These are so painful to read. Such a dark, bitter brew of horror, anger, and frustration, sweetened with shadenfraude that doesn't really make it taste better. There's not one emotion in this drink that a sane person is comfortable with. Even the redemption tastes of irony.

The death of Pasin is especially challenging on this level. The initial flavor of just desserts is washed out by the much bloodier flavor of being dragged down to his level. There can be no desire to dance on his grave, just to get in a time machine and show all these people their obituaries.

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I was surprised in other countries of not seeing biking and swimming deaths. They are back in Italy with a vengeance. I keep wondering what the coroners and the medical aid workers are thinking. Surely they must recognize the tragedy of these vaccine related deaths and also be wondering to themselves when it will be their own turn.

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Thank you Puffin. Living in Italy, are your local neighbors aware of the surge in sudden deaths? Or is it too broad spread for most to notice?

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Tbh Datagal I don't think many notice. I live in a very small village and I think many of them follow Italian TV news which is heavy propaganda. And every day for nearly 24/ they had chat shows on spouting hate and death to the unvaxxed. It has been very difficult to live through this. I do notice on alternative news sites that a lot of italians are noticing the huge number of sudden deaths. So I hope they start to wake up. Unfortunately, as I have said in the past, Italians are huge hypochondriacs and for them the Dr is a semi god. So if their family Dr said take the jab, then they ran to queue up. My hubby spoke to our neighbour and he was 100% convinced that these jabs just do their job and then leave your body. He laughed at my hubby and looked at him as if he was mad when my hubby tried to say the opposite. So, from then I have avoided any discussions. My other neighbour is lovely, but utterly worships at the Covid altar and believes in the jabs, despite now having problems with her health. I am so very sad.

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"Cadaveric reconnaissance" is a phrase I had never heard used before.

Good God. When Will We Wake from this Nightmare? Couldn't come soon enough.

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Why Italy? Do they actually have more sudden deaths or do they simply tend to publicize every death?

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You have to also consider that many were mandated, the health service, the over 50's, teachers, emergency services and the list goes on.and on. That 'might' be why they have such a high death toll. I live in Italy and it has been absolutely horrendous. If anything, the media are grossly under reporting this. But then we all know why. 😐

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