I want to write something in the comments of every condolence page, something like DEMOCIDE or We will avenge these injection deaths or...Telling us they died of injection injury might save a life...but I don't. I can offer no sympathy or condolences, only angst. Mark, you are doing the only sensible thing, just iterating and reinterating and reiterating...but I am so frustrated with the blindness and the....how can this be really happening? I see the history leading up to it, but wtf.

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I so hear ya

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I find it stunning that no cause of death is listed in almost every single obituary. But we all know what the cause of these deaths are. And nobody is doing a damn thing about it. Its genocide on a scale that is unfathomable.

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There's a Deagel 2014 forecast, which predicts the US population will be only 99 million by 2025. That doesn't seem so implausible anymore.

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The percentage of (often young) healthcare workers is terrifying. They were among the first people to get these injections. If this isn't merely coincidence, this summer is going to be wild.

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I am a healthcare worker, physician private practice in Northern New Jersey. I was offered some of the first batches of this Pfizer product. And the whole thing stunk to high heaven to me. Most of my colleagues all the doctors in the community and on staff at the hospitals in my region with rare exceptions Clawed over eachother to get the shot. I them eagerly allowed their teenage children to get it as well. I never got the shot I had natural covid in August 2021. Every day that goes by I am grateful for this group and many others, my education, my family background that enabled me to see through this bullshit and protect myself and my family

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NYC here. Good to know there are people in these parts who haven’t completely lost it. The past two years must have been wild for your practice.

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Nyc is psychosis central. My practice is fine but im sorely disappointed in many of my colleagues.

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What’s your take on SARS-CoV-2?

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The organized corporate medical profession has completely lost its moral compass. If you listen to Peter McCullough on Joe Rogan or listen to this podcast about Peter McCullough talking about his new book


This is pretty much my perception

Doctors are generally a very status conscious group of people. They’re not heroes they’re not particularly brave. We’ve all spent a long time earning our degrees and credentials and building our reputations. We have to be licensed and insured in order to work. So if the New Jersey state health department says we have to do some thing most doctors just fall right in line. Because nobody wants negative attention brought down on them they could lose their practice. They could lose their hospital privileges like I did.

Every major government health agency United States is completely corrupt and failed. The CDC the FDA the NIH; none of these institutions should even exist. The CDC is basically a marketing arm for pharmaceutical companies. I don’t hate pharmaceutical companies per se just like I don’t hate oil companies. But this fascist crony arrangement between pharmaceutical industry and government is evil. Millions of people were denied early outpatient treatment. And millions of people were coerced into taking this toxic experimental vaccine. I hope that there is justice. There should be long prison terms told out to many people like Dr. Fauci. And hopefully some judicial executions. We need to have a Nuremberg II inquest

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I had natural Covid Infection the first week of August 2021. The first couple of days when I started to feel sick, I took a Covid test at home which was positive. The third morning I started to feel very weak and I actually passed out I think I was out for a couple of minutes. I’m 50 for an extremely healthy have a long distance cyclist never been obese and have no risk factors. The spike proteins and other factors having to do with the infection can cause heart arrhythmias. I was checked out thoroughly and my hearts absolutely fine. MAny other people who had natural Have also describe these episodes of feeling faint and lightheaded and even passing out. If the mRNA vaccine is making the body produce large amounts of spike protein for long periods of time, it could certainly be causing these heart problems.

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I am determined to pay my own form of respect to these souls by reading every single word of each individual post. They deserve that much at the very least. But - the resulting anger and distress (especially given all the adverse events and deaths that I have personally observed in my role as an RN) is, at times, overwhelming. So, it's with that said - I can't help but think that if it's affecting me this much to read the stories - I can only imagine what it must be like for you, Mark - in researching and posting them. Please, take good care of yourself!

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Thank you for naming the beauty of their lives. Thank you. It brings grief to the forefront....such good life lost, and motivates my heart to act.

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I have tried to prepare for children that may be orphaned and need help but have you noticed how many pets are being left behind? Are there family members to take them in? Is this straining the animal shelters? This is tough to think about from all angles- the dead, their spouses, their children, other family, and their pets.

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