Filmmaker Nico Cirasola; rock bassist Rudy Ruzza; footballer Mimmo Cecere; motorcycle racing champ Leandro Becheroni; labor law expert Giuseppe Santoro-Passarelli; 6 in the street; 3 at work; & more
Thanks cassiopea64, I do wonder about their minds, how a jab docs mind is so compromised (by the money, by the training, by the psyops) that they can be standing in this battlefield, sword in hand, and not see they are the killers. I think the majority of the injectors end up being nurses and aides who are not required to think critically, just unwitting assists to the murders. It's just so very very bad, the world would be much better off without the lot of them at this point.
The Italians have the best obits, like they are trying to capture some respect and grandeur in the last moments...
as an Italian I can tell you that we also have the worst doctors who still don't want to admit the seriousness of the "covid vaccination affair"
Don’t feel alone…we all have these same doctors all over the world. Shame on all of them. Especially the ones still jabbing our kids and babies. 😔
Thanks cassiopea64, I do wonder about their minds, how a jab docs mind is so compromised (by the money, by the training, by the psyops) that they can be standing in this battlefield, sword in hand, and not see they are the killers. I think the majority of the injectors end up being nurses and aides who are not required to think critically, just unwitting assists to the murders. It's just so very very bad, the world would be much better off without the lot of them at this point.