Thank you for this emotionally-exhaustive reporting. Imagine the numbers, as it has likely been said, of every single car accident or inexplicable accident, and all those who are not famous enough to be noticed - which are not numbered.

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Nov 17, 2022
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And will remain so to most until the numbers streak off the charts and the causation is nailed down without question. But as long as people are encouraged to continue on in complete denial, these reports will sadly be notable only to those directly affected and those of us who have no recourse but to shake our heads and grieve all the losses.

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."

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Nov 17, 2022
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Hey Roach,

Check into the excess death percentages that are reported by life insurance companies, for working age individuals who have group term life plans via their employers. Numbers ranging from 15 to 40 percent increase in normal mortality rates all since the jabs started. Get out of denial and most of all stop criticizing people who are trying to save lives with the truth. They aren't getting paid to lie like the "newz".

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It’s never ending. It’s more shocking each week.

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As another commentator states, it becomes more shocking each week. This week’s report is filled with so many youth. My Lord, why is this not being broadcast nationwide. All I hear about are shootings. That is the focus here in the Pacific Northwest. These deaths are shocking.

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These seem to be getting longer every week. I drive down the road and notice fresh graves in almost every cemetery each week. noone is reporting on those. Thank you for your work.

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These reports sure are quite long now, and there are so many young ones!

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I get about halfway through and think, how is this happening, every time. The Universities are now requiring boosters again this Fall. Yale, Harvard, Norte Dame, among the elite. So sick. Why are the youthful elite targeted? I ponder this. It could be for sterilization, but more likely, to find candidates that are willing hosts-- a way for their new transhuman elite carrying this nanotech to emerge from the ashes out of its own echelon.

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My husband received the first 2 shots - Pfizer. Then every morning I started reading from Mark's list. He thankfully made the decision not to get another shot. This morning I read to him this list and he said it would be telling if we could find the stats for sudden deaths from 3 years ago (before Vaxx). I've been trying to find that info but no luck so far, and wondering if anyone knows where/how to find it? That would be the nail in the coffin. I will keep trying.

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Take a look at https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/ "The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks from 1966 to 2004. Those documents indicate 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age, an average of 29 athletes per year, the sports with the highest incidence being soccer and basketball. (NIH Document) A study by Maron on sudden death in US athletes, from 1980 to 2006 in thirty-eight sports identified 1,866 deaths of athletes with cardiac disease, with a prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 2005 to 2006 averaged sixty-six (66) deaths per year, with 82% of those occurring during competition or training."

There's also the VAERS Reporting for the past 30+ years which record more adverse reactions/events with this one injection than all the other vaccines combined.

And this: https://www.soa.org/49667f/globalassets/assets/files/resources/research-report/2022/2022-cause-death-report.pdf

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Thank you for that link, with a quick look it certainly seems to be accurate information.

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Nov 17, 2022
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The problem is: how do you know? There are no investigations being done of unusual health issues occurring after vaccination. A close friend, up to date with boosters - perfectly healthy and no heart issues - just collapsed, his wife took him to the hospital and he ended up getting a pacemaker put in. Another friend's brother just died, again up to date with boosters, healthy, no serious issues other than he was 75. But still to just die without any comorbidities is strange. All of the the young healthy athletes who have died, that Mark has been listing for over a year, could they all be coincidental? Maybe, but if you were in the medical field wouldn't you want to know? Why aren't these deaths at least striking some amount of curiosity? If this is normal, why aren't the pharmaceutical companies coming out with the statistics from previous years and saying: "hey, this is nothing out of the ordinary, so it has nothing to do with our products?" that would put an end to the skepticism and go VERY far to encourage people to get vaccinated, which is their end goal.

Why are the pharmaceutical companies given a pass by congress for no liability?

What other industry gets that kind of pass?

Why would they even want it if their products are safe? Why would they not be OFFERING liability?

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Nov 17, 2022
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do you think it's worth investigating whether these young people getting seriously ill and/or dropping dead is unusual, since you do admit that you don't know whether it's unusual or not?

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Nov 18, 2022
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What is happening?

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I appreciate what you do, but the only really valuable reports are the ones where you can show they got vaxxed.

Also good to include obits to prove that Bourla and Pfauci's victims are really dead:



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You don't think all those reports of children "dying suddenly" of heart attacks and strokes are "really valuable" as well? And what about all those reports of people dying of "rare," aggressive cancers, in unprecedented numbers? And then there are all those fatal single-vehicle car accidents, far more than ever. And so on.

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I suspect they are indeed related to the vaxx, but anecdotes are not as compelling to others without evidence of vaxxing, or without a clear statistical relation between many such events and the number of vaxxed people.

I appreciate what you're doing, but to convince those still defending their own poor choice, the evidence needs more rigor.

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Those defending their own choice probably can't be convinced by evidence of any kind. We need to direct our efforts where they could have some effect; and "anecdotal" evidence, if copious enough, can do that.

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It doesn't help that officials deliberately obfuscated the data by attempting to eliminate the control group or through their slight-of-hand reclassifications of the various degrees vaccinated vs unvaccinated. It makes it so much easier for officials to then claim "no connection". And now it's becoming pretty clear to me (having read plenty about immunology and interviews with good doctors who have successfully treated patients) that the viral infection isn't really the big problem because it's just a normal coronavirus to which most people have broad cellular immunity but instead it's a post infection hyper inflammatory allergic reaction to the spike (or some toxic iteration) which occurs in a subset of individuals (regardless of obvious comorbidities). If not treated early (with steroids and antihistamines etc) this can proceed to death or long-term issues. These shots do nothing to deal with that (nor the infection), instead they just make your body make the potential hyper-allergen/toxin. It's simply diabolical.

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I do agree that personal stories with the names and preferably photos of those killed by the vaxx do help to break through the wall of denial because of that emotional impact. But it's better if you can show the victims were vaxxed. If you can't, the denial kicks in right there.

But as they say, "the plural of anecdote is data". I'll keep reading them as you publish them.

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This is an excellent project for graduate research. I wonder if it would be possible to do follow-up interviews with those injured and family of those who died to determine their vaccine status and other factors? (If vaccinated, this could be which brand, how many shots, length of time between shots, period that elapsed before illness or death) Many would probably not participate. However, I wonder how successful a sort of study like this might be at verifying credible evidence that the excess mortality is linked to the vaccine products? It might be worth a try.

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Another avenue to explore: which area of the country where they were vaccinated, and if there are higher incidences of injury/death in specific regions.

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My husband received the first 2 shots - Pfizer. Then every morning I started reading from Mark's list. He thankfully made the decision not to get another shot. This morning I read to him this list and he said it would be telling if we could find the stats for sudden deaths from 3 years ago (before Vaxx). I've been trying to find that info but no luck so far, and wondering if anyone knows where/how to find it? That would be the nail in the coffin. I will keep trying.

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I am sitting with this concern - if I share these with my jab happy family members and they come across even one that is questionable (“there’s no proof that death resulted from a jab”) they are likely to discount the whole pile.

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Of course. Its terribly annoying. Which is why we get back to the "whats the point" place. Sadly, they have to choose on their own to see it or not.

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Nov 17, 2022
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Your whole thread sounds a weee too “vaccinated”

Hey, to bw fair, I’d be swimming in cognitive dissonance day and night if I put Bill and Melindo Gates in my arm several times.

All the deaths in my circle died of “ABTV”

Anything But The Vax.

I get it. No problem.

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You are delusional

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We are unfortunately in the middle of mass murder against humanity and if we continue to accept what is happening, we will also end up suddenly dead like these stories, or worse, mind dead slaves who are no longer allowed to raise a family. Check out: Legal Walls of the Covid-19 Kill Box

Report: Attorney Todd Callender's January 30, 2022 interview by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet. https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/legal-walls-of-the-covid-19-kill

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Are we in the middle? That seems pretty optimistic, sarcastically speaking. Seems like we are in the middle of the first wave of it rolling out worldwide.

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You may be right, i was referring to the middle loosely. It's been stated by some MDs that the jabbed are expected to 'die off' within 3 to 5 years of their jab(s), so if most got jabbed in 2021, then we're seeing the first unlucky victims dying quickly in 2022 and as more get booster shots (ironic these booster shots decrease one's life expectancy instead of provide any health benefit) then more will be dying everyday. The WEF has some date of 2025 as a milestone date towards the 2030 Great Reset, so am guessing they want 50% pop decrease by end of 2025.

Please read and consider what laws have been passed to make this happen:

Bailiwick News



Worldwide Schrodinger’s nation-states and people: simultaneously sovereign and not-sovereign, citizens and slaves.


Mar 21

United States constitutional, civil, and criminal laws have been automatically and secretly preempted by the one-two-three punch of:

World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations of 2005, entered into force June 15, 2007;

US Health and Human Services revisions to 42 CFR 70 regarding public health powers in an “emergency,” which subordinate federal government to HHS acting as an agent of WHO, entered into force Feb. 17, 2017; and

Jan. 30, 2020 WHO Director-General declaration of “public health emergency of international concern.”

The constitutions and charters have been legally suspended since Jan. 30, 2020, but most populations don’t realize that yet, because their official leadership (presidents, governors, lawmakers and judges) don’t know themselves, or know and aren’t saying so.

If the US Constitution and American laws and courts have been privately preempted, they need to be publicly re-established.

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We are experiencing a toddler's birthday party with cake and clown. Luc Montagnier did not say everyone who took these would die. He said we may come to a point where we will require mass cremations however. I think when this actual breaks through the veil vaxx criminals will be dragged from the homes and pogromed with extreme prejudice.

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Prob true if there is something actually growing in people because of taking these vaccines.

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Very sad stories. As to Dale Matson, who died hiking in the high Sierra near Bishop, he was 78 and Bishop Pass is over 11,000 ft altitude. Not saying his death was natural, but there were similar deaths of that age and altitude in the recent past. One man died on Bishop Pass and was not found until the next summer, as his dead body was covered in snow. I know the area well.

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A 24 year old woman died there this year as well. It was reported in my wife’s alumni magazine. Although the alumni magazine obits all seem to have more young people lately. When you look up the reporting on those deaths sudden and unexpected is listed for most of them.

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It’s hard not to see the reasons for death!

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Here is the latest analysis by Ed Dowd - he estimates 2400 excess US deaths per day for jab injured Americans.


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Dear God... how long must this carnage go on? Justice must be served.

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It is near impossible to argue against that this is something of biblical proportions if not just biblical.

I am sandpaper to this now mostly but there are times where the weight of it is felt all at once as if the anchor has become untethered. Armor-up.

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Nov 17, 2022
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Faith alone

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