The gift that keeps on taking.

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That gift was freely given to us by our own governments.

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Are we just supposed to get used to people lying dead of "suddenly" now? Before 2021 (not counting the fake Covid scenes of 2020), we never saw this many. I'll never become inured to it.

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The kerazy is, a lot of people really do seem to think so!

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Yep, we’re living in two worlds. Which is exactly how they designed it. Divide and conquer!

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Sure does look that way. As for me, while I'm sad to have lost some relationships over this covidian Jab Crow ridiculousness, I see now that these individuals were best out of my life anyway. I think the crucial thing under this barrage has been, and is, to stay mentally vibrant, resilient, and balanced-- sane, as you say. No matter what, I do not allow the enemy to demoralize me. So: I say, the enemy actually did me a favor because I have better information now than I did before, and my relationships going forward will be of better quality.

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You are so right, and that is so well put, T-B. Even though I feel tinges of sadness every now and then about certain people...

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Nov 16, 2023
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Yup! And the others who wanted to throw us in camps and take our children away.

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MC Miller- perhaps we need to replicate the Vietnam memorial wall in DC: "The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated on November 10, 1982, with 57,939 names. Since then, 379 names have been added, for a total of 58,318 (as of Memorial Day 2017)."...If we started a project to log the twenty million people (the tally I've read recently) who died from the genocidical drug experiment, and proposed a new Wall (or perhaps electronic billboard Wall)--say, right outside the the NIH--perhaps this may start a landslide in Lawfare activity. If you or anyone who is a creative social activist wishes to take on such an endeavor--I for one would join the committee. pax

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No wall could accommodate all those names.

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Steve Krisch does that sort of thing

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If Kirsch is ready to engage lawfare actions I have yet to hear about it. Dr David E.Martin is naming names...time to take it to the streets. pax

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And since Dr David E.Martin's older brother is a high-ranking official at the CDC, maybe he could also get him involved. He could definitely help pull some strings

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And yet, as many of us outliers have learned-our siblings don't always see eye to eye with us. Tragic actually.

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What do you think about his Eye of Horace tattoo, Eye of Horace tie on his website and Masonic Apron as his business logo and his old website address (since sold) when looked up in the way back machine leads to “United Nations Millennium Development Goals”. I’m really drawn to the things he says. He seems to have a lot of personal power/strong character and is highly intelligent, but did the Masons also value his intelligence and scoop him up? I don’t know the answer.

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Nov 16, 2023
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He banned me 15 minutes after Malone did who banned me 2 hrs after commenting on Breggen's substack, that maybe Malone is some sort of mole.

Weird uh.

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I said some very strong things about Malone and wasn’t banned.

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Correlation isn't causation.

Authors don't say why.

But I have found many appearing to have very thin skin. Unless there is something else going on.

There are no conspiracy theories and there are no coincidences.

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Nov 16, 2023
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Very prescient observations. Corral the dissidents where you can more easily monitor their conversations and discoveries, to get ahead of the curve and head them off at the pass.

Part of Project 19's multi-tier "management" plan.

Tier 1 for the true belivers.

Tier 2 for the unbelievers.

Cover all bases.

A quote attributed to Roman philosopher Marcus Cicero (106BC-43BC) was: "Nothing is so strongly fortified that it cannot be taken by money".

Consider Substack has been "de-fortified", opening its doors to Government operatives like this one;


It's such a shame. It started off with such promise. But once the whiff of 'compromised credibility' gets out, it will go the way of the dinosaur and MySpace.

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I have been saying the same thing. They monitor this to see if we are only blowing off steam rather than form groups that actually will do something to stop them.

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Thanks Bigfoot

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They spread fear by showing fake videos of people falling dead in China. Now that we have so many sudden deaths, they're quiet about that.

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Perhaps they rolled it out in China first ... conditioned people to believe it was fake, so we would be accustomed to it (here in the US), now?

If they didn’t want us to see that, we would not have seen it.

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"An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over ashes" - Sun Tsu As time passes you see the ashes being created bio-weapon, killing wars, famine, all created for a Depop. anti-human created for those who think the know better.

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People will slowly accept it like they did autism classrooms and peanut-free lunch tables

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I have argued with so many "intelligent" people about the shots having heavy metals and other adjuvants in it creating brain damage (autism). But where does that go? No where.

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Intelligence doesn't make a person smart.

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You´re wasting your time with these "intelligent" people.

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A friend in San Diego reported that a 17 yo motorcyclist riding on a straight surface street at 8:20am Sunday veered off the road and crashed into a pole, and was dead at the scene despite LE initiated CPR (cause of death in trauma is often obvious). The Sheriff's' Department is "investigating whether speed or mechanical issues" were a factor. Certainly could be an accidental death, but no one will even question the cause. Similar stories with lower speed vehicular crashes as well.


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This is exactly how I pictured my future when I was 20. People all over dropping dead on the street and elsewhere.

Government, banking, religion, educational systems, magazines, newspapers were all set up to fool people into be lie ving in a one nation and the people running society in the executive order. And that Nation of people, namely the US of A were the recipient of the original organic American constitution. However, I had to pledge allegiance to the fraudulent US of A GOVERNMENT every morning in grade school. I thought it was my nation, you know, my tribe so to speak.

They have done so many crimes against Americans with no commupence for these mercenaries. There is no way out of what they have in their agendaas we can see from the bioweapon results.

I feel like I am living in a prison and there is more violence to come from the prison guards.

This is my life now. I came through damaged in many ways that mask as personal deficits. But they're wounds and cuts and sores all hidden but felt deeply. It was a war against me and you. The psychiatric state wardens called psychiatrists named this Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. However the truth is ive been living as a victim in their perpetrator-victim psyche warfare from the US of A cabal. And now I suspect I'm heading for a future of terror.

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This is helpful

Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am Yahweh (God)

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Sadly, here's another beloved pilot death that won't make the news:

Christopher Connelly, 53, United Airlines pilot on 767/757 and died November 13, 2023


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Did he die flying or just suddenly become unalive.

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I believe suddenly unalive, but didn’t find any info except condolences from fellow pilots.

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I'm against the death penalty.

But for the covid profiteers, and other mass murderers, I'd be tempted making an exception.

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A few comments:

Yes, they are normalizing the fact that people are just dropping dead suddenly.

And the truly frightening part about all this is that people are not connecting the dots; they are attributing these - and all other deaths - to anything but the jab, in almost all but the most obvious cases.

They are also normalizing people being brought back to life through CPR & defibrillators... and normalizing keeping brain-dead people on life support for weeks until they deplete all the family’s money. They do this by subtly encouraging medical science as capable of restoring life to the already dead but after ONE MORE TEST ... one more consult... one more... string them along...

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It just goes on and on and on, this pandemic of Suddenly and Unexpectedly.

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Also Mysteriously.

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It seems like there is a weird fatal car crash everyday in my small town. I think many of these are people having heart attacks behind the wheel and then crashing. Many of them are single car accidents and witnesses report them just veering off the road and crashing. Of course no cause or further information is ever released.

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How ironic that NOW people are literally dropping in the streets. Funny how the “news” isn’t blaring these images 24/7 with a death counter scrolling by.

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Those two phases are related. The trauma back in early 2020 blinded millions to the likelihood that the "VACCINES" could ever have precisely that "Wuhan effect."

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Oh so painful to read these, the young ones particularly. An old work colleague must have seen some of my posts on social media and got in touch. Docs have taken a year to diagnose POTS. She wanted to know if it could be the jab.

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Wow! My son's 21 year old girlfriend has been in and out of the hospital for the last year or so. She eventually got the POTs diagnosis. I think she may have had a mild connective tissue disorder before all the jabs she got, but the jabs just made it all worse. (Connective tissue order folks sometimes have POTs too). First she said she had immune issues as she was allergic to my cat. Then my cat died. No, it isn't the cat. It's the dog she is allergic too. Well one of my dogs died and she always had dogs in her life so..um.. doesn't quite make sense to me. Then she kind of lost the ability to walk and was in a wheelchair. Now she walks but has to constantly monitor her "energy" because she just passes out a lot. I believe it was Astrazeneca that said not to get the jab if you have a connective tissue disorder. Anyway her life it majorly changed. Despite all that my son and her don't believe it is the jab even after I sent them this video of Dr. Peter McCullough at the European Parliment.

Send your friend this video from Rumble. In this video of Dr. Peter McCullough, he says POTs is an adverse effect of the jab. Start watching around 8:00 but he specifically mentions POTS about 9:00 mark. https://rumble.com/v3i2kvy-dr-peter-mcculloghs-speech-at-european-parliment.html

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Thanks. She was unwell before, fibromyalgia. Iknow a few with much worse arthritis, diabetes, cancers dementia, hand tremors. Thanks for link.

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This was on my Nextdoor site:

On October 13th, Kristin Montoya's life was turned upside down when her husband Dennis Meloche passed away unexpectedly at the age of 47. Dennis was not only Kristin's best friend but also her partner in real estate and her caregiver. Some of you may know, in 2021 Kristin faced a life-threatening illness, spending four months in a coma. Against the odds, she showed her strength and made it through with her sheer determination. Kristin endured more hardships than most can fathom during her recovery.

Is this a husband/wife dual death/injury????

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Sure sounds like it. I am seeing info on my Next Door with young people having turbo cancers.

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That is extremely sad. I have seen on that sight: a 15 yr old boy with myocarditis, a woman with an autoimmune disease and she said she would take it again, a woman fighting for her life in the hospital after the shot, an active tennis player and golfer with no health issues in his 70’s died, someone completely debilitated (I can’t remember what she had) and a huge long thread about tinnitus where someone said, “we shouldn’t have to live like this”. My 68 year old heathy, slim neighbor had a heart attack and died last week and I saw on the news a couple of days ago another car had slammed into a building. I hear ambulances more than I had before although they’ve subsided a little.

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