Pretending young and healthy people dying like this is normal or not in need of much greater scrutiny is a crime against humanity.

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Having been posting online for two months [strictly oriented towards ending a particular VAX mandate], it is simply amazing how many people are brainwashed into explaining away all the death and destruction. Many angry, hostile Covidians. I find the idea that the shots have done something to seriously degrade the souls of some people compelling. Related no doubt to CRISPR type gene editing from the jab, including what they call the god gene.

In event it is just heart wrenching to see all these people dying before their time. Thanks MCM and those who help you compile these lists for preventing all of this carnage from being irretrievably memory holed.

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It's ridiculous to propose The Science pulled off any type of sophisticated gene editing when their covid shots were such a spectacular failure. And throwing out 'god genes' looks like a desperate attempt to discredit valid criticism.

People are angry and hostile because they are psyops victims. Admitting the shots cause damage means admitting they injured themselves. For parents that repeatedly vaxxed their kids an even uglier reality to confront.

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They are certainly psyop victims.

Not sure how you are concluding that it is ridiculous to consider CRISPR gene editing by the shots: just because they fail to prevent COVID etc. does not in any way mean the shots are failing to accomplish the goals of those who created them. If their metric for judging them is instead the great variety of harms and deaths they cause, they have done a tragically good job.

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They are doing what was intended. They are a success. Stopping a fake invisible killer bug was the ruse. Seriously, people are we superstitious peasants living in the dark ages! Can't believe most of the world fell for this bull pucky.

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Terry you're 100% spot on. A fictitious virus & fraudulent test were used by globalists & their puppets to create the illusion of a pandemic.

Do folks really believe flu went from 38 million cases in 2019 to 1,822 in 2020? This should have been MASSIVE red flag to every healthcare official.

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Fear and propaganda are powerful tools. And these evil "people" learned how to use them well. I also can't believe the ones that just lined up, not only for that PCR test but for the bio weapon. Never quite got that need to get tested. I happen to know if I am sick or not. Never understood the need to take a jab for a so called disease that plainly had a death rate of less than 1% Mask? have been proven to do nothing and yet I still know people that are married to them still. I was ok with the distance thing though. Was nice waiting in line at a grocery/retailer store without some idiot crowding me and in my face.

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Bull pucky. LOL.

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We are witness to global catastrophe level incompetence and industry capture.

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And the greatest stampede of shepple over a cliff of lies.

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Good God there are so many young people. 💔😢

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If this keeps up we might run out of stupid people.

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Looks like a devastating few weeks in Georgia.

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Just staggering numbers.

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And this is just the beginning of the dying that is to come. Soon all of us will witness someone "dying suddenly". Yes, we are gong to have PTSD from this and some will even have "a thousand yard stare" from all the death they will witness. Prepare yourself folks.

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Yes - it's mind boggling thinking of all the "holes" left by these people - in families, in jobs/companies, in schools... parents, siblings, children. As you said, the PTSD from this is going to start having an impact, not just emotionally, but economically, as these persons' skills, talents and positions in companies have to be filled.

Then there's all the money the insurance companies are paying out...

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I wrote a short article last year about a movie you should try to watch. It encapsulates the world that we might be headed for and what it will do to those who are left after a mass extinction event. The main characters must chose whether or not to remember the dead or forget about them. This is a very intense movie that needs to watched a couple times to truly understand it. I found it on Amazon Prime. https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/i-think-were-alone-now?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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The ages are so sad....and the kids/babies.

This is just horrible. Thank you Professor Miller...

Please keep doing this...it is a record...please keep hard copies of all your work.

I would like to see your substack on these deaths printed out and put into a book.

Because you don't really grasp the enormity of the deaths until you read it.

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This death toll keeps getting bigger and bigger. Excess mortality is growing everywhere. These people have no idea or interested at looking. They have been hypnotized via propaganda. This new technology is a ticking time bomb.

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Access mortality is an interesting if macabre phrase (band name?) but I believe you meant "Excess".

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Thank you for documenting and honoring the victims of the “ invisible” genocide. These lists are heartbreaking.

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Mark, I was wondering if you caught the news stories last weekend (mainstream TV news), that were repeating over and over, all channels, some expert's information that the daylight savings time change caused an approximante 25% increase in heart attacks and 17% increase in strokes--I think she said up to a couple of months after the change. I haven't had a regular TV since 2004, but have been doing parent care and that box is always on and they flip around the news across the country all night long. Same story many channels, same expert. I was wondering if this was going to be the new "climate change", "jumping for joy excuse" for the coming carnage in the next couple of months.

I just don't remember hearing this in the past regarding the time change outside of car accidents increasing and emergency room visits in general. The "news" was very specific.

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I didn't see that. Perfect....

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Mar 17, 2023
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So the time change causes you to have a heart attack or stroke and crash your car... who knew?

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My God!

This is disgusting. Just disgusting.

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This one is especially heartbreaking. So many young lives taken. 💔💔💔

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Yesterday I drove from Knoxville to Sea Island. We saw what appeared to be three one vehicle accidents (the vehicles were alone off the highway). Two of them were 18 wheelers that had rolled over. Couldn't help but suspect they were all "medical emergencies." In all my years, I don't think I ever saw three accidents in one trip like that before.

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Devil went down to Georgia.....

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I wonder when we're going to reach a tipping point. The cause of death is the vaccine, but the deaths are labeled as heart attacks, strokes, short illnesses, and cancers. The dead will ultimately be regarded with the same lack of passion the general public has for the millions of babies aborted since the passing of Roe v. Wade. There is an apathy that pervades society, and the only thing that seems to disrupt it is fear of something. And too often, as was the case with Covid, the people, we the people, are afraid, and that is our undoing, unfortunately. When we are angered rather than frightened, and we express our righteous anger, the deceivers will tremble. Our freedom will not be taken away from us. It is our birthright, and we will not be scared out of it.

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Re: David Lindley, American musician. Don't like the traitorous Rolling Stone mag...but their obituary was one of few that mentioned, "Cause of death unknown".


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Every week Mark post these deaths, the dying are getting younger and younger. Anyone with a brain cell needs to be asking why. This is not normal but has become normalized to fit the narrative. I keep track of obits in my own town and sadly I am seeing the same thing. When i started, I only looked at under 70 yeas old. Now the average is 40-50.

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