The public gallery was FULL and among those present were two great men: Dr Mike Yeadon and Matt Le Tissier. They said that it's difficult for MPs to hear because of the thick glass/perspex barrier, however the roar when Andrew spoke , was SO loud that it could be heard. Dr Yeadon said that they were told continuously by the staff, to quieten down 🤬 We really nearly are in 1984 !
The public gallery was FULL and among those present were two great men: Dr Mike Yeadon and Matt Le Tissier. They said that it's difficult for MPs to hear because of the thick glass/perspex barrier, however the roar when Andrew spoke , was SO loud that it could be heard. Dr Yeadon said that they were told continuously by the staff, to quieten down 🤬 We really nearly are in 1984 !
The public gallery was FULL and among those present were two great men: Dr Mike Yeadon and Matt Le Tissier. They said that it's difficult for MPs to hear because of the thick glass/perspex barrier, however the roar when Andrew spoke , was SO loud that it could be heard. Dr Yeadon said that they were told continuously by the staff, to quieten down 🤬 We really nearly are in 1984 !