"The Left" is suitably ensconced in quotation marks.

I read William Rivers Pitt and Truthout.org for years at the time of the Iraq war. He was friends with Cindy Sheehan. She told me they parted ways after he came out in support of the pro-vax narrative.

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What a story, two people who have every reason to not trust government/mainstream media narratives, but when the vaccine one comes along, they go in opposite directions. Good for Cindy Sheehan, at least.

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WRP is about 90% of my former friends still in the Dem party. At this point, nothing will change or save them. They are content to accept their fate.

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Where are all the outcries? Or do we just not hear about it? Intentionally!

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I think the total lack of outcry, or even acknowledgement of all the died suddenly deaths is the queerest thing I have ever experienced....

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I think people think that it is a rare event. They don't talk to or know enough people to understand what's going on. They watch the TV and it tells them what they're supposed to think

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I think you are correct. If it is not on the tv....it doesn't happen...

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Richard Nixon said the “American people don't believe anything's real until they see it on TV”. He was right on there!

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I send all of this stuff to my bosses/workmates and get nothing. I think, they think, I'm nuts.

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They are mostly vaxd...that might play a role...

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Oh man. Rest in peace my friends. Many had passed away on Sept 29th. It so happened to be on my birthday. Many more passed away who were not on public record. May they rest in peace. For us who are alive, resist the vaccine mandates! I am against violence. Simply not giving in to the mainstream narrative is protest in itself. And a safeguard!

I can't believe Coolio died! Just as i thought the drugs and alcohol would eventually get to the man. But no! It was the vaccine!

Here where i live, there are automated CPRs located everywhere in our public transport grid. I noticed quite a lot around our train stations. There are some more in bus terminus. Why? I wonder. Just because! I noticed it sometime in May this year. Anyways, let's keep our eyes peeled people! Thank you Mark always for your diligent work. You keep our hearts clear from these experimental vaccines and awake to the truth. An avid reader, from Hong Kong.

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Feel free to send me photos of those appliances.

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Just got pictures! And did a bit of research on them too. Apparently for the train stations, they started installing automated defibrillators starting at June 2021. I noticed them and i mentioned them to my husband and he said he actually never realized they are around. I found your email so I'll send some pictures on Monday, I guess it'll be Sunday night on your end. 😁

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Yes in the uk they announced on the PA system in a local supermarket installing one and being aware of heart problems. A defibrillator may save them temporarily but the ❤️ is damaged shortening your life

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William Rivers Pitt!! Wow. It seems like yesterday that I was still reading his work at Truthout - - in reality, it was exactly 10 years ago. And how my views have changed since then..... I ventured back there once, can't even remember when. Seemed like a cesspool.

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I didn't view it so much as a cesspool, instead, irrelavant, cheering on federal power, divided in the brain to see everything through a partisan lens. Rampant TDS. Someone needs to shake up the entire left out of their Pharma Psychosis.

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Yes, after 2016 it went really into overdrive. Shame really. Same TDS-inspired bloat happened in similar sites such as TruthDig.

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It happened across the board of liberal sites. No different at Vice, Vox, or the Atlantic. NewYorker.... on and on. Duped. All of them. This is a good interview of a few left:


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A prominent journalist on The Left who writers for Truthout, Counterpunch, etc, declared early on that the unvaccinated should be placed in internment camps.

He now has his own Substack warning of the perils of fascism.

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Paul Street is as loudly anti-liberal as he is anti-Right. I can grasp that he might have mentioned "internment camps" but I'll bet he said it more in passing than as in some kind of a position. He's not that great when it comes to "personal freedoms" because he associates this with the Right. Stephen Martin also writes for Counterpunch and he is very anti vaccine coercion and anti WEF. There are also a couple others there who have been permitted to voice their opposition to vaccine mandates--only from time to time, of course.

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That's good to hear. As someone who's identified as a leftist for ages, it's devastated me to see so few on the left speak against the mandates and "the narrative" as a whole. Few outspoken ones seem to even know what the WEF is.

In fairness to Paul Street, his remark was a comment on a post on Facebook, not a spelled-out position in an article. Still, it was absolutely despicable and terrifying, and I will remember it forever.

I actually mentioned it to him today, in response to his Substack on fascism. It will be interesting to see if he's changed his views on the matter.

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It all just looks so cowardly. I went and viewed his blog. No comments. The left is so insular now and shut off from the world. They live in a bubble and can't stand to even view an alternative opinion. It's all just 'everything is facist' without even using the word properly.

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Karma is such a bitch

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Becky, what's this journalist's name?

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Paul Street.

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I read through these with such sadness. May those responsible eventually be held to justice. Sooner rather than later.

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Me too and the lady who was pregnant and the baby died too. Where is the outcry

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You’re literally exploiting people’s deaths for your bs political conspiracies. Personally knew one of the people on this list and I can assure you he did not die from thee vaccine. FYI, often when an article says died suddenly or unexpectedly, it means they committed suicide.

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It is your civic duty to report the vaccination status of any deaths that occur in your family.

America needs to know so we can alter course.

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I share this record with my local police office ombudsman, especially if there are deaths of police. I am suggesting they interview some ambulance drivers, but no response. Guess I could interview ambulance drivers, but it is not my area of expertise. Most police offices have an ombudsman. They need to see it, see it, see it.

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I've heard of people dying soon after the pricks and they were never noted in anything. The numbers must truly be staggering.

Keep in mind that they can claim ALMOST EVERYONE as unvaxxed at this point because 2 jabs plus numerous boosters make up the "vaxxed."

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An idea perhaps. We live in a visual world today. Video has an impact that most other information forms don't possess. Maybe in order to reach people about these so called "safe & effective" shots, start submitting Freedom of Information Requests to the Authorities of the municipalities' of known police and firefighters that fell dead with no known cause and were found inside their "City" vehicle. They may have been caught on video inside the police cruisers or fire engines. These are subject to FOIA. Or in the case of other public workers like bus drivers etc. We must shake our society awake before more people succumb to the pressures to get the death shot. You'll probable be able to write a book on the creative ways the authorities invent to not give anyone access. just a thought. Thanks for all the work you do,

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Not as many deaths as last week, but a lot of young people. 🙏❤️🌷

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I was wondering if Coolio would be alive very long after this podcast. He died 5 months after talking about how controlled the music industry is. Coolio died of a heart attack, and I remember in the '80s I think that CIA whistleblower talking about an undetectable drug that causes heart attacks.


You also mentioned Anne Heche's death a while back, and she was about to star in a movie about child sex trafficking.

It's just interesting to think about the possibilities....

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MA law enforcement “sudden” deaths in 2021/2022 are at unprecedented levels. If this was another officer killed in the line of duty it would lead the news and have the police union outraged. “Sudden” no-cause-given deaths seem just another day on the job now.



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This just was posted in my NewsApp. Police officers in MA, (previously mentioned by Mark) are “suddenly” dying in 2021/22.

Sadly, another;


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"Maria was seven months pregnant; her unborn child also died." Kade Lesbo 16 years old. The EMS guy looked like he was 12, probably an old picture, but still, his bio made him sound young.

How long before it won't be allowed to say died unexpectedly or suddenly?

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