Athletes: US (2), Can., Brazil (2), UK (2), Ire., Fr., Sweden (2), Croatia, Port., Spain (2); "vaxxidents": US (5), Germany (2), Kenya (2), Zimbabwe (2); journos: US (3), Peru, Brazil (3), Aus.; more
I put that together in my mind as well. What do you make of Trump's recent speech, "Christians will never have to vote again."? He has that special mocking tone he uses when he addresses Christians. They are both telling us about the Zionist murder parade.
You watched Trump participate in assassination theater and you still believe he isn't under the control of the same criminals as Biden/Harris? That takes a lot of belief. You watched him fast track intravenous chemical weapons and hand off the government to Fauci and you still think he's an American loyalist? You and many others are still pretending the DOD did not attack America with chemical weapons (an act of war). Trumpers are all like abused children who still hope your daddy loves you. He doesn't. Yes, the government is really doing all that stuff you posted, but that doesn't prove Trump is a loyalist. He already proved who he is: an actor in a TV show called American politics.
I'm not going to vote. It's a religious ritual and I'm not superstitious. Politics is the cheapest possible theater. The most vulgar pro-wrestling soapbox bullshit ever. The show cannot go on. The cast is terrible, the writing sucks, and the producers didn't think the show would last as long as it has. The corporate ownership of the USA uses political theater to play for time while it conducts war against the states and the populace. The DOD has attacked the states with chemical weapons and they just keep doing it. They are spraying us with toxins, and every single chemical the AMA recommends as medicine is a weapon designed to cause harm. What we should do is cause a revolution by refusing taxation. We should immediately end payroll taxation. All these corporations that mandated the poison vaxxines also bought life insurance that pays out when the peasants die from the vaxxines. Is that the system you want to participate in?
"Participate" by regarding "survival" as a Cat and Mouse Game is actually fun. Living on earth used to be even harder, now we don't have to fight crouching tigers anymore, but we get to figure out if the next "vaccine" is poisonous, or not, by gathering information, and make wise decision.
"Life and Living" used to be much harder, that was why human population stayed under 1 Billion from The Stone Ages until the start of the 1800s.
Then, Life must have gotten much easier, because world's population jumped straight-up, at times, adding 1 Billion people each 10 years. Now, reaching 8.2 Billion,
Nope. The reason we don't remember the dark ages is because freedom and prosperity reigned then. Free people don't overpopulate. A system of guilds and apprenticeship is far superior to the corporate model. We are all supposed to work for ourselves and own our own labor, like we did before the corporate nightmare. When free ethical thinking is suppressed, a Philistine mentality takes hold. Without the priests, we would develop a free society instead of a society of subordinates.
Totally agree. I am big on allowing The Law of Nature to sort it out. Had sent both of my teen boys out to far away Nations in summer breaks, to find themselves, by surviving, seeking, thinking, ... on their own. Both are successful self driven men now.
Did they really say that do you think or has the video been tampered with (AI)? Biden / Harris...don't know what to say other than that their decks are both short more than just a few cards......and people are still acting like Harris is mana from heaven.
She's reinforcing her television persona. She plays the dummy on TV, but her act is endearing to her base. That's why she's doing it. This particular mistake falls under wish fulfillment fantasy, self-fulfilling prophecy, and predictive programming.
It is also a hypnosis technique. Make people in their pre-conscious mind think that it has already happened and that since they are still alive they must do what the suggestion tells them to do to avoid becoming a member of that number.
This is an article from a substack that I follow. Not sure if you have to be a subscriber to read the entire article. "Army doctor: "I've seen a career's worth of serious medical problems in the last 2 years--it's all caused by the COVID vaccine"
If you want to know whether the shots were safe and effective or not, all you have to do is pick up the phone and call an army doctor.
I subscribe but don’t always read all of Steve’s posts however last night I read the post you’re referring to here and can’t stop thinking about it. Extremely powerful piece! I don’t know how anyone can read his post & not be very concerned. I wish that army doc would become a true whistleblower but I guess they could probably jail him if he tried to publish the army records. Steve’s a really cool dude btw - he lives in my area & I’ve met him. So sorry to hear about his injury.
The vaccine injuries he describes are horrific and these young soldiers lives and futures are in ruins. I wanted to copy and paste the entire article but couldn't but it needs to be read by everyone.
What's always so telling is that so often, no age or cause of death is reported. In my opinion, that is all we need to know. The media outlets all have their marching orders. Never point to the jabs. Honestly, Mark, I don't know how you do these lists over and over again. It's absolutely heart wrenching and terrifying. Darkness is everywhere.
He was covered by NFU twice in the last year, previously with cancer, and surgery to remove. Now he has to return to the US for “emergency medical procedure”. They’ve also cancelled all further 2024 concerts. Too bad it’s not Dave Grohl.
Where does one get this? I'm currently using a Wild Oregano Oil from North American Herb and Spice and it has cured my toe nail fungus in a few weeks. Also a Basil cell carcinoma growth on my hand.
I Just Finished Writing A Book.
It’s Called:
“Vaccines For Dummies”
That’s As Far As I Got.
I Figured I ‘Nailed It With The Title.
My Publisher Agreed.
I Made So Much Money From It That I Am Going To Publish The Sequel For Free:
“Vaccines For Dead People”
Is that you Sharon ?, but I will buy yours as well to compare.
Go with the sequel as what a Christmas stocking filler it will be for for them.
True.......oh yes
Kamala Harris said: “220 million Americans have died from COVID.”
70% of US population have been vaccinated.
What is 70% of 350 million ? = 245 million. Just sayin ....
She meant to say “will die”. Freudian slip
Which means the same thing? She is expecting 220 million Americans to die ?
I put that together in my mind as well. What do you make of Trump's recent speech, "Christians will never have to vote again."? He has that special mocking tone he uses when he addresses Christians. They are both telling us about the Zionist murder parade.
Hopefully Trump meant that the Nation will be so secured that Republicans can have peace of mind and relax ?
Although, DEMS have already set-up deadly traps, which will be hard to fix:
During Biden/Harris :
15+ million illegals entered with Cartels mixed in it. Cartel already taken over US properties by force.
Massive destruction of our food supply. Which will lead to food riots.
Multiple attacks on US electrical grid.
Failures with our railroad delivery.
You watched Trump participate in assassination theater and you still believe he isn't under the control of the same criminals as Biden/Harris? That takes a lot of belief. You watched him fast track intravenous chemical weapons and hand off the government to Fauci and you still think he's an American loyalist? You and many others are still pretending the DOD did not attack America with chemical weapons (an act of war). Trumpers are all like abused children who still hope your daddy loves you. He doesn't. Yes, the government is really doing all that stuff you posted, but that doesn't prove Trump is a loyalist. He already proved who he is: an actor in a TV show called American politics.
Trump is the Best Choice. Do we have any other option?
I'm not going to vote. It's a religious ritual and I'm not superstitious. Politics is the cheapest possible theater. The most vulgar pro-wrestling soapbox bullshit ever. The show cannot go on. The cast is terrible, the writing sucks, and the producers didn't think the show would last as long as it has. The corporate ownership of the USA uses political theater to play for time while it conducts war against the states and the populace. The DOD has attacked the states with chemical weapons and they just keep doing it. They are spraying us with toxins, and every single chemical the AMA recommends as medicine is a weapon designed to cause harm. What we should do is cause a revolution by refusing taxation. We should immediately end payroll taxation. All these corporations that mandated the poison vaxxines also bought life insurance that pays out when the peasants die from the vaxxines. Is that the system you want to participate in?
"Participate" by regarding "survival" as a Cat and Mouse Game is actually fun. Living on earth used to be even harder, now we don't have to fight crouching tigers anymore, but we get to figure out if the next "vaccine" is poisonous, or not, by gathering information, and make wise decision.
"Life and Living" used to be much harder, that was why human population stayed under 1 Billion from The Stone Ages until the start of the 1800s.
Then, Life must have gotten much easier, because world's population jumped straight-up, at times, adding 1 Billion people each 10 years. Now, reaching 8.2 Billion,
even with them " spraying us with toxins, and every single chemical the AMA recommends as medicine is a weapon designed to cause harm. " See, we won!
Nope. The reason we don't remember the dark ages is because freedom and prosperity reigned then. Free people don't overpopulate. A system of guilds and apprenticeship is far superior to the corporate model. We are all supposed to work for ourselves and own our own labor, like we did before the corporate nightmare. When free ethical thinking is suppressed, a Philistine mentality takes hold. Without the priests, we would develop a free society instead of a society of subordinates.
Totally agree. I am big on allowing The Law of Nature to sort it out. Had sent both of my teen boys out to far away Nations in summer breaks, to find themselves, by surviving, seeking, thinking, ... on their own. Both are successful self driven men now.
At least
Sad but true.
Did they really say that do you think or has the video been tampered with (AI)? Biden / Harris...don't know what to say other than that their decks are both short more than just a few cards......and people are still acting like Harris is mana from heaven.
She really said that.
She’s a real Brain Scientist, a Rocket Surgeon…….LOL.
She said it twice in two different speeches. It's not factual but she's saying it on purpose.
What would be the purpose of saying it on purpose...other than trying to mindfuck everyone.
She's reinforcing her television persona. She plays the dummy on TV, but her act is endearing to her base. That's why she's doing it. This particular mistake falls under wish fulfillment fantasy, self-fulfilling prophecy, and predictive programming.
It is also a hypnosis technique. Make people in their pre-conscious mind think that it has already happened and that since they are still alive they must do what the suggestion tells them to do to avoid becoming a member of that number.
Her repetition of it is a psychological technique, like you're saying. Hypnotic. Meant for mind-slaves, not free thinkers.
not everyone, just those lacking the necessary immunity, and thus- susceptible...
This is an article from a substack that I follow. Not sure if you have to be a subscriber to read the entire article. "Army doctor: "I've seen a career's worth of serious medical problems in the last 2 years--it's all caused by the COVID vaccine"
If you want to know whether the shots were safe and effective or not, all you have to do is pick up the phone and call an army doctor.
AUG 29 "
I subscribe but don’t always read all of Steve’s posts however last night I read the post you’re referring to here and can’t stop thinking about it. Extremely powerful piece! I don’t know how anyone can read his post & not be very concerned. I wish that army doc would become a true whistleblower but I guess they could probably jail him if he tried to publish the army records. Steve’s a really cool dude btw - he lives in my area & I’ve met him. So sorry to hear about his injury.
P.S. Did you know that he's certain that the injury to his eye is due to the vaccination he received?
The vaccine injuries he describes are horrific and these young soldiers lives and futures are in ruins. I wanted to copy and paste the entire article but couldn't but it needs to be read by everyone.
At this stage, until proven otherwise, it’s the jabbas to my mind.
I say-'time to let your imagination run wild'...
What's always so telling is that so often, no age or cause of death is reported. In my opinion, that is all we need to know. The media outlets all have their marching orders. Never point to the jabs. Honestly, Mark, I don't know how you do these lists over and over again. It's absolutely heart wrenching and terrifying. Darkness is everywhere.
Things are coming apart quickly.
A lot of one vehicle accidents. That fits with what I'm seeing locally.
Just yesterday we had a 12 hour internet outage because a truck veered off the road and hit a utility pole.
There are numerous reasons as to why this happens....the question is how many were jabbed?
Statistically speaking at least 80%
And the other 20% unvaxxed, effected by the 80% spike shedding as well mRNA shedding. They really fucked us over these globalist pos's
Someone on X the other day was wondering if "Died Suddenly" was still a thing? Clearly it is still a popular way to pass the time!
Pass the time, 😆 🤣 no time like the present...unless your time has run out! Lol
coincidence is not causation! conspiratonalist! sigh
For many this has been a long and very erroneous journey
Uh oh, looks like Josh Homme, of QOTSA, isn’t “cancer fee” anymore………
He was covered by NFU twice in the last year, previously with cancer, and surgery to remove. Now he has to return to the US for “emergency medical procedure”. They’ve also cancelled all further 2024 concerts. Too bad it’s not Dave Grohl.
Black seed oil has some great literature as a standalone cancer treatment and as a protective against radiation and chemo.
Where does one get this? I'm currently using a Wild Oregano Oil from North American Herb and Spice and it has cured my toe nail fungus in a few weeks. Also a Basil cell carcinoma growth on my hand.
Is the oil oral or topical?
Both types are available at the website. The one I used for my toe came in a bottle with a dropper.
Same company. Cass Ingram has a book ' The black seed miracle'. Works even better with the wild oregano extract!
Cures everything except death seemingly..