I CANNOT stand reading about the deaths of children and young adults. How on God's green earth are people able to ignore this?

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They are able to ignore it because the mainstream media refuse to report these tens of thousands of deaths. So many ignoramuses out there still think the jabs are safe and effective. The culprits behind this democide control all established media outlets.

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It is killing me too & definitely getting PTSD! I read Mark's substacks out of respect to those who have wastefully & tragically lost their young lives. Thank you Mark & your team for your perseverance & hard work to continue exposing the truth. I take screenshots of some of the tragedies to show people, always trying to wake comatose people up...

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They can ignore this BECAUSE THEY DO NOT CARE!! This is part of the plan to depopulate the country and the world.

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This is like a bad dream I can't wake up from. On several levels--the tragic deaths and the denial in the culture. Even if Mark weren't compiling these (and thank you for that, Mark, it is SO important), Everyone knows people who are injured or dying from the shots. A friend recently said that summer used to be the time of weddings, and this past summer was the time of funerals.

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Mark is like the lead character in the movie “I think we are alone now” - you will have watch it to understand

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I hope to be dead before this is "normalized."

This is SO messed up!

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Please take a step back and try to see the big picture.

First, the depressing part: people can get used to anything. Read about people in the trenches in 1916, or the inmates of the concentration camps.

So, yes this is normalized and I expect even if 10% of the population dies every year, people will continue to watch TV, go to work for psychopaths and buy cars.

But... there is hope. There are brave people out there that have lost their job or got to jail or even have been killed for telling us the truth. Every day, I am trying to live up to their example.

And most importantly, we need to survive so we can tell our grandchildren the truth. Otherwise, they will repeat our mistakes like some of us repeat our grandparents mistakes, including genocide and medical experiments on children.

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"Uptake" is WAY down all over. Just because the media tunes out ALL evidence of mass awareness, and even though all too many people ARE stone-blind, there are countless people quietly waking up.

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Mark, I read today about an "influencer" (sadly, I can't remember the name of the woman), who is also suffering from progressive supranuclear palsy. I'm thinking in typical times (unlike now) it's a rare neurological disorder? (Correction: it's Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton. Thanks to all who found the info!!!)

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Virginia congresswoman Jennifer Wexton also diagnosed with this “rare” disorder this week!

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Yes, thank you, that's the one. I will correct my comment.

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It would be due to a stroke, aneurysm or tumor.

Probably secondary to the clot shot if she had it.

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Recently I have noticed FascistBook has been featuring posts of celebrities who died young. They’re training the blind to remain blind.

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I believe the change is not due to any mass awakening. It's simply that propaganda is shifting to the next "thing".

People that had kids die pretend it's normal. In 2022 elections, all evil people got re-elected and so on.

I will make a prediction: nobody will get punished and the next psyop will kill 10x more people. And it might be on Trumps watch again, just for giggles!

What will turn the tide will be external events. USD will lose its status, followed by 1000% inflation. Or the war will come on US/western soil.

At this point, I am sorry to say that I cannot logically disprove the psychopaths' take on human nature. At the very least most people have no free will. I hope I'm wrong.

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1 minus current uptake = % of people within 1 degree of a serious vax injury or death. That’s my hypothesis. We are in the single digits of willful blindness now. It’s only time before it is out there. Keep speaking out and praying.

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Well, we had the Nuremberg trials less than 80 years ago so the same mistake wouldn't be made and look how well that worked.

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A tiny percentage of Nazi officials involved in the Holocaust faced accusation and trial. Most of the Reich judiciary were put back into their roles.

It is said that FDR wanted banker's trials in the US but he died (he was arguably poisoned by "White Russians" for whom he was posing for a portrait) and this never happened.

It goes on.

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This is something that I didn't know and it shocked me.

Basically, European Comission (first incarnation of EU). NATO, West German govt, NASA etc, etc - were all lead and staffed by former Nazi generals. And not just any generals but chiefs of staff, commanders etc.

I can see why there are so many alternative theories about the nazis - when they are so vilified and at the same time so loved by the US govt, you have to ask what is this about?

Here is my personal "conspiracy" theory: The US envied the Nazis for their success at brainwashing their entire population so they decided to learn everything from them. Plus they were easy to manipulate - if they refused to follow orders they could easily be condemned for what they did in the war.

Isn't it humbling to realize that we have been lied to, manipulated and treated like sheep for decades and so few of us even realize it?

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Ecclesiastes 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow

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NEVER in my life have I read of so many very young people dropping over dead, and tragically, we know exactly why this is happening. Add to these staggering numbers the ones who are now developing stage 4 "turbo cancers" and those who are succumbing to antibody-dependent enhancement and immune priming. The numbers are truly breathtaking and demand an international tribunal to hold ALL the culprits behind this madness accountable.

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The neighborhood discussion site 'Nextdoor' allowed a local Walgreen's pharmacist to encourage neighbors online in my area to get the newest jab. Two of us immediately responded to him factually, challenging this deadly push.

Within 48 hours, all of our posts were removed by the unseen, unknown 'moderator' while his remained.



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Our experience as well. The local health department used to list times when jabs were available and any and all negative comments were promptly removed.

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So many...so many. Dear God.

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Definitely an ever younger group as time goes on. I don't believe it is because the old folk are already gone.

Mark and team, you are amazingly strong in keeping on with this essential work. I have gone from unbearable sadness to passionate anger. Other than share the info far and wide I do not know what else to do.

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The volleyball player/ nursing student whom suddenly died… these types of deaths are more common these days, and our healthcare agencies deny deny deny… and somehow are allowed to push forward, even using the expired EUA to push the new booster on kids, WTF!

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Sep 21, 2023
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Right?!? They should be running as fast as they can from it!

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There is something sinister afoot.

I can feel it in my bones...

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I am just old enough to remember seeing the names of our lost and MIA servicemen rolling up at the end of each evening news broadcast during the Vietnam War. This list reminded me of that. It's clear: We are at war.

May the memory of these loved ones be an abundant blessing, and may they rest in peace.

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Not dead yet, but a friend's vaccinated cousin was diagnosed with aggressive liver cancer in March and is receiving hospice care now. He was very healthy before being diagnosed with turbo cancer.

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What an unbelievable carnage.

Add Anna Firfer Nadulek from Chicago

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Interesting to read that Billy Miller's death was from Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) that resulted in a stroke. By coincidence, I read an article just 2 days ago that Rep. Jennifer Wexton (age 55) announced that she is not running again for Congress in 2024 because she has been diagnosed with PSP which is interfering with her speech and hearing. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke noted that PSP is a "rare" disorder that results in stroke due to damage to nerve cells in the brain. Where do all these "rare" disorders come from? Gee, just read the 8-page list in Pfizer's Post-marketing report of nearly 1,200 "Adverse Events of Special Interest" and you'll see the names of diseases you've never heard of in your life including lots of neurological disorders (I didn't find this particular on listed, however).

Speaking of brain disorders, champion golfer Gary Woodland, 39, had surgery on Monday to remove a lesion from his brain. He announced in August that he would be undergoing surgery after doctors found a brain lesion. The latest report said they weren't able to get all of the lesion. Another athlete suffering (most likely) from the jab.

This will only get worse as so many young people are dying suddenly and from strange, rare diseases and cancers. There's nothing we can do but pray.

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Lower life expectancy is being driven by the deaths of the youngest who aren't suppose to be dying. CDC shows clear corrupt and criminal negligence by not addressing this or even acknowledging it. So that makes them complicit in the proliferation of this nightmare.

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