Just devastating… Each person, each life, full of dreams and hopes and futures. Snuffed out FOR NOTHING. Training for army, lying in a mothers lap (that one got me), driving an ambulance, sleeping, swimming… My god. What have they done.

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Many people are not alarmed, claiming these tragic events are a tiny percent of a defined, finite population. However, these reports tell the story that the bodies pile up daily. Is it a never-ending continuum? With slowing vaccinations globally and more vaccine-injured occurrences, those percentages will look uglier. When will they be ugly enough for people to say “stop”?

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Not to be too cynical, but I don’t think the realization is coming anytime soon! And the only time they’ll wake up is when the media tells them to.

My doctor friends have absolutely no clue. An older man I had a meeting with last year had beaten cancer years before. I told him to absolutely not take the shot. He said he already had. Two weeks ago, his colleague called to say he died “of cancer”. That it came back with a vengeance, spreading to stomach, liver, lymph, kidneys and lungs. Had three shots. Had a huge family of scientists and PhDs, a huge international network. No one made the connection. It was just cancer doing its thing.

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RIP 🪦🙏❤️

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