😢😡 I am so beyond words of my horror and sorrow of all these unnecessary deaths. It’s going to keep getting worse. Now “unvaccinated” blood is showing processes as jabbed blood in dark field microscopy. So scary.

Thank you Mark, for all your work.

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Shedding can turn unvaxxed blood into vaxxed blood I understand.

I resisted getting jabbed, but my wife is a HUGE fan of any and all vaccines, so naturally go all they'd give her (I never got Covid, but she did, of course). She is one who says no unvaxxed person should be eligible for any medical treatment as they are carriers and killing people, so don't deserve treatment.

Her hero Rachael Maddow at least recently was STILL advising "no medical treatment for the unvaxxed," and saying that Vaxxed people cannot transmit the virus (FALSE). Ironic that VAXXED can spread the slikes, however!

Wife's only adverse reaction so far is severe tinnitus.

Now I have ALSO severe tinnitus which is a neurological result of the shots I never had.

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I hate to sound snotty, but if your wife was my husband, I probably would be divorced by now! Keep researching! Lots more to learn. The Rachael Madcow really got to me. She’s a poster child for fake news! Good luck. Do not comply!

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I would have gone out for milk & never returned if that were my husband, but before leaving I'd secretly delete Rachael Maddow shows saved on DVR & write "TRUMP WON" on husband's pillow case with Sharpie:)

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It could be fear your psyche (brain organ) is experiencing from an active biological conflict. Check out German New Medicine-Melissa Sell or Caroline Markolin It saves lives!

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Thanks for this personal acct. Interesting that my husband is also a rabid Rachel Maddow fan & I've been able to tolerate her for only five minutes several years ago. Thankfully, he's not a vax fan, nor am I. Many medical pros & nutrient companies are now selling formulates that are said to eliminate the C19 spike protein.

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Maddow is not a woman.

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Sorry Bob, I’ll pray for you and your wife.

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I have been hoping I can show her the light, but that hope is clearly fading.

I am not one to give up on people easily.

On the other hand I don't relish going down with the ship, either.

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Hang in there, all marriages have their differences but this one will blow over in time and hopefully she will she the light, just keep shining it gently.

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Hi Bob, I read Anthony William who is also called Medical Medium. He says tinnitus is caused by Epstein Bare virus (there are many strains of Epstein Barr) and so it’s definitely possible that you caught the virus and therefore tinnitus from your wife. Unfortunately, your wife taking the Covid shots just put more toxins in her body which feed viruses such as Epstein Barr virus. You can google Anthony William (Medical Medium) to get more details on how to combat tinnitus but basically it’s through diet and avoiding toxins. It’s all free on the internet. You can heal from it. Good luck.

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Where did you hear/read that?

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I never used to read obituaries before Covid. Question: Before Covid, was a cause of death usually stated in most obituaries?

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Yes, unless the deceased was VERY old; though even obit for people in their nineties usually noted cause of death.

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Thank you. I don't know how you have the emotional strength to keep reporting on this. Thank you.

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Yes- and that may be the most important

part of Mark’s substack; showing how the media, in lockstep, are willing to participate in a cover up. Journalists are always supposed to be looking for the question most readers will have, investigating, and answering it. We want to know WHY the young MD at Upstate Medical Center(and others) died. MSM’s silence tells a sick story about supposed journalism today.

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I would say no.

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Usually they would say, in lieu of flowers, please donate to stroke foundation, cancer foundation and so on so we can pick up what they died of.

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Some of these “rare” cancers suddenly don’t seem to be so rare anymore. I’ve seen the word “gioblastoma” more in the last six months than I had in all my first sixty years of life.

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Yes! Pancreatic also.

The amount of cancers I am hearing is just unbelievable.

4 women in the past 2 weeks! 3 are sudden stage 4's. One with a brain bleed. One is ovarian. Not sure the stage.

That's on top of lung disease in person close to me. Diagnosed as an autoimmune reaction to environmental factors. Right. I am just grateful she is getting treatment and wasn't put on a ventilator. She is doing very well right now. I am praying she will not get another booster in the Fall.

I never knew anyone with a brain bleed, and now know two people in the last 2 years.

Just heard yesterday of a boy, 11, stage lymphoma. Passed away shortly after diagnosis. I don't know if he was injected.

It's jaw-droppingly insane.

And like others here, everyone I know who took those shots and boosters tested positive for c-vid and got sick. (I refuse to use the term "long covid". It's injection injury!!!)

NO ONE is connecting the dots. I mean NO ONE. Well, at least in my circle.

I can see Dr. Delores Cahill and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny three years ago talking about the millions that were going to die from these shots.

Thank you for keeping this out front, Prof. Miller.

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Professor Dolores Cahill: People Will Start Dying After COVID Vaccine | Principia Scientific Intl.


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Cahill said that if someone gets just one of these mRNA injections they will die within 5 years.

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Does ANYONE in their right mind think this is normal? We need to keep asking.

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Not trying to sound snarky but that’s kind of a circular argument.

One had to not be in their right mind to begin with if they willingly took that shot and pressured others to do the same.

And now, as a result of having their brains shot up by the jab, no pun intended, they might possibly have no actual human brain left to speak of and so they will be completely unable to be in possession of an actual mind in the traditional sense of the word.

I have no idea what I actually said but that’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

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I just barely finished reading through last weeks tragic news and another one comes in, like a storm wave. Wow. Thanks for all the hard work on these reports. Praying constantly for the families that have lost their loved ones.

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Our obituaries in our small Texas town have totally stopped with the 'unexpected' or 'suddenly' descriptions. How is that happening? Aren't the families able to write whatever they want in the obituaries? Are the funeral homes banning certain language in the notices now?

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Usually, the funeral home writes the obit (obits are expensive so not all choose them) in conjunction with the family or a pal. But anyone can submit them... a few people write their own obit which is held by another. And yes, it's possible that many funeral homes have abandoned our key words but I would assume that some, esp in Texas, would still use "suddenly."

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A year ago I saw many that said 'suddenly' or 'unexpectedly' - in fact I sent several to MCM. But now it's all 'died peacefully' or of 'natural causes.' It is a definite change. I assume money is involved somehow.

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People in their 30's, 40's - and even 50's - don't die of "natural causes". Not unless they weigh 400+ lbs. or have some lifelong illness.

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Yes, I saw a plethora of "died suddenly" "unexpectedly" for awhile.

Not so much now.

But then now it is quite often "after a short battle with cancer".

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It's very tragic that Paul J Field took 5 mRNA jabs and then died approximately 6 months after the last one. It looks like he at least knew someone who probably warned him (the contributor who disclosed how many "jabs" he had) and he was a freelance gardener who could make his own rules and not have to abide by some draconian employer mandate.

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according to today's substack from Dr McCullough, 75% of all 'died suddenly' are *caused by* vax if the person was jabbed. He has the study highlights up.

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I’d bet it’s higher than 75% when all’s said and done.

Remember, they told us their shots were “effective.”

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Well, they are effective...... at reducing the population.

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Sooo depressing!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG 😱

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Increase in suicides in ALL branches of the service.

Army Report Shows Increase in Suicides by Active-Duty Soldiers in 2023 | Military.com


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Thanks, I "liked" but not because I like hearing about this.

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Naomi Judd? Really?

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exactly! so sad, she was so talented and seemed happy. Suicide? Hard to believe.

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No, I don't understand why he's including her on the list. Her history of depression and mental illness was well documented, and she shot herself in the head. It's a hell of a reach to try to connect that to the vaccine.

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The news of her suicide broke recently.

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What gives the US of A government and the elite criminal cabal the 'right' to kill'? The 'decedent estate' that was set up for the members (members of a body). That way they could steal everything from us and kill us too. We've been declared 'dead' from the getgo. Check out Kurt Kallenbach's work on yt for more information.

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Charity donations missing ? Interesting to observe that - unlike the US list of of @ a month or so ago - there are no requests in this compilation for donations to cancer or heart charities. Obituaries are very expensive to publish in the newspaper (know this from pers experience), so this could account for the missing charity donation requests. And, these days, many deaths are announced on FB & the socials & funeral homes publish online obits. Very sad & tragic for the young children who lost parents & parents who lost children.

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ER doctor Bradley Middleton was 34. He had two children and was expecting his third in a few days.


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