My cousin lost a close family friend this week... Young man. Jabbed. Sudden heart palpitations and five minutes later he was dead. Not sure what it's going to take for the people that took the poison to stand up and demand some sort of justice.

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They are under some sort of hypnosis or spell. People around me who have partaken are getting the coof one bout after the other. Someone close to me actually said he's had it three times in the last two years. Yet they keep going in for their boosters, keep wearing their face diapers. I keep thinking at some point they add two and two and come up with four, but it's not happening.

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I have tried speaking about psych health for 5 decades. How SO many people are Not raised to Self actualize, reach their healthy potential. I felt it was SO serious and no one else did. I told people how much my physical and psych health was wrecked by age 8 in 1972 by "family" and when I told people, sought support and stood up for myself, the abusers were excused and enabled and the healthy truth teller was criminalized. The Dysfunctional, abusive Family and community have loooong been part of the health destruction which is why people today have no psych immunity to discern abusers. Stockholm Syndrome pandemic

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I’m currently working on an essay of sorts with this theme. One day it hit me that the world, or society, was acting like I did as a child- abused, scared, confused, and not even aware of the fact that it IS abused. People don’t recognize abuse because society itself, and many childhoods, are steeped in it. Lord Fauci and company behaved EXACTLY like my abuser. Society is ill but I have faith it’s all going to change.

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People.being programmed against their own interests when they're vulnerable by people who should protect them is the ULTIMATE BETRAYAL

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I'm here to tell you with absolute confidence they don't listen. No matter how much you TRY to help. They don't listen. No matter how much evidence you provide, they don't listen. Some people like being sick, it makes them a victim. There is a whole political class full of them.

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You mean the public? Trying to arouse them

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I've long believed there's not enough focus and seriousness given on the "family". Its been so normalized that it's polluted. I do a podcast I call The Family Industrial Complex on OneGreatWorkNetwork.com and Revolution.radio Studio B.

Showing the parallels of how the "family/community" is a "micro" Corporation, industry doing the Exact same ad what John Perkins writes in Confessions of an Economic Hitman book. Everything macro is micro and vice versa.

All we have to do is look at "family" dysfunction and abuse and enlarge it to understand Usrael /Palestine and Epstein and any other Macro corruption.

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Yes! Everything is connected and reflected everywhere. Thank you for doing this important work. Really, how can we change society until we all heal ourselves?

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Its like trying to pick out psych shrapnal.

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I have had a similar experience.

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The world is very Sick

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There's TOO much focus on Macro level corruption and abuse and not enough on what's right in front of people

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Needs more injectables?.........no wait

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I'm 8 years older than you and have fought the system all my life since I've been AWAKE and aware since the THALIDOMIDE Era were I lost a friend in grade two.

I never forgot that and started fighting the medical system in 1977 at 21 when I threatened my doctor who tried to coerce me and my girlfriend to get the POISON JAB that was H1N1 and killed 54 people in 1976.

I watched it on 60 minutes in 1977.

So I already was questioning these MDS.

Then two of my best friends became DRS.

That's another fun story since they stopped communicating with me two years ago

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Definately under a spell. And now the spell casters are hoping to foist a more permanent solution on the willing they are calling "self amplifying mRna."

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I am sorry to hear of your cousin's loss. May this young man's much too early death not be in vain and be reason for family and friends to ask why. 🙏

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Horrible - so many lives are being snuffed out way too soon.

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Its really suicide

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Step 1, they HAVE to get that graphene out of their blood!!! there are ways

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This makes me so damned mad. Those politicians and intellectuals responsible for this know damned well that the injected won't do a damned thing about it because, they'll have to admit they might be next in their own mind, and secondly might be brought up on charges if they speak out which ensures their silence. Nobody who took the shot will speak because they possess a fear much greater and dangerous than the flu ever was. A shot to the heart and they're to blame and they gave health care a bad name. My doctor who is medically trained should have known and suspected much more than I, but instead he tries to make a few more dollars from a dishonest government and offers to inject me not once, but twice after declining with obvious malice. Since when does the government pay to inject future flu patients?

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They're all caught in a vicious existential mind-trap. Nothing accidental about how they got there - all part of the plan. This is just one of many traps that have been setup for the hapless and unsuspecting.

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Lost? Interesting euphemism for murder. Every single last surviving person drawing a breath should be demanding their pound of flesh and someone's head on a legal platter for inflexible and unaccountable manner in which the governments of the west punished their countrymen for being alive under their governance. Not one single point of deviance was countenanced in their covid plan of destruction and drove people to unfairly comply for rights already held. The government only ever takes, never gives and the sooner people understand that they better off they might be.

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I love how so many of these are using the euphemism (medical emergency) now to describe what happened to someone. He was on duty when he fell victim to a “medical emergency” and later died at the hospital. It’s like they are describing a phantom illness that can just come out of nowhere when you least expect it and kill you. A perfectly healthy 24 year old can have a “medical emergency” which strikes him down for no apparent reason. They go from running a marathon to catfish on the riverbank dead and it’s because they had a “medical emergency”. Don’t ask questions citizen. We know where you live.

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Stricken ILL is a good one too.

I reckon they were stricken

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Yup - stricken ill - it’s a mystery - it just came out of nowhere and cut him/her down… but these things happen sometimes… move along citizen…there is nothing to see here.

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Perpetual bafflement is a medical syndrome across the land now. Cure=investigation & reveal.

But that won't ever happen in a corp-controlled media so here we all are on substack sharing...

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Yup - institutionalized stupidity. I am looking at a mainstream article today on the JN.1 variant. They admit that this variant is a radical departure from the B variants. And even admit it was probably incubated in one vaccinated person with a low level Covid infection. But they just can get the fact that we have essentially billions of incubators now helping mutate the JN.1 variant. They admit it is highly infectious. And they admit it is really good at evading vaccine induced immunity. But they say it is not very virulent but causing many hospitalizations and some deaths. So the leap they can’t or won’t make is: A virus that is spreading everywhere that is highly infectious and really good at a evading vaccine induced immunity is now mutating in the bodies of billions of hosts. What could possibly go wrong?

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Nope. Disagree with your points Lawrence. Viruses don't exist so NO contagion. And germ theory has been disproven over the decades as the same germs or viruses that are said to cause illnesses are often found in bodies where there is NO illness. So... how can the germs & viruses be contagious when they don't always cause illness??

It's called terrain theory & answers the riddle of germs & viruses lack of contagion.

Check into the history of germ theory & virology & discover that you really don't know how or why we get sick. Find out what causes colds/flus & common illnesses.

See > Dawn Lester & David Parker have written an excellent book called "What Really Makes you Ill?" that you should check out & here's an interview on it too.

> Dawn Lester, David Parker and Jeremy Nell on "what really makes you ill" (2022)

Watch Dawn Lester, David Parker and Jeremy Nell on what really makes you ill


Somevideos - posted November 13th, 2023.

From the 2022 video: https://odysee.com/@David_Parker_and_Dawn_Lester:5/Jerm-Warfare1:d?src=embed&t=0.872298


In addition, there's voluminous background historically (documentary) on all of the germ theory fallacies & the virology falsehoods that you can investigate for yourself.

Check out the history of the dev of germ theory & the mythology of viruses in "The Viral Delusion" documentary series below. You absolutely can't dispute the historical, medical, documentary record unless you willfully want to ignore it.

> The Viral Delusion documentary - 5-part series - Part 1 - Episode 1 - The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology


Each episode is around an hour or so & you can watch them individually on bitchute or at the main website or on some other alternative video channels.

"Amazing. Should be translated into every language on the planet."

- Dr. Vicci Costa

Episode One: Behind The Curtain of The Pandemic. The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV2.

Episode Two: Monkey Business. Polio, the Measles, and How It All Began...

Episode Three: The Mask of Death: Smallpox, The Plague and The Spanish Flu

Episode Four: AIDS - The Deadly Deception

Episode Five: Genetic Sequencing The Virus That Isn't There

Featuring: Andrew Kaufman, MD; Tom Cowan, MD; Stefan Lanka, Virologist; Torsten Engelbrecht, journalist; Claus Kohnlein, MD; Kevin Corbett, PhD RN; David Rasnick, Biochemist PhD; Mark Bailey, MD; Dawn Lester and David Parker, Authors; Stefan Scoglio, Biochemist PhD; Saeed Qureeshi, Chemist PhD; Celia Farber, Journalist; Harold Wallach, PhD; Pam Popper, PhD, ND; Charles Geshekter, PhD; Amanda Volmer ND, Jim West, Author; Larry Palevsky MD; and more.

Please watch Part 1 & get back to me- LMK what you think

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I block all virus deniers: Here is why….

I want everyone to realize that the virus deniers on this thread and in other places are serving a master. They are doing the bidding of the Globalists by spreading disinformation or doing their own bidding to promote themselves and/or make money. Many are just clueless losers who want to enhance their own confirmation bias by spreading the total denial of hundreds of years of science. They don’t understand that it is not science that is the problem. On the contrary, we are where we are today because “the real science” was ignored or censored. They want to throw the baby out with the bath water. So ignore them or block them like I do. You can’t reason with them. They want to crawl in some medieval hole and sprinkle magic dust on illnesses.

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Thank you for reporting. A friend died of an infection today. 4 x jabbed.

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So sorry to hear it.

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Horrible - I am so sorry - 4 injections is a bit of death sentence I think

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Thanks. Well, who knows, some people may have gotten, as Dr. Cole says, moosh. I don't doubt that the jabs mess with a person's immune system, however.

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Why aren't we hearing anything about these in the news? (Extreme sarcasm).

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So we had the CBS news on during New Year’s Eve. We normally don’t ever even have the TV on at all. So one of the important stories they covered was about an old woman who was retiring from the last functioning light house. It was like we were watching a parody of the “news”. We couldn’t watch it for very long. It was insanely painful to watch. With all the injuries and death everywhere on the planet, the CBS jackasses spoon feed their loyal sheep soothing bowls of lies and horseshit and call it “the news”.

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Pretty crazy. Media is a definite head trip these days.

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May the all rest in peace and may their deaths be avenged.

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Yes, may they be thoroughly and substantially avenged with extreme prejudice.

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Alarming photos. Always a shocker. Heads up, team: the Florida Surgeon General just issued a statement again recommending the jabs be stopped ... calling out federal public health officials for not providing information in support of the efficacy of the jabs and not addressing the recognized injuries from the mRNA.

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And here we go into 2024 with people still dying of sudden unexplained medical emergencies or rapid onset cancers or tumors. And yet still nobody is asking questions. Nobody is reporting the truth. Here in the UK they are telling us it's because the sainted NHS is overrun, overworked, understaffed, underfunded and people missed early treatments because of the deadly pandemic and people sat around eating cake and drinking alcohol for two years. It's always something else and never the jabs. Nobody talks about the jabs.

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yes, I saw a Telegraph article online re excess deaths in UK... nothing whatsoever about the jbs, only about NHS and docs' strikes!

btw when I bumped into a colleague ( getting meds for her partner's terrible sinus infec) and mentioned my husb sister had died suddenly, in the sea altho a super strong sea swimmer who swam daily.. she mentioned her good friend's NINETEEN yr old son, super super fit boy who loved working out, had died in exactly same way, this time last year, also near Spain... NO flicker. nothing.

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Cause of death-Vagueness

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Two British Airways stewards, both 52 years old, dropped dead eight days apart (December 23 and 31), one in a hotel between flights, and one on a plane before takeoff ...


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Only a matter of time before it hits vac mandated pilots in flight

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Hello ,

I just saw a post from someone from Riverdale Utah. I have been reading for awhile now . My husband passed away December 19 2022 unexpectedly and I know those are keys words. Just letting you know if you posted his passing he never took the shot. When I saw the Riverdale post it was close to home. My husband was Robert Scadden. We are still shocked but grateful he was VACCINE FREE! Thanks for all you guys do getting this info out there .

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Fellow Utahn? I’m in Ogden.

Sorry to hear about your husband.

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Watching Doctors Of Medicine

Trying To Put The Toothpaste

Back In The Tube

Is Even More Comical

Than Watching Them

Trying To Get The Toothpaste Out.

Which Is Why 4 Out Of Five Doctors

... Recommend The 5th Doctor.


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Too many people get snuffed out, abused before they even start in life leaving them psych weak, attracted to abusive Relationships as "adults". Psych health was SO important to understand decades ago and wasn't

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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck =(

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Health Canada or should I say HOMICIDE CANADA is doubling down on their quackcine. They can not produce the evidence of ‘safe and effective’ science. Because there is none. Just fake numbers modeling. This is where the rubber meets the road. The truth meets the Lies. Homicide Canada was originally set up as a population control system. And as the Deagle Report is published..we can see Canada is being destroyed by these lethal injection weapons. How do we rid ourselves of these maniacs? Blood Money is the root of all evil.

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History holds the key.

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I’m in Cleveland where the supremely healthy and fit conductor Franz Welser Most suddenly and unexpectedly had a cancerous tumor removed “sometime” in August. No other details were released. He is on medical leave and due to return to conduct next week starting January 11. So I just called the ticket office and asked if he was going to be back since there have been NO updates since September 8. I was quickly put on hold for about 3 minutes. The agent came back and said “what we have been told is he will be back but that of course is subject to change” 🤔 Because ticket sales are drastically down from pre scamdemic and the orchestra under CANADIAN born dictator Gremeilet enforced draconian mask and quackzene mandates (and as a 20 year subscriber I cancelled and have not been back) I’m betting FWM will NOT be back any time soon.

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Maybe I’m missing it, but I never see China in these lists and there are a lot of people in China. I have been told that China didn’t really inject people. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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We've posted a number of reports from China, but the press there—like Canada's, and Israel's—has near-totally blacked out the phenomenon.

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Face saving... a national knee-jerk response.

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There are videos of chinese people dying unexpectedly in a very ignoble and robotic fashion from their shots. It's almost occult.

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also can't scroll or see these... I tried refreshing but doesn't work either 🤔

I am paying attention and since '21 i know and have written down well over 90 people now (personally or those in my closest circle know personally) who have died suddenly, or young and suddenly, or got very ill indeed.

my lovely s.i.l. died just b4 xmas, in the sea. strong sea swimmer. swam daily. 48.

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