Grim Reaper frontman Steve Grimmett; Nicholas Evans, author of "The Horse Whisperer"; Belfast boxer Dominic Oscar (dead at 19), and footballer Molly White; a 5-year-old died of cardiac arrest; & more
I noticed a smaller subset of people dying suddenly, besides athletes and swimmers, are singers. I think singing increases the pressure in the chest, which increases the pressure in the heart the same way that being in the water does. Singing also is a cardiovascular strain. 🙏❤️
thanks for tht Nova123, i am a brass player and its the same sort of thing cardiovascularly. Try searching Brass Player dies or dies suddenly...many there too!!!!...dang...its a miracle i am unjabbed but i am....
I noticed a smaller subset of people dying suddenly, besides athletes and swimmers, are singers. I think singing increases the pressure in the chest, which increases the pressure in the heart the same way that being in the water does. Singing also is a cardiovascular strain. 🙏❤️
thanks for tht Nova123, i am a brass player and its the same sort of thing cardiovascularly. Try searching Brass Player dies or dies suddenly...many there too!!!!...dang...its a miracle i am unjabbed but i am....