Heart attacks that never respond to instant cpr are now common place... could it be the arteries are just full of fibrin courtesy of Mr Spike Protein?

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I'm astonished at how many people are listed here. It is sobering.

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I cannot comprehend how you do it Mark; but it is greatly appreciated by all.

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For some reason Paula Kyle really gets to me, maybe because she seems so fun loving and colorful, and we desperately need more of that in this tragic world.

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How can this keep going on and on? ... with no one in the British press responding... no one in parliament .. no one in medicine or law...another week ... another long list of deaths by unknown cause... not just just in this country but worldwide...it is the refusal to perform autopsies using non biased pathogists... willing to tell exactly what they find... instead we have paid shills looking for plausible possibilities rather than reveal the extensive fibrin clotting and cellular death common in those inoculated with a ticking time bomb...

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