So the young 31 year old from Dublin died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). Like SIDS I would guess. Never heard of it. Used to be rare but now not rare. After what I’ve learned about the criminal pharma-govt-media world these past two years who’s to say SIDS isn’t related to childhood vaccines?

Unashamed anti vaxxer now

Regret vaccinating my kids

Prayers for this madness to stop

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It is much proven in real science circles, SIDS is vaccine death. If you haven't, VAXXED is a good primer; No babies died if SIDS before vaccine programs, ask the elders. I was about 10 in 1974 and remember when SIDS was CREATED by the NEWSMEDIA. So sad, what we have done to ourselves.

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I've heard there are no anti-vaxxers, just ex-vaxxers, like you (and me)

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What a horrendous number of stories of people having heart attacks while driving and motorcycling. The story of the couple on the motorbike in France is horrific.

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Folks in other countries have much different obits than American obits. The are more eloquent.

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