I watched a programme on Italian tv this week, ( the only one I can bear πŸ˜‰) , where they spoke to some of the reintegrated medical staff. Some of them have been told not to touch patients, to wear a green robe to distinguish them from others, some have been stuck behind a desk, some have not yet been allowed back and some have actually been fired. It was a very very sad watch. (The programme is called Fuori dal Coro - they have a facebook page and twitter etc).

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Absolute Madness.

β€œAnd the other article regards the region of Puglia (and today also the region of Campania is joining them), that their governor wants to ban the reintegration of doctors who are not jabbed. He even went so far as to say they should wear a badge so that people can stay far away from them. The situation is bad and the hate is being fomented by the usual press/trash tv/radio.”

β€œThese are 2 articles from Italian press this week. In Piemonte, the governor is screaming out that unjabbed doctors should NOT be allowed back in”:

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Tragedy in Benevento: a young 12-year-old rugby player died after an illness on the pitch and a long and excruciating agony that lasted just under a month.

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The organ donations... They just don't understand what's going on. Smh.

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