Dad and Sister came over for a few days to visit - both retarded Jabbed (to the latest booster), but I asked why my Sister had to get back so early .... wait for it .... her friends son of 17 collapsed and died with a heart attack whilst playing sports..

But the ignorant morons still do not see the connection - YES he was jabbed at least a couple of times.

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Yes, this inability to see and think is baffling. A lot of my family is the same way and is paying a price now. Sad

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Agreed. Tried to talk to them and not just about the jabs...smart cities, digital ID / wallet, cashless society ... totalitarian control... NOT AS A PREACHER, but just when the right time came up... they both just mocked me.

2 things before I bugger off.

1. My Dad gave me his paper from the plane - regards Covid.....


Yet,, still nothing from him !!!....regards a connection !?

2.. I made my peace long ago. I have tried to talk, send info, blogged, you name it to get the message out - like many others; but if they WILL not listen (family included) - tough.

However crass that sounds.

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It is painful when people we know and family are like that.

Matthew 8:22

But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

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Truthful guidance from a beautiful book. Thank you

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Not crass at all. Keep asking them questions! Like a trial lawyer you can lead them around to the answer. They have to come up with it. When they are getting close you will see them start to freak out so gently track back a tiny bit to take off the pressure and then forge ahead again. They will even admit some things but not realize it right then. Later it will come back to them as the neuronal pathways form when they are sleeping etc.

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Arguing with a fool proves there are two.

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Ha that's very true. That's why you shouldn't cast your pearls onto swine unless they're open-minded and will admit they didn't know or were duped.

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Stockholm syndrome.

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You have to say, well strange, that didn't used to happen before a few years ago! In fact the cardiologists are saying it didn't happen before 2021 except with rare congenital heart defects. Not like now! What do you think is happening sis?

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Unfortunately, this is inevitable. I hope that you do not mourn those among your kin and acquaintances, who so eagerly embraced the satanic propaganda. They will, sooner or later, be forced to experience the truth.

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Aug 21
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Thanks; ah well !.

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Sudden Deaths

Of The Previously Healthy ?

That Takes A Violent Act.

These People Aren’t Dying Suddenly.

‘Not Even Close.

They Are Dying Violently.


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....and the beat goes on....I mean death march. sigh.

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Good article and ALWAYS a good time for such things

IMO these "died suddenly" compilations need to be shared and distributed widely. In fact IMO it is not possible to over share them

If nothing else one of the critical attributes of death by clot shot is its banality of evil attribute. If you aren't paying close attention you may not even notice that mass murder is happening all around.

Quiet, anonymous, silent. Often behind the curtain of a co-opted and cooperating medical industry where even the cause of death is hidden &/or obfuscated. Everyone dancing to the mass murder mandate. Because if they do they will be rewarded and perhaps be spared from being one of the mass murder casualties. Since it happens anonymously at the soul expense & suffering of the victim & the victim's family even if the cause of death was transparently told good chance you would not really notice anyway... because who spends their days reading obits and autopsy reports? Who wants to occupy what little happiness they have with thoughts about the chronic illness or sudden death of a friend or neighbor may have and how it may have been avoided had they not been bio & psyop attacked? Certainly you don't want to pierce your fragile happiness bubble with thoughts that it all may be BY INTENT & was funded by the dollars stolen from your taxes. That budget squeeze you're feeling isn't going to feel better if allow your mind to dwell on the thought your dollars are being used to attack you.

Without bodies stacking in the streets or the smell of death camps it's not as easy to notice mass murder as it was in the mass murder glory days before & after WWII when engineered starvation to cannibalism was a frequent occurrence. Really hard to not notice cannibalism and broken bodies in the streets

Yup. You could say they've gotten REALLY good at the optics of mass murder. So good you almost don't notice. Nice to know we're getting something for our DARPA buck


One must assume that one attribute of a "well designed bio weapon" would be the ability to commit mass murder with near impossible ability to unambiguously assign cause. While the lab rats chatter about "could it possibly be the clot shot" the mass murder continues and no one is punished. Nor will they ever.

Hmmm now what would be a almost perfect mass murder agent with exceptionally good and near invisible murder optics? How about a systemic micro clotting inflammatory agent that semi-randomly may go (or not) to all systems of a body and cause the set of all maladies (or not) and may result in sudden or slow death or long term disability? To make it even better such events may be distributed unpredictably in time. Holy cow the bio weapons designers are salivating just thinking about such a technological victory. The most important attribute would that the agent be lethal/harmful enough and that such harms usually but not always occur far enough distant in time from the death injections so that cause and effect is difficult to notice and even more difficult to prove

Wow! If our bio weapons guys could come up with something like that it would sound like they hit the jackpot. At the very least it could be used to steal elections, destroy and loot small businesses, bring down civilizations, keep the lab rats in fear and under control all while racking up a impressive body count without anyone viscerally noticing because the dead bodies never stack at their door like they do during war and starvation.

I'd say that our stolen tax dollars have served up an almost perfect mass murder clot shot because you may die suddenly or slowly and in misery yet may not even notice the reason why. And since the bodies will never be stacked on the sidewalks for all to see like the mass murder of the past many will never make the connection

It's all about optics and we've gotten REALLY REALLY good at optics and weapons grade psyops

Mass murder happening all around us at the hand of the government-medical industry complex and we hardly even notice

Isn't technology great?

Doesn't hurt so much when you almost don't notice the because you never see the broken starving bodies. The lab rats will never get so outraged as to grab their pitchforks because they don't even realize their being systematically culled

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2 Timothy 3:1

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

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Aug 21
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The died suddenly may be the tip of the iceberg. Those who have or may suffer serious life altering asset looting injury and the families broken and also looted because they are the care-givers may be where the bigger ongoing crime against humanity lies.

They often suffer in silence and anonymity struggling to deal with the cards they have and not end up on the street. If they start to wake up to the fact that these assaults were BY INTENT AND FOR PROFIT by government-pharma thugs using their tax dollars to fund it we may see a level of anger to rival the French Revolution.

I don't just speak of the C19 bio weapon and psyop assault. We all have a visceral memory of that atrocity. I also include in that the children's vax schedule. Up to about 72 and counting as the Autism rate skyrockets and the general health of kids plummets. Anyone from my generation knows what is happening is not only not normal but almost terrifying. Was a time we had litters of kids per family and you could go your life and not see autism but it is commonplace now. Projected to be 1 in 3 boys soon enough if trends keep up. Anyone who has witnessed a helmet wearing tantrum throwing near adult kid and who knows what it does to families will know, if people start to realize that people know what is happening and have a dam good idea WHY it's happening but don't give a dam because the money is too good.... Yeah. Expect some anger

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I have 1 family member who is waking up. (I'm no-contact with the rest of the narcissists and enablers). She said she is learning a lot about how she thinks and why she does things. Makes me think that people won't be that angry if they wake up because they have to become altogether enlightened to do so.. because the way I see it, the medical industrial complex has always been evil and people could have turned to natural health a long time ago. It doesn't surprise me that they went for the vaccine when they go for whatever pharmaceuticals their doctor prescribes. And the prescription doesn't help, it poisons you altogether. But people just want to trust the system. It's like a prison. It's a farce. I'm glad my parents are abusive, so I didn't have to go no-contact over "political" stuff. Physical abusive makes things really clear. Gaslighting is terrible.

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Well Bob enough tonight while staying on a visit with family my young nephew announced his best friends brother (who he knew all his young life…. All good buddies) has passed.

He was found in his room late in the morning…. They thought (the parents) this 18 YO had just slept in…..

I found out he had been having heart issues and maybe it was his strenuous work out the day before.

I looked at family and said “did he have the shot?!”

Silence and then “he had just done a strenuous work out you know!!”

Yes …..that’s it….. everyone nodding in deep thought.

We all knew this family and the kid had only just started his life

Where I am at in CA it was a 90% compliant area for the jabs

All family and most friends all took the safe and effectives.

My 85 YO dad never sick no meds took it and had 3 blood clots in the leg…..then his bladder gave out….just one done all done….. and then came the “rare”


He’s still alive and doing ok. I said PLEASE DAD no more 💉

He laughed like I was a loon

And just said “I love my team of doctors…..if they say I need another it’s ok with me”

These stories have been going on and on with friends and family and friends of friends for 3 years now

I am leaving soon and promptly going back to the mountains to crawl under my rock

Sorry to hear Bob about your sisters friends son

Only 17


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It reminds me of the book The Giver by Lois Lowry

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Revelation 18:23

King James Version

23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia) were all nations deceived.


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Tumours are those who gets away with commuting these murderes. Yiu must stand up for those who have no have no longer a voice

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Thanks Mark and team for doing this. Most people do not connect the dots and new vaxx are coming out in a few weeks. Maybe some we’ll see this and not take.

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Thank you for keeping a record of those unfortunate enough to be killed by the vaccine. Their voices must be heard at Nuremberg 2!

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On the bright side Kamala is requiring everyone to be on MRNA booster 9 that works for her.

More effective at getting rid of her kind than the free abortions and vasectomies at the DNC.

Boosters for liberals. Its awesome.

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It isn’t Wl awesomeness to want man other people to suffer for their lack of knowledge. That makes you as guilty as them!

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My husband (70 years old) had another family member pass yesterday in Washington state. I doubt anyone will write an obituary. She was 66 years old, heavily vaxxed, and died of pneumonia. She will be missed. My husband currently also has pneumonia, is unvaxxed, and recovering nicely.

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The real big unseen herd cull in the US is economic, and the grander objective in responding to covid is increased mass surveillance and control under the guise of "biosecurity," from the same playbook as terror security actions. What happened to the Bill of Rights? Unprofitable people are left in the gutter to die. Life expectancy dropping. Fertility declining. Skyrocketing inflation. Jobs outsourced to low wage and slave labor countries by the global big money players. Destroyed small businesses and livelihoods during the corona mismanagement, when people were deemed "non-essential." We have a flood of immigrants seeking jobs and local resources, even from Ukraine here.

And now it's a crime to fall asleep outside without a home while poor. Rents here doubled since the pandemic. The displaced Poors or what WEF's chief participating philosopher called the "useless class" are growing their numbers, while the mass media tells us it's just a bunch of drug addicts and riffraff, certainly not people suffering the economy, deadly inflation, or the great reset bug mismanagement. There's one youtube channel that teaches people how to live in a car in the U.S., with almost 750,000 subscribers. You can now rent a room here for what it cost to rent a small home before covid. Home prices quadrupled here in the previously lower cost home areas. If you're fortunate to already own a home, the inflated values have increased property tax assessments. What was maybe an affordable home for many people could now taxed at an absurdly inflated value they never imagined. That's happening in the neighborhoods here.

The Land Lords, Banker Lords and crooked politicians are filling their pockets, as Mr. Hope & Change returned from one of his three mansions and superyacht vacations to make phony puppet speeches at the "democratic" convention, boosting the newly appointed rigged election candidate. And the judges are admitting to lining their pockets with billionaire money. Carlin was right. The game is rigged, and they don't care about you at all, at all, at all. They will even decide what you must inject into your body, charge you whatever they want for it, and have no liability for the consequences. But if they're a billionaire imploding on an extravagant adventure to see the Titanic wreckage in an absurd carbon fiber egg, or sink a superyacht, crash one of their private jets, or want government assistance to build a space yacht, they'll be right there to help them with millions of dollars of your money and paid-for R&D that was alleged to be to improve your life.

People looking at a list of obituaries might say so what, there were obituaries before the pandemic. But on the street, people are feeling the real pain of the great reset. There's no way to vote their way out of it because "the owners," the oligarchs, don't want that. Look what they do to every worthy candidate that tries to give people a real choice.

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I hate tim sandbox

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