Thanks for doing this. It is necessary work. I did notice no cause of death was listed for Ivana Trump other than she was found at the bottom of the stairs and it was a “possible” cardiac arrest. Or maybe she fainted and fell down the stairs. Either way, my first thought as is always my first thought when I hear someone has passed unexpectedly, it was probably due to the Death Vax.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Thank you for speaking the unspeakable, Mark Crispin Miller. We most likely are witnessing mass murder on a Nazi Holocaust / Stalin / Mao / Pol Pot / you-name-the-tyrant scale.

We MUST read and say their names, no matter how painful. Every person matters. Most of these people literally gave their lives through coercion; ignorance; desire to protect others; family pressure; financial concerns; government, medical, military, corporate, pharma, and media lies; or all of the above.

Those who have the stomach, access, courage, and time to dive into social media, autopsy results, hospital records, pharmacy databases, and other resources could render a huge service by investigating connections between "died suddenly" and "died suddenly after receiving Covid-19 shot(s)."

MCM already started this process by specifying the "vaccine" policy that might have induced/forced some S.A.D.S. victims to take a shot that may have ended their lives. We need this confirmation to prove our theories and use as evidence in future trials or exposés.

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There are no coincidences. Gut wrenching reports. Bless you Mark. That’s all I can say.

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Ivana Trump died yesterday.


Of cardiac arrest.

Found collapsed at the bottom of the stairs.

So I’m sure that will top your list next week.

And I’m equally sure we will never find out the exact cause of death except for her sudden cardiac arrest. Because, you know, people never survive heart attacks these days. 

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PRAY that the survivors of these poor souls can wake up.

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I spoke to a woman today who said she has had four jabs so far, and COVID three times. She seems to have a lot of cognitive dissonance over the shots. She told me her doctor's recommend them, but then she also said she doesn't think they're working, and they're just a scam for the pharmaceutical companies to make money. She didn't say whether she was going to take the new fall shot that just got approved for the variants. Except that if her work required them, then she would. 😓

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What we are seeing is mass genocide on a scale by our government that is unfathomable. I am also holding the criminal mockingbird media accountable for their coverups, and am posting these articles on every single one of the news feeds on facebook, and on their own page where I am able.

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Thanks. Heartbreaking but very necessary.

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It seems that Colton Wright was murdered but we are starting to see more and more young people It's infuriating.

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Thank you MCM. This work is incredible and difficult to read, but I read every entry. The amount of work it takes to compile these reports is unimaginable. I do not watch television news or media, just some social media - and these reports. Is the news reporting the skyrocketing deaths or is the death toll never mentioned. Again, the swimming related deaths and the short term cancer deaths both grab my attention. Thank you for this labor intense presentation. Wow.

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I have just started working in a variety store (the only place that would hire me without producing a vaccination certificate even though I’m highly qualified and experienced in other areas) and in the two shifts I’ve done so far I’ve had about ten people come in looking for ‘in sympathy’ cards. But, like everywhere else in the regional town where I work, we are sold out.

It’s only anecdotal, but it seems like an indication of something.

I’ve said here before a neighbour of mine said it felt like he was going to a lot of funerals. He’s quadruple jabbed and in his 90s and up until recently he seemed really robust and healthy. He was still chopping wood and trying to have a crack at dating all the single ladies in town. Now I’m watching him deteriorate in front of my eyes. He came to visit the other day and he looked crumpled and unwell. His eyes were rimmed red and he could barely stand up.

I’ve tried to drop hints about the vax but he’s a rusted on, medication diehard who has never had any exposure to an alternative view. He’s swallowed every pill and taken every jab his Dr has prescribed without a second thought.

I expect to go to his funeral soon enough.

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If we as the human species have any way to survive this we have a responsibility to those who will survive to give them sufficient information that this never ever be repeated again. The only way not to lead back to this impasse is to never begin the journey there. We must live once again as a fully interdependent species not removed from the other life around us. Survival won't be at all similar to today's world.

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And on it goes... :(

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🙏❤️ Thanks Mark.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

It’s so clear that the herd is being culled. And the sad truth is, no matter how many deaths occur, no one in charge will ever openly make a connection. And eventually, when enough people have died, there won’t be many of us left to keep the wicked conspirators away. Because what if it’s even worse than we think? What if EVERYONE who got the shot is destined to die within a few years? Normally, I would say that I sound like the rantings of a paranoid lunatic. But what we are witnessing would have been beyond imagination 2 years ago. So, I don’t think there are any limits to the culling. I hate to sound fatalistic but this is a true divide and conquer strategy. The ULTIMATE divide and conquer.

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In gratitude for your work. I repost a lot of these articles to FB in an attempt to wake people up. I do the same with vaccine injured victims. All of them deserve a voice. <3

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