The life insurance industry and its actuaries must be following these trends very closely. I've heard reports that in Germany there was an insurance company rep that was out in public saying that all cause mortality in 40-60 yo olds is way up. There was a report from Illinois as well. I think the life ins industry is going to help blow this whole thing up. You cant hide or obfuscate a corpse

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Yes this... NOT from covid. but could be from the spike protein persisting from the Jabs and also all the untreated conditions that were ignored for two years, drug and alcohol, suicide etc. Sometimes new wont report cause of death as suicide because it actually can actuate others commit suicide. but suicide stats will be reported in OFFICIAL stats and on death certificates. hopefully the life ins companies will be allies in the global fight to bring justice.

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A Public Health Emergency in Canada: The Rate of Change in Excess Millennial Deaths Can’t Be Explained by a Sudden Rush of Suicides, Overdoses, Cancers


These next 2 videos show covid shots given and excess mortality in Israel and in Spain. From Dr. Jessica Rose's substack:

Lindsay on Twitter: "🇮🇱 Israel 🇮🇱 Source: Our World In Data Music Requested By: @Jikkyleaks https://t.co/mUdHvMPTxQ" / Twitter


Lindsay on Twitter: "🇪🇸 Spain 🇪🇸 Data Source: Our World In Data ——— Music Requested By: Dr. Jessica Rose @JesslovesMJK Song by Paco de Lucia https://t.co/ONoN6XCl1C" / Twitter


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Back in November, David Martin claimed the life insurance industry is "behind" the COVID hoax. That and his masonic ties made me realize he's controlled opposition.

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I think you'll find the insurance industry will be all too willing to help their owners sweep this under the rug. We can expect shouts of alarm from the insurers about the impact of Russia/Ukraine, Long Covid, Climate Change, whatever. The books will be cooked, the bailout will happen, and the denial will continue. The insurers are not going to help.

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i hope you are wrong. The insurance industry is among the most powerful group on earth. if they are facing losses bc of the malfeasance of the pharm industry, they just might speak up. THe ins industry goal and the average persons goals in many ways are aligned. We want to live long health safe lives. The ins company wants the same thing cause other wise they have to pay our money. The metlife company in particular has a long pretty good history at promoting health, exercise, good hygiene, regular medical attention, maternal health...

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Omg. I knew one of these families and met the victim when he was little. Nice people. So horrendous.

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I appreciate your eulogy. My friend lost her daughter who was 13-years-old due to the Trump Jab. It truly angers me.

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The “Trump Jab”?!! Yes, it was stupid but it was NEVER mandated by him — that was all the Democrat (like Governor Gavin Newsom here in California)/ globalist/ Biden regime that did that and is doing that. So very sorry regarding your friend’s daughter!! TRAGIC!

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Mandated or not she's dead. Operation Warp Speed was promoted and pushed by Trump. Trump created the trigger and he gave Bill Gates over 1.5 billion for the vaccine. Gates, is on record in support of world depopulation. I voted for Trump twice and never again. Trump also promotes the vaccine as safe and very simply he lies about the safety. After seeing Tatian's daughter die as a direct result of the vaccine and watch Trump state it safe makes me furious. People need to awaken to the Trump jab and Trump fraud and quick.

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This was well in place before Trump, notably by the bipartisan passing of the 21st Century Cures Act (2015-2016) under the Obama administration. - Contact Congress to encourage them to help fix the laws that enabled what happened over the past two years - RightingTheWrongs.org

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The Trump Jab, which became the Biden/Harris Jab? Almost makes us wonder.

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Thank you Mark for putting this together each week. It is driving me nuts how people are still asleep on this. And I feel conflicted each time I read one of these posts. First I feel like I am being validated because I knew from the start anything the government and pharma were rolling out quickly and pushing so hard had to be very unsafe. Then I feel sad for all these people. Then I feel worried about the people I care about who took the jabs. We are truly living in a nightmare.

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R.I.P. KEVIN SAMUELS, YouTube star, helper of men. Died of sudden sudden cardiac arrest at 56 either yesterday or the day before. You will not be forgotten. He seemed extremely healthy and did a complete livestream the night before.

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I know two people that suddenly had cancer - one died within days of discovery. One is in stage four with no possible hope of eradication, it has spread through her body. Both were vaccinated.

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I know of one like that too. It's so odd that so many people seem unable to make the connection.

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I’ve developed an index using six factors to rank the current U.S. House of Representatives by their potential for “righting the wrongs” incurred by the H.R.34 - 21st Century Cures Act (2015-2016) passed during the Obama Administration. -https://leemuller.substack.com/p/the-elephant-in-the-room-hr34-21st - This is solely based on the factors that I feel should motivate their decision to vote towards positive change going into the future.


UPDATES: 04/15/22 - Factors updated to include No Vaccine Mandate Act (pending 2022) and death rates by state from VAERS; 04/13/22 - Rankings are now available for ALL states!

Of utmost importance, there is a ten billion+ dollar bill in the House as we speak:

H.R.6000 - Cures 2.0 Act 117th Congress (2021-2022) - https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/6000/text

Summary: https://degette.house.gov/sites/degette.house.gov/files/Cures%202.0%20Section%20by%20Section%20Summary.pdf

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What is worse is that not many people have been "vaxxed" recently. These kind of deaths very likely mean that younger people face a much higher risk of death at any point in time for years. the background death rate may be about 50% higher for COVID "vaxxed" people age 20-40.

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