

A Life Sacrificed

On The Altar Of Medicine.


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Thanks so much for doing the painful job of keeping us informed about the ongoing run away freight train of this so very tragic time of the great dying.

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Hold those accountable who allowed this tragic vaccine and who knowingly profited from deaths all over the globe.

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I preach to the choir here but next to a thermo nuclear war( which we may get) this is the biggest catastrohe to hit the human race.

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Never forget and hold those who are involved responsible for genocide. Because it is genocide when you cause this much damage to this many people.

<The systematic killing of substantial numbers of people on the basis of ethnicity, religion, political opinion, social status, or ¨other particularity. ¨>

The other particularity was that we the common people have been labeled ¨useless eaters.¨


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A lot of blogs that stir up righteous indignation, but accomplish nothing practical,, are proliferating the internet, these days. There are new ones every day to satisfy the varied forms of ire of the public. This is clearly the emergence of a new cottage industry of talk show hosts that whip up and maintain the public anger over real and true issues, but accomplish nothing else. All of them, of course, ask for donations and gifts. This is a "for profit" business that has sprouted, to take advantage of the current frustration of mankind. So I am being more selective of what I choose to read on a daily basis.

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The "like" button under comments no longer works for me. I agree that there are lots of grifters. Substack readers are aware of what's been going on but send a link to a government trusting person who will dismiss as conspiracy especially if fact checked. Also, what is happening, is so horrific, not many will comprehend as it's beyond any normal human's ability to see it. From my research since this plandemic, it's obvious it has been going on since smallpox jabs, and we've all trusted our health care, literally, with our lives, to believe vaccination is preventative but, in fact, causative of the plethora of neuro, autoimmune, allergies, SIDS, SADS, inflammatory probs we accept as "normal" today. TPTB know or set up Substack to allow rants, leak truths, drip, drip, but mainly after the dastardly jabs fired into arms. My view is to get facts of history of the poisons and show people what really happened/is happening today but at village halls, community centres, hard copies of facts as handouts, with links to further substantiate plus deeper dives.

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I agree with you completely.

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And, of course, anything written here will be monitored to get the info for them to plan their next moves. I lost many friendships just by trying to get them to read about the whole psyop, from the testing to the previous attempts with the gene therapy and LNPs. I was taken in for about 6 months, sewed masks and kept to the rules, lol! So I know how easy it was to be nudged into group think. My warnings fell on deaf ears and I was shunned. I also don't have letters after my name or medical trained, yet medical schools offer students half a day on learning about vaccinations and I've read books and articles for over 3 years now, which is far more than GPs.

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Hegelian Dialectic>Jesuit Theater=$

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surprised to find 'vaxident' in Wiktionary


but it doesn't make the connection to traffic and aircraft accidents.

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See also clotshot

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I've never believed in capital punishment before, but this lot need the gibbet. Totally monstrous. You had better hope neither of my children die before me...

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I wasn’t that nice …yes, gruesome to think about; however there’s a lot to be said for making an example. And after hearing the details on someone else, letting prisoners to be imagine their own fate. Not easy to be checking your email from up there. Detached from whether raping a child could be racist? Well it will all be resolved afterwards, right? We will be rid of that threat. The statistics, the stories and all can save us from emotional drain, but some reality is needed from now on

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This is something beyond human comprehension! Those who are aware and awakened can only watch on in horror…

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Note the Paramedics are some of the first people to arrive on the scene.

Here's one of their eye witness accounts. Paraphrasing Harry Fisher's take on his experiences, "it's where Stockholm Syndrome victims met their Munchausen by Proxy abusers, it's so weird". https://rumble.com/v4spm25-it-was-a-pandemic-of-abuse.html

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God bless them all

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From the beginning in 2020 I smelled a rat in the entire covid narrative. How could a virus get spread over the world so quickly? What I knew of masks did not convince me that these would protect from viruses, germs etc., since you could still smell tobacco smoke, perfume, etc. through them. I knew that the inventor of the PCR had said that his test could not diagnose the virus. The 6' distance made no sense. Why were some companies (liquor stores, Home Depot, etc), excepted from lock down? what about the early information from doctors and epidemiologists, that this was a 99.9% recoverable ailment? There simply was too much that made no sense. Since I have not received a vaxx in 60 years, why start with covid? How could Big Pharma produce vaxxes in just a few months, when it normally took 7 to 15 years of testing before the FDA approved them? How come Emergency Response Authorization took effect when there were doctors (Zelenko and others) who were curing patients with existing substances? Just too much hanky panky for a person who pays attention and asks the critical quesytions.

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They had the poison concoctions in the ready. It's all about timing. 2020 was the litmus test on the world and 99% failed it. They'll get recycled back into the system.

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Thank you Dr. Miller for keeping this debacle in the world's eye. Without your diligence the main-stream media would have put all of this in the rear-view mirror and the Orwellian memory hole long ago.

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3 died suddenlies from Jersey City & Hoboken:

On May 28, 2024

Rest in Peace: Jersey City Police Lieutenant Marina Ugolini, age 44, Dies Suddenly


"Lt. Marina Ugolini passed away Tuesday evening, May 28, multiple sources said. The 19-year department veteran, who was promoted to lieutenant six years ago this month, worked in the North District."

On May 15, 2024:

"Collin Jimenez, NJ Bartender Dies Suddenly At 27"


"Born in New Brunswick, Jimenez lived in South River and Linden, graduating Linden High School in 2016, his obituary reads. He was manager for Bonefish Grill in East Brunswick and worked at 33's Tavern in South River as a bartender, according to his obituary." He leaves a daughter, Emily.

On May 11, 2024:

"Hoboken DJ Lee Montalvo Dies Unexpectedly, 50"


"Lee Montalvo, a lifelong resident of Hoboken, died unexpectedly on Saturday, May 11 surrounded by his family, according to his obituary on the Lawton-Turso Funeral Home website says. Montalvo worked in finance before becoming a bartender at Wilton House in Hoboken, his obituary says."

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My gosh, so many people dying. Thankful I prayed about getting the vaccine when it first came out and the pressure to get vaccinated was so intense.

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To all the Victims.. May God Rest your Souls

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