"We are saddened to announce that The SkepDoc Dr. Harriet Hall has passed away". I have run into people like this lady. They are rabid defenders of what they think is "science-based" medicine. They approach cult level. More often than not, they are blind to their own bullshit. They practice in hospitals using cookie cutter procedures, and medications approved on massaged statistics, but they think they are based on facts. And they ridicule you for taking a supplement. But, who knows, maybe they are some paid trolls. I'm not sure. I'm not glad she's dead, and I don't know if she was affected by any "safe and effective", "backed by science", "recommended by experts", or "scientifically tested" concoction. But if she was, it would be quite poetic.

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How likely is it that she wasn't?

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She's a hypocrite if she didn't take the covid shot.

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Well said, "More often than not, they are blind to their own bullshit." So on point!!!!!!!

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I can't remember the actual phrase but it is something like -

Don't be worried if someone tells you they don't know the answer as they are honest enough to tell you that.

Always be afraid of those who answer every question as an absolute answer as they don't know how stupid they are.

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You seem switched-on in the brain department to me!!

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Robbie Knievel was never expected to die of old age, but never expected to die physically intact either. Hmmmm... I wonder why...

Just 2 days ago, my 60 year old vaxxed friend told me how unusual it was that he knew 4 people to die of pancreatic cancer. No matter how I try, he won't wake up. I'll share Robbie Knievel w/him but that will "jump" right over him too.

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Is it me Professor Crispin Miller, or are they getting a tad younger now?

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It sure seems like it. It’s unbelievable to see so many in their 40s, 30s, and sadly even younger, dropping dead unexpectedly.

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Under the Dr. Harriet Hall death announcement on sciencebasedmedicine.org (where it is stated that any anti-vax comments will be immediately deleted) is this comment that I just have to post here:

Losing Dr. Hall just blows and I really don't have words for it. Nothing anybody else has said better than I could.

My gf has been dealing with another round of breast cancer since March: triple-negative tumor that was hiding another tumor: DCIS (again). Genetic testing shows no predisposition for any type of cancer so it's just sucky. Had the lumpectomy. Lost 5 lymph nodes. Finished chemo which resulted in. a week of hospitalization and IV fluids 24/7 due to extreme dehydration (she was pinwheeling) and was going thru hormone treatments when she developed a staph infection (MSSA, not MRSA) and cellulitis about 6 weeks ago right where they took the lymph nodes, which made clearing the infection much harder (and 4 weeks in hospital on IV antibiotics along with alternating morphine and dilaudid). . Recovering from that, went for a hormone and magnesium infusion last week and tested positive for covid last Saturday. I've evaded it.

Been a bit of a ride.

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She’ll probably be encouraged to keep “up to date” with her jabs despite the fact that they may have caused her illnesses.

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Because it will be worse if she doesn't. I could not help myself.

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“Thank goodness it wasn’t Covid”

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I'm so sorry that your girlfriend is going through such a horrific ordeal. I know that everyone reading your post will keep her (and you) in our prayers. Just remember, stay strong, take it hour by hour, enjoy any small thing to make her day better (even if it's funny memes or "feel good" old fashioned TV shows) and know that she will get through this.

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I don’t think the person who posted that here is the original writer. They found this on a site mourning the fairly young passing of a vaxx-pusher

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Oh, thanks for clarifying! It’s hard to keep up with what is current by a poster or a “repost”.

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Yes, it is.

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As a teacher in schools, one thing that has constantly sickened me (Before Covid) has been the system of bribery (as parents and teachers, ergo as a society) that are used to incentivise young people into "good" behaviour. Stickers for achievement, house points for behaviour, bronze/silver/gold stars for excellence, merits for school work, achievement boards etc.

I am a musician, I never saw any success except the product of one's work. All the accolades mean nothing if the work is trash. Conversely, ignorance by the crowd is a blessing when one knows the music is amazing - the institutions/crowd just have no understanding/appreciation of art, creativity and talent. Grades mean (literally) nothing to me. I have worked with high school dropouts who were exceptional (although live wires socially) and high-flying A star students who (creatively speaking) who were as dull as ditch water.

As people get older the system of rewards and bribery continues. The voting system bribes the electorate (vote for me and you will get x) it is just normalisation of incentive via corrupt means and ways.

This has taken a significantly dark turn in this chapter of human history. Jackson Ball (6) is a tragic example of this in action, whereby parents incentivise the children's compliance to attend the "clinics" where shots are administered. Lest we forget, crispy creme offering free donuts, some states giving $100 for "vaccination", lottery tickets, virtue signalling and even working girls rewarding "vaccinated" "customers" (ahem) it is clear that all has gone wrong with regards to our social contract and the normalisation of bribery and incentive to behave according to the wishes of normalcy.

Not sure of where this ultimately leads. I'm just pointing out patterns I have been spotting and not agreeing with for several decades and the tragic results of this during this current culling of the human race. As MCM sometimes calls it; "Operation Herod".

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Lots of scientists and physicians seem to be motivated more by personal prestige than by scientific truth.

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Yes I get you here.

Another ridiculous thing is "attendance certificates" for school.

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A very unfortunate 6 year killed by stupid parents is not the savior of three more lives, but the vehicle of their death.

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Lisa Marie definitely did not look well. She looked more like a sickly 100 year old

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Jan 19, 2023
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Didn't Prince Philip pass away after getting jabbed? Or was that before they started giving everyone the death jab?

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He may have. It was a year before Elizabeth. But he was close to 100, so it could have been anything that did him in.

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Phillip was not the same after the car crash in autumn 2019 and due to Covid he was totally out of the public eye for 2020 and up until his death.

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I read somewhere that the Queen had bone cancer

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Two comments: The post about Lisa Marie has inaccurate information - that Lisa Marie that you linked to is someone else, not Presley. I am guessing Presley was vaccinated but that was not her post.

Also, the poor little boy from NC, he was an organ donor - geez - who would want organs from someone injected with mRNA that killed HIM? His father is in complete denial saying the vaccine saves lives. WTF with these brain raped zombies. God Help US!

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CNN reported the death of a Lisa Marie Presley who wasn't Elvis Presley's daughter?

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Sorry, I wasn't clear. The post you linked to: https://medicalkidnap.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/01/lisa-marie-vaxxed-2.jpg

Is not Lisa Marie Presley. It's a marketing executive named Lisa Marie. I saw that making the rounds and people clarifying this fact. Thought I would let you know.

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Watch POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Origin of mask-wearing zombies revealed in song!


There's a new church in town. Watch CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

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"Died Unexpectedly" and "GoFundMe" are the two most common phrases in this sad, sad blog.

Most were working i.e. in good health. None were reported to have suffered for years from serious diseases.. With no cause of death being immediately available, we have to assume Covid vaccinations, if take, could be a cause. None of the deaths reported the deceased having Covid prior to death.

I am unvaxxed...3 years...Zero Covid...Zero Flu...Zero any sickness.

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Two from Iredell county, NC? What are the chances? Hot lot, maybe!

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Not sure if you covered this elsewhere but the author Hanif Kureishi had a terrible fall. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/features/hanif-kureishi-paralysed-hospital-b2261068.html

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Jan 19, 2023
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I don't know if this substack got this one or not

Denmark official faints during Covid-19 conference


and here's one that may end tragically

San Francisco State University student missing in waters off Pacifica


member of the wrestling team. I know 60 year olds who surf those waters regularly.

We live in times when it is an absolute luxury to live your life and get to die slowly and at death be surrounded by those you love. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKIFrPn0m4c

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Listen to my music video WHERE HAVE YOU GONE TIFFANY DOVER? https://turfseer.substack.com/p/where-have-you-gone-tiffany-dover

Soon perhaps I'll be writing a new one: Where have you gone Damar Hamlin?

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Can you guys help me with a sanity check here? I can't help but notice how many of the non-celebrity people on this list are from the Upstate New York area, specifically the area near Buffalo. There has been much speculation about a probable lack of quality control in the manufacturing, storage and administration of these shots. Is it possible that a particularly lethal batch or batches made its way to the Buffalo area? Am I imagining things? If I'm not imagining things, what does that say about Damar Hamlin's collapse? (No need to answer this last question, purely rhetorical in nature.)

But seriously, does anyone else have any sense that these stories seem to follow some regional patterns? This struck me yesterday as well on A Midwestern Doctor's substack where he referenced a survey of embalmers that seemed to suggest that those in the Midwest were seeing more of the white fibrous clots than embalmers in other regions.

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I am on an ancient therapy for 25 long years....without even a flu...without visiting a doctor for illness treatment.

Science and the world dismiss Urine Therapy as nonsense. That is all I have...5 minutes a day of rubbing urine on my body, putting a bit in the mouth. I eat a normal diet (junk, healthy, all flavors), live a normal life. No vitamins, etc.

My point: If anyone feels he or she is in danger of a sudden death, has been jabbed, then look up Urine Therapy. It is a deep topic and a few millions of us among the 8 billion world population are doing well.

I elected to reject the Covid vaccine jabs. I mix freely in crowds, family members have had Covid. I remain healthy. I do not go for tests to prove anything...I am the living, walking testimony of my belief in just one ancient therapy.

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Kaufman Institute for Coincidence


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