This is so gruesome, terrible, sickening...

Thank you for doing this difficult work, Mark.

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Thank you for doing this. I share with all who I think have open, critical-thinking minds. I think the authoritarians are getting bolder and bolder, though. I expect another shot-mandate from the feds in the fall, regardless of the evidence of harm and lack of efficacy (even with evidence of negative efficacy). They might be coordinating mandates (and lock-downs) with the release of a new CBDC so they can use programming of the currency to enforce whatever the ruler of the moment decrees, including shot-mandates. Or possibly timing it with the coming food-shortages to force people into government-controlled food distributions that require proof of having had the shots.

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Bolder and bolder...? Or just more and more desperate because they know they'll fail? Not being blind optimist; I know their plans as well. But we will win.

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Thank you, Mark. xo

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I click 'like' with remorse.

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Thank you Mark, you are doing such great work here

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I was at a community meeting today. We rarely have high-school age kids there, but today we did. He asked how to ensure that his school had AEDs (automated external defibrillators) available.

I didn't have a chance to ask him why this question was so heavy on his mind (he didn't ask other questions), but I'm wondering whether he's seen some bad stuff among his young peers, teachers, school administrators, or other staff.

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Fully Assassinated.

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A tweet from the German Ministry of Health


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Now deleted

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What does it say?

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"One in 5000 people is affected by a severe side effects after a COVID19 vaccination. If you suspect any side effects, get medical help and report your symptoms

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All right, I see some (former) government officials in Algeria & Spain in this week's lists.

U.S. Congressman when?

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They exempted themselves, remember? Their shots could have been fake, and it would have been completely legal. Impossible to know who got the real shots.

Congress exempt from Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate

Vaccine mandate for federal workers applies only to executive branch of government


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Many government officials have been dying suddenly in Nigeria and South Africa. Makes perfect sense, eugenics-wise, no?

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In 2021 the German parliament had its own jab session, managed by the army. And -surprise,surprise - so far no dead MPs.... But plenty of mayors and others further down the system.

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Amen!!! Press until they break into tiny

Pieces of dust to be blown away with

A swift wind.

Never ever ever again.

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Help how? We've been at it since 2020 and the harder we try to reach people the more they refuse to accept or see. Take the masks. The more clear evidence against them comes in, the MORE they go against it. This hysteria is bizarre. And getting scarier.

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The uptake of the "vaccines" has been declining steadily.

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Hopefully that skepticism will spread here.

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Hey - the doctors are coming out with their info now. Everyone's getting braver.


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