Musicians in the US (3), Colombia, Brazil, Denmark, Italy, Israel, Turkey, Russia, China; journalists in the US (5), Canada, Argentina, Norway, Italy (2); clerics in Ireland, Austria, Italy; & more
Thank you Mark, and your team who do the difficult work of compiling the loss of these human beings who are being so easily dismissed as being unimportant. May God bless your efforts.
My voice teacher, back in the day, served in WWII in the chaplain corps. We talked about what it was like for him to be relatively safe back at HQ while every day someone would drop off the dogtags of men killed in action, many of them men he knew personally. He said he woke up every morning dreading it. "Who's going to be next?" was his constant thought.
All these years later, I think I'm getting a little taste of what he experienced. Watching good people all around me fall.
It's not breaking my heart. It's shredding it.
I hope someone is compiling a list of perpetrators for prosecution.
‘Heroes and Villains: The Covid-19 Book of Lists’ by Reid Sheftall, M.D., guest contributor Michael Yeadon, PhD. This book names names/organizations so we will NEVER FORGET who the perpetrators were/are!!
The young man, a Kansas University student you mentioned was killed in a vehicular accident on a two lane highway here in Kansas.
I live in Lawrence , Kansas home to the University of Kansas, the obituary came through our local paper, I am always interested to fact check a man this young passing "suddenly". He died in a car accident, I don't believe it was vaccine related.
This death of a 25 year old Dr. of Pharmacy in Pittsburg who ran vaccine clinics has died suddenly. This may have been covered already and I didn't catch it - but if not, here is the link:
Wow, these doctors who don't see it for what it is... My mother also went to Pitt. She was a great lady, but she thought OJ was innocent until she was pressed hard by her 4 sons, all of whom are also violently unvaxxed.
Interested in your thoughts about why the democide is happening. Democide can take many forms. Do you believe someone has deliberately decided to kill and maim people? Or do you see a different set of intentions and actions?
Do you mean a deliberate plan to kill using the gene therapy? Who designed and implemented the plan? Do you have an origin theory for the original pathogen? What are your thoughts about what we should do now?
I don’t recall seeing President-in-waiting Newsom roll up his silken sleeves for his 5th jab, has anyone seen it? He got Covid ten days after booster 2. As that was last May, he’s overdue. I can’t find reports about it and I’m “concerned” for him.
Jack Madison — a 20-year-old member of the Colorado College men's tennis team — died in his sleep Jan. 2, the Colorado College Tigers website reported.
Incredible hard work! You're already doing more than 98% of the US population to get the word out, but I was wondering if you had a followup on the Canada doctors, the last count I saw (maybe I missed an update) was 13 Sudden Deaths of those below 60 years old. I had been getting a few solid silences from some of my more stubborn (vaxxed) friends, and zero sarcastic replies, when I've dropped those numbers, and I have a doctor appointment coming up - he has definitely moved in our direction, from urging me to get vaccinated to (2 months later) "Don't worry about getting vaxxed, all my patients are getting Covid anyway". (But I just came from my local central california coast CVS, about 50 yards from my doc's office, and a "Get Your Covid-19 Vax - after two doses the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines have a 94% to 95% efficacy rate of protection" sign is still up, I took photos to see what the pharmacists' reactions would be...but they were masked)
The world is BLIND to the impending 'Gates - WHO world take-over', but we must refute all WHO initiatives that supersede personal and National Sovereignty. Since Gates became the WHO biggest benefactor (INFLUENCER) the WHO have become corrupt and no longer function in the interests of World Health - they now operate as another of Gates's Vax marketing divisions. Vax = DEPOPULATION!
Apparently, Bill Gates said this in 2011;
"............if you just do a GOOD JOB with VACCINES we can REDUCE the population by 10 - 15%."
He then backpedalled by suggesting "......women from poorer countries would be less likely to OVERPRODUCE if their children had a longer life expectancy".
Join the dots, factor in these new (since 2021) phenomena =
'SADS', 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome'.
'SIDS', 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome'.
"died suddenly",
'never seen before, inexplicably large multiple blood clots',
'athletes dying mysteriously',
'unparalleled excess deaths'
The topic has since been covered up and vehemently denied by the 'establishment'.
Join the dots and reach your own conclusions.
Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed because I joined the dots!)
Thank you Mark, and your team who do the difficult work of compiling the loss of these human beings who are being so easily dismissed as being unimportant. May God bless your efforts.
Amen...this is hard work indeed. and at least Mark is doing the honorable deed of recognizing even those who ridiculed us.
Thank you for your reporting.
Every person had folks who loved them and will miss them.
"...and some health problems of our own. We..."
Shalom & Amen.
My voice teacher, back in the day, served in WWII in the chaplain corps. We talked about what it was like for him to be relatively safe back at HQ while every day someone would drop off the dogtags of men killed in action, many of them men he knew personally. He said he woke up every morning dreading it. "Who's going to be next?" was his constant thought.
All these years later, I think I'm getting a little taste of what he experienced. Watching good people all around me fall.
It's not breaking my heart. It's shredding it.
I hope someone is compiling a list of perpetrators for prosecution.
In principle, I'm against the death penalty.
But I'm re-thinking that now.
‘Heroes and Villains: The Covid-19 Book of Lists’ by Reid Sheftall, M.D., guest contributor Michael Yeadon, PhD. This book names names/organizations so we will NEVER FORGET who the perpetrators were/are!!
Thanks! I'll track it down.
So 3 of my young adult kids and husband got the 💉 for various reasons. In 2020 each got the first 1-2 and no boost, and will not boost.
None have any negative side effects so my prayer and hope is they are “fine” as these that are dropping, well, it scares me to death.
I just heard that half the players in the big 10 have myocarditis w no symptoms. I’m trying to source this info. If anyone has any links please share.
There is Swiss study I read about. Don’t remember the link! Good luck.
Former NHL player Gino Odjick. Dead. Heart attack. 52.
We need more evidence.
And damn this climate change!
Thank you Mark.
The young man, a Kansas University student you mentioned was killed in a vehicular accident on a two lane highway here in Kansas.
I live in Lawrence , Kansas home to the University of Kansas, the obituary came through our local paper, I am always interested to fact check a man this young passing "suddenly". He died in a car accident, I don't believe it was vaccine related.
It was an ordinary accident?
Yes I believe that it was an ordinary accident , bad weather, driver inexperience. Victim was a passenger.
I suppose the young driver could have been vaxxed, the article indicates seasonal sudden bad weather which can be freezing rain here.
This death of a 25 year old Dr. of Pharmacy in Pittsburg who ran vaccine clinics has died suddenly. This may have been covered already and I didn't catch it - but if not, here is the link:
Wow, these doctors who don't see it for what it is... My mother also went to Pitt. She was a great lady, but she thought OJ was innocent until she was pressed hard by her 4 sons, all of whom are also violently unvaxxed.
Interested in your thoughts about why the democide is happening. Democide can take many forms. Do you believe someone has deliberately decided to kill and maim people? Or do you see a different set of intentions and actions?
I see a deliberate plan to do precisely what we see happening.
Do you mean a deliberate plan to kill using the gene therapy? Who designed and implemented the plan? Do you have an origin theory for the original pathogen? What are your thoughts about what we should do now?
I live in Niagara region Ontario and will also monitor the obits for a trend. Thank you for this information.
I don’t recall seeing President-in-waiting Newsom roll up his silken sleeves for his 5th jab, has anyone seen it? He got Covid ten days after booster 2. As that was last May, he’s overdue. I can’t find reports about it and I’m “concerned” for him.
Jack Madison — a 20-year-old member of the Colorado College men's tennis team — died in his sleep Jan. 2, the Colorado College Tigers website reported.
Incredible hard work! You're already doing more than 98% of the US population to get the word out, but I was wondering if you had a followup on the Canada doctors, the last count I saw (maybe I missed an update) was 13 Sudden Deaths of those below 60 years old. I had been getting a few solid silences from some of my more stubborn (vaxxed) friends, and zero sarcastic replies, when I've dropped those numbers, and I have a doctor appointment coming up - he has definitely moved in our direction, from urging me to get vaccinated to (2 months later) "Don't worry about getting vaxxed, all my patients are getting Covid anyway". (But I just came from my local central california coast CVS, about 50 yards from my doc's office, and a "Get Your Covid-19 Vax - after two doses the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines have a 94% to 95% efficacy rate of protection" sign is still up, I took photos to see what the pharmacists' reactions would be...but they were masked)
The world is BLIND to the impending 'Gates - WHO world take-over', but we must refute all WHO initiatives that supersede personal and National Sovereignty. Since Gates became the WHO biggest benefactor (INFLUENCER) the WHO have become corrupt and no longer function in the interests of World Health - they now operate as another of Gates's Vax marketing divisions. Vax = DEPOPULATION!
Apparently, Bill Gates said this in 2011;
"............if you just do a GOOD JOB with VACCINES we can REDUCE the population by 10 - 15%."
He then backpedalled by suggesting "......women from poorer countries would be less likely to OVERPRODUCE if their children had a longer life expectancy".
Join the dots, factor in these new (since 2021) phenomena =
'SADS', 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome'.
'SIDS', 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome'.
"died suddenly",
'never seen before, inexplicably large multiple blood clots',
'athletes dying mysteriously',
'unparalleled excess deaths'
The topic has since been covered up and vehemently denied by the 'establishment'.
Join the dots and reach your own conclusions.
Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed because I joined the dots!)