Lots of New Zealanders. Not so many Australians. Strange. I see a lot of died suddenlies reported in obituaries of local newspapers here, many quite young. Still nothing reported on MSM though and authorities still pushing the jab.

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Not necessarily true.

It's probably becos NZlanders seem to report deaths of everyone that passes in their dailies and other online portals. However, in Oz, only deaths of "important" people or notable deaths get to be reported online or in readily accessible online portals. This is the perfect cover for the previous Liberal and current Labour govt led by Anthony.

Am sure that you'll agree with me that with well over 22k EXCESS deaths from Jan - Nov 2022 according to recently released ABS data, what's reported here is just an infinitesimal part of what's really happening in Australia. It's really bad when you get to touch base with those whose realities are reflected by these statistics.

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Exactly the same as Canada.

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CBC Building in Toronto Plastered with Suspected Vaccine Injuries and Deaths


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Thank you - shared this to my email list.

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What will it take…c’mon medical examiner’s, coroner’s, EMT’s, paramedics, medical personnel, embalmers, etc. you know! what are you waiting for? More babies and littles and teens to show up on your tables? “Doctors are shocked”? Really?

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