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The Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church in America also forbid priests for writing letters for religious exemption. The archbishop is Turkish so one can only surmise someone instructed him to do thisThe fact that church leaders did this was used in NY to justify denying religious do not need permission from your church…
© 2025 Mark Crispin Miller
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The Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church in America also forbid priests for writing letters for religious exemption. The archbishop is Turkish so one can only surmise someone instructed him to do thisThe fact that church leaders did this was used in NY to justify denying religious exemptions.You do not need permission from your church leader.The state can not do a litmus test to prove if you are suitably Devout to deserve an exemption.Also ,the priests were mandated to take the gene therapy shots at least through 1 "booster".
Disgusting that prelates in both the Orthodox AND Roman Catholic Churches did this to their flock!! They talk a good talk about being "pastoral" and "tolerant" -- but such actions demonstrate their unfortunate lack of wisdom when it comes to such serious matters: They tolerate evil tyrants persecuting their flock & refuse to be pastoral to those being persecuted by tyrants.
St. Jerome told us: The road to hell is paved with the skulls of the likes of these.