I would like to say that here where I live in Northern Italy - this summer has NOT been any hotter than others in the past. In fact, this summer has been a bit up and down, with lots of cloudy cooler days. We normally have about a month of unbearable heat/humidity, but this year we've had, at the most, a few days of this. I'm sick of them screaming about the killer heat - its all just scaremongering. (surely not 😏)

Angelo B Ruggerini , (I think he was 2nd on the list) , was known for his cartoons/artwork, and he was often rather (understatement 😕), unkind towards those who chose not to take the shot.

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Puffin, when I go to the supermarket or bar, people talk about the "extreme weather". I reply, "It's no different than any other summer, it's the telegiornale (tv news) that is trying to make you believe the climate is warmer. I want to add that they are doing the same thing with climate fear mongering that they with the fake covid fear mongering (aka flu), but they wouldn't get it.

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