Dosamuno - they really do want us dead. And every little bit helps them get to their < 500 million pop goal. Their pharma, their fake food, fake meats, their air quality, their chemicals in water/food/air, etc., etc., etc.
Dosamuno - ok - so I watched dar's video below - and also ran this by a friend of mine who listens to a guy (forgot his name, sorry) who watches earth and cosmos stuff. I just cannot fathom THAT many fires igniting simultaneously. I do not believe this is eco-terrorism. I believe it is the earth's crust shifting - causing earthquakes, volcanoes, and, yes, fires to ignite all over the place. I understand that in the past, fires were used to steal land; however, I think this worldwide scale is just too big. It's something else. Could we be headed for a cataclysmic event? Your thoughts?
WTF is going on?
Why would any person or group this?
The trees, the animals, the environment...,
I'm at a loss for words.
Dosamuno - they really do want us dead. And every little bit helps them get to their < 500 million pop goal. Their pharma, their fake food, fake meats, their air quality, their chemicals in water/food/air, etc., etc., etc.
I agree :(
Dossamuno: Take this link - take special look at the second video this link brings up - at about 8:45 it mentions NJ fire.
HorribleтАФlike Dar's video below.
What if this is not coming from above, but from below. A shifting in Earth's crust ...? Think about it.
I don't know.
Not enough info.
Dosamuno - ok - so I watched dar's video below - and also ran this by a friend of mine who listens to a guy (forgot his name, sorry) who watches earth and cosmos stuff. I just cannot fathom THAT many fires igniting simultaneously. I do not believe this is eco-terrorism. I believe it is the earth's crust shifting - causing earthquakes, volcanoes, and, yes, fires to ignite all over the place. I understand that in the past, fires were used to steal land; however, I think this worldwide scale is just too big. It's something else. Could we be headed for a cataclysmic event? Your thoughts?
I don't know enough about the event to comment.
We'll learn more, I imagine, in the following weeks.