In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, June 24-July 1, 2024
Athletes: US, Canada, Colombia, Peru, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, S. Africa, Russia; "vaxxidents": US (8), Mex., Brazil, France (3), Germany, Austria (2), Australia; & more
Note: Click on the countries links for this week’s compilations of those who “died suddenly” (the individual Substacks are too long to email).
United States
Mexico, Cuba, Antigua, Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Argentina
United Kingdom and Ireland
France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Portugal and Spain
Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, S. Africa, Israel, Cyprus, Turkey and Russia
India, Bangladesh, Maldives, Singapore, China, S. Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand
Wow. So sad. The number of Canadians dying so young keeps adding up... Looking at such young people dying unexpectedly, zapped by a turbo cancer as it seems to unfortunately be the case, is appalling. I saw many French Canadian names, people my age, and younger... (I'm French speaking from Montreal). This hit home for me. I wonder who's sleeping most, the dead or the people shoving the vax consequences under the rug, and moving on. May God bring peace and justice to families and friends of the deceased... Thank you Mark for your perseverance.
In spite of the empirical evidence the CDC is still massively pushing the magic medicine. Unfortunately until the responsible parties start going to jail nothing will change.