectly said!

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What virus?

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it's the story we were sold

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Many bought. Some didn't.

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I got in something of an argument on Discus with a fellow who insisted there is “absolutely no proof” that the C19 shots cause heart problems and that “medical associations would not lie about pHarma products safety and efficacy”. There’s no teaching a closed mind.

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We save ourselves. Let those who believe the brainwashing die. I am no longer emotional over news of deaths no matter how young. Parents are killing their kids with vaccines. Young and Old are killing themselves out of their ignorance, being forced or by their own choice...the end result is the same... injuries and death.

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Aug 17, 2023Edited
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they think the deaths now are still from covid infections, not the shots. They will go down with the ship.

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Aug 17, 2023
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you know what they call someone that graduated med school bottom of their class? 'Doctor'. It's an old joke. So is the one about them still 'practicing' as they can't get it perfect...

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I’m sure he’s up to date and compliant with every test, shot and medicine that is offered.

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I can think of two big players that are keeping people in the dark: 1) our bosom buddy Google and 2) that super supplier of all our needs Walmart, which has signs all over its parking lots encouraging its shoppers to "Get Your Booster." (And now this area is really pushing the HPV vaccine on all its youth).

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Went to walmart today. They had 4 racks of shirts for "cancer awareness" pink for breast cancer and for supporters of those with cancer. Never in my life would I have believed there would be enough of a market and interest in cancer shirts to see them sold, en masse, at Walmart. It's in people's faces, at this point.

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I totally agree with you with all that you've said. I can't comprehend it either especially when there are so many who absolutely do not want to hear this at all.

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Debra - like you I've sat here many a sleepless night thinking this over. I can only conclude that, because so many KNOW what poison they've put into their body, and they cannot change that, they just simply shut down and do not "want" to know. There's no other explanation is there ? (my sister is one of these 🙁)

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You’re spot on!

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When a victim is bitten by a snake, the venom releases a tranquilizer so the animal cannot escape. That is what is happening. People are confused and tranquilized. The vaccines are CRISPr (CRISP is snake venom and the "r" is getting it to replicate). This is even on Wikapedia and what Epstein and Maxwell were primarily working on with the CCP and people from MIT and the University of Penn (Cariko and Weismann).

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something doesn't seem right that is for sure - now I have not monitored the obituaries at any time prior so its difficult for me to say with a degree of certainty that this is not normal, but it sure does seem unusual - especially the ages - I have never ever - or maybe one off event - so many younger people - say 50 down...dying from a cardiac event or other where they simply just die. hmmmm surely it cannot be the actions of 2020 and beyond.

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Oh not at all. Just look at the surveys by Kirsch et al.: 25% of (US) respondents think they know someone who died during this massacre.. So notice and know they do!

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If they don't get us with the kill shot, they'll get us with a directed energy weapon, like they did in Maui. I know about directed energy weapons... they're all around me, where I live and I have a device that measure radiation and it's been off the charts in my apartment. And I always feel headache and nausea. MOVE MOVE MOVE! I know I know I know... and I'm working on that... and I'll move to a rural community and be hosed by a directed energy weapon out of the sky... there's no where to run now... now that they come from out of the sky...

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Take all the wifi out of your home. It isn't hard. Your cell phone kept closest to the source of wifi but mostly OFF! Hardwire a phone. I have measured it for three years and yes it is going up especially with latest routers and boosters, etc. Inside homes far higher than outside your door. Hardwire! You won't miss a thing. Speakers, everything on a wire! Keep your phone off in your car unless necessary which rarely is for most trips.

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I heard Dr Lee Merritt awhile back offer the same advice regarding wireless internet. At the time it sounded a bit extreme but now I “get it”!

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Great idea. Thank you, Ms. Wells!

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It causes your body to be very acidic and that wreaks havoc on every condition possible. Bicarbonate of soda is what I swear by. Dr. Robert Young's website. I buy his Pfour Salts. Very inexpensive and good quality baking soda just like our parents and grandparents used all the time. Alkaline is where you want to be. Don't use Arm & Hammer.

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Gayle, if you don't mind my asking, how much should we take a day ?

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It has to be organic. Dr. Young: One level teaspoon in six ounces of good water, preferably distilled water. He recommends one to two times a day. I no longer need to do that so do once or fewer now that my PH levels are up around 7.5 to 8. Get the cheap PH strips at an organic store or on line. Urine will show how acidic you are immediately.

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Thank you Gayle 🙏

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Aug 17, 2023
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I prefer using the topical magnesium spray as it readily gets absorbed through your skin.

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They are pure evil that's for sure.

There are supplements you can take for radiation. I know that zeolite powder binds to radioactive isotopes. And, I know there is potassium iodide that helps too but I'm not clear how that works. Look up Borax (boron), I could swear that someone mentioned that they take some small amount of borax everyday. But double check. I'm not familiar with that with how much to take.

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If you search on Telegram you can find the borax info. I've read 1/8 tsp for a liter of water but I think you do 3 weeks daily and then a week off. Double check this though. It's banned in some places and hard to find because they don't want us using it.

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Exactly L Bo - I was doing some research as I heard it was also very good for arthritis, but it's almost impossible to get hold of in Europe. (If anyone knows where to obtain it I'd be grateful ). I have bad arthritic hands.

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I never considered any of this. Thank you, Debra!

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1/8 a tsp in a liter of water.

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I knew nothing of this until I read the latest Patricia Cornwell book (for the record I didn't really enjoy it ). But it was all about this new type of weapon and was really interesting but scary. She had obviously done her research.

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GLOBAL FIRES = GLOBAL CONTROL WITH TANYA GAW & FORENSIC ARBORIST / TREE EXPERT WHISTLEBLOWER https://rumble.com/v315v04-global-fires-global-control-with-tanya-gaw-and-forensic-arborist-tree-exper.html

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The worst is yet to come. Today we are seeing that emergency services are readily available...rescue helicopters, ambulances, ER staff. The day is coming when such services will also be decimated by many who are sick or dead. That means, you cannot expect immediate help.

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That’s exactly what I’ve learned in earthquake preparedness classes. Don’t expect emergency services in a region-wide disaster like an earthquake, wildfire. There’s a program called Map Your Neighborhood. You can search for it and learn more. It’s about getting to know your neighbors and working together to survive such a disaster. Also consider taking the Community Emergency Response Training (CERT). More advanced program to help yourselves and others in a disaster.

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Johnny Hardwick is an ironic loss. For those that haven't watched King of the Hill (a fabulous show once you get into it!), he played Dale Gribble, one of the leads that is always citing government "conspiracy theories" that his friends dismiss. Hardwick may have died from one of the biggest "conspiracy theories" ever.

When we first watched the show, his rants sounded like the thoughts of a nutcase, but watching now, except for the alien crap, I believe a huge swath of the things Dale says. RIP Johnny.

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It's been one of my faves since it came out and is based on a Dallas burb. Being a Southerner in the area, I totally get the humor!

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He may have died from the conspiracy, it's no theory at that point

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Exhausted reading these as thoughI have a secret.

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I hear you Beth. 😢

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Heartbreaking even after reading so many of these accounts. Thanks so much for continuing to compile these lists, so we may reach a point where their deaths won’t be in vain.

Dr. William Makis has a very large library of vax death and injuries on his Substack.

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And now you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way. And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, him, Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying:

2 Thessalonians 2:6-10

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Darn climate change!!!

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Robbie Robertson is included in this list of "Classic Rockers Are Getting Vaccinated"


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Aug 17, 2023
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Kent - I follow another good substack called Dee's Substack. She is a former nurse and has a lot to tell.

And another great one is Transcriber B - this lady has transcribed thousands of testimonies since the beginning.

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