Wow. So sad. The number of Canadians dying so young keeps adding up... Looking at such young people dying unexpectedly, zapped by a turbo cancer as it seems to unfortunately be the case, is appalling. I saw many French Canadian names, people my age, and younger... (I'm French speaking from Montreal). This hit home for me. I wonder who's sleeping most, the dead or the people shoving the vax consequences under the rug, and moving on. May God bring peace and justice to families and friends of the deceased... Thank you Mark for your perseverance.

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IT BEGINS: Kansas Sues Pfizer — State Alleges Company Knew of ‘Serious Adverse Events’ Yet Marketed COVID-19 Vaccine as ‘Safe’


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Pfitzer was just doing what they where Contracted to do by the DOD.

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Utah mom slaps drug company with lawsuit after suffering COVID vaccine trial injuries


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Lawsuits aren't reaction for mass murder.

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Strong description: mass murder... Lawsuits are a good start though. What else can people do? the whole system has been infiltrated by yes men all over to silence the victims or whistleblowers (forget free speech, this became a shy right). These people are still in place, and the good ones, like whistleblowers quit their jobs/careers already.

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In spite of the empirical evidence the CDC is still massively pushing the magic medicine. Unfortunately until the responsible parties start going to jail nothing will change.

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Without repercussions why would they stop the Democide?

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And still...the "safe and effective" lie continues as the dominant narrative among nearly all government officials, mainstream media outlets, university administrators, insurance companies, corporate officials, the operators of the medical-industrial establishment (doctors, hospitals, clinics), you name it.

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2 nights ago a friend of ours, 31 y/o son died suddenly. 3 months ago a close friend of my husbands died suddenly. He had only been retired 3 years, age 65. He & his wife & grandkids were camping. Last year 2 different friends lost both parents within months of on another. The numbers continue rising.

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OMG…so sad, tragic and maddening ….all around me in a social setting are folks who wouldn’t believe these things and who would look away if statistics were held up to their face…. I continue poised for the medical tsunami to hit my neighborhood…..worse, that humans are orchestrating all this is sickening.

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They say deaths injuries big time 3-5 years after vaxx?

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300 people a day are dying suddenly in Canada. 3000 a day in the USA. Based on the 40% rise in all-cause mortality. The mainstream will call it anything but the vax. Understand the Transgender and Eugenics connection in this podcast:


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Similar to the earlier interviews with coroners et al, I wonder what they are saying lately….

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The law of big numbers averages it out. There has to be an uptick soon because they are multivector delivering the poisons into the population. The vax is one vector, water is another, food, dental injections, and on and on.

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MCM - you'd probably know this as well as anybody. In the past few months are the #s decreasing, increasing, or staying the same? (To me it seems like maybe decreasing a little)

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This blog captures the human element of what's happening.

For hard data you need to look to other sources. Edward Dowd is one of the number guys. Ethical Skeptic is another hard data guy on Twitter.

Along those lines, I think it would be helpful for Mark to add a link to some of the hard data guys like Dowd as a permanent response to "you don't know if the shot killed them!"

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Do you know that Ed Dowd relates that in the beginning when he struggled with the data and didn’t know where to start, he said he asked God, “so what do You want me to do?” ~~~Those midnight hard-to-sleeps when one mulls over the phony marketing, the lies and the pressures, close friends are falling out! and hospitalized snd still that Phizer…..signing for every commercial…$$$

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That would be very helpful indeed

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All cause mortality is remaining constant 40 % increase. This will continue, for 5 years untill all the vaxed are dead. Othet people are being contaminated by going to the dentist who are injecting people with the same toxic soup in the freezing lidocaine solutions. All injectables are contaminated now.

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These early years Sudden Deaths are largely from Serious Cardiac Issues ( and AIDS-like Immune illnesses ) brought on by the Covid19 Jabs.

However these Same Jabs are expected to cause an Exponential Increase in in Cancers. So those Deaths will Dwarf the more recent Sudden Deaths.

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Check out my Covid 2.0 podcast series (3 parts), which I uploaded here to Substack to remember what we lived through and the effects most never knew about.

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WOW, and sadly there will be many more.

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We had dinner with my brother and his partner, both fully injected and boosted. Her mother died about 40 years ago at about 57. She was a heavy smoker. My brother reminded me that when my dad was younger (probably in his 40's or 50's) several of his friends, all heavy smokers, died of heart attacks, maybe in their 50's. The point being, years ago people were not so health conscious, didn't go to the gym, didn't walk or exercise. They just ate whatever they wanted, lots of margarine probably, and most were smokers until they died. Now, most people are a bit more health aware, and are starting to die young. He had a point, and still doesn't think anything of the injections. I think they believe it is global warming issues causing the rise in deaths and cancers. I didn't want to argue because my brother and his girlfriend are my only relatives left that speak to my husband and me. Everyone else cut us off when we refused the injection.

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Mission accomplished.

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