The death total has exceeded the Holocaust. Murdering 6 million people in a relatively small area is noticeable. When people unwittingly walk into it all around the world, it will take 40-60 million before the credulous public awakens.

These are coerced experiments that violate the Nuremberg code to the letter - the principles that arose from the atrocity of the Holocaust.

Those who deny the comparison or are offended - don’t believe in principles and disrespect those who died in the Holocaust because their slaughter, if we ignore Nuremberg, becomes meaningless.

The custodians of many Holocaust memorials should resign - not only are they not vigilant - they disrespect those whose memory they ostensibly safeguard. And worst of all - THEY SIGNED UP.

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Oh they didn't just sign up. A Holocaust Survivor Memorial group mandated the freaken shots to attend the holocaust survivor meetings. I really feel like I want to repeat that. A HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR MEMORIAL GROUP MANDATED THE FREAKEN SHOTS TO ATTEND THE HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR MEETINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

At about 25:30 Vera who survived the Holocaust talks about this.


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Wouldn't be surprised if the death toll already exceeded 40 millions by now, it's accelerating rapidly.

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I was being conservative - I have read between 12 & 22 million

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The former Nazi/KGB prison memorial in Potsdam, Germany, where I lived during lockdown, was 2G only (vax ID required).

Outside the entrance, etched in the sidewalk is a quote from a survivor:

“I think it’s important for everyone to know what happened to us, so that they can know that the freedom we live in is not self-evident. - Horst Shüler

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This is an outrage. It really is.

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So much for “government healthcare”. Government doesn’t seem to care much about our health.

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Wow this list keeps getting bigger and bigger. The BIG LIE=GENOCIDE

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Bigger than that: DEMOCIDE.

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I think Substack needs another rating ICON. I appreciate this information so much; however, I don’t “like” it. 😢

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Yes there should be some "sad", "outraged", "angered", "crying", "disgusted", "depressed" reaction buttons ..

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A proud family moment - my mom.

92 year old Holocaust survivor brings crowd to tears


Note she wasted no time on Covid - it’s fascism.

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thank you for staying on this- day after day- week after week- it must be the most depressing research you've ever engaged in-- Valeri in 'Fearfacts' formerly- fairfax , WOKE CA

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Clearly those that just got the intervention gene modifier, suddenly died, are probably not even in VAERS database. Are the ones injecting it hearing about their injected patient's demise? How are ages and causes suddenly missing?

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Ian Falconer, author and illustrator of the OLIVIA books and illustrator of many New Yorker covers, died on Mar. 7 after a "brief illness." Other sites say kidney failure, natural causes, etc.



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Wow. No words. Just wow!

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Wowzer. Thanks for posting. Staggering and sobering. The thing is it can't possibly be because they got stabbed, that they believed in the science, that they trusted the science. I didn't get stabbed myself but I've been overwhelmed by the shedding, so sick I've been bedridden for last 9 months. It is what it is. I wish I had more robust health but I did falter while helping someone. Such is life.

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Shortly after the initial lockdowns here I got extremely ill but I knew where it was coming from and that was my wifi devices, especially the phone. I've since been measuring for over three years now with a professional meter. I am convinced that this is a huge piece of people getting ill. Levels have been going up consistently all of this time. Hard to heal if you are swimming in it. The only thing that helped me the most was hardwiring and bicarbonate of soda. Six ounces of good water and one teaspoon of organic baking soda. Takes out all the acidity the wifi causes. I do feel the transmitting also from those v'd but it is less and less coming off of them over time from my observations. Some worse than others. Pfour Salts is what I use. That is Dr. Robert Young. All of this connected with the heavy metals being sprayed, in the v, reacts with the wifi.

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Agree with everything you write. I do take the sodium bicarbonate tablet every morning and no longer use a cell phone and my home is about as good as a faraday cage as one can have because its built with wire, mesh, stucco and brick, but leaky enough not to have mold issues. I got hit in 2019 in the lungs and it took 45 days to clear, got hit again in January 2022 and it took 40 days. The last time, he was very sick, ended up in the hospital, ICU, and I refused treatment. He survived, but its taken 7 months to get my gut back but its still in the joints and muscles and connective tissues. And the pressure on the brain is beyond description. I think the spike protein is a prion, and once I learned their work on prions back in 2005 I concluded that would be the biggie, along with frequencies. Thanks for your response.

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So, “No cause of death reported” is the new “ cause of death! OUTRAGEOUS, TRAGIC, SAD......have no words😢

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I'm beginning to wonder if the principles involved in this massacre were careful to be injected with saline or some other innocuous placebo vax, rather than the real thing. They must have known from the Pfizer trials, and from the gain of function research conducted at Wuhan, that being injected with spike protein is not a good idea. It seems they did know, because they all seem to be immune to the grim reaper making his way through the population.

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I guess what is the definition of a principle because Senator Fetterman is vax injured I’m sure, maybe Sen. Feinstein, Senator Lujan had a stroke a year ago but is ok, Rep Castro has multiple tumors, Senator Crapo has or had Covid recently so he’s more than likely vaxxed. Professor Miller mentioned a Rep. Wild that is sick. It goes on and on. And these were people that were exempt from taking the shot. Another red flag- if some could be exempt then this plague wasn’t a major killer. Why take the shot if you didn’t have to? I’m sure some did, these can’t all be shedding. Anyway, with time, the truth is coming out. It’s just hard to watch and stay sane.

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It is so incredibly sad. We still do not know the actual cause of my daughter's death last December 23rd. It will be ten weeks tomorrow and no death certificate. When she went to the hospital, there was not an ounce of worry from the medical staff that her condition would kill her. Something did. She did get the jab at the end of 2021 against my wishes, so if this has ANYTHING to do with it, then I consider it an act of war.

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I am SO sorry for the loss of your daughter. I truly hope you get answers. Were you able to get her tissues made available and can you send them to Dr. Ryan Cole?

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Thank you AnnR. No, not yet.

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Again, my deepest and most sorrowful condolences. I'm a mother. I simply cannot imagine your pain. I hope it gives you some comfort to know that there are so many of us substack readers who support you and feel for you and pray for you.

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Thank you again. As you can tell by my moniker, I do give basically a daily idea of what it has been like. As a believer, I have the faith that we will reunite. I Can't Imagine what it would be like to be a non-believer and even wrote about that.

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NEW SUBSTACK RELEASE. WHO STOLE THE BOSTON CREAM PIE? A woman overeats after being pressured to take the jab. “Medieval pop” hy Turfseer.


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The great culling

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